Jesuits Vs Jews

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
So you think your theories are so valid, that Jesuit secret agent like Uns would, out of sheer chicanery, be careful to make no mention of them at all. Does not occur to you, in your somnambulistic, feverish writings about Jesuit control, that a normal person would refuse to publish items they considered to be bu*lshit. It's proof enough for you his refusal is a direct evidence he's a Jesuit. And you say I'm deluded?

Oh, almost forgot, he has published an item on Jesuit horribleness on his site. I guess in your haste and eagerness to attack my response you neglected to look for it:Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews

Damn, the presence of that little link there just shoots your bogus theory about his alleged agent status in the Jesuits to Hell, doesn't it?
It’s not just me who think the Jesuits are at the top of the power structure, it is hundreds and hundreds of leading historians and statesmen. Many of whom I quoted before which you continue to ignore.

As for the one “Jesuit” article, it is not even written by Unz, but more importantly it isn’t really even about the Jesuits but rather mistruths about Spanish Conversos. It is Unz’s complete failure to address the obvious power and influence of the Jesuits and the Vatican in combination with his monomaniacal attack on the Jews with lies and distortions that is the issue. So no, my belief that Unz is a disinfo propagandist still stands.

"Here is the testimony of a former Jesuit priest who left the order. He explains how it was his job to infiltrate other religions and to destroy them from within."

I guess it also never occurs to you (so much doesn't with you, as I've shown elsewhere), that such people could be lying because they are bought off, coopted, threatened, or he has an ax to grind because some nun wouldn't boff him, whatever. Many more reasons. Jews could buy him off or non-Jews, whatever cabal has money for the moment. I'm beginning to see a new pattern on you here: your dreary lack of imagination when doing your lame theorizing.
Lol, it seems all you have is your feverish imagination, untarnished by any inconvenient history, eye witness testimony, or facts. The only ones Father Rivera had to fear was the Jesuit Order, who murdered him after he went public. His wife has testified that she was offered a million dollars by the Jesuits for the location of his burial. No doubt they had planned to burn his bones and curse him like they have done to many of their victims throughout history. Your pal Unz to the contrary is alive and well and the head of a popular website. So much for Jewish power.

"What’s more likely that 15 million Jews who can’t agree on anything have no organizational hierarchy run the world, or that a highly organized group in control of 1.2 billion followers all reporting to one man who is regarded as God’s representative on Earth."

More lack of imagination, and you evidently know nothing about strategy or tactics. No need for millions and millions of Jews to plot and scheme against Gentiles. Just the smartest ones with resources and very big bucks, which Jews have immensities of, will be sufficient, thank you very much. And with their bucks, they can outsource lots of the dirty work to dumbsh*t goyims, especially when it comes to outsourcing dying. Example of the latter on a huge scale: the Bush's Iraqi Wars, especially second one. Military guerillas, as history has shown with other groups, can be immensely effective. That's nothing new. The Jews are good at it in non-kinetic ways also, it does not have to be violent only. Go educate yourself about guerilla strategy, and read everything at a web site that can tell you all about it, for starters.

Again more feverish imagination without a shred of proof. If there really is some secret cabal of Jews controlling the world, why can’t you provide the organizational structure or list its hierarchy like @Insaneacinamide had asked. You cant because it doesn’t exist. The organizational hierarchy of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican as well the overwhelming dominance of their trained political puppets is there for all to see. I don’t see a lot of Jews running the real power centers of the world. I do see a lot of Jesuit footprints though. In the words of Count Herman van Rompuy, former PM of Belgium and President of the European Council, “We are all Jesuits.”

So I would suggest that you forget about fantasies of Guerilla warfare and go educate yourself in the real history of the Jesuits; not what they have since rewritten. You will also get a lesson in real strategy and tactics. It was the Jesuits after-all who supposedly discovered and translated Sun Tzu's Art of War in the 1700s.
"and that Jews ritually sacrificed Christians for their blood. That is exactly what ever other group out to scapegoat the Jews and protect the real power structure has to say."

The scholarly book mentioned in the other thread, by a reputable Jewish scholar, Ariel Toaff, will blow this other idea of yours, to Hell also. As I also mentioned in prior thread, Unz extensively summarizes the ideas of Israel Shahak, an eminent Jewish scholar who I guess you will accuse of being a Jesuit agent, and without proof, if you maintain your predictable pattern. (You don't have to say it, I said it for you!) For others here, you can get a HTML copy of the Shahak book for free.
Getting back to Toaff, here's a long quote that discusses him and his book at length from Unz (my emphasis):
"In 2007, he published the Italian edition of his academic study Blood Passovers, based on many years of diligent research, assisted by his graduate students and guided by the suggestions of his various academic colleagues, with the initial print run of 1,000 copies selling out on the first day. Given Toaff’s international eminence and such enormous interest, further international distribution, including an English edition by a prestigious American academic press would normally have followed. But the ADL and various other Jewish-activist groups regarded such a possibility with extreme disfavor, and although these activists lacked any scholarly credentials, they apparently applied sufficient pressure to cancel all additional publication. Although Prof. Toaff initially attempted to stand his ground in stubborn fashion, he soon took the same course as Galileo, and his apologies naturally became the basis of the always-unreliable Wikipedia entry on the topic.

Eventually, an English translation of his text turned up on the Internet in a PDF format and was also placed for sale on, where I purchased a copy and eventually read it. Given those difficult circumstances, this work of 500 pages is hardly in ideal form, with most of the hundreds of footnotes disconnected from the text, but it still provides a reasonable means of evaluating Toaff’s controversial thesis, at least from a layman’s perspective. He certainly seems an extremely erudite scholar, drawing heavily upon the secondary literature in English, French, German, and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Indeed, despite the shocking nature of the subject matter, this scholarly work is actually rather dry and somewhat dull, with very long digressions regarding the particular intrigues of various obscure Medieval Jews. My own total lack of expertise in these areas must be emphasized, but overall I thought Toaff made a quite persuasive case.

It appears that a considerable number of Ashkenazi Jews traditionally regarded Christian blood as having powerful magical properties and considered it a very valuable component of certain important ritual observances at particular religious holidays. Obviously, obtaining such blood in large amounts was fraught with considerable risk, which greatly enhanced its monetary value, and the trade in the vials of this commodity seems to have been widely practiced. Toaff notes that since the detailed descriptions of the Jewish ritualistic murder practices are very similarly described in locations widely separated by geography, language, culture, and time period, they are almost certainly independent observations of the same rite. Furthermore, he notes that when accused Jews were caught and questioned, they often correctly described obscure religious rituals which could not possibly have been known to their Gentile interrogators, who often garbled minor details. Thus, these confessions were very unlikely to have been concocted by the authorities.

Furthermore, as extensively discussed by Shahak, the world-view of traditional Judaism did involve a very widespread emphasis on magical rituals, spells, charms, and similar things, providing a context in which ritualistic murder and human sacrifice would hardly be totally unexpected.

Obviously, the ritual murder of Christian children for their blood was viewed with enormous disfavor by the local Gentile population, and the widespread belief in its existence remained a source of bitter tension between the two communities, flaring up occasionally when a Christian child mysteriously disappeared at a particular time of year, or when a body was found that exhibited suspicious types of wounds or showed a strange loss of blood. Every now and then, a particular case would reach public prominence, often leading to a political test of strength between Jewish and anti-Jewish groups. During the mid-19th century, there was one such famous case in French-dominated Syria, and just before the outbreak of the First World War, Russia was wracked by a similar political conflict in the 1913 Beilis Affair in the Ukraine.

Interesting, isn't it, that Jews believed and believe now, as averred by Shahak, that blood has magical properties, when the idea of drinking blood for attaining youth has recently become hip in rich folks circles? Check this out:

Are Rich People Already Infusing Themselves With Young Blood?

Are Rich People Already Infusing Themselves With Young Blood?

This Anti-Aging Start-Up Is Charging Thousands of Dollars for Teen Blood

This Anti-Aging Start-Up Is Paying Thousands of Dollars for Teen Blood

Now hold onto your head, don't let it explode, I want you around at minimum for my entertainment, as I ask this question: maybe the rich folks got the idea from the Jews? Everything old becomes new again!
And you wonder why you come across as anti-Semitic? I am only talking about the Catholic Church Hierarchy and its Military Order of Jesuits. Catholics have been just as much a victim of this group as anyone else. You on the other hand attack Jews in general who in your eyes are all black magicians into drinking blood by the gallon. That is quite some imagination. You obviously know nothing about Judaism and its injunction against consuming blood of any kind where Jews pay a premium for kosher meat to make sure it's blood free.

Let me give you a reality check. Toaff, the author of the book you never read, has repeatedly said that his work has been wrongly used by others to claim that Jews commit ritual sacrifice.

“In an interview Friday with The Associated Press, Toaff, an expert in Italian Jewish history, said he did not intend to imply that ritual murders had really occurred. "I believe that ritual murders never happened," he said. "There is no proof that Jews committed such an act."

"In interviews with the Italian media and in parts of his book, Toaff has suggested some Jewish zealots might have murdered Christians to seek revenge for a slew of massacres, forced conversions and persecutions suffered by German Jewry from the First Crusade of 1096 onward. Those killings might have triggered the "blood libel" accusations that Jews used the blood of Christian children for rituals.”

“Jewish and Catholic scholars have also denounced Toaff's work, saying he simply reinterpreted known documents - and has given credence to confessions that were extracted under torture."
Bar Ilan 'satisfied' with defense of blood libel book

This is what happens when you only read disinfo sites and are too lazy to verify their claims. You end up believing all sorts of lies. Rather than depending on a supposed book review from a self admittedly unqualified anti-Jewish propagandist, here is a real book review by an actual historian. Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

"The reaction of most historians was extremely critical.42 Among the criticisms made, three problems were especially important. The first concerns the use made of sources. Inquisitorial proceedings, which depended on confessions extracted by torture, do not allow historians to observe the “voices” of the accused."

"Toaff relied imprudently on the testimony of Jewish converts and on hagiographical narratives such as those of Bonelli (1747) and Divina (1902), written obviously in support of Simonino’s elevation to sainthood. Using hagiographical sources without taking precautions raises a fundamental question: is it possible to study the question of ritual murder accusations narrowly, in isolation, without analyzing the cultural context and, above all, without reconstructing the long development of stereotypes of Jewish difference in Christian theology?44"

"According to some historians, Toaff did not merely misinterpret but actually manipulated his sources in his effort to distinguish between Ashkenazi Jewry (violent and “fundamentalist”) and Italian Jewry (civilized and tolerant).45"

"Toaff erases the distinction between true and false. “This book is a tragedy. It is filled with half truths, a mixture of testimonies and points of view that are not believable. The way in which this book is written encourages the non specialist reader to reach conclusions of a very serious nature.”51

And speaking of patterns, this continuation of the Blood Libel is just another example of the Jesuit maxim of accusing your enemies of what you do. Try looking into the Jesuit founded Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. They are the group infamously responsible for hunting parties involving little children and other grotesque blood sports of the European nobility.

All of this has been corroborated by ex-Jesuit Priest Malachi Martin who has written of Satanic ritual sacrifices in the Vatican which was ignored by you of course when quoted before. Also look into the many mass graves of children found at Catholic boarding schools and orphanages. Mass ritual killings and abuse of children is occurring today, in reality, not made up in some 14th century Inquisition torture chamber.

Finally I’m happy that you are being entertained by our discussions. It’s not surprising because learning can often be very enjoyable even if the subject is so dark. I unfortunately am not so lucky. I find it quite tedious to go through your mistaken notions of Jews running the world at the expense of “dumbsh*t goyims,” to borrow your colorful language, without any more proof than a twisted imagination and penchant for far alt-right reading sources.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
It’s not just me who think the Jesuits are at the top of the power structure, it is hundreds and hundreds of leading historians and statesmen. Many of whom I quoted before which you continue to ignore.

As for the one “Jesuit” article, it is not even written by Unz, but more importantly it isn’t really even about the Jesuits but rather mistruths about Spanish Conversos. It is Unz’s complete failure to address the obvious power and influence of the Jesuits and the Vatican in combination with his monomaniacal attack on the Jews with lies and distortions that is the issue. So no, my belief that Unz is a disinfo propagandist still stands.

Lol, it seems all you have is your feverish imagination, untarnished by any inconvenient history, eye witness testimony, or facts. The only ones Father Rivera had to fear was the Jesuit Order, who murdered him after he went public. His wife has testified that she was offered a million dollars by the Jesuits for the location of his burial. No doubt they had planned to burn his bones and curse him like they have done to many of their victims throughout history. Your pal Unz to the contrary is alive and well and the head of a popular website. So much for Jewish power.

Again more feverish imagination without a shred of proof. If there really is some secret cabal of Jews controlling the world, why can’t you provide the organizational structure or list its hierarchy like @Insaneacinamide had asked. You cant because it doesn’t exist. The organizational hierarchy of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican as well the overwhelming dominance of their trained political puppets is there for all to see. I don’t see a lot of Jews running the real power centers of the world. I do see a lot of Jesuit footprints though. In the words of Count Herman van Rompuy, former PM of Belgium and President of the European Council, “We are all Jesuits.”

So I would suggest that you forget about fantasies of Guerilla warfare and go educate yourself in the real history of the Jesuits; not what they have since rewritten. You will also get a lesson in real strategy and tactics. It was the Jesuits after-all who supposedly discovered and translated Sun Tzu's Art of War in the 1700s.

And you wonder why you come across as anti-Semitic? I am only talking about the Catholic Church Hierarchy and its Military Order of Jesuits. Catholics have been just as much a victim of this group as anyone else. You on the other hand attack Jews in general who in your eyes are all black magicians into drinking blood by the gallon. That is quite some imagination. You obviously know nothing about Judaism and its injunction against consuming blood of any kind where Jews pay a premium for kosher meat to make sure it's blood free.

Let me give you a reality check. Toaff, the author of the book you never read, has repeatedly said that his work has been wrongly used by others to claim that Jews commit ritual sacrifice.

“In an interview Friday with The Associated Press, Toaff, an expert in Italian Jewish history, said he did not intend to imply that ritual murders had really occurred. "I believe that ritual murders never happened," he said. "There is no proof that Jews committed such an act."

"In interviews with the Italian media and in parts of his book, Toaff has suggested some Jewish zealots might have murdered Christians to seek revenge for a slew of massacres, forced conversions and persecutions suffered by German Jewry from the First Crusade of 1096 onward. Those killings might have triggered the "blood libel" accusations that Jews used the blood of Christian children for rituals.”

“Jewish and Catholic scholars have also denounced Toaff's work, saying he simply reinterpreted known documents - and has given credence to confessions that were extracted under torture."
Bar Ilan 'satisfied' with defense of blood libel book

This is what happens when you only read disinfo sites and are too lazy to verify their claims. You end up believing all sorts of lies. Rather than depending on a supposed book review from a self admittedly unqualified anti-Jewish propagandist, here is a real book review by an actual historian. Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

"The reaction of most historians was extremely critical.42 Among the criticisms made, three problems were especially important. The first concerns the use made of sources. Inquisitorial proceedings, which depended on confessions extracted by torture, do not allow historians to observe the “voices” of the accused."

"Toaff relied imprudently on the testimony of Jewish converts and on hagiographical narratives such as those of Bonelli (1747) and Divina (1902), written obviously in support of Simonino’s elevation to sainthood. Using hagiographical sources without taking precautions raises a fundamental question: is it possible to study the question of ritual murder accusations narrowly, in isolation, without analyzing the cultural context and, above all, without reconstructing the long development of stereotypes of Jewish difference in Christian theology?44 According to some historians, Toaff did not merely misinterpret but actually manipulated his sources in his effort to distinguish between Ashkenazi Jewry (violent and “fundamentalist”) and Italian Jewry (civilized and tolerant).45"

"Toaff erases the distinction between true and false. “This book is a tragedy. It is filled with half truths, a mixture of testimonies and points of view that are not believable. The way in which this book is written encourages the non specialist reader to reach conclusions of a very serious nature.”51

And speaking of patterns, this continuation of the Blood Libel is just another example of the Jesuit maxim of accusing your enemies of what you do. Try looking into the Jesuit founded Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. They are the group infamously responsible for hunting parties involving little children and other grotesque blood sports of the European nobility.

All of this has been corroborated by ex-Jesuit Priest Malachi Martin who has written of Satanic ritual sacrifices in the Vatican which was ignored by you of course when quoted before. Also look into the many mass graves of children found at Catholic boarding schools and orphanages. Mass ritual killings and abuse of children is occurring today, in reality, not made up in some 14th century Inquisition torture chamber.

Finally I’m happy that you are being entertained by our discussions. It’s not surprising because learning can often be very enjoyable even if the subject is so dark. I unfortunately am not so lucky. I find it quite tedious to go through your mistaken notions of Jews running the world at the expense of “dumbsh*t goyims,” to borrow your colorful language, without any more proof than a twisted imagination and penchant for far alt-right reading sources.
I wonder if he’s a Bad Ger man

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I wonder if he’s a Bad Ger man
Who knows what he is. He does seem to be quite the prolific and popular propagandist though.
btw German's were victims too of Jesuit manipulation. especially Protestant Prussians
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May 21, 2015
On Danny Roddy's Optimizing The Environment with Ray Peat [Generative Energy #33], when Roddy asks Peat about him defending communism, Peat mentions a book Communism and Christianity, written by Martin D'Arcy, a Jesuit.


Oct 2, 2018
Well who are you all going to blame for things when the Muslims take over Europe and the world? It is set to become the worlds major religion since it is the fastest growing due to their high birthrate.
May 21, 2015
Well who are you all going to blame for things when the Muslims take over Europe and the world? It is set to become the worlds major religion since it is the fastest growing due to their high birthrate.
I blame the serpent inside every one of us. I think every government and religion of this world is from the wicked one.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
On Danny Roddy's Optimizing The Environment with Ray Peat [Generative Energy #33], when Roddy asks Peat about him defending communism, Peat mentions a book Communism and Christianity, written by Martin D'Arcy, a Jesuit.

Peat is the most knowledgeable man alive most likely when it comes to issues related to nutrition and maybe even human biology.

When it comes to nearly everything else he’s nothing special. His knowledge of history and understanding of human nature is pretty limited

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I blame the serpent inside every one of us. I think every government and religion of this world is from the wicked one.

Lawlessness is of the evil one. The lawful authorities were the only thing holding back the evil one from erecting his throne and ruling this world. The Holy Apostle Paul discusses this battle between the lawless invisible powers and the lawful authority holding them back in one of his epistles to the early Greek churches, I believe the Thessalonians. For a long time, though they were never perfect, the kingdoms were given the right to rule from God. From time to time tyrants popped up for sure. But in general, lawful authority was blessed.

Nowadays, there is no real lawful authority. All governments are organized around hedonism, greed and milking the most out of one another. The bubble will pop soon and the lawlessness will be revealed eventually (who knows exactly when). At that point we won’t be able to stop the coming onslaught. The only thing we should focus on is leading a life of inner repentance (ditching our worldly attachments and concerns) and of humility with the goal being to grow closer in love to God and our fellow man and taking hold of the Kingdom to come.

As Christ told us the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, but it suffers violence and only the violent will take it by force. Only those who are truly thirsting and hungering for the truth (the meaning of the Beatitudes) will attain it.

Keep searching for the truth everyone!
May 21, 2015
When it comes to nearly everything else he’s nothing special. His knowledge of history and understanding of human nature is pretty limited
I strongly disagree. While his health advice has been a real lifesaver, I've gotten advice from him about other stuff that's maybe even more important. He is someone I really look up to in terms of graceful, caring behavior and respect for others. His ability to give golden (often specific to individual) advice while leaving the person room to think for him/herself is unique. I think we could all learn from him.

About the government stuff, I think the only true government is us governing ourselves. (obviously this can work only when we are connected to Christ and the Most High)
6 protons. 6 neutrons, 6 electrons in carbon. Man is a carbon based life form as are all forms of life in this physical realm of reality. Man's ego and desire to control other men is the beast. (By the way I think money is the mark of the beast, not some microchip, although the pharisees who try to make prophecy happen probably think it's the chip.)
Governments are based on violence, punishment, intimidation. "THOU SHALT NOT!" The curse of the law which only increases sin and death. This puts us in the mindstate that it's up to us to perform. As if we could give anything to God. God is the one Who gives. And this curse of the law also makes life feel like a dry chore which pushes our healthy desires into the subconscious and they become unhealthy. We can't fight Energy. We can't live strictly from the left brain: "Cast the net on the right parts of the ship and you will be finding."

There's still a purpose for governments in this wicked eon, like there's a purpose for Satan and everything else in God's Creation. I think we need to let these "rulers" do their thing. Like Daniel treated the obviously crazy kings with respect. The only way out of this mess is a spiritual revolution. New Earth. (Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!)

Rev. 13
"10 If anyone is for captivity, into captivity he is going. If anyone will be killing with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints."

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I strongly disagree. While his health advice has been a real lifesaver, I've gotten advice from him about other stuff that's maybe even more important. He is someone I really look up to in terms of graceful, caring behavior and respect for others. His ability to give golden (often specific to individual) advice while leaving the person room to think for him/herself is unique. I think we could all learn from him.

About the government stuff, I think the only true government is us governing ourselves. (obviously this can work only when we are connected to Christ and the Most High)
6 protons. 6 neutrons, 6 electrons in carbon. Man is a carbon based life form as are all forms of life in this physical realm of reality. Man's ego and desire to control other men is the beast. (By the way I think money is the mark of the beast, not some microchip, although the pharisees who try to make prophecy happen probably think it's the chip.)
Governments are based on violence, punishment, intimidation. "THOU SHALT NOT!" The curse of the law which only increases sin and death. This puts us in the mindstate that it's up to us to perform. As if we could give anything to God. God is the one Who gives. And this curse of the law also makes life feel like a dry chore which pushes our healthy desires into the subconscious and they become unhealthy. We can't fight Energy. We can't live strictly from the left brain: "Cast the net on the right parts of the ship and you will be finding."

There's still a purpose for governments in this wicked eon, like there's a purpose for Satan and everything else in God's Creation. I think we need to let these "rulers" do their thing. Like Daniel treated the obviously crazy kings with respect. The only way out of this mess is a spiritual revolution. New Earth. (Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!)

Rev. 13
"10 If anyone is for captivity, into captivity he is going. If anyone will be killing with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints."

Don’t want to turn this into a Scriptural argument lol but I wanted to clarify: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement” Romans 13:1-2

Christ had every right to go against the authorities of the time, they were not perfectly moral but who among us is? Throughout the Psalms and the NT we see that God despises lawlessness.

Following the law does not make one Godly (as Pharisee types would think) but lawful authority is placed by God so that we don’t fall into complete chaos. It’s necessary to prevent our most evil inclinations from having the potential to wreak havoc

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Woah. Never thought of (connected) that before.

666 was the amount that jews of the OT times made people pay them when they had been conquered.

It doesn’t have anything to do with protons neutrons and electrons. Everything the Creator made is good, albeit though now everything exists in a fallen state
May 21, 2015
Don’t want to turn this into a Scriptural argument lol
You don't have to 'cause I agree with you. And a lot of people disagree with me about stuff. Some of my thoughts are pretty weird for people haha. It's cool. But yeah like I pretty much said in the last post:
There's still a purpose for governments in this wicked eon, like there's a purpose for Satan and everything else in God's Creation.
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement”
The authoritarian rulers love that scripture. To me that means that like Daniel or Jesus accept them and treat them with respect. It's also about accepting and trusting that every single thing goes according to Most High's plan. And not to get into this ego thing about trying to force things, like God complex you know. World on your shoulders etc.
We are in a fallen state and all human systems are bound for corruption. I will not do something evil if the government tells me to. Like go and kill for them.
Following the law does not make one Godly (as Pharisee types would think) but lawful authority is placed by God so that we don’t fall into complete chaos. It’s necessary to prevent our most evil inclinations from having the potential to wreak havoc
Low energy people follow other people so they need that. But it clearly doesn't work very well. And I think the most evil ones are the rulers at the top of the pyramid anyway. But like I said, I accept them as a part of this perfect plan.

I actually see metabolism and all the health stuff in all this Bible stuff. Perfect metabolism in river of life haha. Health, being in tune with nature, with God, all the organs and glans and everything working, a lot easier to be clear headed, nice, loving, patient, forgiving etc. The law is in your heart when your deeply alive, joyful, euphoric, happy, filled with holy spirit. It's not even a thing anymore you know, throw them stone tablets outta here!
When your unhealthy your in this low survival mode, thus more in the egotistical authoritarian state, more prone to self-righteousness and all the bad stuff. The dead written dusty law. Stuck in the overly mechanical view.
We are a temple of God after all.


Jul 29, 2014
666 was the amount that jews of the OT times made people pay them when they had been conquered.

It doesn’t have anything to do with protons neutrons and electrons. Everything the Creator made is good, albeit though now everything exists in a fallen state

Maybe or maybe not. I don't know. It's at the very least a pleasant coincidence, which I enjoy.

For clarification, are you saying 666 is bad? It is considered the number of man right?

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Maybe or maybe not. I don't know. It's at the very least a pleasant coincidence, which I enjoy.

For clarification, are you saying 666 is bad? It is considered the number of man right?

666 is the number associated with the evil one who wants to put the world under his control and have everyone worship him
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