I've avoided wearing masks thanks to mindset change!


Feb 29, 2016
It is time to learn some sort of self defense. The people in the Asiatic regions admired and practiced the Martial Arts for self protection and the protection of others. Villages would support and feed and employ Martial Arts trained men or women to protect the village and the food source and the commerce. The reason that today those acting as authorities can do such acts on men and women is because they know there is no retaliation or defense. If any of these victims had the wear with all to knock the heads of their attackers or if the attackers were never sure who was capable to knock them silly then these kind of videos would not occur.
Why didn't the person shooting the video and others step in and help those poor souls? Taking a video is not helping.
As Zarathustra said 5000 years ago, those who fear death are already dead.
I know it is hard to imagine but the wolves are gathered and fires will not keep them away any longer, they are becoming more emboldened so we must sharpen our spears and understand that today may be the day that as the Sioux would say " it is a good day to die "
We must become as warriors or else our children and their children will live as slaves or worse. This day and these Enemies of Life mean business and their troops are growing. We are the many and they are the few. It is Us or Them.


Jun 19, 2017
Awesome please do, looking forward to hearing your results!

One other thing to keep in mind: when there are those mask-checking people at the entry of a bigger business, I don't rush past them because that might imply guilt. I acknowledge them, look right at them, and nod a little. If it matters...just FYI.

Well, here is a field report from a large walmart at 5pm.

I did an extra than usual mental "prep" since my first gut reaction was to bail out and come back in a less busy time. But then I said what the heck, I don't get out to stores that often so might as well use my outing. Note that I've been to this store before and never in a mask but with varying degrees of heckling with the entry staff.

I don't typically rush past the "checkers", indeed, but I don't acknowledge them either, just am gaining my entry. This time, as usual, I told him that "I am exempt" when he asked to my back and proceeded on. He apparently called a supervisor who caugtht up with me about 10 yards into the store. I told her the same thing. She started to ask "what exemption"? I told her "HIPAA laws do not allow me to disclose it". She clearly didn't understand what I was talking about. I regained my way but then in a sec., "on a whim", turned around and her "thank you", mostly to let her know that our conversation is over. She nodded and that was the end of it. I was the only one maskless in the entire walmart, at least as far as I could see.

All in all pretty typical entry for me these days, for me who does not have boxer looks but who is so used to be outlier in the crowd.

I guess the "mental gymnastics" didn't work this time. I wonder whether it is because I cannot stand seeing all the people in masks en mass: I both pity and disgusted by them at the same time. I guess it is called "despise" and is far from "loving your neighbors". And only for the latter the gymnastics/empowerment works, I believe.
N.B. I don't want to come across as condescending of people: I am OK talking one-on-one with a masked. It is just the sea of them really gets to me.

Any suggestions on working on the mindset? Thanks,


Jun 19, 2017
so we must sharpen our spears and understand that today may be the day that as the Sioux would say " it is a good day to die "
We must become as warriors or else our children and their children will live as slaves or worse. This day and these Enemies of Life mean business and their troops are growing. We are the many and they are the few. It is Us or Them.
Isn't it why we have guns and the 2nd amendment ?

In relation to my post above, maybe I should try the mindset combined with concealed carry as a substitution for boxer looks :cool: ?


Feb 29, 2016
We live in an open carry area and may try it out. Just to remind them all that there is a 2nd,
Let President Dementia just try!

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
This time, as usual, I told him that "I am exempt" when he asked to my back and proceeded on.

Consider the possibility of saying "I have an exemption" rather than "I am exempt". This may be just a personal preference on my part, but I feel the first puts the focus on you, which might tempt them to challenge your authority; whereas the second takes the focus off of you and might instill doubt about themselves challenging the authority that gave you the exemption.


Jun 19, 2017
It is time to learn some sort of self defense. The people in the Asiatic regions admired and practiced the Martial Arts for self protection and the protection of others. Villages would support and feed and employ Martial Arts trained men or women to protect the village and the food source and the commerce. The reason that today those acting as authorities can do such acts on men and women is because they know there is no retaliation or defense. If any of these victims had the wear with all to knock the heads of their attackers or if the attackers were never sure who was capable to knock them silly then these kind of videos would not occur.
Why didn't the person shooting the video and others step in and help those poor souls? Taking a video is not helping.
As Zarathustra said 5000 years ago, those who fear death are already dead.
I know it is hard to imagine but the wolves are gathered and fires will not keep them away any longer, they are becoming more emboldened so we must sharpen our spears and understand that today may be the day that as the Sioux would say " it is a good day to die "
We must become as warriors or else our children and their children will live as slaves or worse. This day and these Enemies of Life mean business and their troops are growing. We are the many and they are the few. It is Us or Them.
Hasn't been censored yet LoL:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eWajKY_HMw
Last edited:


Jun 19, 2017
Consider the possibility of saying "I have an exemption" rather than "I am exempt". This may be just a personal preference on my part, but I feel the first puts the focus on you, which might tempt them to challenge your authority; whereas the second takes the focus off of you and might instill doubt about themselves challenging the authority that gave you the exemption.

Yeah, I have to be more stricter, precise with words. I often say the former but then forget or try to forget the whole experience.
Oh well. It takes as long as it takes to get used to the situation, get "creative" and don't give damn.


Feb 13, 2021
I entered the supermarket with a muzzle. Passed the cashiers. Took off my mask and shopped and checked out and nobody said a word. Yay!
Nice! Do many people do that in your area? A good amount of people here do. It's nice to not be alone in the freedom-fighting lol.


Feb 13, 2021
It is time to learn some sort of self defense. The people in the Asiatic regions admired and practiced the Martial Arts for self protection and the protection of others. Villages would support and feed and employ Martial Arts trained men or women to protect the village and the food source and the commerce. The reason that today those acting as authorities can do such acts on men and women is because they know there is no retaliation or defense. If any of these victims had the wear with all to knock the heads of their attackers or if the attackers were never sure who was capable to knock them silly then these kind of videos would not occur.
Completely agree. Martial arts are great, and any amount of practice is far better than nothing.

Self-defense = empowerment = the physical ability to stand for a cause.


Feb 13, 2021
Well, here is a field report from a large walmart at 5pm.

I did an extra than usual mental "prep" since my first gut reaction was to bail out and come back in a less busy time. But then I said what the heck, I don't get out to stores that often so might as well use my outing. Note that I've been to this store before and never in a mask but with varying degrees of heckling with the entry staff.

I don't typically rush past the "checkers", indeed, but I don't acknowledge them either, just am gaining my entry. This time, as usual, I told him that "I am exempt" when he asked to my back and proceeded on. He apparently called a supervisor who caugtht up with me about 10 yards into the store. I told her the same thing. She started to ask "what exemption"? I told her "HIPAA laws do not allow me to disclose it". She clearly didn't understand what I was talking about. I regained my way but then in a sec., "on a whim", turned around and her "thank you", mostly to let her know that our conversation is over. She nodded and that was the end of it. I was the only one maskless in the entire walmart, at least as far as I could see.

All in all pretty typical entry for me these days, for me who does not have boxer looks but who is so used to be outlier in the crowd.

I guess the "mental gymnastics" didn't work this time. I wonder whether it is because I cannot stand seeing all the people in masks en mass: I both pity and disgusted by them at the same time. I guess it is called "despise" and is far from "loving your neighbors". And only for the latter the gymnastics/empowerment works, I believe.
N.B. I don't want to come across as condescending of people: I am OK talking one-on-one with a masked. It is just the sea of them really gets to me.

Any suggestions on working on the mindset? Thanks,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. But thanks for the report! And glad you escaped with your freedom intact, able to travel thru Walmart in peace!

What did the checkers initially say to you? What was their mood like? Were they empowered in their hostility, or timid?

I understand it can be frustrating to see the nominds being herded around in stores like Walmart. They might be 300+ pounds and riding their motorized scooters from one PUFA-laden frankenfood to the next, but at least they are honoring their bodies by wearing masks!! lol.

The scripture says that when Jesus saw the people hungry, "he was moved with compassion." Perhaps that's a good perspective to have - compassion over judgment.

Today I went to 3 big stores without masks. Only one had an energetic 'checker,' and I warmly nodded to them and kept walking. They looked over at me and said nothing.

As far as suggestions:

I think holding any negative emotion in your body can provide an entry point through which negative emotions/judgments from others can enter. If you're disgusted by others, perhaps they will be more easily disgusted by you.

I was extremely angry at my ex one day last week. I went to the store, did the mental prep...and it didn't work! First and only time in many many months I was stopped and asked to mask up. I was shocked. Only afterward was the connection made.

All I can conclude is that an absence of negativity is just as important as the presence of positivity.

Perhaps one's location, appearance, etc also play a larger role in successfully going maskless than I originally thought. However, I personally cannot deny a marked change once adopting better mindset, while every other variable in my own life stayed the same.


Feb 13, 2021
I say “I have health concerns. I wish I could wear a mask but I can’t.“
Nice. That response gives the appearance of fitting it - perhaps enough virtue signaling to satisfy the masses.

If I am asked again to wear a mask, however, I will take a more provocative approach.

I think I will have a condition called CFS: "common f****** sense." lol.


Feb 13, 2021
Another potential aspect to the mindset:

IMO people have an innate desire to worship, or submit/serve, something larger than themselves.

Most people today do not worship God, so a substitute is needed.

Romance is a common one - see the common fixation from Disney movies all the way up to matchmaker apps with 'finding the one.' For many young people, finding the one is the primary reason for life.

Another alluring substitute for the fear and worship of God? Science - or pseudoscience.

I think consciously worshipping God while going about your day can be a way to resist the will of people who are unwittingly worshipping their COVID 'science.'

For the nonreligious, maybe just focusing on your loving connection with All That Is would have a similar effect.


Jun 19, 2017
Another potential aspect to the mindset:

IMO people have an innate desire to worship, or submit/serve, something larger than themselves.

Most people today do not worship God, so a substitute is needed.

Romance is a common one - see the common fixation from Disney movies all the way up to matchmaker apps with 'finding the one.' For many young people, finding the one is the primary reason for life.

Another alluring substitute for the fear and worship of God? Science - or pseudoscience.

I think consciously worshipping God while going about your day can be a way to resist the will of people who are unwittingly worshipping their COVID 'science.'

For the nonreligious, maybe just focusing on your loving connection with All That Is would have a similar effect.

This is what I meant when I said that I cannot cultivate a loving kindness to all in myself at the moment. Probably because this act entails compassion towards the freak satanists also. I guess I am too defensive and hurt from all the s**t they pile up on us including the great steals and injections. I must admit I am not relaxed (in the martial arts/buddist sense of the word) when I go about my life. Probably because relaxation-compassion for me would mean submission to their ***t show. Am still figuring this attitude business out by, paradoxically enough, steering away from one religion (buddhism) and not (yet?) arriving at another (christianity). [You cannot decide to be religious.]
I do agree, however, that it is hard (if not impossible) to overcome this accelerated attack on humanity without being religious. Because the whole battle is on that, religion--cult, plane.
Deep-seated fear is hard to overcome.


Jun 19, 2017

Don't you live in FL, where there are no "mandates". Are you saying that the stores are simply extra-zealous with requiring masks as private businesses? And citizens are too fearful/sheepish to take masks off?
I think we are in the same boat when I am: The government "orders" are lax and innocuous but businesses are SJW for whatever reason. Sucks.


Feb 13, 2021
This is what I meant when I said that I cannot cultivate a loving kindness to all in myself at the moment. Probably because this act entails compassion towards the freak satanists also. I guess I am too defensive and hurt from all the s**t they pile up on us including the great steals and injections. I must admit I am not relaxed (in the martial arts/buddist sense of the word) when I go about my life. Probably because relaxation-compassion for me would mean submission to their ***t show. Am still figuring this attitude business out by, paradoxically enough, steering away from one religion (buddhism) and not (yet?) arriving at another (christianity). [You cannot decide to be religious.]
I do agree, however, that it is hard (if not impossible) to overcome this accelerated attack on humanity without being religious. Because the whole battle is on that, religion--cult, plane.
Deep-seated fear is hard to overcome.
The current battle is really one of good vs. evil, love vs. fear, freedom vs. control, honesty vs. deception, etc etc. Any belief that lets you tap into the light of truth may be helpful, whether that's Buddhism or Christianity or something else. Good luck on your spiritual journey!

I was diagnosed with autism during a period of extreme stress in 2018, so I understand what deep-seated fear feels like.

You probably already know all these concepts given the location of our discussion...but caffeine, raw milk, red meat, red light, lots of movement, and a special type of 'shroom have all helped me break free from fear and stay much more relaxed.

Meditation is also good. Not necessarily meditation in the sense of emptying your mind, but rather filling your mind with good things (scripture verses, positive mantras, affirmations, thoughts of successful plans, etc).
Nov 21, 2015
Don't you live in FL, where there are no "mandates". Are you saying that the stores are simply extra-zealous with requiring masks as private businesses? And citizens are too fearful/sheepish to take masks off?
I think we are in the same boat when I am: The government "orders" are lax and innocuous but et businesses are SJW for whatever reason. Sucks.
Counties can impose mask mandates on businesses and they do. The business is fined if they let maskless people.


Jun 19, 2017
Counties can impose mask mandates on businesses and they do. The business is fined if they let maskless people.

Oh, I see. Then the "exemption" route should work for you since I haven't seen a gov't "doc" that does not have exemption in it. When the businesses set up there own "policies" as done where I am, they don't let maskless people---period---by saying that they provide "online" accommodation for shopping. Not entirely lawful, if you ask me, but still "something" to detract the legal action, I suppose.


Aug 9, 2019
In my country, both police and armed forces(Gendarmerie) are patrolling the streets and will fine you for not wearing a mask in public.
I've been wearing it under my chin lately and got away with it, only put it on when I see them roaming around.
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