Being Forced To Wear Masks. Yes No Maybe So

Mask On/Mask Off

  • Don’t wear a mask

    Votes: 66 60.6%
  • Wear a mask and forget about your principles

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • Wear a mask but cut a hole big enough to smoke a cigarette

    Votes: 16 14.7%
  • Do as you’re told. You are state property. Accept it

    Votes: 4 3.7%

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2017
Just curious to see what everybody thinks about accepting authoritarian measures related to this covid hoohaa.

Where I live, masks have become mandatory in all public places.... I have a problem with wearing a mask as it shows that I support this agenda(my opinion for all those who believe covid is real) and complacent.... I was reported and photographed by a tenant in my office building today as I was not wearing a mask and I feel somewhat conflicted.....I don’t want to wear the mask and if I keep this up, I may get disciplined by my employer (although legally it may be tough for them to prosecute me or whatever term is better applied-discipline maybe)but what am I to do? I know it may not seem like a big deal to some but I don’t want to be forced into doing something just for a pay cheque. Conversely, if I can’t buy groceries without a mask and am forced to do it there, am I a hypocrite for taking this stance elsewhere?
Curious to know everyone feels about this and how you go about it? Go along to get along or receive angry judgement and stares from those that like to drink sugar free cool-aid????

What’s a brother to do???????!......


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Just curious to see what everybody thinks about accepting authoritarian measures related to this covid hoohaa.

Where I live, masks have become mandatory in all public places.... I have a problem with wearing a mask as it shows that I support this agenda(my opinion for all those who believe covid is real) and complacent.... I was reported and photographed by a tenant in my office building today as I was not wearing a mask and I feel somewhat conflicted.....I don’t want to wear the mask and if I keep this up, I may get disciplined by my employer (although legally it may be tough for them to prosecute me or whatever term is better applied-discipline maybe)but what am I to do? I know it may not seem like a big deal to some but I don’t want to be forced into doing something just for a pay cheque. Conversely, if I can’t buy groceries without a mask and am forced to do it there, am I a hypocrite for taking this stance elsewhere?
Curious to know everyone feels about this and how you go about it? Go along to get along or receive angry judgement and stares from those that like to drink sugar free cool-aid????

What’s a brother to do???????!......
I’m making some face coverings out of mesh so I can technically be compliant and go about my business without being harassed.


Mar 30, 2020
I held out on face coverings until May, when they became mandatory for grocery stores. Grocery delivery was booked for weeks in advance and I needed my milk. I compromised and chose the bandana because it's technically just a regular clothing accessory and not an overt face diaper like the medical masks. I also get to pretend like I'm an outlaw or a bandito.

My advice is to choose something clothing-like that doesn't remind you that you're being treated like a disease vector.


Oct 1, 2019
I held out on face coverings until May, when they became mandatory for grocery stores. Grocery delivery was booked for weeks in advance and I needed my milk. I compromised and chose the bandana because it's technically just a regular clothing accessory and not an overt face diaper like the medical masks. I also get to pretend like I'm an outlaw or a bandito.

My advice is to choose something clothing-like that doesn't remind you that you're being treated like a disease vector.

I feel even more ridiculous with the bandana or scarf. I feel like I look like someone who's actually scared of catching something and thereby validating the fear in others (and thus doing a disservice to society).

I didn't wear a mask in stores and on the train until recently when they introduced up to 500€ fines. Now I wear a surgical mask and cover only the mouth so I can breathe normally, and possibly signal to others that I understand the stupidity of this "masked ball".

In my country you can get an excemption from a doctor. I'll try to get it if this keeps going.

@thorgus There was a guy in my neighbourhood with a pretty funny move when this all began. He wore a halloween type monster mask everytime he went shopping. Nobody bat an eye :lol:
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Feb 13, 2016
No unless there are others who depend on you having a source of income.

But no one else feels like the air quality has precipitously dropped? I don't know if a lot of disinfectant or something was sprayed where I live but I suddenly have been getting dry eyes whenever I go out. I wear a mask for that reason, because I don't want to breathe in whatever it is that is irritating my eyes.


Apr 18, 2018
This thread is timely...masks will be madatory in all shops in Scotland from Friday of this week. Never mind the fact that we've all been walking around the supermarkets for the last 3 months without them!

I'm conflicted. I dont want to wear one but will probably be refused access to any supermarket if I refuse to. I'm planning to wear a snood round my neck and only pull it over my mouth if the shop security pull me up for not having a face covering.

I have also purchased a Guy Fawkes mask but I'm not sure I'll have the bottle to wear it and go shopping...


Apr 3, 2013
Someone in my state asked our attorney general if the mayor, governor, or anyone else had the legal authority to make masks mandatory, and he said no. They cannot in anyway make it illegal to NOT wear a mask. He said they can only strongly encourage you to comply, but this mandate is not technically legal.

Also, I forget what state this happened in, but someone just won a lawsuit against the mandatory mask policy. So it's looking like we don't have to wear them even if there is a mandate passed.


Apr 3, 2013
This thread is timely...masks will be madatory in all shops in Scotland from Friday of this week. Never mind the fact that we've all been walking around the supermarkets for the last 3 months without them!

I'm conflicted. I dont want to wear one but will probably be refused access to any supermarket if I refuse to. I'm planning to wear a snood round my neck and only pull it over my mouth if the shop security pull me up for not having a face covering.

I have also purchased a Guy Fawkes mask but I'm not sure I'll have the bottle to wear it and go shopping...
Wear a Halloween mask lol


Sep 27, 2018
Maybe double down and buy an old WW2 gas mask and wear it in your office.


Dec 8, 2016
I’m making some face coverings out of mesh so I can technically be compliant and go about my business without being harassed.
Are you feeling better respiratory wise now Blossom?


Jan 25, 2014
Just curious to see what everybody thinks about accepting authoritarian measures related to this covid hoohaa.

Where I live, masks have become mandatory in all public places.... I have a problem with wearing a mask as it shows that I support this agenda(my opinion for all those who believe covid is real) and complacent.... I was reported and photographed by a tenant in my office building today as I was not wearing a mask and I feel somewhat conflicted.....I don’t want to wear the mask and if I keep this up, I may get disciplined by my employer (although legally it may be tough for them to prosecute me or whatever term is better applied-discipline maybe)but what am I to do? I know it may not seem like a big deal to some but I don’t want to be forced into doing something just for a pay cheque. Conversely, if I can’t buy groceries without a mask and am forced to do it there, am I a hypocrite for taking this stance elsewhere?
Curious to know everyone feels about this and how you go about it? Go along to get along or receive angry judgement and stares from those that like to drink sugar free cool-aid????

What’s a brother to do???????!......

Personally, I never wear one outside. I've been working from home, so no issue there. I have been wearing one in businesses, I would never drive a car with one on.

From my understanding, not a single law has been passed in the US making masks mandatory. It's all been under "Color of Law," but as you can see, many, many people have accepted this idea (as have almost all businesses), so it seems to be a technicality...... but a really important one that is a huge asset to you if you decide to fight back.

As for your job..... that's going to be a tough call. I can see lots of options. You can submit, of course, you can continue on as you are and see if they make a big deal, or you can fight them on it. Print off a few studies from Pubmed (using Sci Hub, if needed) showing masks are useless, and confront them with that data. Maybe a simple conversation about your concerns (with backup studies) is all you need to do. Alex Berenson posted a great one today- A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Use older CDC guidelines-

And "pandemic" studies-

Find those videos about OSHA oxygen levels, push them on that, go to OSHA for clarification. Buy a UV flashlight and show how infected those masks get couple good examples here-

File a health complaint with HR EVERY SINGLE DAY if push comes to shove, noting that fatigue/performance suffers after 20-40 minutes of wearing a mask, and you are starting to notice lung inflammation/problems, and you feel it's directly related. I'd personally save this for a last resort.

A Ray Peat Forum Revolt! And if it does cost you financially......... @Regina posted a video about how to fill out form 95 that you may be interested in.

I'm starting to think maybe the move is move into a Yurt or something, like this guy-
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Jun 19, 2016
Just tell the corona virus that you are protesting for blm and it will leave you be


Nov 29, 2017
Personally, I never wear one outside. I've been working from home, so no issue there. I have been wearing one in businesses, I would never drive a car with one on.

From my understanding, not a single law has been passed in the US making masks mandatory. It's all been under "Color of Law," but as you can see, many, many people have accepted this idea (as have almost all businesses), so it seems to be a technicality...... but a really important one that is a huge asset to you if you decide to fight back.

As for your job..... that's going to be a tough call. I can see lots of options. You can submit, of course, you can continue on as you are and see if they make a big deal, or you can fight them on it. Print off a few studies from Pubmed (using Sci Hub, if needed) showing masks are useless, and confront them with that data. Maybe a simple conversation about your concerns (with backup studies) is all you need to do. Alex Berenson posted a great one today- A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Use older CDC guidelines-

And "pandemic" studies-

Find those videos about OSHA oxygen levels, push them on that, go to OSHA for clarification. Buy a UV flashlight and show how infected those masks get couple good examples here-

File a health complaint with HR EVERY SINGLE DAY if push comes to shove, noting that fatigue/performance suffers after 20-40 minutes of wearing a mask, and you are starting to notice lung inflammation/problems, and you feel it's directly related. I'd personally save this for a last resort.

A Ray Peat Forum Revolt! And if it does cost you financially......... @Regina posted a video about how to fill out form 95 that you may be interested in.

I'm starting to think maybe the move is move into a Yurt or something, like this guy-

All great suggestions @tankasnow

Quote a few years ago I bought a substantial amount of acreage(with hopes of adding a yurt/cabin off gridisjh) in preparation for the “end times”... A lot has changed in my life since then and I ended up selling the farm and moving to the city for work but end game will be out in the sticks... time permitting/God willing...

I think I’ll just avoid going into the office (my job allows me to be out of the “office” even when I’m at work)and wear a mask when job has a lot of perks, I just don’t trust the beast system...


Nov 29, 2017
! !


Aug 17, 2016
No unless there are others who depend on you having a source of income.

But no one else feels like the air quality has precipitously dropped? I don't know if a lot of disinfectant or something was sprayed where I live but I suddenly have been getting dry eyes whenever I go out. I wear a mask for that reason, because I don't want to breathe in whatever it is that is irritating my eyes.
fwiw. the skies look like this everyday:
chemtrails at DuckDuckGo
The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016: Accounts of “Chemtrail Flu” Rise | Facts, Patents, Science - Stillness in the Storm
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