Is this forum Highjacked?


Jun 5, 2019
Hello Guys i came back to the forum after a break and damn...

I left the forum for a while because of my suspicions of it turning into a really toxic place full of authoritarians, which is really ironic.

Anyway, i stopped focusing so much on diet for a while and instead i started experimenting with psychedelics as i am a firm believer that the psychedelic experience is in part a phenomenon of
serotonin blocking.

Tripping really made me realize many things about experiencing the world.

Apart from tripping i also tried microdosing, i experimented a bit and found that microdosing every day works best for me. 5mcg of lsd every single day just after waking up makes the day very interesting.

One thing that i realized is that society is serotonin driven. There is nothing healthy about building societies, the way i see it society is the equivalent of hibernation for animals that build groups instead of living alone.

Bears deal with environmental stress by hibernating, humans build societies instead.

Society building is a stress reaction to danger and lack of resources,

This much was crystal clear while tripping which is a state which i believe reflects a low serotonin state.

Other things that where very clear to me is that language is very limiting just like doctor Peat said.

Authoritarianism and being stuck in a certain perspective about the world along with failure to realize that every creatures experiences the world very differently than you is also a symptom of high serotonin the way i see it.

Maybe the most important thing about high serotonin is how it makes you think you know everything, in low serotonin states you realize you don't know jack ***t about the universe, which is
so unbelievably amazing.

Back to the forum now, after coming back and browsing through some posts, all i could find was dogma ,authoritarianism, aggression, insults ,supporting the idea of society, racism , bigotry,
homophobia, inability to understand that every creature experiences the world differently, inability to understand the importance of freedom etc.

Also i found many people where pushing organized religion on other members etc.

This forum is probably highjacked by people who think they have it all figured out, because this is not really a forum reflecting the antiauthoritarian child like behaviour.

High metabolism low serotonin means , Empathy , courage , love , the ability to dream while awake, supporting others instead of putting others down, etc.

This forum is full of serotonin dominant authoritarians, who turned Doctor Peats ideas into a Dogma, and now they just walk around with their jaws clenched seeing enemies everywhere,
This is exactly the opposite of what i understand peat philosophy ais.

Anyway long post lol , i dont even know why i cared to write this , maybe i just wanted to put my ideas out there for debate.

Just remember being fearful of anything different than what you are used too is probably serotonin paranoia so when someone presents a new reality to you explore it before attacking the poor fella. :)))


Oct 1, 2019
I think the real value of a "society" is having basic needs met, not having to think about where to get food next or having to worry about tigers coming for you at night. This frees up part of your mind, giving you more energy to be creative. Giving you more time to focus on higher things. The problem is that society has been highjacked.

When taking psychedelics it's important to take a break for a while and reflect on yourself. Any thought one has on a psychedelic experience can feel like absolute truth even though it's just a possibility. I have observed that various times. Psychedelics don't show you any outside information, they can just make you reorganize the information you already have in your head.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
It would be helpful if you could point out examples that show case you observation. Not that you have to call out people in the forum but some quotes that you attribute to an authoritarian attitude would help. I find it difficult to deny scarcity of resources and I feel western civilisation and western nation states are clearly under attack from all sides. Societies are a protective mechanism for a large group of individuals to protect themselves, we agree on that but I don't see this as inherently bad. I actually miss more solidarity and community in our society. Dumping acid every day looks like a flight response. The reality is ugly, to face reality and organise an effective response is crucial, dropping acid is not an answer.


Jun 13, 2019
High metabolism low serotonin means , Empathy , courage , love , the ability to dream while awake, supporting others instead of putting others down, etc.
the majority of people on a health forum don't have good health. You shouldn't really expect people on here, who are trying to find good health, to have a healthy form of communicating. That, combined with the rampant skepticism and covid has caused a lot of paranoia and neurotic questioning, which on the internet naturally brings out the extremes of people. It would be nice if everyone on here was like Ray, but theres a reason there are few like him


Mar 26, 2014
racism , bigotry,
As soon as you start throwing -isms about, I find it hard to believe you are as low serotonin as you think. Tripping excluded, of course.

Classic SSRI behaviour. And rather authoritarian (Enforced tolerance)

What business is it of yours if two men kissing gives me the heebie-jeebies? Doesn't mean I'm going to hurt them, and I will not be made to feel ashamed for my 'gut' (Hint hint) reaction.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
As soon as you start throwing -isms about, I find it hard to believe you are as low serotonin as you think. Tripping excluded, of course.

Classic SSRI behaviour. And rather authoritarian (Enforced tolerance)

What business is it of yours if two men kissing gives me the heebie-jeebies? Doesn't mean I'm going to hurt them, and I will not be made to feel ashamed for my 'gut' (Hint hint) reaction.

I can only speak to my experience, but whenever I focus on lowering serotonin, estrogen, and increasing dopamine, the state I fall into is one where I simply do not have any hard feelings one way or another regarding social or political issues, but generally lean toward whatever is better for the majority of people as a whole.

My position becomes one of 'live and let live' and the belief that people need to learn to coexist because none of us are going anywhere and all the bitching over non-issues really just comes off as wasted energy, and at the end of the day, we're not that different from one another.

So, it's kinda odd to me when I see posts on this forum that strike me as something I'd read on /pol/ back in my 20s before I ever discovered 'Peating'. Because, racism itself, for example, I perceive as mostly a stress/fear response that largely dissipates when estrogen and serotonin are antagonized.

I don't know if any others here have similar experiences, but I agree with the OP that Peating generally should lead to a more friendly/supportive demeanor rather than one that gets off on putting others down, calling people 'snowflakes', etc.


Mar 26, 2014

I am glad you know what is better for the majority of people as a whole.

I will continue to dream of aspiring to your heights.

For now I will have to be content to being a working class straight white male. (Scum, in other words - at least, that's the impression I get from the most vocal high serotonin high estrogen SJW types)


Mar 26, 2014
When did I say I knew what was better?
the state I fall into is one where I simply do not have any hard feelings one way or another regarding social or political issues, but generally lean toward whatever is better for the majority of people as a whole.

I assume you cannot lean towards something without a comprehension of what you are leaning towards. That being, what you think is most beneficial to the most people.

Edit: My typing sucks this evening. I even work with my hands for a living (The horror!) so they are tired.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
the state I fall into is one where I simply do not have any hard feelings one way or another regarding social or political issues, but generally lean toward whatever is better for the majority of people as a whole.

I assume you cannot lean towards something without a comprehension of what you are leaning towards. That being, what you think it most beneficial to the most people.
As I said, I don't have any hard feelings one way or another, but would generally lean towards whatever the majority of people within a society would want for themselves. I don't know or claim to know what is best for society, but it would make sense to me that whatever results in the majority of people being happier/freer would be ideal.

I don't see anything productive about people constantly butting heads or being in conflict with one another, but if that's the way things continue to go, so be it, it's just something I'm not interested in contributing to.


Sep 18, 2019
In my experience with pschedelics, the perception of increased access to reality had the consequence of making me more discriminating and intolerant, and especially intolerant of ugliness.


Mar 26, 2014
As I said, I don't have any hard feelings one way or another, but would generally lean towards whatever the majority of people within a society would want for themselves. I don't know or claim to know what is best for society, but it would make sense to me that whatever results in the majority of people being happier/freer would be ideal.

I don't see anything productive about people constantly butting heads or being in conflict with one another, but if that's the way things continue to go, so be it, it's just something I'm not interested in contributing to.

I'm all for being left alone. Like I said, I extend the same courtesy to gay blokes. I don't really care who put what where. Just don't tell me, I don't want to know. Sounds fair to me? I mean, I don't like having straight couples be all luvvy-dovey in front of me either. Yeah, I get it. You have sex with each other.

Somewhere though, that 'live and let live' seems to have turned into veneration, and that is where I draw the line.

It will be funny when all my type are gone though, the scramble to find a new bogeyman for all of society's ills will be something I wish I'd be around to see.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Back to the forum now, after coming back and browsing through some posts, all i could find was dogma ,authoritarianism, aggression, insults ,supporting the idea of society, racism , bigotry,
homophobia, inability to understand that every creature experiences the world differently, inability to understand the importance of freedom etc.
I actually find that quite rarely and most people here are very nice and open-minded.


Oct 11, 2016
Hello Guys i came back to the forum after a break and damn...

I left the forum for a while because of my suspicions of it turning into a really toxic place full of authoritarians, which is really ironic.

Anyway, i stopped focusing so much on diet for a while and instead i started experimenting with psychedelics as i am a firm believer that the psychedelic experience is in part a phenomenon of
serotonin blocking.

Tripping really made me realize many things about experiencing the world.

Apart from tripping i also tried microdosing, i experimented a bit and found that microdosing every day works best for me. 5mcg of lsd every single day just after waking up makes the day very interesting.

One thing that i realized is that society is serotonin driven. There is nothing healthy about building societies, the way i see it society is the equivalent of hibernation for animals that build groups instead of living alone.

Bears deal with environmental stress by hibernating, humans build societies instead.

Society building is a stress reaction to danger and lack of resources,

This much was crystal clear while tripping which is a state which i believe reflects a low serotonin state.

Other things that where very clear to me is that language is very limiting just like doctor Peat said.

Authoritarianism and being stuck in a certain perspective about the world along with failure to realize that every creatures experiences the world very differently than you is also a symptom of high serotonin the way i see it.

Maybe the most important thing about high serotonin is how it makes you think you know everything, in low serotonin states you realize you don't know jack ***t about the universe, which is
so unbelievably amazing.

Back to the forum now, after coming back and browsing through some posts, all i could find was dogma ,authoritarianism, aggression, insults ,supporting the idea of society, racism , bigotry,
homophobia, inability to understand that every creature experiences the world differently, inability to understand the importance of freedom etc.

Also i found many people where pushing organized religion on other members etc.

This forum is probably highjacked by people who think they have it all figured out, because this is not really a forum reflecting the antiauthoritarian child like behaviour.

High metabolism low serotonin means , Empathy , courage , love , the ability to dream while awake, supporting others instead of putting others down, etc.

This forum is full of serotonin dominant authoritarians, who turned Doctor Peats ideas into a Dogma, and now they just walk around with their jaws clenched seeing enemies everywhere,
This is exactly the opposite of what i understand peat philosophy ais.

Anyway long post lol , i dont even know why i cared to write this , maybe i just wanted to put my ideas out there for debate.

Just remember being fearful of anything different than what you are used too is probably serotonin paranoia so when someone presents a new reality to you explore it before attacking the poor fella. :)))

Maybe you're the authoritarian. You're forcing people to label things racist which they feel are normal. Growing up in a city with blacks & mexicans & many others... We would constantly shoot the ***t and build comradery. But your view is the new one: that we all need to create this increasingly safe space for you. The irony is that such a space is not safe for anyone long term. It always turns into a control tactic for who gets to manage the language and decide what is acceptable and what is not. Of course, the typical response to this is a very disingenuous "well your words are violence," which is not true at all. You chose to come here and you can choose to skip over certain words. Perhaps, if you are as spiritual as you claim to be, then you will consider that uncomfortable aspects of other people can be a reflection of self.

You came here and noticed all sorts of stuff that you want to crack down, right? That isn't us being authoritarian; that is you. Mind you, I could also reframe your writing as an "insult" (which you denounce) against the forum, or as a "dogma," or as an "inability to understand that every creature experiences the world differently," which you also denounced. But instead I chose to communicate the difference between authoritarianism and our culture of free thinkers.
Last edited:


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I'm all for being left alone. Like I said, I extend the same courtesy to gay blokes. I don't really care who put what where. Just don't tell me, I don't want to know. Sounds fair to me? I mean, I don't like having straight couples be all luvvy-dovey in front of me either. Yeah, I get it. You have sex with each other.

Somewhere though, that 'live and let live' seems to have turned into veneration, and that is where I draw the line.
Is anything actually being shoved in your face or are you looking for it and dwelling on it? I don't feel a homosexual agenda is being pushed on me, but I also don't go looking for it and convincing myself there is one. I figure if there was one really being put into motion, it'd be a lot more intrusive, and I'd have more stories of being stuck in traffic due to flamboyant protests/parades. No men have come up to me and told me to congratulate them because they prefer the penis.

This is sort of what I mean when I say non-issues. People will get fired up over things such as gay marriage, Black Lives Matter, etc. as if these things are intrusive to their day-to-day lives. It's almost as if people blow up something to be much bigger than what it is in reality to give themselves some sort of justification to be pissed off or act like a **** to others. I can understand why people do this, and to bring this back to the subject of Peating, in my experience this behavior is mostly driven by stress/serotonin. I've no extreme feelings about these issues in a low serotonin state, because they have no bearing on my day-to-day life and what I do with my time.

It will be funny when all my type are gone though, the scramble to find a new bogeyman for all of society's ills will be something I wish I'd be around to see.

To some, the boogeymen are conservatives, Trump, gun owners, white nationalists, straight white men, etc.
To others, the boogeymen are liberals, Biden, "the damn Dems", homosexuals, minorites, etc.

Everyone who is stressed is playing the same game, and it's largely unproductive.
It seems most also want to be both be the victim and the boogeyman at the same time.
So again, people eventually need to find a way to coexist, because none of us are going anywhere.


Jul 8, 2020
I actually find that quite rarely and most people here are very nice and open-minded.

Your livelihood depends on members on this forum, of course you would say this. I do like you Hans, but you are smart, you must have seen the increasing levels of the posts OP talks about, I'm surprised you got involved at all in the discussion.


Jul 8, 2020
Is anything actually being shoved in your face or are you looking for it and dwelling on it? I don't feel a homosexual agenda is being pushed on me, but I also don't go looking for it and convincing myself there is one. I figure if there was one really being put into motion, it'd be a lot more intrusive, and I'd have more stories of being stuck in traffic due to flamboyant protests/parades. No men have come up to me and told me to congratulate them because they prefer the penis.

This is sort of what I mean when I say non-issues. People will get fired up over things such as gay marriage, Black Lives Matter, etc. as if these things are intrusive to their day-to-day lives. It's almost as if people blow up something to be much bigger than what it is in reality to give themselves some sort of justification to be pissed off or act like a **** to others. I can understand why people do this, and to bring this back to the subject of Peating, in my experience this behavior is mostly driven by stress/serotonin. I've no extreme feelings about these issues in a low serotonin state, because they have no bearing on my day-to-day life and what I do with my time.

To some, the boogeymen are conservatives, Trump, gun owners, white nationalists, straight white men, etc.
To others, the boogeymen are liberals, Biden, "the damn Dems", homosexuals, minorites, etc.

Everyone who is stressed is playing the same game, and it's largely unproductive.
It seems most also want to be both be the victim and the boogeyman at the same time.
So again, people eventually need to find a way to coexist, because none of us are going anywhere.

Very well articulated, thanks for posting.


Mar 26, 2014
No men have come up to me and told me to congratulate them because they prefer the penis.

See my reply above - you are actually right here, and I agree. This has not happened to me.

So why does the media machine go into a sycophantic fawning display every time a celeb comes out as gay? That is veneration, regardless of whether the gay people themselves actually want it or not!

I'm not going to let you get away with insinuating I actively have an agenda or obsession against gay people either.

I dislike the gay agenda being pushed by the media. The same media that says "Eat your heart heatlhy grains and PUFA, get your vax, and stay safe!"

Is anything actually being shoved in your face or are you looking for it and dwelling on it? I don't feel a homosexual agenda is being pushed on me, but I also don't go looking for it and convincing myself there is one.

Well, in a way. See above.

I thought the essence of this forum was Perceive. Think. Act.

Maybe I am just being overly-perceptive.
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