Is cortisol needed for metabolism?


Jun 7, 2021
Can having low cortisol lead to decreased metabolism and hypothyroid symptoms? Or is it the other way around, i.e. low thyroid will lead to low cortisol?
I notice I don't react well to high-magnesium foods and magnesium supplements (very cold, fatigued), which has been suggested may mean low cortisol. In the morning, the side effects are especially bad. I know that I need magnesium as I don't get enough from food and want to take at least some vitamin D but those crappy symptoms prevent me from doing so. Potatoes are also very bad in that regard.
If I left weights and increase my heart rate, I may start feeling a tiny bit better for a short period of time, and then it all spirals downwards again. May all this result from overtraining in the past?


May 10, 2018
Glad you posted this, my dad has come back with low cortisol out of the bottom of the range in his last 4 blood tests. I’m slowly working on increasing his thyroid, which slowly seems to be helping, but the cortisol remains low on every blood test. It’s making him fatigued and understandably hard to lose weight. I’ve been thinking of ways to safely raise cortisol to within range so I really hope you get some help and answers to your question. If you get anything from elsewhere would you mind sharing it here? Appreciate!


Dec 5, 2022
In Broda Barnes Hypothyroidism book that Peat often cited, he mentions that he prescribed tiny amounts of cortisone for long standing or extreme hypothyroid cases. I'm in the same boat, low cortisol (and other hormones and vit D) Afraid to add anything to raise it specifically because I used prednisone in the past often. Which may have contributed to my issue.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In Broda Barnes Hypothyroidism book that Peat often cited, he mentions that he prescribed tiny amounts of cortisone for long standing or extreme hypothyroid cases. I'm in the same boat, low cortisol (and other hormones and vit D) Afraid to add anything to raise it specifically because I used prednisone in the past often. Which may have contributed to my issue.
Hi @twillisdc, I was born in Louisville and lived there until I was 25. :)
I completely understand your hesitation on taking cortisone. I feel the same way. I did find a bio identical cortisone supplement which also contains Vitamin C and B5 via a member of this forum back in the summer when I was having some major issues after my husband was jabbed. My family doc initially suspected Addisons so I bought the supplement in desperation not wanting to take florinef. I tolerated it well and found it helpful so if you ever feel a desperate need ( which I hope you don’t of course) to add a little cortisone short term just message me and I can give you the name of the supplement.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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