What I Think Helped Me


Feb 11, 2017
Unlike many on these boards, the issue that brought me here was not low pulse but high pulse rate.
Sitting or watching tv my pulse would go up to the 130s . After a meal,it would go to 130,with a holter monitor showing 164 at one time.
Temp was usually good but with cold hands and feet,something I had since childhood.
Before peating i tried very low carb,low carb,and then finally intermittent fasting.
Again my goal was to control my heart rate.
At one point I went for a ct scan of my heart. The Dr gave me a beta blocker to lower the heart rate because it was too fast to take good images. The beta blocker only lowered my hr to the low 90s.

Imagine getting winded just walking up stairs,and being told by cardiologists and endocrinologists that nothing is wrong.

For over a year I have been peating and honestly looked with envy to those of you with slow heart rates. I learned much here,and thank everyone who posted . Every little bit of data helped.

After over a year of what I thought was peat I still got no benefit.
Bag breathing,lots of sugar,endotoxin "control" ,thyroid (which sent me into even faster heart rates). Plus Progest,cypro,aspirin,etc did very little or for a very short time.
I was at the end of my rope. Until someone posted that B1 is important for carb use.
A whole new avenue of research lol.
.......b1 and all the vitamin b's. Beriberi, pellagra and others actually started to sound similar to what I was experiencing. Not exactly but near enough to get me researching again.
Shortness of breath, tachycardia,mood swings,brain fog,fatigue.....
And then that eureka moment. B1 needs magnesium,magnesium needs b1. Potassium needs magnesium. And the really nasty one-lactic acid and b1.
So I started mega doses of b1(1500 mg to 2500 mg a day) with a b complex.
The improvement did not come :(. I actually got other symptoms. A burning sensation in my upper left chest area .I started upping my magnesium with the b1.
Homemade magnesium bicarbonate from the recipe at toxinless.com, plus idealabs magnoil,
Lowering lactate,increasing magnesium plus thiamine finally gave me relief.
Some people,for whatever reason, have difficulty absorbing supplements. Usually from hypochloridia. Two causes of hypochloridia are low magnesium and low b1. So you develop a feedback loop of issues.
The body excretes about 100 mg of Magnesium a day. Mag supplements or spinach broth in the diet must give 100 mg of elemental magnesium a day. Less than that and you may develop issues.
PhD Peat talks about the increased need of Magnesium while thyroid function is increased via thyroid supplements .

If like me you have multiple issues, you may be very deficient in basic metabolic nutrition .

Thank you all for every post.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Unlike many on these boards, the issue that brought me here was not low pulse but high pulse rate.
Sitting or watching tv my pulse would go up to the 130s . After a meal,it would go to 130,with a holter monitor showing 164 at one time.
Temp was usually good but with cold hands and feet,something I had since childhood.
Before peating i tried very low carb,low carb,and then finally intermittent fasting.
Again my goal was to control my heart rate.
At one point I went for a ct scan of my heart. The Dr gave me a beta blocker to lower the heart rate because it was too fast to take good images. The beta blocker only lowered my hr to the low 90s.

Imagine getting winded just walking up stairs,and being told by cardiologists and endocrinologists that nothing is wrong.

For over a year I have been peating and honestly looked with envy to those of you with slow heart rates. I learned much here,and thank everyone who posted . Every little bit of data helped.

After over a year of what I thought was peat I still got no benefit.
Bag breathing,lots of sugar,endotoxin "control" ,thyroid (which sent me into even faster heart rates). Plus Progest,cypro,aspirin,etc did very little or for a very short time.
I was at the end of my rope. Until someone posted that B1 is important for carb use.
A whole new avenue of research lol.
.......b1 and all the vitamin b's. Beriberi, pellagra and others actually started to sound similar to what I was experiencing. Not exactly but near enough to get me researching again.
Shortness of breath, tachycardia,mood swings,brain fog,fatigue.....
And then that eureka moment. B1 needs magnesium,magnesium needs b1. Potassium needs magnesium. And the really nasty one-lactic acid and b1.
So I started mega doses of b1(1500 mg to 2500 mg a day) with a b complex.
The improvement did not come :(. I actually got other symptoms. A burning sensation in my upper left chest area .I started upping my magnesium with the b1.
Homemade magnesium bicarbonate from the recipe at toxinless.com, plus idealabs magnoil,
Lowering lactate,increasing magnesium plus thiamine finally gave me relief.
Some people,for whatever reason, have difficulty absorbing supplements. Usually from hypochloridia. Two causes of hypochloridia are low magnesium and low b1. So you develop a feedback loop of issues.
The body excretes about 100 mg of Magnesium a day. Mag supplements or spinach broth in the diet must give 100 mg of elemental magnesium a day. Less than that and you may develop issues.
PhD Peat talks about the increased need of Magnesium while thyroid function is increased via thyroid supplements .

If like me you have multiple issues, you may be very deficient in basic metabolic nutrition .

Thank you all for every post.
Thanks for sharing this. I've lived with tachycardia too and it's no fun. Good nutrition is so important.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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