I’m Not Convinced Vitamin D Should Be Supplemented


Jul 29, 2014
So what's the general consensus on vitamin D3?

I'm in NY right now and debating whether or not I should supplement.

Definitely supplement it if you aren't getting enough sun. Aside from the huge amount of studies on it, Ray mentions it all the time as being a very important nutrient.


Nov 18, 2019
I think this one is much lower dose and the dose is divided into two pills. So if you take one you get half of the doses labeled which is much more appropriate.

Amazon product ASIN B01787EPEE
There was another one that only had the DVs which is also good if you can find one like that I just cant remember what it was.

The one you posted does have high B1 and B6. Problem is if you take 100mg B1 daily it builds up. B1 is really excitatory, raises acetylcholine especially, and it takes a few days for just 100mg to leave your system. B6 is highish as well. About only half of your daily B6 intake gets excreted daily. So you can see how that also builds up.

Yeh I will make sure not to get glycine version next time. Maybe that was the problem.
Horrible excipients in the one you linked. I like the Pure Encapsulations one that @DANIEL is using. It is not too high a dose. Best formula for B’s I have seen.


Nov 22, 2017
You asked for a general concensus.

The majority of people on this forum are against it, which is the definition of a concensus.

If what you wanted was a detailed answer with the details as to why you should or shouldn't take it, then don't ask for a concensus, read in detail every single experiment there is to find on here.

You understand why your question was irrelevant compared to what you were looking for now?

I don't think there's a consensus. I'm not against it at all, and many other people as well.


I don't think there's a consensus. I'm not against it at all, and many other people as well.

You are indeed entitled to your own opinion.

The majority (which is not just you and a few others), decided it's not worth it.


Nov 22, 2017
You are indeed entitled to your own opinion.

The majority (which is not just you and a few others), decided it's not worth it.
I don't think that's true.


Nov 29, 2017
A few months ago I’d say no D because it never did anything for me. Since then I’ve been applying it navely and I’m starting to feel benefits from it.


Nov 22, 2017
A few months ago I’d say no D because it never did anything for me. Since then I’ve been applying it navely and I’m starting to feel benefits from it.

I think transdermally is ideal for what it's worth, that's what I do, along with UVB exposure.


I’ve been using an oral vitamin D supplement this winter. I live at a very northerly latitude, so it’s pretty important. The only thing I’ve really noticed is that I don’t get up to pee as much, which means I’m getting better sleep. That’s been a godsend.


Dec 19, 2020
You need to supplement 10.000 IU daily if there are no additional sources like sun or food. Getting it from the sun is preferable, but depending on where you live it might be completely impossible for more than half of the year. Do you want to spend that time in low metabolism survival mode?

Some sources indicate much smaller doses are sufficient if you put it on your skin, and for some reason especially on your navel.
10000 is a little much, isn't it... my blood levels went over the roof with this, I just stick to 3000-5000 IU


Aug 6, 2017
what is over the roof for you? That 10k is what latest research shows you need per day to have good levels for the average person. Keep in mind it includes other food sources and sunlight. Also keep in mind that the mainstream narrative about vitmain d is wrong if you believe Peat and other alternative sources. The point when your 1,25 "active vitmain d" level starts to go down because of the amount of d3 is where you want to be, or a bit over. Even though mainstream says that is the point when you obviously have too much.

You want your levels to be around 100ng/ml. or 80-120 depending on how it makes you feel.
Last edited:


Apr 17, 2019
I don't get how any can take 10k D3 daily and not be bombarded with side effects. I like how D3 makes me feel and when it comes to working out I've found nothing else like it that can help me lift more and that gives me better lasting results.

That's the good side. The problem is the side effects are pretty difficult to deal with. One issue is digestion.. I seem to see everyone saying it helps with digestion, but for me even 2k per day (the highest amount I can handle) makes my stomach very very bloated and makes me badly constipated. Another side effect is it causes serious facial flushing. Lastly, the icing on the cake is it feels almost like a mild chemical castration. Libido goes in the tank and my manhood physically shrinks. Almost like all blood flow has been cutoff.

I've only used oral D3 (many different kinds) so I'm willing to try topical but I lm skeptical it would be drastically different from oral as far as side effects.


I don't get how any can take 10k D3 daily and not be bombarded with side effects. I like how D3 makes me feel and when it comes to working out I've found nothing else like it that can help me lift more and that gives me better lasting results.

That's the good side. The problem is the side effects are pretty difficult to deal with. One issue is digestion.. I seem to see everyone saying it helps with digestion, but for me even 2k per day (the highest amount I can handle) makes my stomach very very bloated and makes me badly constipated. Another side effect is it causes serious facial flushing. Lastly, the icing on the cake is it feels almost like a mild chemical castration. Libido goes in the tank and my manhood physically shrinks. Almost like all blood flow has been cutoff.

I've only used oral D3 (many different kinds) so I'm willing to try topical but I lm skeptical it would be drastically different from oral as far as side effects.

Sounds like it's lowering your e2 too much


Jul 9, 2020
I don't get how any can take 10k D3 daily and not be bombarded with side effects. I like how D3 makes me feel and when it comes to working out I've found nothing else like it that can help me lift more and that gives me better lasting results.

That's the good side. The problem is the side effects are pretty difficult to deal with. One issue is digestion.. I seem to see everyone saying it helps with digestion, but for me even 2k per day (the highest amount I can handle) makes my stomach very very bloated and makes me badly constipated. Another side effect is it causes serious facial flushing. Lastly, the icing on the cake is it feels almost like a mild chemical castration. Libido goes in the tank and my manhood physically shrinks. Almost like all blood flow has been cutoff.

I've only used oral D3 (many different kinds) so I'm willing to try topical but I lm skeptical it would be drastically different from oral as far as side effects.
I think there's certain gene deficiencies that are quite common that allow people to take very high doses of vitamin D without it effecting their blood levels much. Some of these people can take upwards of 50,000 iu daily and only see marginal improvements in blood levels.

I was taking 12,000 iu daily for a long time before I stumbled upon a quote from Peat saying calcium was more important than vitamin D for PTH lowering. He said vitamin D should be around 2,000 iu daily, and the rest should come from adequate dietary calcium. I haven't noticed any problems from lowering the dose yet. I thought my dopamine levels would decline, but so far so good. All the better as far as I'm concerned, I can make my D last longer now without buying more.

"Libido goes in the tank and my manhood physically shrinks. Almost like all blood flow has been cutoff."

^ That is particularly concerning, because it's suggestive of issues like hypercalcemia. I would recommend taking a strong calcium antagonist like magnesium with your vitamin D. Probably not at the same time, considering one is stimulating and the other is sedating, but definitely take them both in the same day.


Apr 17, 2019
I would recommend taking a strong calcium antagonist like magnesium with your vitamin D. Probably not at the same time, considering one is stimulating and the other is sedating, but definitely take them both in the same day.

Unfortunately magnesium has has very similar libido negating side effects for me as vitamin d. I have experimented with many different forms and brands of magnesium over the years. Magnesium alone shuts down my libido (usually by about day 3 of supplementing small amounts like 300-400 mg) so combining with D3 is a very effective libido killer. I like how calming magnesium is and would love to use larger doses because it really helps with anxiety and mood, but it's like it's so calming that my body basically says "I don't need sex anymore".

I think like TheBeard said, it's something to do with e2, but that knowledge hasn't helped me to this point. I already use what I consider pretty low doses of D3 and magnesium. I've tried lowering or doing every other day for example, but ultimately lowered doses means both lowered side effects and benefits. And the side effects are stronger than the benefits.

For what it's worth I also take kuinone daily.


Jul 18, 2018
I don't get how any can take 10k D3 daily and not be bombarded with side effects. I like how D3 makes me feel and when it comes to working out I've found nothing else like it that can help me lift more and that gives me better lasting results.

That's the good side. The problem is the side effects are pretty difficult to deal with. One issue is digestion.. I seem to see everyone saying it helps with digestion, but for me even 2k per day (the highest amount I can handle) makes my stomach very very bloated and makes me badly constipated. Another side effect is it causes serious facial flushing. Lastly, the icing on the cake is it feels almost like a mild chemical castration. Libido goes in the tank and my manhood physically shrinks. Almost like all blood flow has been cutoff.

I've only used oral D3 (many different kinds) so I'm willing to try topical but I lm skeptical it would be drastically different from oral as far as side effects.
Same bloating, Constipation from oral vitd and also muscle twitching, back ache and insomnia.


Unfortunately magnesium has has very similar libido negating side effects for me as vitamin d. I have experimented with many different forms and brands of magnesium over the years. Magnesium alone shuts down my libido (usually by about day 3 of supplementing small amounts like 300-400 mg) so combining with D3 is a very effective libido killer. I like how calming magnesium is and would love to use larger doses because it really helps with anxiety and mood, but it's like it's so calming that my body basically says "I don't need sex anymore".

I think like TheBeard said, it's something to do with e2, but that knowledge hasn't helped me to this point. I already use what I consider pretty low doses of D3 and magnesium. I've tried lowering or doing every other day for example, but ultimately lowered doses means both lowered side effects and benefits. And the side effects are stronger than the benefits.

For what it's worth I also take kuinone daily.

The knowledge that your e2 is low could lead you to try and increase it, with transdermal testosterone for example.


Jul 9, 2020
Unfortunately magnesium has has very similar libido negating side effects for me as vitamin d. I have experimented with many different forms and brands of magnesium over the years. Magnesium alone shuts down my libido (usually by about day 3 of supplementing small amounts like 300-400 mg) so combining with D3 is a very effective libido killer. I like how calming magnesium is and would love to use larger doses because it really helps with anxiety and mood, but it's like it's so calming that my body basically says "I don't need sex anymore".

I think like TheBeard said, it's something to do with e2, but that knowledge hasn't helped me to this point. I already use what I consider pretty low doses of D3 and magnesium. I've tried lowering or doing every other day for example, but ultimately lowered doses means both lowered side effects and benefits. And the side effects are stronger than the benefits.

For what it's worth I also take kuinone daily.
I doubt the e2 theory, but I'd like to hear how this turns out if you do go down that road. Most people aren't anywhere even close to a estradiol "deficiency." If supplementing T corrects this issue (like that person suggests) then it's probably due to low androgens. Are you carrying any extra bodyfat? Aromatase activity is always upregulated in overweight people. If you're even slightly overweight then it's probably not estradiol (provided you also haven't chemically induced this with AIs).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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