I Took 100mg Pregnenolone ED For Years - Please Help Me


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Damn.. Great to hear you're feeling alright buddy. It sounds like you've tried to recover from a bad testosterone cycle. Isn't proviron and HCG to make your dik work and get fertile?

I remember having my thyroid levels checked when I was on the Pregnenolone but I guess they could really be all over the place now. I do feel normal otherwise, dik work, sleep good, energy and concentration okay. It's just this terrible anxiety that won't budge and it makes me feel paralyzed half the time.

I have had some experience with HGH earlier in my youth. Do you think that would help me in any way?

I thought you said you had ED? Now your **** works?


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I"m in Germany and work as small enterpreneur.
This sounds sooooo familiar! I sent 3 packs of Zeta Aid, it is a combination of potassium electrolytes that prevents heart disease, to a friend of mine in Germany. First package didn't arrive, although the tracking showed 'delivered'. I thought the package must have gotten lost. I sent another one, same thing! Then my friend's wife contacted the 'Zoll Behoerde' (German customs) and yes, they had both packages, but didn't seem to care to notify the addressee or myself. She drove to the office and they handed it to her, they 'thought' it may have been drugs. Yeah, right. Unbelievable, but that is typical of the German 'Behoerden' (government agancies). I KNOW, I come from Germany.


Nov 22, 2017
The problems sneak up on you when you think about it the least. Believe me, it's not worth it. I don't know how much it's helping you and making you good but everything that makes good must make bad, it's the rule of nature.

Taper off while it hasn't done any serious harm, you're still healthy.

Please. Do not project your experience into a universal recommendation.

Thank you for sharing, but I concur with @ecstatichamster , I've taken hundreds of mg of pregnenolone for the past 2 years and it's been a crucial factor in my recovery.

Remember, n=1.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Please. Do not project your experience into a universal recommendation.

Thank you for sharing, but I concur with @ecstatichamster , I've taken hundreds of mg of pregnenolone for the past 2 years and it's been a crucial factor in my recovery.

Remember, n=1.

How many mg do yout ake daily and for what condition?

I think he means Every Day.

Oh, I see. How quaint.


Jul 29, 2020
Maybe it was the pregnenelone> progesterone causing anti-androgen effects. Many guys have reported lower libido after taking progesterone. The OP could have thrown their androgens out of balance from maintaining high progesterone for so long.

I think the low libido from Prog comes from a too high unnecessary dose. I love libido on Prog it's so grounded yet ready to go anytime.
Definite anti-estrogen effect. Veiny unit aswell!
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I think the low libido from Prog comes from a too high unnecessary dose. I love libido on Prog it's so grounded yet ready to go anytime.
Definite anti-estrogen effect. Veiny unit aswell!
@equipoise That's with you using Progestene, right?, watching your other thread on this with interest! :D
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
That's right. 1 or 2 drops of Progestene. So far so good nothing negative to report. Just gotta eat more.
That's great, any other @haidut products you use, or just the Progestene?, by the way I liked your description 'veiny unit' lol :D


Aug 20, 2020
Quite reckless, but what's done is done. I was hooked on 100 mg pregnenolone for a while, but started gaining midsection weight which quickly put me off of it...

My guess would be; you have probably screwed up your hormones somehow (let's assume it's that and not something more complex like neurosteroid/GABA system for starters), most likely a majority of that pregnenolone was converting to estrogen. Maybe you suppressed your AR or something, I'd suggest a similar approach to what a lot of us here use for PFS. Proviron to flatten out the receptors, followed by HCG to get your HPG axis working again.

I had something of a similar crash from dieting about 8 years ago which resulted in having NON-STOP 24/7 pounding heart, anxiety, hot flashes and sweating. Nothing helped. Finally figured out years later it was due to downregulated AR in the CNS, can't properly sense hormones, your T&E get crushed by DHT and you start falling apart like this. HCG is now helping me slowly, diet & supplements did nothing all those years.

I'm not saying you necessarily have what I did but if you find that nothing supplement-wise helps, might be time to look at the pharma approach. Lest you lose years of your life like me.
When you say proviron to flat AR what you mean,i was on finasteride in the past for 1 year after that i stopped it and all we know the story,are AR weak?cause i have a lot of lean muscles and i am ripped,natural of course,the problems is anxiety depression fog brain and sexual problems.
Nov 16, 2012
When you say proviron to flat AR what you mean,i was on finasteride in the past for 1 year after that i stopped it and all we know the story,are AR weak?cause i have a lot of lean muscles and i am ripped,natural of course,the problems is anxiety depression fog brain and sexual problems.

It's mostly to downregulate the AR in the brain and equalize it with the peripheral.


Aug 20, 2020
It's mostly to downregulate the AR in the brain and equalize it with the peripheral.
Thank you for your reply,from my little knowledge is that fina suppress dht via inhibition of 5 ar,body upregulate AR to combat the low levels of the most potent adrogen.Then you quit fina and AR stay super sensitive to dht.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Thank you for your reply,from my little knowledge is that fina suppress dht via inhibition of 5 ar,body upregulate AR to combat the low levels of the most potent adrogen.Then you quit fina and AR stay super sensitive to dht.

No I don't like that theory, that sounds like something Helen from hackstasis would say....

If DHT was low because 5ar was downregulated, and then the body upregulated 5ar, wouldn't DHT go back to normal? This of course does not happen. Many of us have low DHT and/or low testosterone and/or high estrogen, and/or high serotonin and/or a variety of other possible issues. Unfortunately it's not as simple as "DHT is too sensitive", and everyone's PFS seems to be a little different. I for example got the brain fog really badly, had it for 9 years and still isn't resolved.

It all begins with low 5-AR which lowers DHT and other important 5-AR derived neurosteroids such as 5a-DHP and allopregnanolone. From there the body is thrown out of balance and many other problems and issues can arise. I had very low testosterone and DHT in my blood tests for years. I had high prolactin and cortisol for a long time as well. Others can have problems with thyroid and progesterone. I think part of the issue is that not enough progesterone is being converted downstream to allopregnanolone and thus it is antagonizing androgens too much (progesterone does antagonize DHT, at least mildly. Many men have reported lower libido, even ED while on prog).

So, start with comprehensive bloods and work from there.


Aug 20, 2020
No I don't like that theory, that sounds like something Helen from hackstasis would say....

If DHT was low because 5ar was downregulated, and then the body upregulated 5ar, wouldn't DHT go back to normal? This of course does not happen. Many of us have low DHT and/or low testosterone and/or high estrogen, and/or high serotonin and/or a variety of other possible issues. Unfortunately it's not as simple as "DHT is too sensitive", and everyone's PFS seems to be a little different. I for example got the brain fog really badly, had it for 9 years and still isn't resolved.

It all begins with low 5-AR which lowers DHT and other important 5-AR derived neurosteroids such as 5a-DHP and allopregnanolone. From there the body is thrown out of balance and many other problems and issues can arise. I had very low testosterone and DHT in my blood tests for years. I had high prolactin and cortisol for a long time as well. Others can have problems with thyroid and progesterone. I think part of the issue is that not enough progesterone is being converted downstream to allopregnanolone and thus it is antagonizing androgens too much (progesterone does antagonize DHT, at least mildly. Many men have reported lower libido, even ED while on prog).

So, start with comprehensive bloods and work from there.
I agree with you on the lab tests,i also believe that 5 ar its the problem behind all this.And the reason that i believe that is from the moment that i quit fina,i am sebum free for 14 years,i cannot imagine what can generate 5 ar enzyme all over again.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I agree with you on the lab tests,i also believe that 5 ar its the problem behind all this.And the reason that i believe that is from the moment that i quit fina,i am sebum free for 14 years,i cannot imagine what can generate 5 ar enzyme all over again.

Hopefully low dose HCG injections. I am on them now and am seeing improvements. We know that DHT itself can increase 5-ar in a positive feedback loop, @haidut posted a study about this a long while back.


Jul 10, 2016
Strange, while true that some of it obvious ends up as E2 the reductions of P5 are very well regulated by your body's needs, on the progesterone pathway anxiety could not have resulted unless it totally tanked androgens, I have taken 30mg progesterone for 2 years and can stop cold turkey with the only side effect being reduced appetite and a slight serotonergic feeling that dissipates within 3-4 days.

Did you ever take SSRI or psychiatric meds? Did you supplement anything else during that period and was there a traumatic event during it?

Was it 50mg a day? Do you display estrogenic symptoms like bloating or gyno, weak erections?

Pregnenolone has sone opposite effects on GABA than progesterone, but this is countered by the fact that in a healthy person most of it should go the Prog. Pathway, and it enhances 5-Ar...

The less regulated as DHEA can be aromatized down a few reductions in a stressed system.

Pregnenolone is just below cholesterol so it's the safest substance right up with Aspirin, glucose and caffeine/glycine. If it in fact is a partial cause I'd like to see labs.

Maybe you can re-introduce it at a low dose like 10mg , if it doesn't make you feel different the problem is something else.

How is your tolerance to caffeine and how is your sleep?.


Aug 20, 2020
Hopefully low dose HCG injections. I am on them now and am seeing improvements. We know that DHT itself can increase 5-ar in a positive feedback loop, @haidut posted a study about this a long while back.
I am happy reading that you see improvements on hcg,it seems that in the only thing that can make a significant impact on hormone and enzymes,my query is,we have destroyed 5-ar or damaged that cannot respond to natural levels of dht in the blood.I have done blood exams and the results on dht was normal.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I am happy reading that you see improvements on hcg,it seems that in the only thing that can make a significant impact on hormone and enzymes,my query is,we have destroyed 5-ar or damaged that cannot respond to natural levels of dht in the blood.I have done blood exams and the results on dht was normal.

What is normal? Were the number on the lower end of normal?

I know that when I was 18 my dht levels were about 50 from a scale that ranges from 24 - 80. After finasteride, my DHT was close to zero. Over the years I have gradually pulled it up and now it is up to the high 20's again. When I feel at my best I am taking dhea, androsterone, or something that boosts DHT. So in my case, increasing DHT is definitely helpful.

Your case might be different, I think that finasteride can screw people up in all kinds of ways. Some people have low T and high DHT, like their 5-ar is overactive. Others have normal T and normal DHT, still others like myself have low everything. You may have high estrogen, high cortisol, high serotonin, low thyroid, there are many things which could be off that you should test for and experiment with.


Aug 20, 2020
What is normal? Were the number on the lower end of normal?

I know that when I was 18 my dht levels were about 50 from a scale that ranges from 24 - 80. After finasteride, my DHT was close to zero. Over the years I have gradually pulled it up and now it is up to the high 20's again. When I feel at my best I am taking dhea, androsterone, or something that boosts DHT. So in my case, increasing DHT is definitely helpful.

Your case might be different, I think that finasteride can screw people up in all kinds of ways. Some people have low T and high DHT, like their 5-ar is overactive. Others have normal T and normal DHT, still others like myself have low everything. You may have high estrogen, high cortisol, high serotonin, low thyroid, there are many things which could be off that you should test for and experiment with.
I am certain that i have high estrogen,cause i have 6 pack i am lean and mascular,and i have love handles.My dht is 67ng/dl my total testosterone is 514,my fsh is 7.84 and my LH is 5.26.Next blood exams will be estrogen cortisol and if someone can suggest something else i would like to hear it.
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