I need to get this poop out ASAP


Oct 6, 2020
loyal poop thread followers, I delivered the package. thank you for accompanying me on this journey of fire and flames. I don't think I can attribute the bowel movement to any one substance I took or activity I partook in, I think it was just a matter of time. all the tension of the last week has disappeared and I'm feeling a lot better.

Haha, good job mate. Glad it worked out somehow.


Mar 5, 2018
(not a troll thread please help) 5 days ago I ate some baked potatoes, some were slightly under-cooked. I got some very bad symptoms later, becoming unable to talk to anyone and not wanting anyone to look at me (as if I suddenly got autism), insomnia that night, suicidal thoughts, etc. Anyway, I haven't been able to poop since then, even though I've felt the f*cker sitting in my rectum for days. I've been having coffee, cascara sagrada and aloe vera every day, and today I tried naltrexone, a high dose of magnesium, and even hosing water up my ****, but I can't get this f*cker out. I'm actually freaking out at this point. I've spent hours sitting on the toilet over the past few days. WTF else can I try?
fruits help my bowel movements, of all fruits oranges for some reason are the best for this in my experience.
Jun 16, 2017
loyal poop thread followers, I delivered the package. thank you for accompanying me on this journey of fire and flames. I don't think I can attribute the bowel movement to any one substance I took or activity I partook in, I think it was just a matter of time. all the tension of the last week has disappeared and I'm feeling a lot better.
lol glad things are better, op.


May 13, 2015
I take cyproheptadine and aspirin daily, what I have is obviously a new medical condition named treatment-resistant constipation lol. I will probably have to try a stimulant laxative like you suggest (although at this point I doubt it will work)
cyproheptadine is strongly constipating. You might want to reconsider taking this.
orange juice, ground beef, egg shells, and honey - only foods I can seemingly tolerate...
Egg shells are strongly constipating. You might want to reconsider taking this too, or be very conservative about the amount. Can you tolerate cottage cheese or Greek strained yogurt? Maybe try eating a tablespoon or two a day for a month and see if your dairy tolerance improves?

Have you tried the carrot salad? If it makes you feel icky, try soaking the shredded carrots in a bowl of water to remove the carotene, then drain and squeeze out the water. If you have a sensitive gut then you may want to omit the 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar.

Your ordeal sounded very familiar to me. Been there, done that. The glycerin suppositories and nitrile gloves are good to keep on hand. Also, if you use your hand to apply pressure and massage immediately in front of the anus it can trigger the reflex to expel the package.

I want to add that my constipation problems resolved completely (knock on wood, it's been 6 months) when I started taking high dose thiamine. My low stomach acid and the SIBO went away too. I can eat meat again without a problem.

here's and article for you: When SIBO & IBS-Constipation are just unrecognized thiamine deficiency

And here's a video about thiamine and the digestive tract:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi0O_fzczYA
Last edited:


Jun 2, 2021
For anyone having similar issues now: a good amount of olive oil (PUFAs be damned) can do the job in acute cases of constipation like this


May 10, 2018
cyproheptadine is strongly constipating. You might want to reconsider taking this.

Egg shells are strongly constipating. You might want to reconsider taking this too, or be very conservative about the amount. Can you tolerate cottage cheese or Greek strained yogurt? Maybe try eating a tablespoon or two a day for a month and see if your dairy tolerance improves?

Have you tried the carrot salad? If it makes you feel icky, try soaking the shredded carrots in a bowl of water to remove the carotene, then drain and squeeze out the water. If you have a sensitive gut then you may want to omit the 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar.

Your ordeal sounded very familiar to me. Been there, done that. The glycerin suppositories and nitrile gloves are good to keep on hand. Also, if you use your hand to apply pressure and massage immediately in front of the anus it can trigger the reflex to expel the package.

I want to add that my constipation problems resolved completely (knock on wood, it's been 6 months) when I started taking high dose thiamine. My low stomach acid and the SIBO went away too. I can eat meat again without a problem.

here's and article for you: When SIBO & IBS-Constipation are just unrecognized thiamine deficiency

And here's a video about thiamine and the digestive tract:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi0O_fzczYA

Very fascinating. How much thiamine and and eat intervals do you take a day? I’m surprised there’s not been more coverage of B1 rectify really problematic digestive issues, but extremely happy that yours has been fixed :)


Nov 18, 2020
Congratulations deliciousfruit! You can do anything if you just believe in yourself! I call the satisfaction afterwards "poo-phoria". I crack myself up.


Mar 26, 2014
Congratulations deliciousfruit! You can do anything if you just believe in yourself! I call the satisfaction afterwards "poo-phoria". I crack myself up.

Yes after 5 days (I can't imagine that kind of anguish, 2 days is bad enough sometimes) I bet it was!


Nov 28, 2014
cyproheptadine is strongly constipating. You might want to reconsider taking this.
I also find aspirin is constipating for me. It's interesting that a fair number of things considered Peaty will constipate me: aspirin, antihistamines like cypro or Benadryl, progesterone, calcium.

Glad you got some relief @deliciousfruit. And still have your sense of humor.
One anti-constipation substance I don't remember seeing mentioned in this thread is taurine. A gram or two taken at bedtime often helps push things through for me.

I call the satisfaction afterwards "poo-phoria".
Yes! Nothing like poo-phoria lol


May 13, 2015
Very fascinating. How much thiamine and and eat intervals do you take a day? I’m surprised there’s not been more coverage of B1 rectify really problematic digestive issues, but extremely happy that yours has been fixed :)
I started taking higher doses of thiamine hcl last November. A dose of 250mg 2Xday worked to very quickly lower my inflammation (lactic acidosis), but after a few days it stopped working so I would increase the dosage. Over the next 2 months, I stair-stepped the dose up to 1500mg and it stopped working again.

I researched and found Dr. Costantini's site: HDT Therapy. He used high dose to treat thousands of Parkinson's Disease patients. There is a link between gut issues and Parkinson's Disease. His site provides recommended doses of thiamine hcl by body weight. According to that information, my dose should be 2 grams. So I tried that, Feb 1 of this year. Within two days, my digestive tract normalized. It was pretty amazing. My gut had really been messed up for months, after a round of Bactrim antibiotic last summer.

I take 1 gram of thiamine hcl powder, dissolved in water, in the morning and 1 gram of it in the afternoon around 3:00pm. The Costantini site recommends timing the doses like this because taking it later in the day can affect some people's sleep. I also wait at least 15 minutes after taking the thiamine hcl before I consume anything else. I've also cut way back on my coffee and also extra sugar. I still drink about a quart of orange juice each day.
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