I havent gotten sick in years


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
My older 2 daughters got chicken pox naturally (non of my 4 kids are vaccinated of course), but my younger 2 haven't yet (ages 9 and 10). It's difficult to find other kids with it 🤫... I need to put out a chicken pox request in my local homeschool FB group.
Wish I had an aware parent like you. Your kids are lucky to have you.

Organism who have not gone through this growth stage have higher instances of brain cancer and possibly many other stuff but research is scarce : link History of chickenpox in glioma risk: a report from the glioma international case–control study (GICC)

I feel like if your kids need it they will go through it even without going to a chicken pox party.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Oh man. The remediation company can suck it. I've researched this topic quite extensively, not many understand it. Trust no one.

One good indicator is if you feel better once you leave the place for 3 days or more or it might even swing the other way, you feel worse after some time away because your body is dealing with the bad sh*t (mycotoxins) that are killing you.

If you discover your rental has mold issues, move away asap, nothing will get better till then, on the contrary.
Called a family friend today and they found mold all inside one side of the home. Definitely expected to find something but not this bad. It makes a lot of sense considering ive never had histamine and mast cell issues before in my life until I moved here.

I’m for sure gonna take up your advice and get out of here asap. My diets has become super refined and I can no longer tolerate most foods. Even the foods I tolerate cause issues too. Very eye opening.


Aug 9, 2015
Called a family friend today and they found mold all inside one side of the home. Definitely expected to find something but not this bad. It makes a lot of sense considering ive never had histamine and mast cell issues before in my life until I moved here.

I’m for sure gonna take up your advice and get out of here asap. My diets has become super refined and I can no longer tolerate most foods. Even the foods I tolerate cause issues too. Very eye opening.
Wow, glad you narrowed it down. Pretty scary stuff. So this was a rental under your name? How much stuff do you have there? What exactly did they find?

Wash all your clothe and any other clothe you take from there with some Borox in the laundry machine(they sell it at Walmart) that's pretty much the only way to way to kill the mold spores that your clothe will be saturated in. Put everything in bags for transport, I'd even suggest taking it to a laundromat to reduce exposure in your new place, also getting as much help as you can to limit your exposure. Pourous items are tricky, your call, such as mattress or couch, if your place was really bad, I'd get rid of them, that's what I had to do when I moved as well. There is just that risk of carrying this stuff with you from one place to the next, I wouldnt get to paranoid about it but would exercise caution and worst case scenario so you avoid that pit fall.


Jan 9, 2019
That is just my hypothesis. There is no info out there, their stance is "we don't know"

Citric acid is derived from black mold, they feed it sugar, collect the acid and filter out the baddies (supposedly) I try to avoid citric acid in foods as I know where it comes from and it effects my joints.
The label has to say "Citric acid from limes,lemons,etc" otherwise you are likely ingesting mycotoxins.

There was a couple scientist that did research on what exactly is in all this snot that comes out, and it was something like over 98% of the contaminants were environmental like mold spores and mycotoxins, they submitted to have the name changed to some medical term to reflect what this snot exactly was and they got denied. I believe they were working with the nose ear and ear canal board or something like that, I've researched this quite a while ago. Basically, they did not care to clarify this info to the public and chose to keep it a mystery.
The food that i was consuming was orange juice with no citric acid added.

Ray never supported citric acid consumption even from natural sources.

There are some other threads on tonsil stones and it seems many react to acids and the body tries to neutralize them with calcium, somewhere in there it makes one more prone to stones.

It could be that the acid is so irritating to the tonsils that it tries to buffer the acid in the tonsils crypts.

The mold could be a natural breakdown process or it could attract more spores to adhere to them since tonsils stones are sticky.

Mold is everywhere all the time and it seems unlikely to be as terrible as many make it out to be.


Jan 9, 2019
Haha! It’s hilarious how the conversation evolved but the boogie eaters of the world get no judgement from me, since I willingly and gladly consume the “secretion” of other animals. Mmm…dairy. :happy:

Ray said this about tonsil stones:

“Ray: Those are white blood cells, usually responding to allergens. I think slight hypothyroidism, possibly low vitamin D, predisposes to them.”

This matches my experience. Now that I no longer react to any food, I no longer get tonsil stones. When my food allergies were at their worst and I was transitioning from a potato diet to fruitarianism, I was coughing up tonsil stones the size of pinto beans.
To expand on my thought on dietary acids causing tonsil stones, unless doing fruitarianism in the tropics, a fruitarian diet is an acid diet, comprised of all the acids present in unripe fruit. Not only was your body likely buffering them but also calcium was being stripped from your teeth.

For more evidence to the acid theory, when i drink acidic juice i feel my under chin lymph activiating, getting tender and sometimes mildly inflamed. These acids are doing something immunologically that is causing tonsil stones.


Jul 8, 2014
To expand on my thought on dietary acids causing tonsil stones, unless doing fruitarianism in the tropics, a fruitarian diet is an acid diet, comprised of all the acids present in unripe fruit. Not only was your body likely buffering them but also calcium was being stripped from your teeth.

I do think unripe fruit can contribute to tonsil stone formation but when I transitioned from the potato diet to fruitarianism, the stones were preexisting and I had already had over 15 years experience with a fruit-based diet so I knew the importance of consuming my fruit ripe. Most of my fruit comes from local orchards and farms where I buy in bulk and freeze extra to carry me through the winter, however, without a source of quality protein (keto acids weren’t enough), bioavailable calcium and fat soluble vitamins, the diet proved to be devastating to my teeth, bones and body overall.


Aug 9, 2015
@RealNeat if it was nuetralizing acid with calcium you would get calcium stones (like kidney stones) with low to no smell, neither of which is true, they are not stones and they smell worse then a morgue

It's a toxic payload encapsulated in a special slime waiting for a good cough to be expelled. I've went though them and it's hell. I'm glad I don't have them anymore.

Concerning mold, yes it is everywhere, the other part that it must not be so bad, incorrect, that is said out of ignorance on the subject.

But, that being said, I do wish you well in your health pursuits!


Sep 22, 2012
I just feel like during all this time I should have at least come down with the common cold. That is very surprising to me.
Bear in mind we have had a global shut down in the same time period and the reduction in mixing with our fellow germ carriers has probably reduced the incidence of respiratory illnesses in most of us. Sadly as people try to resume normal life they are experiencing these usually mild illnesses as a more debilitating sickness. Hopefully as time passes we go back to them being mild. But I do th this virus and its control methods have weakened us all.


Jan 9, 2019
@RealNeat if it was nuetralizing acid with calcium you would get calcium stones (like kidney stones) with low to no smell, neither of which is true, they are not stones and they smell worse then a morgue

It's a toxic payload encapsulated in a special slime waiting for a good cough to be expelled. I've went though them and it's hell. I'm glad I don't have them anymore.

Concerning mold, yes it is everywhere, the other part that it must not be so bad, incorrect, that is said out of ignorance on the subject.

But, that being said, I do wish you well in your health pursuits!
I'm not saying calcium is the only thing it's comprised of. If you read my replies carefully instead of claiming a person is ignorant, with minimal understanding of their viewpoint mind you, you may have gleamed some insight.

I'm saying the buffering of acids is done by calcium, or other alkaline minerals either intentionally or as a chemical reaction by the body. These acids are harsh enough to do damage to the tonsil crypts, which is comprised of tissue, and when bodily tissue becomes damaged the immune system gets activated hence the presence of cells in those "stones." Im well aware of the experience and know how nasty they are.

On the subject of mold, I've investigated quite deeply for many years, but because of a lack of convincing cause/effect association between mold and the illnesses people claim to get from them I've questioned the relationship. Mind you Ray also has stated multiple times that the claim of harm on the body from ONLY mold has been highly dramatized.

Have a listen to this debate on mold, it kind of shows the mindset many people in alt health have on mold compared to the very lacking amount of data actually supporting those claims.



Aug 9, 2015
@RealNeat my "ignorance" comment was in reference to the mold not anything else. Not meant to insult you, I may be ignorant in many areas as well but that's simply by not knowing.

I agree with you that the cause/effect of mold is very elusive and until you actually go through an actual health crisis caused by mold, it's very hard to believe.

Even after having gone through it, I still refer to a sick house as a haunted house, because once you get out you start to think it was all in your head, coincidence, etc, etc until you go back, reconfirm, come out, and once again think you must have imagined it, coincidence, etc


Aug 9, 2015
@RealNeat listening to the interview now, pretty interesting, thanks for sharing
Apr 13, 2018
Regarding tonsil stones:
“Ray: Those are white blood cells, usually responding to allergens. I think slight hypothyroidism, possibly low vitamin D, predisposes to them.”

- That's interesting because I used to get tonsil stones before implementing Peat's suggestions. But I haven't had them in years now. Since then I've been taking vitamin D and the thyroid function seems to have greatly improved. So he may be right.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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