How To Get More Magnesium In Diet


Nov 20, 2014
After adding all my foods to cronometer today I realized that my magnesium intake was pretty low, 120mg.

My job as a firefighter can be fairly stressful at times and I rarely sleep through the night at home or work.

I've heard that Peat says that coffee is high in magnesium but it doesn't seem to be according to cronometer nor do leafy greens seem to be very high.

I have been eating a lot more sugar lately to try and increase metabolism and typically this causes my mid back muscles to spasm. Someone on the FB group suggested that I probably need more magnesium and I can see now that I do.

So how can I get more from foods?

I can't do dairy at the moment because it seems to increase nasal inflamation.

I do epsom salt baths 4 or 5 times a week with about 3lbs of epsom salt per bath.

But I can't take a bath at work.

I do dark chocolate sometimes but it's pretty high in fat


Jul 27, 2015
I try to get my Magnesium from Leafy Greens, but Fruits and Veggies are good sources. If you're Peating with a lot of daily OJ and Milk you'll get some. Chocolate has a nice amount. Beans will get you a nice amount. Nuts have a lot but i refuse to eat nuts (PUFA, Arginine), plus RBTI does not like Nuts either so I avoid.

To really hit my daily needs I try to have a TBSP of Breer Rabbit Black strap Molasses (purple bottle) every day during Breakfast with my coffee or cereal or whatever. Black strap molasses has a lot of Magnesium along with Potassium and Calcium. Very Peat friendly. AND for RBTI people, it's a super-food all star.

I refuse to use Supplements to get Mag...Coffee isn't high in Mag like people claim. But, with the Caffeine you're going to lose Mag from the Diuretic effect ,so coffee isn't a source (in my opionion).


Jan 15, 2016
After adding all my foods to cronometer today I realized that my magnesium intake was pretty low, 120mg.

My job as a firefighter can be fairly stressful at times and I rarely sleep through the night at home or work.

I've heard that Peat says that coffee is high in magnesium but it doesn't seem to be according to cronometer nor do leafy greens seem to be very high.

I have been eating a lot more sugar lately to try and increase metabolism and typically this causes my mid back muscles to spasm. Someone on the FB group suggested that I probably need more magnesium and I can see now that I do.

So how can I get more from foods?

I can't do dairy at the moment because it seems to increase nasal inflamation.

I do epsom salt baths 4 or 5 times a week with about 3lbs of epsom salt per bath.

But I can't take a bath at work.

I do dark chocolate sometimes but it's pretty high in fat

Yeah I get terrible muscle spasms too, sometimes my feet will cramp up just from walking.
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Jul 29, 2014
Fruit, Coconut water, OJ, milk.

You can make OJ concentrate and instead of water use coconut water. OJ concentrate made with 4 cups of coconut water will give 80%+ the RDA for magnesium and that's with 630 calories. Add in 4 cups of milk and you're at 110%. Add 2 cups of strong coffee and you're at 130%. Add 300g of potatoes and you're at 150% for only 1250 calories.

I know you said no dairy, but I was just giving it as an example for other people reading the thread.

Coffee isn't high in Mag like people claim. But, with the Caffeine you're going to lose Mag from the Diuretic effect ,so coffee isn't a source (in my opionion).

It depends on how much coffee you drink. I drink a lot of coffee.

The diuretic thing and losing Mg through urine is bogus too, at least from the research I've done.

I've posted about this in other threads so I won't bother re-posting.


Aug 15, 2015
Fruit, Coconut water, OJ, milk.

You can make OJ concentrate and instead of water use coconut water. OJ concentrate made with 4 cups of coconut water will give 80%+ the RDA for magnesium and that's with 630 calories. Add in 4 cups of milk and you're at 110%. Add 2 cups of strong coffee and you're at 130%. Add 300g of potatoes and you're at 150% for only 1250 calories.

I know you said no dairy, but I was just giving it as an example for other people reading the thread.

It depends on how much coffee you drink. I drink a lot of coffee.

The diuretic thing and losing Mg through urine is bogus too, at least from the research I've done.

I've posted about this in other threads so I won't bother re-posting.
Interesting about the coconut water. Is there any allergen in it? I remember some years ago I tried it and I got allergy reaction from it. Maybe, my metabolism was not that strong at the time due to low carbing...
Does milk really have good amounts of magnesium? I remember I checked before and the amount of Mg was not that impressive.


Jul 29, 2014
Interesting about the coconut water. Is there any allergen in it? I remember some years ago I tried it and I got allergy reaction from it. Maybe, my metabolism was not that strong at the time due to low carbing...
Does milk really have good amounts of magnesium? I remember I checked before and the amount of Mg was not that impressive.

Milk is not too bad. 8 cups has 50% RDA magnesium which is what 8 cups of orange juice has.

I look for the sweetest brand of coconut water. Usually the ones from Thailand are better than the ones from South America, in my opinion. I buy 1 of 2 brands from Walmart, UFC and Malee Coco, and they are the best I've had. In the States I had one called Amy and Brian's, it was pretty good.

I've never found it to be allergenic, but I suppose it's possible. I would assume it depends. How sweet it is should be some indication of how good it is I would think.

I use it in recipes where I would normally use water. To make bread and rice I use coconut water instead of water.

Ray said this in a kmud:

RAY PEAT: The coconut water is a pretty safe material. When the coconut is relatively fresh, the liquid should be almost clear and very sweet and it’s been used medically and it’s surprisingly low in allergenicity. But the white material that is sold as milk is an industrial manufactured substance made out of basically emulsifying some of the solids and oil with the liquid from the coconut.

RAY PEAT: The solids in coconut are very starchy and can be pretty allergenic.


May 7, 2014
Why not supplement with oral magnesium bicarbonate (there should be a few threads about how to make it on here) or magnesium chloride?
Not sure where you live, but there is a mineral water from Slovenia with 1000 mg magnesium / L
Vitamin B6 helps with proper magnesium absorption and intracellular uptake of magnesium.

I like to apply magnesium chloride topically and lie in the sun in the summer too. I feel like you need to have some form of heat source on your body and sweat, otherwise it doesn't absorb properly.
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Jul 20, 2014


I normally get 200mg from Mega-Mag too.


May 3, 2015
Vitamin B6 helps with proper magnesium absorption and intracellular uptake of magnesium.

6 large bananas is about 1kg and contains 60% of your daily magnesium requirements and 160% of your vitamin b6 requirements!


Jul 29, 2014
I feel like it would be difficult to only get 120mg of magnesium. A 6oz steak and a large potato is already 120mg.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
6 large bananas is about 1kg and contains 60% of your daily magnesium requirements and 160% of your vitamin b6 requirements!
I live in a banana country and I still need to supplement ...
I take p5p not B6.
I take ionic mg or glicinate
When you use chlorure also known as mg oil, then if you need sun, the reason is you need to dry! It sucks water like hell!
If use greens, juice. ..

Dont worry for chocolate fat as it is very saturated.


Mar 30, 2017
I live in a banana country and I still need to supplement ...
I take p5p not B6.
I take ionic mg or glicinate
When you use chlorure also known as mg oil, then if you need sun, the reason is you need to dry! It sucks water like hell!
If use greens, juice. ..

Dont worry for chocolate fat as it is very saturated.

How do you know you still need to supplement? Ive been trying to decide if I should order some magnesium glycinate powder.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I had muscle cramps and also eye lid trembling. It goes when I suplement.


Nov 1, 2012
Are you getting adequate calcium? Salt ?Salt helps to retain magnesium.

"Magnesium deficiency and calcium deficiency have some similar symptoms (such as cramping), but magnesium is antagonistic to calcium in many systems. It is the basic protective calcium blocker."

Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs. respiratory energy

"When cells are stressed or dying, they take up calcium, which tends to excite the cells at the same time that it inhibits their energy production, intensifying their stress. A cramp or a seizure is an example of uncontrolled cellular excitation."

"Since a very low sodium diet increases the loss of magnesium, by increasing aldosterone synthesis, simply increasing the amount of sodium in the diet can help some people to balance their minerals and minimize stress."


Nov 20, 2014
I try to get my Magnesium from Leafy Greens, but Fruits and Veggies are good sources. If you're Peating with a lot of daily OJ and Milk you'll get some. Chocolate has a nice amount. Beans will get you a nice amount. Nuts have a lot but i refuse to eat nuts (PUFA, Arginine), plus RBTI does not like Nuts either so I avoid.

To really hit my daily needs I try to have a TBSP of Breer Rabbit Black strap Molasses (purple bottle) every day during Breakfast with my coffee or cereal or whatever. Black strap molasses has a lot of Magnesium along with Potassium and Calcium. Very Peat friendly. AND for RBTI people, it's a super-food all star.


I refuse to use Supplements to get Mag...Coffee isn't high in Mag like people claim. But, with the Caffeine you're going to lose Mag from the Diuretic effect ,so coffee isn't a source (in my opionion).

Like I said I don't drink milk because it causes problems.

According to Cronometer I'm going to need to eat a S*** ton of leafy greens to get enough mag.

Unless my math is incorrect, 1 TBSP of black strap molasses has 50mg of magnesium? What am I missing


Nov 20, 2014
Yeah I get terrible muscle spasms too, sometimes my feet will cramp up just from walking. I tried the epsom salt bath route, found it more beneficial when adding a couple pounds of baking soda to the bath, I'd feel better the rest of the evening but the next day symptoms were back. With your job you probably need more than the average joe for magnesium too.

I agree it is hard to get enough from food, especially when a person might need more than 3-400 mg if you're using white sugar as carb foundation. You'd have to consume a kilo of kale leaves and their broth to get enough, at that amount a person will probably develop hypercarotenemia. And while I think Peat is right about coffee having a decent amount of magnesium it really isn't enough unless you drink 10+ cups which makes most people feel like crappola

But really, if you eat most of your carbs from potatoes and are also eating some meat (since your doing no dairy) and some leafy greens, you can hit the magnesium requirement pretty easily. I think for a lot of people that using the sugar for primary carb source when trying to recover from hypothyroidism can be detrimental since the benefits of thyroid require adequate magnesium intake to have a positive effect over time. I'm not saying don;t eat white sugar but a person will have a hard time filling in the gaps to have adequate nutrition if they're relying on sucrose.

Lately I've been trying this magnesium supplement from CR research off amazon after seeing a couple people mention it in some other threads on Mg and taking it with my nightly NDT. It tastes terrible but it's the only oral magnesium supplement I've been able to take more than 300mg magnesium and have ZERO digestive issues from it. After I finish this i might try some magnesium chloride topically and orally. I like the idea of the magnesium bicarbonate, but it bothered my intestines- you might respond well to it though. The recipes on the forum somewhere


I am getting most of my carbs from sugar and fruit. But I eat a potato a day on average. The other day when I put my foods into cronometer like I mentioned I also had an 8oz steak along with several eggs.

I wasn't even close to getting enough magnesium. I was around 150mg for the day.

I don't see any magnesium supplement on amazon by a brand called CR Research


Nov 20, 2014
Fruit, Coconut water, OJ, milk.

You can make OJ concentrate and instead of water use coconut water. OJ concentrate made with 4 cups of coconut water will give 80%+ the RDA for magnesium and that's with 630 calories. Add in 4 cups of milk and you're at 110%. Add 2 cups of strong coffee and you're at 130%. Add 300g of potatoes and you're at 150% for only 1250 calories.

I know you said no dairy, but I was just giving it as an example for other people reading the thread.

It depends on how much coffee you drink. I drink a lot of coffee.

The diuretic thing and losing Mg through urine is bogus too, at least from the research I've done.

I've posted about this in other threads so I won't bother re-posting.



Nov 20, 2014
Are you getting adequate calcium? Salt ?Salt helps to retain magnesium.

"Magnesium deficiency and calcium deficiency have some similar symptoms (such as cramping), but magnesium is antagonistic to calcium in many systems. It is the basic protective calcium blocker."

Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs. respiratory energy

"When cells are stressed or dying, they take up calcium, which tends to excite the cells at the same time that it inhibits their energy production, intensifying their stress. A cramp or a seizure is an example of uncontrolled cellular excitation."

"Since a very low sodium diet increases the loss of magnesium, by increasing aldosterone synthesis, simply increasing the amount of sodium in the diet can help some people to balance their minerals and minimize stress."

Yes I am getting enough salt and calcium.

The point is that I'm not getting enough magnesium
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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