How can one concretely know they have a serotonin issue before Actively trying to lower ?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
How do we know if we Have serotonin issues? If you’re bloated and have gut issues Is it almost certain you have high serotonin? From what Ive gathered endotoxin is a main driver? Along with just being happy and actually engaging with life/orchestrating your life to be set up how you actually want.

For a while my cardio capacity or even edurance lifting weights is just god awful . I’ll get light headed right away and it’s just too overwhelming. Can’t get a pump for the life of me. I haven’t done anything besides walks in months and I’m trying to recover. my chest feeling and breathing just feels so off . EKG was fine and brain MRI. Almost hard to believe from my perspective with how I feel. Could it be that serotonin/hormones/brain wiring can mimic this structural feeling like something is truly wrong.

Eating well, sleep, and most importantly engaging in play seems to help most / and not succumbing to learned Helplessness in my recovery.

What are some ways to lower serotonin without lowering dopamine as well. Besides the basic milk , aspirin, caffeine, E, prog, etc bc I’ve been all over that. I’ve nocticed maybe some benefits but the control I allow an intense supplement protocol to have over me seems to cause more harm.

I just want to eat well, and start utilizing vitamin F(un) more. And not live in my head from the moment I wake till I sleep. My sense of gloom starts immediately upon rising and its like I have to fight so hard to just get by , let alone thrive. I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head. It’s almost like a second me is watching an actual me From a diff consciousness. It’s just a strange reality and I’m trying to just be present , but I can’t for the life of me.

Didn’t mean to come off as a Vent, but I’m trying to piece tg what may or may not be the root, and I’ve been having this feeling it’s serotonin. What is the relationship between other hormones like estrogen and prolactin with neurotransmitters like serotonin?


Dec 17, 2018
How do we know if we Have serotonin issues? If you’re bloated and have gut issues Is it almost certain you have high serotonin? From what Ive gathered endotoxin is a main driver? Along with just being happy and actually engaging with life/orchestrating your life to be set up how you actually want.

For a while my cardio capacity or even edurance lifting weights is just god awful . I’ll get light headed right away and it’s just too overwhelming. Can’t get a pump for the life of me. I haven’t done anything besides walks in months and I’m trying to recover. my chest feeling and breathing just feels so off . EKG was fine and brain MRI. Almost hard to believe from my perspective with how I feel. Could it be that serotonin/hormones/brain wiring can mimic this structural feeling like something is truly wrong.

Eating well, sleep, and most importantly engaging in play seems to help most / and not succumbing to learned Helplessness in my recovery.

What are some ways to lower serotonin without lowering dopamine as well. Besides the basic milk , aspirin, caffeine, E, prog, etc bc I’ve been all over that. I’ve nocticed maybe some benefits but the control I allow an intense supplement protocol to have over me seems to cause more harm.

I just want to eat well, and start utilizing vitamin F(un) more. And not live in my head from the moment I wake till I sleep. My sense of gloom starts immediately upon rising and its like I have to fight so hard to just get by , let alone thrive. I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head. It’s almost like a second me is watching an actual me From a diff consciousness. It’s just a strange reality and I’m trying to just be present , but I can’t for the life of me.

Didn’t mean to come off as a Vent, but I’m trying to piece tg what may or may not be the root, and I’ve been having this feeling it’s serotonin. What is the relationship between other hormones like estrogen and prolactin with neurotransmitters like serotonin?
Serotonin does not really cause exercise intolerance at least it is not directly related to it. Some people do not have endurance for running or what not, most need to train for that. But if just lifting weights is too much and the only thing you can tolerate is some walking then there is likely fundamental issue you have causing intolerance to any physical activity. Racing thoughts tend to be due to high glutamate activity.

Do you have low muscle tone? Do you happen to also get lightheaded or rapid heart beat when standing?

What do you mean your chest feeling and breathing feel off? Do you hyperventilate?

Elevated serotonin would elevate cortisol, prolactin, estrogen. Its usually involved in elevated all the "negative" hormones.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Serotonin does not really cause exercise intolerance at least it is not directly related to it. Some people do not have endurance for running or what not, most need to train for that. But if just lifting weights is too much and the only thing you can tolerate is some walking then there is likely fundamental issue you have causing intolerance to any physical activity. Racing thoughts tend to be due to high glutamate activity.

Do you have low muscle tone? Do you happen to also get lightheaded or rapid heart beat when standing?

What do you mean your chest feeling and breathing feel off? Do you hyperventilate?

Elevated serotonin would elevate cortisol, prolactin, estrogen. Its usually involved in elevated all the "negative" hormones.
I used to run I was an all state football player. I was not bright and ****88 myself up. I’m only 25. And hoping I regain my sense of self. I have a very solid amount of muscle , I used steroids very low dose and short duration but poorly designed cycle. I’ve been trying to recover my self. I’ve lost some during this because I haven’t lifted but I still look like I lift. So neurotransmitters control hormones not the other way around ?

I have a feeling (hoping) once I balance myself out from the steroid issue things will fall back into place but it’s been a struggle. And my hormones/brain chemistry are definitely not at homeostatis


Dec 17, 2018
I used to run I was an all state football player. I was not bright and ****88 myself up. I’m only 25. And hoping I regain my sense of self. I have a very solid amount of muscle , I used steroids very low dose and short duration but poorly designed cycle. I’ve been trying to recover my self. I’ve lost some during this because I haven’t lifted but I still look like I lift. So neurotransmitters control hormones not the other way around ?

I have a feeling (hoping) once I balance myself out from the steroid issue things will fall back into place but it’s been a struggle. And my hormones/brain chemistry are definitely not at homeostatis
Both neurotransmitters and hormones can promote and inhibit the release of the other it can be quite complex.

Usually issues that are rooted from steroid use improve on their own with time. But steroid use should not cause the sort of problems you describe.


May 13, 2015
How do we know if we Have serotonin issues? If you’re bloated and have gut issues Is it almost certain you have high serotonin? From what Ive gathered endotoxin is a main driver? Along with just being happy and actually engaging with life/orchestrating your life to be set up how you actually want.

For a while my cardio capacity or even edurance lifting weights is just god awful . I’ll get light headed right away and it’s just too overwhelming. Can’t get a pump for the life of me. I haven’t done anything besides walks in months and I’m trying to recover. my chest feeling and breathing just feels so off . EKG was fine and brain MRI. Almost hard to believe from my perspective with how I feel. Could it be that serotonin/hormones/brain wiring can mimic this structural feeling like something is truly wrong.

Eating well, sleep, and most importantly engaging in play seems to help most / and not succumbing to learned Helplessness in my recovery.

What are some ways to lower serotonin without lowering dopamine as well. Besides the basic milk , aspirin, caffeine, E, prog, etc bc I’ve been all over that. I’ve nocticed maybe some benefits but the control I allow an intense supplement protocol to have over me seems to cause more harm.

I just want to eat well, and start utilizing vitamin F(un) more. And not live in my head from the moment I wake till I sleep. My sense of gloom starts immediately upon rising and its like I have to fight so hard to just get by , let alone thrive. I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head. It’s almost like a second me is watching an actual me From a diff consciousness. It’s just a strange reality and I’m trying to just be present , but I can’t for the life of me.

Didn’t mean to come off as a Vent, but I’m trying to piece tg what may or may not be the root, and I’ve been having this feeling it’s serotonin. What is the relationship between other hormones like estrogen and prolactin with neurotransmitters like serotonin?
Consider the relationship of serotonin and thiamine function:
Also consider the relationship of gut issues/endotoxin with thiamine function:

"I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head" = circular thinking. consider:

"For a while my cardio capacity or even endurance lifting weights is just god awful" consider:

also: Lessons Learned About Recovering From Thiamine Deficiency - Hormones Matter


May 13, 2015
I have a feeling (hoping) once I balance myself out from the steroid issue things will fall back into place but it’s been a struggle. And my hormones/brain chemistry are definitely not at homeostatis
also consider this:


Sep 22, 2021
new york
also consider this:
Interesting thank you ! I never drank, and I supp b1 in a good complex at 27.5mg I think.. but maybe I should supp b1 in larger doses ?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
How do we know if we Have serotonin issues? If you’re bloated and have gut issues Is it almost certain you have high serotonin? From what Ive gathered endotoxin is a main driver? Along with just being happy and actually engaging with life/orchestrating your life to be set up how you actually want.

For a while my cardio capacity or even edurance lifting weights is just god awful . I’ll get light headed right away and it’s just too overwhelming. Can’t get a pump for the life of me. I haven’t done anything besides walks in months and I’m trying to recover. my chest feeling and breathing just feels so off . EKG was fine and brain MRI. Almost hard to believe from my perspective with how I feel. Could it be that serotonin/hormones/brain wiring can mimic this structural feeling like something is truly wrong.

Eating well, sleep, and most importantly engaging in play seems to help most / and not succumbing to learned Helplessness in my recovery.

What are some ways to lower serotonin without lowering dopamine as well. Besides the basic milk , aspirin, caffeine, E, prog, etc bc I’ve been all over that. I’ve nocticed maybe some benefits but the control I allow an intense supplement protocol to have over me seems to cause more harm.

I just want to eat well, and start utilizing vitamin F(un) more. And not live in my head from the moment I wake till I sleep. My sense of gloom starts immediately upon rising and its like I have to fight so hard to just get by , let alone thrive. I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head. It’s almost like a second me is watching an actual me From a diff consciousness. It’s just a strange reality and I’m trying to just be present , but I can’t for the life of me.

Didn’t mean to come off as a Vent, but I’m trying to piece tg what may or may not be the root, and I’ve been having this feeling it’s serotonin. What is the relationship between other hormones like estrogen and prolactin with neurotransmitters like serotonin?
Hormone imbalancement is very often a symptom, not the cause. Bloating is a sign of malabsorption due to impaired digestion. Eliminating those problematic foods for now will help.
I like aspirin, magnesium and high doses of vitamin B1 to reduce stress and boost energy levels. This will be dopaminergic and help to snap you out of helplessness. Also, lots of sunlight!


May 13, 2015
Actually It’s 50mg
You may need a higher dose. A couple of years ago, my thiamine function got blocked via prescription Bactrim antibiotic. link: Bactrim: An Anti-Folate, Anti-Thiamine, Potassium Altering Drug - Hormones Matter Lots of prescription drugs block thiamine function.

Although I had been supplementing with 100mg of thiamine for several years I still got into real trouble from the Bactrim. For me, it took 2 grams/day of thiamine hcl. You may not need that much but it's possible that you would need that much.

I started taking about 300mg 2Xday which helped a LOT but it stopped working after maybe 10 days so I increased the dose (multiple times over 4 months). Thiamine is also given by injection, usually 100mg of thiamine hcl. Injections are used to pull people out of Wernicke's Encephalopathy, which is brain inflammation and it's a serious situation. According to Dr. Costantini's website, 2 grams/day of thiamine hcl for 7 days equals one 100mg injection of thiamine hcl. Thiamine hcl is absorbed in the small intestine but it does not absorb very well. Here's a link: HDT Therapy

Elliot Overton has a lot of helpful info about thiamine on his youtube channel here: Researching thiamine would be a good idea.


Oct 6, 2020
Some people in the forum seem to have acquired the ability to tell wether one is serotonogenic by merely looking at ones post.

A unique ability i have to say.

I just want to eat well, and start utilizing vitamin F(un) more. And not live in my head from the moment I wake till I sleep. My sense of gloom starts immediately upon rising and its like I have to fight so hard to just get by , let alone thrive. I can’t stop the internal chatter in my head. It’s almost like a second me is watching an actual me From a diff consciousness. It’s just a strange reality and I’m trying to just be present , but I can’t for the life of me.

Thats me for quite some years now. Something is definitely wrong. My experiements and intuition led me to believe it has something to do with digestive health and bloodflow/oxygenation.

Did you have a physical injury at some point? Any other neurological/cognitive symptoms?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Some people in the forum seem to have acquired the ability to tell wether one is serotonogenic by merely looking at ones post.

A unique ability i have to say.
it is is not specifically hard considering that it is not a few isolated cases,a lot of peoples do manifest characteristics associated with a to high lvl of serotonin
Thats me for quite some years now. Something is definitely wrong. My experiements and intuition led me to believe it has something to do with digestive health and bloodflow/oxygenation.

Did you have a physical injury at some point? Any other neurological/cognitive symptoms?
do you have poor digestion?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020


Jan 6, 2019
Symptoms match with iron deficiency (ferritin) and adrenal burnout. Hormones and neurotransmitters are never the root of anything, they are intermediate actors. Whatever the diagnosis, you could expect to find the source in chronic stress, nutritional deficiencies or heavy metal toxicity, possibly all of these in combination.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Hormone imbalancement is very often a symptom, not the cause. Bloating is a sign of malabsorption due to impaired digestion. Eliminating those problematic foods for now will help.
I like aspirin, magnesium and high doses of vitamin B1 to reduce stress and boost energy levels. This will be dopaminergic and help to snap you out of helplessness. Also, lots of sunlight!
This makes sense.. I will get on the b1 only thing I have not tried
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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