General Inflammation. (how To Reduce)


Jan 2, 2019
Seems im getting a lot of general inflammation all of a sudden. Ive had times w not so much and times with more. I was doing a fairly strict slow carb diet for a couple months and it seemed to decrees the inflammation.
anyways, Im trying to incorporate more of these ideas (I guess ray peat? ideas??)... and others who promote sugar etc... but Im pretty much not doing anything too specific right now.

Im doing a fair amount of physical type work etc... daily or several times a week...

Im eating basically a fairly balanced diet...
grass fed meat, carbs, and I started to eat a pint of ice cream every day ...
along w a decent amount of greens like broccoli .... idk hard to name all the food I eat.
Im eating mostly healthy it seems like.

Im having a lot of raw egg w a protein drink... everyday... also olive oil

I usually go to the russian sauna once a week where I do infrared and dray sauna... as well as colc immersion 32 degree I think... and stay in there for about 8 minutes) which I havent done for a week or so.

for supps Im taking quicksilver scientific multi V and a herbal thing of theirs for mitochodrial health
also for inflammation Im taking Kion Flex which is amazing for any sore muscles or inflammation.

from idea labs Im using their mag oil and oxidal... I just ordered the mitolipid and gonadian...

not sure what else to mention...

Im used to have a lot of issues w mental clarity... getting brain fog or anxiety... seems Im slowing improving this. My anxiety is down a lot... and my focus is improving. I seem to hit a slump usually after work around evening... where i need to take a nap or just sit and meditate... but unlike most of my past life... recently, Im no catching a decent second wind and regain focus etc again after this...

I just want to mention... This forum is pretty cool.... I still feel like a real beginner with health and this way of working with it... and its alway helpful to hear different opinions and experiences on here.

anyways, anyone feel like taking a swing at this one, im curious what the best way to zero in on this on.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Seems im getting a lot of general inflammation all of a sudden. Ive had times w not so much and times with more. I was doing a fairly strict slow carb diet for a couple months and it seemed to decrees the inflammation.
anyways, Im trying to incorporate more of these ideas (I guess ray peat? ideas??)... and others who promote sugar etc... but Im pretty much not doing anything too specific right now.

Im doing a fair amount of physical type work etc... daily or several times a week...

Im eating basically a fairly balanced diet...
grass fed meat, carbs, and I started to eat a pint of ice cream every day ...
along w a decent amount of greens like broccoli .... idk hard to name all the food I eat.
Im eating mostly healthy it seems like.

Im having a lot of raw egg w a protein drink... everyday... also olive oil

I usually go to the russian sauna once a week where I do infrared and dray sauna... as well as colc immersion 32 degree I think... and stay in there for about 8 minutes) which I havent done for a week or so.

for supps Im taking quicksilver scientific multi V and a herbal thing of theirs for mitochodrial health
also for inflammation Im taking Kion Flex which is amazing for any sore muscles or inflammation.

from idea labs Im using their mag oil and oxidal... I just ordered the mitolipid and gonadian...

not sure what else to mention...

Im used to have a lot of issues w mental clarity... getting brain fog or anxiety... seems Im slowing improving this. My anxiety is down a lot... and my focus is improving. I seem to hit a slump usually after work around evening... where i need to take a nap or just sit and meditate... but unlike most of my past life... recently, Im no catching a decent second wind and regain focus etc again after this...

I just want to mention... This forum is pretty cool.... I still feel like a real beginner with health and this way of working with it... and its alway helpful to hear different opinions and experiences on here.

anyways, anyone feel like taking a swing at this one, im curious what the best way to zero in on this on.

Hey bluefish, you mention doing a fair amount of physical work. Have you considered aspirin, starting low dose with each meal prior to and during your work perhaps?

You mention grass fed meat which is always a good choice. Have you considered glycine to balance inflammatory amino acids methionine and cysteine?

You mention slow carb. Was this a typo? Because Tim Ferriss, who I am not at all a fan of, popularised the idea of preferentially selecting slow(ly digesting) carbs and recommended eating beans with each meal. Are you eating beans? They are one of the first foods one might consider eliminating to reduce inflamation because of the many anti-nutrients including specifically lectins. Many older people swear that glucosamine reduces inflamation, but studies have not illuminated a direct mechanism for this. However, there is a hypothesis that it works by binding lectins, thus indirectly reducing inflamation. Other carbs that might be inflammatory due to lectin content are grains such as wheat. If you feel like it's impossible to cut out all carbs with lectins, for example potatoes, consider having some fruit or juice with proteolytic enzymes such as pineapple, papaya, or kiwi. The enzyme bromelain from pineapples, for example, may render lectins non-immunogenic.

You mention eating a decent amount of broccoli. The fibre is capable of causing inflamation in your digestive tract unless it is well cooked, and even then there is no guarantee your body will handle it well. This issue isn't specific to broccoli and is relevant to all fibrous plant foods. According to Paleo Medicina clinic in Hungary, disease begins with inflamation in the digestive tract, including the many types of autoimmune disease and cancer which they tackle. For this reason they feed their patients a primarily red meat based diet and slowly reintroduce the plant foods that can actually be digested-- which is a surprisingly short list!

You mention taking a scientific multi V. Does it contain iron? If so, this is capable of causing inflamation. Does it contain fillers such as titanium dioxide or silica or talc? These can also be inflammatory, even linked to diabetes and cancer.

You mention ordering magnoil and oxidal. While I have not used these products, I supplement with magnesium and methylene blue and certainly think they can help you reduce inflamation. Other supplements you might consider include thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Good luck.
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Apr 30, 2015
Any personal experience with Minocycline? I'll start taking it in a few days.
Not yet. Going to try it in a few weeks

Tried erthryomycin and had a massive burst of energy and insulin resistance went way down


Jan 2, 2019
Hey bluefish, you mention doing a fair amount of physical work. Have you considered aspirin, starting low dose with each meal prior to and during your work perhaps?

You mention grass fed meat which is always a good choice. Have you considered glycine to balance inflammatory amino acids methionine and cysteine?

You mention slow carb. Was this a typo? Because Tim Ferriss, who I am not at all a fan of, popularised the idea of preferentially selecting slow(ly digesting) carbs and recommended eating beans with each meal. Are you eating beans? They are one of the first foods one might consider eliminating to reduce inflamation because of the many anti-nutrients including specifically lectins. Many older people swear that glucosamine reduces inflamation, but studies have not illuminated a direct mechanism for this. However, there is a hypothesis that it works by binding lectins, thus indirectly reducing inflamation. Other carbs that might be inflammatory due to lectin content are grains such as wheat. If you feel like it's impossible to cut out all carbs with lectins, for example potatoes, consider having some fruit or juice with proteolytic enzymes such as pineapple, papaya, or kiwi. The enzyme bromelain from pineapples, for example, may render lectins non-immunogenic.

You mention eating a decent amount of broccoli. The fibre is capable of causing inflamation in your digestive tract unless it is well cooked, and even then there is no guarantee your body will handle it well. This issue isn't specific to broccoli and is relevant to all fibrous plant foods. According to Paleo Medicina clinic in Hungary, disease begins with inflamation in the digestive tract, including the many types of autoimmune disease and cancer which they tackle. For this reason they feed their patients a primarily red meat based diet and slowly reintroduce the plant foods that can actually be digested-- which is a surprisingly short list!

You mention taking a scientific multi V. Does it contain iron? If so, this is capable of causing inflamation. Does it contain fillers such as titanium dioxide or silica or talc? These can also be inflammatory, even linked to diabetes and cancer.

You mention ordering magnoil and oxidal. While I have not used these products, I supplement with magnesium and methylene blue and certainly think they can help you reduce inflamation. Other supplements you might consider include thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Good luck.

Thanks for this very thorough list... there is a lot in there....
Im still figuring out the food... Im not eating a lot of beans and Im no longer following a slow carb diet.
Im getting more into eating Peat style... but that said,,, I really dont know much about it, aside from avoiding PUFA... which I do probably for the most part but I probably do eat some PUFA foods because I havent put the time in to figuring out what to avoid etc...

I am just beginning to try aspirin... thanks

for the most part, inflammation isnt a big problem... but if im working a lot it will flare up, nothing at all unmanagable... but Id love to keep figuring out how to be less and less inflammation prone etc etc...

for the supps: You mentioned thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Any suggestions what you take for them? Im taking a couple supps regularly... I think im getting plenty of E right now.. and also usually D
thiamine, riboflavin, I dont know much about honestly...


Jun 16, 2015
Lots of aspirin while taking care to take plenty of vitamin k to counteract the blood thinning effects, and also vitamin c which it depletes, and then also glycine which it also depletes.


Mar 3, 2016
There is a lot of arachidonic acid in whole eggs so that is going to be inflammatory. I don't think Ray recommends more than a single whole egg per day, and it's not a required food. Probably the simplest and most "peaty" way to lower inflammation would be to decrease PUFA intake drastically, to about 4 grams or less per day. Then the body produces it's own PUFA, Omega-9, mead acid, which is very anti-inflammatory, way more anti-inflammatory than omega-3 and all that nonsense. If you do this you should feel a difference in about 2-4 weeks. It doesn't really work well if you cheat because then mead acid production shuts down and it takes a couple of weeks for it to get going again. You can calculate/approximate your PUFA intake with


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Sep 28, 2016
Regarding the infrared sauna it is quite easy to overdose infrared light which can cause oxidative stress and a whole host of problems. Dry saunas are much more safe. Yes infrared can be very healthy but its effects are a bell curve and it is very easy to overdose.
Multi-vitamins can often cause more problems than they solve. Supplements in general can be unpredictable. My advice is to never start taking a bunch of supplements at once and only supplement if absolutely necessary. Also introduce things slowly and one at a time. This way it becomes apparent how each supplement is affecting you.
Avoiding canola oil, sunflower oil, and especially cottonseed oil is pretty necessary for good health. Soybean, peanut, and sesame oils should be avoided too but they are not as bad. A lower PUFA diet is certainly good but its these extremely high PUFA oils that are so inflammatory. Other PUFA containing foods like various fish are not as bad.
For energy problems beef liver is incredible.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Regarding the infrared sauna it is quite easy to overdose infrared light which can cause oxidative stress and a whole host of problems. Dry saunas are much more safe. Yes infrared can be very healthy but its effects are a bell curve and it is very easy to overdose.
Multi-vitamins can often cause more problems than they solve. Supplements in general can be unpredictable. My advice is to never start taking a bunch of supplements at once and only supplement if absolutely necessary. Also introduce things slowly and one at a time. This way it becomes apparent how each supplement is affecting you.
Avoiding canola oil, sunflower oil, and especially cottonseed oil is pretty necessary for good health. Soybean, peanut, and sesame oils should be avoided too but they are not as bad. A lower PUFA diet is certainly good but its these extremely high PUFA oils that are so inflammatory. Other PUFA containing foods like various fish are not as bad.
For energy problems beef liver is incredible.
What would be the feel like, if one overdoes infrared sauna, you know, man?


Jan 2, 2019
I spend 1 hour sometimes in the infrared sauna... and it feels awesome... im curious about that also...
as far as infra-red lights... like the whatever, light things you turn on... no the sauna.. I assume you should really only use them for 20min at a time etc... I havent gotten one yet so I havent figured that out yet, but hopefully i will buy one soon. :)


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Going on 4 days — remission from bipolar depression with high dose Minocycline + Aspirin combo, will start a separate thread soon. Incredible results.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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