G A T E S weaseled his way into controlling what goes into BRAGG's ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR


Apr 19, 2020


Apr 19, 2020
I checked last night the Apeel / Braggs connections, and more info in general.

This below is from the Weston Price website:

Concerning the question of whether all the ingredients intended for organic crops are themselves organic, The New York Times reported in late 2016 that, “So far, the products are derived primarily from the remains of produce that has been certified organic, like grape skins left over from wine production and stems left behind after broccoli is harvested” [emphasis added]—but “primarily” does not mean one hundred percent organic. Organic labeling standards allow a box or container of food to state that it is “made with organic ingredients” if it contains just 70 percent organically produced ingredients.4

Note: The footnote 4 is this: https://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/organic-labelingstandards and is 404. Also 404 is the wayback machine original product info sheet on the Apeel (Edipeel) ingredients. Just how many potentially toxic ingredients do the FDA/ FAO/WHO /FoodChemicals Codex (FCC) allow? Up to 30% apparently.

Codex Alimentarius did not go away. It basically controls much of the 'food' trade in the world. Their blurb states it is voluntary, yet.... it has been and is being adopted as a point of reference ( international standard) by the WTO, etc.. . Now that Billy boy is branching out into food production, be thouest careful my friends.

PS https://www.fao.org/3/ca6969en/CA6969EN.pdf they have already decided what 'nutrition' you need.

Adult male suggested Protein intake at 65kg = 50 mg

Table 25 Fluoride – candidate DIRVsRASB Candidate DIRV (mg) (all AI)IOM (1997) 3.5mg EFSA (2013e) 3.2mg

Table 27 Vit C 100mg


This Codex is being voluntarily implemented by your gov'ts right now. Just sayin', tread and shop carefully. Over and Out.
Last edited:


Apr 26, 2018
I checked last night the Apeel / Braggs connections, and more info in general.

This below is from the Weston Price website:

Concerning the question of whether all the ingredients intended for organic crops are themselves organic, The New York Times reported in late 2016 that, “So far, the products are derived primarily from the remains of produce that has been certified organic, like grape skins left over from wine production and stems left behind after broccoli is harvested” [emphasis added]—but “primarily” does not mean one hundred percent organic. Organic labeling standards allow a box or container of food to state that it is “made with organic ingredients” if it contains just 70 percent organically produced ingredients.4

Note: The footnote 4 is this: https://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/organic-labelingstandards and is 404. Also 404 is the wayback machine original product info sheet on the Apeel (Edipeel) ingredients. Just how many potentially toxic ingredients do the FDA/ FAO/WHO /FoodChemicals Codex (FCC) allow? Up to 30% apparently.

Codex Alimentarius did not go away. It basically controls much of the 'food' trade in the world. Their blurb states it is voluntary, yet.... it has been and is being adopted as a point of reference ( international standard) by the WTO, etc.. . Now that Billy boy is branching out into food production, be thouest careful my friends.

PS https://www.fao.org/3/ca6969en/CA6969EN.pdf they have already decided what 'nutrition' you need.

Adult male suggested Protein intake at 65kg = 50 mg

Table 25 Fluoride – candidate DIRVsRASB Candidate DIRV (mg) (all AI)IOM (1997) 3.5mg EFSA (2013e) 3.2mg

Table 27 Vit C 100mg


This Codex is being voluntarily implemented by your gov'ts right now. Just sayin', tread and shop carefully. Over and Out.
So usually I soak all my fruits and vegetables in a sinkful of water with about a cup of white vinegar added to soak off all the pesticide/herbicide residue and any other nasties..... so you are saying that nothing washes off the APEEL product that Gates is applying to produce?


Apr 26, 2018
FFS... I have been using Braggs for 40 years. This is disturbing. So, it is off the grocery list for good now. Thanks for posting. The number of food items we buy that are not whole foods, as in vegetable, fruit, oil, meat, dairy, is dwindling because of sh*te ingredients, or like this, know toxins. Bill knows what he is doing.
Bill's depopulation agenda.


Apr 19, 2020
So usually I soak all my fruits and vegetables in a sinkful of water with about a cup of white vinegar added to soak off all the pesticide/herbicide residue and any other nasties..... so you are saying that nothing washes off the APEEL product that Gates is applying to produce?
I don't know. Let's look into it. Meaning not just me researching. :grouphug2Sometimes more IS better.


Sep 12, 2015


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Tiaki Toroa

Forum Supporter
Aug 17, 2023

So discouraging ...I pay considerably more to buy organic and now to find out this coating is allowed to be sprayed even on organic produce. And it cannot be washed off and apparently even when peeling the skin, the coating permeates the produce.


Dec 1, 2021

So discouraging ...I pay considerably more to buy organic and now to find out this coating is allowed to be sprayed even on organic produce. And it cannot be washed off and apparently even when peeling the skin, the coating permeates the produce.
Basically, the government should not be inbetween us and organic produce. Direct contact with the farmer is best, even though it is a pipedream. Customer awareness is key, and giving up your agencies will never end well!


Nov 6, 2020
I found a local small batch vinegar company, making vinegar the old fashion way.
In the process, I realized I need to start shopping locally for all fruits and veggies.
It is easier these days, alot of farm to table aggregation sites that area farmers can sell their wares through.


Apr 28, 2018
I don't know. Let's look into it. Meaning not just me researching. :grouphug2Sometimes more IS better.
I feel compelled to comment here, because reading your Apeel post was so timely...
same like you, Braggs for decades. In August my recently purchased bottle sat on the counter 4 weeks unopened. I pondered on this in Sept , unsure why I didnt at least put it in it's place in the pantry. One day I had finished reading yet another article on the fda "food pyramid" over the decades supporting big Ag and zero to do with human health. I chuckled to myself and said Yeah its likely the OPPOSITE of their frikken pyramid....and the light bulb went on. From the assault on food production facilities, to an America at 48% obese, Cardiovascular disease, diabetes,etc I have WATCHED the poisoning of the food chain and the rise of death, disease, fear, and division in America. (And I have hundreds of times referred young people to look at photos of 1960s or 1970s photos at beaches, State Fairs, and 1968 StarTrek for proof of normal body weight Americans!!) I went to youtube and 3 weeks binged on DrBerry, Dr Chaffee, and 3 phd cardiologists who are bucking the entire system. When you listen to claims as even the AmerDental Assoc pull our 4 pointed teeth designed for pulling/tearing/eating meat (calling them our "wisdom teeth" no less) well, it got my attention. Combined with everything RayPeat I have learned since 2016, I am resolved to use my prepped canned food only in emergency, and hereby am eating only as the human omnivore/carnivore I was built to be. If I stick to Alaska deepwater salmon, local pasture raised beef, moose, local goat milk and local eggs and bacon, I might live long enough to watch this implosion of our world and offer comfort and wisdom to survivors. Dark money, power and corruption are bringing our lush beautiful planet to her knees, and I intend on staying on my feet.
I found a local small batch vinegar company, making vinegar the old fashion way.
In the process, I realized I need to start shopping locally for all fruits and veggies.
It is easier these days, alot of farm to table aggregation sites that area farmers can sell their wares through.
This is a really good idea. I need to explore more products local since I don't Facebook.


Apr 19, 2020
This is likely a misprint. Their protein target is unchanged. I've attached a few screenshots, for reference.
My understanding is that these figures are for a maximum figure, not like a bottom line.

This below from
'Based on this history, the game plan for the global enforcement of maximum levels for vitamins and minerals can be seen to involve two main steps. First, the Brussels EU aims to enforce maximum levels in Europe. Then, once this is done, it will push for the setting of near-identical levels worldwide via the further development of the CODEX ‘Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements’.

Also, as I have been a foodie/health foodie for 40 years, I remember that the gov't, as in the US Congress, has tried to pass bills into law that severely limit the strength in mg. or I.U. of Vitamins, AND anything over a very small amount is only possible to get with a prescription from an MD. At least two times I remember this happening. And back in 1985/86 there was a push to IRRADIATE foods (commonly found at the grocery store ) in order to maximize freshness and lengthen shelf life. And it would be a way for the Nuclear power plants to make a little extra cash with those toxic leftovers as this would cost money in order to provide this service. (Also then they would NOT have to pay for the Nuclear waste to be stored responsibly, if that is even a thing). A federal bill was introduced that would Make these foods label them as "IRRADIATED". Of course it did not pass. But on the other hand, what info did come out is that spices in general had been irradiated for years, as well as potatoes. So much for letting the useless eaters know, I mean the consumers know.

@akgrrrl You might remember some of these shenanigans. Anyhow, yes, I have noticed how the variety diseases/medical conditions people have , and the medications they are on, have multiplied over the years especially in the USA. Just since the 2019 Life expectancy in the USA dropped by a couple years if one is white, and by about 6 years for Alaska Natives and Native Americans. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr023.pdf
I also remember how people looked, and now look. There were very few 'fat' kids in school, there just weren't very many. Now I see it all over. + Estrogen.

Obese is the new norm. Mainstream media and medicine are just not going to give up the $$$ game, and as Haidut has posted, some actual great science is out there, but.... not focused on because there is no money in that. It is so cheap here in Australia to get take out, fried fish and chips or Kentucky Fried! or Maccas, yes, MacD here, or Chinese, etc., that often families rely on this several times a week or more. So.... it goes.

You are in a great position there akgrrrl in South Central AK. If that wild food + homegrown veggies is polluted and kills ya, so be it! Seriously, what else to do. Stand ground where we are.
....I was quite proficient with salmon processing, filleting, and home smoking or freezing, etc., and when a native dude showed me how he did it filleting that is, with the belly connecting both sides of the fish in order to hang dry and smoke, THEN cutting that whole belly strip out, I was in heaven. Nothing like smoked belly strips. MMMMmmmmm.
Over and out.


Nov 6, 2020
My goal has been to grow enough tomatoes and potatoes that I can get through the winter without having to buy any. It seems I never have enough time, and have an overabundance of groundhogs. Next season I will make a better effort.


Sep 3, 2017
Someone on Twitter contacted Bragg and claims they got this response: "Never, we only source raw, organic apples because our product is raw, organic, and naturally fermented. There is no need to keep it in “apple form”, so we don’t need the coatings, no matter if they are organic or not. Our apples don’t need any add-ons because they are fresh and ripe as they go into juicing or fermentation. Bill Gates has no affiliation with Bragg 800-446-1990"


Apr 19, 2020
Someone on Twitter contacted Bragg and claims they got this response: "Never, we only source raw, organic apples because our product is raw, organic, and naturally fermented. There is no need to keep it in “apple form”, so we don’t need the coatings, no matter if they are organic or not. Our apples don’t need any add-ons because they are fresh and ripe as they go into juicing or fermentation. Bill Gates has no affiliation with Bragg 800-446-1990"
This would be a minor 'great news' these days. Disinfo is out there. Maybe give them a shout and see if it is the new true information. But the fact remains that this Apeel does not disqualify organic labelling. You know, safe and effective.

Tiaki Toroa

Forum Supporter
Aug 17, 2023
Someone on Twitter contacted Bragg and claims they got this response: "Never, we only source raw, organic apples because our product is raw, organic, and naturally fermented. There is no need to keep it in “apple form”, so we don’t need the coatings, no matter if they are organic or not. Our apples don’t need any add-ons because they are fresh and ripe as they go into juicing or fermentation. Bill Gates has no affiliation with Bragg 800-446-1990"

I went to Bragg's website today, and the first page of their FAQ says:

"Does Bragg use Apeel, Organipeel, coatings, or additives to the apples used in Apple Cider Vinegar?

No, we do not use Apeel, Organipeel or any other coatings on apples used for ACV. There is only one way to produce Bragg raw, organic, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. We thrive on natural fermentation, so apples are never coated or altered. And that’s only possible with apples straight from the farm. Organic, fresh apples are the bedrock of our decades-old recipe and there is no changing that."

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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