Fatigue (and ADD) During The Day, Wired At Night


Jun 13, 2016
I have began following more of Peat's advice in the past couple of weeks (2+ quarts of skim milk a day with lots of sugar, salt, and cocoa powder, 1 quart of OJ, 1 fruit smoothie with coconut, aspirin, coffee, K, E, D, a couple of carrots, various other supplements) usually amounting to 2500-2800 calories. Before then I was probably averaging 1500 calories a day.

I avoiding working most of the week and find around 2-3pm, I usually wake up 9-10, that I am groggy and ready for a nap. Whenever I try to read (I will be returning to school in the fall) I find that I cannot focus and usually think of some embarrassing thing I did in the past (I had a prolonged (3-4 year) , isolated, psychotic break and have done plenty of very stupid things). When I was at school, I occasionally fell asleep in the middle of lecture.

Life has always been stressful (parents divorced when I was young, constant academic pressure, lack of personal goals and interests).

When I am waiting to go to sleep, I am usually very mentally active, trying to think of someway to make more money (I work for minimum wage) but I usually just iterate through the same trains of thought ("I have wasted my life/ am wasting my life", "I hate my job", "I don't like other people"). Aspirin has been helpful with sleeping.

I have thought about pregnenolone supplements but I do not have the resources to pay for the appropriate tests. I am also trying to collect my thoughts to ask RP for advice directly.

Any thoughts?


Mar 29, 2014
I'm glad you are starting to eat more reasonable amounts. It's possible there will be times you'll want/need more than this too. AIUI, it generally takes a lot more than takes more than a couple of weeks to recover from prolonged undereating. Have you seen the youreatopia site? Related thread here:
Recovery From Undereating - Youreatopia
This is not a recommendation from Peat - some of their advice is consistent, some not - eg I'd go with Peat on favouring saturated over unsaturated fats.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
tara, I suggested you this book a long time ago, but since you blocked me, I don't think that you got my message.
Anyway, both of you might be interested:
Energy: How it affects your emotions, your level of achievement, and your entire well-being. - Kindle edition by Loren Chatsworth, Colin Chatsworth, Paul Eck, Susan Cachay. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
The title explains it all; almost half of the interview is devoted to comment how energy affects our lives. The other part, they start to introduce the nutritional aspect and how they reflect on hair analysis; the part that some consider esoteric.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I have thought about pregnenolone supplements but I do not have the resources to pay for the appropriate tests.
I don't think you necessarily need to get any tests done to use pregnenolone. Here are a couple threads on pregnenolone that might interest you,

Pregnenolone Is The Most Potent Inhibitor Of The Stress Signal (CRH)

Pregnenolone Likely Effective For Schizophrenia

amounting to 2500-2800 calories. Before then I was probably averaging 1500 calories a day.
That in itself can be exhausting just because your body is adapting to a larger volume of food. If you're now getting crucial nutrients you were missing out on before your body might be starting to heal which could be part of the reason you need a lot of rest right now.
Good luck to you lefthanded, I hope you find some relief soon.


Mar 29, 2014
tara, I suggested you this book a long time ago, but since you blocked me, I don't think that you got my message.
Hi @Amazoniac,
I'm not aware of doing anything to block you? Certainly haven't meant to. I don't have anyone on my ignore list. Will try sending you a PM - maybe you can reply just to confirm that it is working?
I don't always get round to reading things people refer me too, but it's not personal, just time constraints.


Apr 30, 2015
I have this to a lesser extent too. When my metabolism is high during the day, I feel sluggish and want to sleep. At night when it lowers the stress raises and I am awake.

I found this was exacerbated when I started to eat more. It made my days twice as tiring from before when I ate less. This doesn't really make sense, but it just works like that. It can be really frustrating. SFA seems to be able to mitigate this somewhat for me.

James IV

If you rapidly and drastically increase the amount of carbohydrate you are used to eating, without drastically increasing exercise, you have a high likelyhood of increasing the cellular stress in your body. This will result in blood sugar instability, and corresponding cortisol and adrenalin issues. It could also lead to diabetes if you do not address it. Fat and to a lesser extent, protein are generally okay to raise a bit more aggresivly, because blood excess will usually not cause immediate damage to the cells. Your body has a certain level of insulin sensitivity it maintains, particularly to carbohydrate and this level has to be manipulated in small increments. I would reccomend bringing your carbohydrate back down to the level you were at while undereating. Increase your fat (and eat sufficient protein) to bring your calories up to an appropriate level. Let your body adjust to this new calorie intake. When it has adjusted, slowly replace fat calories with carbohydrate calories, until you reach your carbohydrate threshold. You will know it's reached if you begin to gain (unhealthy) bodyfat, or start to have issues like you are having now. Once you have a threshold, you can raise or lower it as neede do account for daily exercise.
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