Does Lowering Estrogen Actually Help Male Sexual Function?

May 21, 2015
I'm older. In my young days, I found porn at a very early age and it caused me a lot of ED and problems. I have observed the same pattern with men who get into porn early. Now that's the norm, with internet access, and it's caused a wave of terrible ED with young men.

I do think it's very harmful to sexuality. Nothing immoral about it and I'm not against it, just saying that porn harms men's sexual function and creates a host of issues especially for young men who grew up with porn. It has hurt women just as badly as men, and young people under, say 35 or so, growing up with porn at an early age have been very hard hit with sexual problems.

What you described in the OP is classic from porn use.
I think the original issue in all this is the shame society makes us feel about our sexuality. In my view this world suppresses us in every way possible. Through nutrition, through religion, through government, through sexuality, everything. The serpent creeps everywhere. This creates all perversions and obsessions.
Nov 21, 2015
I think the original issue in all this is the shame society makes us feel about our sexuality. In my view this world suppresses us in every way possible. Through nutrition, through religion, through government, through sexuality, everything. The serpent creeps everywhere. This creates all perversions and obsessions.

I have noticed that sexualizing everything and everything-goes is more like it. You see sexual situations everywhere with triggers that you never saw when I was young. I don't see what you are seeing at all.
May 21, 2015
I have noticed that sexualizing everything and everything-goes is more like it. You see sexual situations everywhere with triggers that you never saw when I was young. I don't see what you are seeing at all.
Sure they use sexuality against us everywhere. I think having the armour of healthy sexuality, understanding what it is and having no shame involving it, having strong self-esteem, is what makes us strong against them luring us with sexuality.


Sep 23, 2017
I had prolactin measured about a year ago and it was upper normal range (17 ng/ml [normal: 3-18]). My TSH was above range 7 UIU/ml [normal: .3-4.5]. T3 and T4 were just below average. I got another test a month later that confirmed these results. I went on levothyroxine 75 mcg for 10 weeks and got remeasured. Prolactin was at 10, TSH at 1.9, T3 and T4 center normal. At this point I felt about the same and perhaps a little worse than before I started the levothyroxine. I bumped my levothyroxine up to 112 mcg by splitting tablets for a few weeks but this made me feel worse.

One thing I found that was very interesting was that about a week after I started taking it I got morning wood maybe 5 or 6 times over the course of a week and I found my self getting spontaneous half chubs throughout the day. I also felt a higher sex drive, but thats hard to quantify. After this week long period these feelings faded and I felt like baseline. I thought that perhaps I had zoomed past my optimal thyroid levels due to too high of a levothyroxine dose. Months after I stopped my original round of treatment as mentioned above, I tried taking split pills (37.5 mcg) everyday for six weeks. I experienced no changes.

At this point I’m convinced that my sub-optimal thyroid values (and prolactin) are not the cause of my sexual problems. They could be entirely incidental. Or whatever is causing the sexual problems could be negatively affecting my thyroid. I believe high estrogen is a possible culprit, as it makes the thyroid less efficient and supposedly can induce sex problems in men.

Originally your prolactin was high but came down after thryoid meds. stimulating thyroid can increase T and dopamine.

NOW high carb diets also raise thyroid as they lower SHBG which then releases free Testosterone. Low carb, high fiber/protein diets will increase SHBG and this will lower free T and thyroid also.

somehow thyroid is related here since your meds raise thyroid and increases free T and high carb diet will do the same.

the fact that your estrogen is high points to LIVER issues as the liver breaks down estrogen. liver needs methionine from protein, sulfur from broc/cabbage/cauliflower, IF liver is clogged or some other issues try fasting as much as possible to help the liver clear out estrogen. also i high sugar diet makes the liver use glucose rather than sulphur or methyl for detox and this slows down the break down of estrogen and can also lead to gall bladder issues. as with a lot of women with high estrogen have gall bladder issues...per PEAT.

YOUR hormones are leaning toward high E and low T. this points to stress (CORTISOL), insulin resistance, or high body fat or even high fat consumption and even moderate fat consumption can have problems. I started getting man boobs from eating dark chocolate. iN WOMEN insulin resitance makes the ovaries produce testosterone but in MEN insulin resitance makes the gonads produce estrogen.

high fat diet will also lower thyroid function, may increase estrogen.

in chinese medecine you would be considered YIN and would beneift from a more YANG DIET. That would me a diet low in fat (till estrogen clears out) and high in lean protien like chicken breast/ Tuna fish(no mayo) has active selenium for thyroid. keeping protien intake at about 2-3oz per meal as high protien can also increase Estrogen/Erectile dysfuntion. this will dry you out or help you cut water and fat in your system. choose carbs like jamine rice for glucose.

avoid water with FLORIDE, CHLORINE, AND BROMINE...avoid most fruit juices, raw fruit and phytoestrogens as they are considered YIN. if you crave fruit juice just eat a teaspoon of plain sugar.

last is what is your iron intake. if your copper and zinc are low then your iron may be high and high iron also leads to insulin resitance and estrogne issues.

EDIT ONE MORE THING: Erection need NOS nitrous oxide which you get from foods high in nitrogen like leafy greens and foods with vitamin C. I know this forum is agians't NOS for a few reasons but if you are low in NOS or even HGH this could be a factor too.
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Sep 6, 2018
Switching to a diet of OJ and milk after a prolonged calorie defecit gave me insane morning wood. I'd say the most important step in fixing your problems would be to unfat yourself.


Jan 24, 2019
I’m low bodyfat (6’1” and 175 lbs) and I used to be even lower bodyfat, perhaps as low as 6%, in highschool when I ran cross country (I still run). My symptoms havent changed between then and now.

I need to determine if high estrogen is causing my sexual symptoms. Would a six week run of aromatase inhibitors be effective for doing this?

As far as I understand, aromatase inhibitors are not viable for long term use. So even if they do help me, they wont cure me in the long term. Would they work for this purpose to help me get a diagnosis?


Jan 24, 2019
Originally your prolactin was high but came down after thryoid meds. stimulating thyroid can increase T and dopamine.

NOW high carb diets also raise thyroid as they lower SHBG which then releases free Testosterone. Low carb, high fiber/protein diets will increase SHBG and this will lower free T and thyroid also.

somehow thyroid is related here since your meds raise thyroid and increases free T and high carb diet will do the same.

the fact that your estrogen is high points to LIVER issues as the liver breaks down estrogen. liver needs methionine from protein, sulfur from broc/cabbage/cauliflower, IF liver is clogged or some other issues try fasting as much as possible to help the liver clear out estrogen. also i high sugar diet makes the liver use glucose rather than sulphur or methyl for detox and this slows down the break down of estrogen and can also lead to gall bladder issues. as with a lot of women with high estrogen have gall bladder issues...per PEAT.

YOUR hormones are leaning toward high E and low T. this points to stress (CORTISOL), insulin resistance, or high body fat or even high fat consumption and even moderate fat consumption can have problems. I started getting man boobs from eating dark chocolate. iN WOMEN insulin resitance makes the ovaries produce testosterone but in MEN insulin resitance makes the gonads produce estrogen.

high fat diet will also lower thyroid function, may increase estrogen.

in chinese medecine you would be considered YIN and would beneift from a more YANG DIET. That would me a diet low in fat (till estrogen clears out) and high in lean protien like chicken breast/ Tuna fish(no mayo) has active selenium for thyroid. keeping protien intake at about 2-3oz per meal as high protien can also increase Estrogen/Erectile dysfuntion. this will dry you out or help you cut water and fat in your system. choose carbs like jamine rice for glucose.

avoid water with FLORIDE, CHLORINE, AND BROMINE...avoid most fruit juices, raw fruit and phytoestrogens as they are considered YIN. if you crave fruit juice just eat a teaspoon of plain sugar.

last is what is your iron intake. if your copper and zinc are low then your iron may be high and high iron also leads to insulin resitance and estrogne issues.

EDIT ONE MORE THING: Erection need NOS nitrous oxide which you get from foods high in nitrogen like leafy greens and foods with vitamin C. I know this forum is agians't NOS for a few reasons but if you are low in NOS or even HGH this could be a factor too.

I actually have below range iron: 62 mcg/dl [normal: 65 - 175].

But my ferritin is normal. 80 ng/ml [normal: 30 - 322].

I dont have fatigue problems, so although my ferritin may be sub optimal, I dont believe it is the cause of my symptoms. I have used iron supplements in the past. I used flinstones multivitamin+iron for years and felt no different when I stopped taking it. I also took a pure iron ferrous sulfate supplement for a couple weeks this summer, but it made me feel worse. Perhaps I need to raise zinc, copper and iron all simultaneously?

It’s interesting what you said about fat and protein foods raising estrogen, because for a week or so each summer I go backpacking and during that period I eat practically nothing but carbs and I feel an improvement sexual symptoms (sometimes ill get weak morning wood, nipples feel less puffy). Although theres the confounding variable of me getting tons of sunlight and lots of moderate exercise.

The more this thread goes on the more convinced I am that this is an estrogen problem. I just need to find the underlying cause of it and correct it.


Sep 23, 2017
I actually have below range iron: 62 mcg/dl [normal: 65 - 175].

But my ferritin is normal. 80 ng/ml [normal: 30 - 322].

I dont have fatigue problems, so although my ferritin may be sub optimal, I dont believe it is the cause of my symptoms. I have used iron supplements in the past. I used flinstones multivitamin+iron for years and felt no different when I stopped taking it. I also took a pure iron ferrous sulfate supplement for a couple weeks this summer, but it made me feel worse. Perhaps I need to raise zinc, copper and iron all simultaneously?

It’s interesting what you said about fat and protein foods raising estrogen, because for a week or so each summer I go backpacking and during that period I eat practically nothing but carbs and I feel an improvement sexual symptoms (sometimes ill get weak morning wood, nipples feel less puffy). Although theres the confounding variable of me getting tons of sunlight and lots of moderate exercise.

The more this thread goes on the more convinced I am that this is an estrogen problem. I just need to find the underlying cause of it and correct it.

having low iron is good as long as hemoglobin is fine. iron copper and zinc compete with each other so careful how you supplement. you may just be low in these and a few other minerals.

if you have low T perhaps your testes are not producing any and most of the work is being done by the adrenals. since adrenals make like 10 hormones your Testosterone production has to compete with everything else. you may have to work on stimulating your adrenals more which carbs do and fat doesn't.

Iron and Testosterone: Essential or just Harmful Heavy-Metal?

Low Testosterone Levels and the Risk of Anemia in Older Men and Women

i just remeberd the relationsip between iron and T. and one of the ways to riase T was to donate blood as this would lower iron. The body responds by raising T because T increases iron absorption.
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Apr 17, 2018
After lurking through hundreds of blogs and forums, I have never seen anyone say that aromatase inhibitors or SERMs resolved their erectile dysfunction. Just tons and tons of posts of people complaining about joint pain, headaches and lowered libido. Many posts were neutral. All of the studies I've read are mixed with regards to whether high estrogen has a negative effect on male sexual function (they all affirm that a base level of estrogen is required however). To further confuse the matter, there are tons of anecdotes from transvestites saying that they induced erectile dysfunction with nothing but estradiol pills.

Is the idea, as perpetuated on blogs and forums, that, in otherwise healthy men, high estrogen induces erectile dysfunction false? Do you believe I would benefit from any efforts to lower estrogen, whether by pharmaceutical AIs or some other means?

>23 years old, puberty at 15

>Erectile dysfunction hasn't changed at all in this time

>No morning wood, weak erections, takes too long to cum

>6'1", 170 lbs, male, puffy nipples, little body hair/facial hair

>Estrogen total serum: 160 [normal: 30-190 pg/ml]

>Estradiol: 35 [normal: <39 pg/ml]

>DHT: 23 [normal: 16-79 ng/ml]

>Testosterone, ferritin, HGH, calcium, magnesium, etc. are all mid-range

I'm really reaching the end of my wits. Thank you.

E2 in range are necessary for good sexual function.

Too high or too low may yield issues.

Hormones are quick to be blamed whenever a problem arises, I would look into nutritional deficiency/balance first.

Have you tested your food intolerances by eliminating and reintroducing?

Hormones are merely a consequence and a reflection of your health status. There are never the culprit, unless you have a pituitary or testicular tumor.
Modulating hormones is the last resort when you have explored all other avenues.

If you HAVE to resort to them, start with 6.25 aromasin e3d.
And I mean aromasin, not any other ai


Jan 24, 2019
E2 in range are necessary for good sexual function.

Too high or too low may yield issues.

Hormones are quick to be blamed whenever a problem arises, I would look into nutritional deficiency/balance first.

Have you tested your food intolerances by eliminating and reintroducing?

Hormones are merely a consequence and a reflection of your health status. There are never the culprit, unless you have a pituitary or testicular tumor.
Modulating hormones is the last resort when you have explored all other avenues.

If you HAVE to resort to them, start with 6.25 aromasin e3d.
And I mean aromasin, not any other ai

You recomend Aromasin (brand name exemestane), because it permanently inhibits individual aromatase molecules and prevents estrogen rebound when coming off of it, right? Or are there other benefits over nonsteroidal AIs. Im just curious because I want to learn as much as possible about all this.

In terms of special diets, I went very low dairy for a couple months at one point. I would still have some incidental dairy like butter on bread or occasional icecream. I didnt feel any different on low dairy. Would it be any use trying a true zero dairy diet for awhile? Seeing as a low dairy diet didnt help I’m not sure.

I never bothered doing low/no gluten as during incidental periods (as mentioned above) when I ate lots of gluten sexual symptoms get somewhat better. Although during these periods I also ate almost no protein or fat (and I felt better) so thats a confounding variable.

Limiting protein and fat certainly helps, but it does not resolve (or come close to resplving) my sexual problems. Would there be any use in getting a blood test for serum amino acids? To see if any one is out of whack? My (paternal) uncle has PKU and I’m confirmed negative and not a carrier, but perhaps theres something of interest there.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
it is often not true. I've seen so many people lose fat and lose health. Sigh.

Oh no doubt. A lot of people here think that obesity is the cause of health problems, which is simply not true. Obesity is a symptom. Fixing a symptom won't fix the cause.

While I'm now focused on my body weight, I'm doing so in a healthy manner, all the while watching my temps and pulses like a hawk.

Calorie intake is still high, keeping temp and pulses up. All I've really done is go very very low PUFA and swap some overall fat calories for sugar. I am playing the long game.

Too many take the shortcut of forced calorie restriction and yeah, that's not the way to go about PUFA depletion.


Apr 17, 2018
You recomend Aromasin (brand name exemestane), because it permanently inhibits individual aromatase molecules and prevents estrogen rebound when coming off of it, right? Or are there other benefits over nonsteroidal AIs. Im just curious because I want to learn as much as possible about all this.

In terms of special diets, I went very low dairy for a couple months at one point. I would still have some incidental dairy like butter on bread or occasional icecream. I didnt feel any different on low dairy. Would it be any use trying a true zero dairy diet for awhile? Seeing as a low dairy diet didnt help I’m not sure.

I never bothered doing low/no gluten as during incidental periods (as mentioned above) when I ate lots of gluten sexual symptoms get somewhat better. Although during these periods I also ate almost no protein or fat (and I felt better) so thats a confounding variable.

Limiting protein and fat certainly helps, but it does not resolve (or come close to resplving) my sexual problems. Would there be any use in getting a blood test for serum amino acids? To see if any one is out of whack? My (paternal) uncle has PKU and I’m confirmed negative and not a carrier, but perhaps theres something of interest there.

The facts that it is suicidal and very similar in its action to an androgen make it unbeatable and potentially good for your particular case
Nov 21, 2015
Oh no doubt. A lot of people here think that obesity is the cause of health problems, which is simply not true. Obesity is a symptom. Fixing a symptom won't fix the cause.

While I'm now focused on my body weight, I'm doing so in a healthy manner, all the while watching my temps and pulses like a hawk.

Calorie intake is still high, keeping temp and pulses up. All I've really done is go very very low PUFA and swap some overall fat calories for sugar. I am playing the long game.

Too many take the shortcut of forced calorie restriction and yeah, that's not the way to go about PUFA depletion.

very smart. That's what I've done too. I started at 185 in the post keto days when I found this theory and then I ended up at almost 220. Now I'm probably at 193 or so.

The key is to maintain high quality sugar and good protein. The sugar keeps free fatty acids down, and the protein helps the liver. Low/no starch keeps endotoxins low.

Of course I eat a pizza or crepe now and then, or a hamburger bun. But on the whole I notice when my endotoxins creep up, and I feel crappy. This all affects erections.

Sometimes by the way, for awhile, erections can be amazing due to health issues connected with high nitric oxide. That doesn't last though. And those erections aren't as pleasurable for sex as the more flexible less frenetically hard ones.


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Mar 26, 2016
I'll mention this..... I never really got morning wood when I was a teen or in my 20s. Although I never really suffered from ED during that time, either. However, when I started supplementing Magnesium and K2 (in my mid 30s), morning wood became a regular phenomenon (I had already regularly been supplementing Vitamin D). From seemingly never, to like 5-7 days a week. It seemed only not to happen if I drank excessively or didn't get great sleep. This has continued, even as I got older. Still happens regularly. If you look through Andrew Fletcher's work with inclined bed therapy, many men have also reported improvements in this department and libido, and a big thing that IBT helps out is circulation during the night. So even if you don't have blood flow issues, improving blood flow and circulation could have a profound effect.

IBT therapy massively improved frequency morning wood for me. I get it basically daily now.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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