UPDATE: Erectile Dysunfction 19y/o (Labs, Low T, High Prolactin, Thyroid Etc)


Mar 5, 2017
This is an update to my old thread. For those who don't know what is going on: 19 y/o (now 20) with erectile dysfunction, can't get it up, never had morning wood in my entire life, don't have mind-penis connection, fatigue, trouble building muscle etc) Instead of waiting another month for the endo, I went to a Urologist and told him about my problems. (BTW I am 20 now).

He first checked my testicles and penis with ultrasound and said everything was fine. Then he took bloodwork and called me this week telling me he doesn't see anything abnormal in my blood levels and the cialis he prescribed me should do the work. I insisted on getting the bloodwork because I knew I couldn't trust him. I was right. Here are the blood levels. What strikes me immediately is low T, Prolactin out of range and some other levels that are clearly out of range. I can't fathom how he can tell me straight to my face that he doesn't see how my erectile dysfunction problems could correlate to these levels. I need help interpreting the rest though and a gameplan. (Apologies for any wrong translations of the levels as it is originally in German).

TSH basal (0.27 - 4.2 uU/ml) - 0.94
Free T3 (2 - 4.4 pg/ml) - 4.4
Free T4 (0.9 - 1.7 ng/dl) - 1.6
Vitamin D (31 - 100 g/ml) - 46
Gamma-Globulin (11.1-18.8 %) - 15.7

CRP quant. (<5) - <1,0 mg
LH (1.7 - 8.6 mIE/ml) - 7.7
FSH (1.5 - 12.4 mIE/ml) - 3.8
Prolactin (86 - 324 mIE/L) - 346! - clearly high Prolactin
Testosterone (2.49 - 8.36 ng/ml) - 3.93 or 393 ng/dl clearly low T

Average Blood Sugar (80 - 120 mg/dl) - 100
Cholesterol (<200 mg/dl) - 89
Triglycerides (<200 mg/dl) - 75
HDL-Cholesterin (>40 mg/dl) - 42
LDL-Cholesterol (<150) - 32

CHOL/HDL (<4.5) - 2.1
LDL/HDL (<3) - 0.8
gamma-GT (<64 U/L) - 18
GOT (10-50 U/L) - 25
GPT (10-50 U/L) - 26

Alk. Phosphatase ( 40 - 129 U/L) - 66
LDH (135 - 270 U/L) - 178
Amylase (28-100 U/L) - 62
Lipase (13 - 60 U/L) - 19
Uric Acid (<7 mg/dl) - 4.7

Creatinin (<1.2 mg/dl) - 0.9

Renal Function - 123
Potassium (3.8 - 5.3 mmol/L) - 4.6
Sodium (137 - 147 mmol/L) - 141
Calcium (2.1 - 2.6 mmol/l) - 2.4

Magnesium (0.7 - 1.05 mmol/L) - 0.98
Iron (40 - 160 ug/dl) - 169!
Acid Phosphatase (<6.6 U/L) - 5.8
Total Protein? (6.5 - 8.5 g/dl) - 7.3

Albumin (55.8-66.1%) 60.9
alpha 1 - Globulin (2.9 - 4.9 %) - 3.8
alpha 2 - Globulin (7.1 - 11.8%) - 10.8
beta 1 - Globulin (4.7 - 7.2%) - 5.4
beta 2 - globulin (3.2-6.5%) - 3.4

leukocytes (4 - 10 tsd/ul) - 10.5!
erythrocytes (4.6 - 6 Mill/ul) - 5.00
Haemoglobin (14 - 18 g/dl) - 15.1
Haematocrytes (40 - 54 Vol%) - 47

MCV (83 - 95 fl) - 94

MCH (28 -34 pg) - 30.2
MCHC (32 -36 g/dl) - 32.1
Thrombocytes (150 - 351 Tsd. cmm) -303

MTV (7.2 - 11.1) - 10.7

Neutrophile (50-70%) - 53.5

Lymphocytes (25 - 45%) - 35.3
Monocytes (2-9%) - 9.9!
Eosinophile (2-4%) - 1.0!
Basophile (0-1%) - 0.2
IG (<4) - 0.1

Microcytosis - 0.5
Macrocytosis - 4.2
EVB - (11.5 - 14.5) - 12
HBA1c (4.3 - 5.9%) - 5.1
HBA1c (23-42 /mol) - 32

What strikes me is the high prolactin, and low T. Even though I spend the last 5 years trying to optimize my male hormones, nothing worked, and I shouldn't even have to worry about it at my age. The past weeks I took B6 and tried lowering Prolactin but I am still out of range. T is incredibly low for someone my age. I will do follow up tests, check my estrogen levels and if nothing else works, I will go on TRT, I don't care anymore I just want to feel normal.



Feb 26, 2018
Your prolactin is high and that seems to go hand in hand with estrogen levels.
So you could try 5adhp to lower prolactin, estrogen and possibly increase testosteron.
Also since you are a young guy like me there is a possibility that you react best to Pregnenolone (start low) ,which made me feel more anabolic /androgenic.


Mar 5, 2017
Your prolactin is high and that seems to go hand in hand with estrogen levels.
So you could try 5adhp to lower prolactin, estrogen and possibly increase testosteron.
Also since you are a young guy like me there is a possibility that you react best to Pregnenolone (start low) ,which made me feel more anabolic /androgenic.

Hey, I tried pregnenolone and it seemed to make me completely impotent. I will take a look at 5adhp and I will take follow up tests to confirm estrogen levels. I definitely have high estrogen as I have some spider veins on my legs and arms and other estrogen symptoms.


Feb 26, 2018
Hey, I tried pregnenolone and it seemed to make me completely impotent. I will take a look at 5adhp and I will take follow up tests to confirm estrogen levels. I definitely have high estrogen as I have some spider veins on my legs and arms and other estrogen symptoms.
Im sitting in the same boat. Also have a varricose vein at the age of 24 . For sure its hormone (probably estrogen) related.
Strange that your body doesnt make what it needs even if you give it the raw material that it needs... There must be a reason why preg doesnt go down the androgenic pathway for you ... how did you feel on it, did it make sleepy, stressed ,...?


Jan 15, 2017


Mar 27, 2018
Have you tried a penis pump or simply using a very hot, moist towel on your penis/scrotum to relax the area and improve blood flow?

Or a more extreme measure might be prostate milking/massage, but obviously not everyone is comfortable with that.

I think in many men the prostate can get "backed up" and affect erections negatively. After doing nofap for many months, when I finally did ejaculate, it was actually uncomfortable (not really pleasurable) to ejaculate, because it felt like the semen wasn't being pushed out with as much force or something. And I had ultrasounds of my prostate done and it showed no increase in size, so there can definitely be prostate issues in the absence of enlargement.


Jul 29, 2015
Hey, I tried pregnenolone and it seemed to make me completely impotent. I will take a look at 5adhp and I will take follow up tests to confirm estrogen levels. I definitely have high estrogen as I have some spider veins on my legs and arms and other estrogen symptoms.
5a-DHP is completely unnecessary IMO.
The high iron and less than adequate cholesterol would suggest that you need to work on your diet. Lisuride and bromocriptine are safest for lowering prolactin. Start eating more butter and drinking coffee when you have meat. It might be worth experimenting with T3 too. All of these things together should have a powerful effect. It is unacceptable for a 19 year old to have to take cialis to maintain an erection, and your doctor should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.


Mar 27, 2018
5a-DHP is completely unnecessary IMO.
The high iron and less than adequate cholesterol would suggest that you need to work on your diet. Lisuride and bromocriptine are safest for lowering prolactin. Start eating more butter and drinking coffee when you have meat. It might be worth experimenting with T3 too. All of these things together should have a powerful effect. It is unacceptable for a 19 year old to have to take cialis to maintain an erection, and your doctor should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.

Agreed. Cialis and Viagra prescriptions are written like candy nowadays because it's the lazy "quick fix."


Mar 5, 2017
5a-DHP is completely unnecessary IMO.
The high iron and less than adequate cholesterol would suggest that you need to work on your diet. Lisuride and bromocriptine are safest for lowering prolactin. Start eating more butter and drinking coffee when you have meat. It might be worth experimenting with T3 too. All of these things together should have a powerful effect. It is unacceptable for a 19 year old to have to take cialis to maintain an erection, and your doctor should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.

I eat a lot of butter though, also coffee seems to give me stress reactions but I always drink it when I eat meat. Also at some point, my diet was super high in fats and I still had low cholesterol. Are there any other causes for low cholesterol?

Agreed. Cialis and Viagra prescriptions are written like candy nowadays because it's the lazy "quick fix."

Yes, I agree. That was the only thing he asked on the phone as well. "Are the pills working? Yes, great then we have solved your problems."


Sep 1, 2017
I would say:
Try eating like a f**** male before thinking on hormones or TRT, you are 19yo and your blood tests doesn't seem so bad. Try eating Peaty, add lots of milk. When you start to pack some weight report back. If you are skinny and eat like a p***y, how could you ask your body more androgens?
How are you eating?


Mar 5, 2017
I would say:
Try eating like a f**** male before thinking on hormones or TRT, you are 19yo and your blood tests doesn't seem so bad. Try eating Peaty, add lots of milk. When you start to pack some weight report back. If you are skinny and eat like a p***y, how could you ask your body more androgens?
How are you eating?

Cool language bro. I used to be a skinny b**** but now I am close to 200 pounds with pretty low body fat. I used to "eat like a ******* man" in the past, lots of meat, eggs, milk, the whole game. Did nothing. Now with Peat, drinking lots of milk, orange juice, meat etc, I get some improvements but still nothing. It's cool that you try to shove that bull**** dogma on me, and it would've worked when I was 15, and it actually did, but still, no matter if I eat 3000 or 5000 calories "like a ******* man", my body doesn't utilize.


Mar 2, 2016
Fatty steak 3x per week. Heavy squats or deadlifts, these should require a lot of effort. Maximum range of motion and time under tension.

Maybe a little aspirin and vitamin e. No coffee. Breathe through your nose and sleep well. Look at things with intent. Imagine fighting lions or hyenas. Growl and hoot and be loud.

Lots of sunshine and some *fresh* orange juice.

No starch. Ice bath occasionally. Liver pills.

Does the milk taste good?


Mar 5, 2017
Fatty steak 3x per week. Heavy squats or deadlifts, these should require a lot of effort. Maximum range of motion and time under tension.

Maybe a little aspirin and vitamin e. Breathe through your nose and sleep well. Look at things with intent. Imagine fighting lions or hyenas. Growl and hoot and be loud.

Lots of sunshine and some *fresh* orange juice.

No starch. Ice bath occasionally.

Classic advice. Doesn't work. I exhausted every single natural T boosting, life-optimization ressource for 5 years from 15 to 20- Did the fatty steak, heavy squats, deads and bench press. Did the cold shower thing. Did the alpha male visualisation, posture etc. Tried all the herbs and supps. Optimized my diet and sleeping. Cut out porn and masturbation completely. Nothing of this worked.


Mar 2, 2016
Do you sleep well? What about dreams? Wake up feeling ready to live?

Your liver is like a ringing bell, which sound terrible if you put a towel over them before you strike. What's your towel?

Check out actions of corticoids on the CNS (especially sexual centers)


Jul 29, 2015
I eat a lot of butter though, also coffee seems to give me stress reactions but I always drink it when I eat meat. Also at some point, my diet was super high in fats and I still had low cholesterol. Are there any other causes for low cholesterol?

Yes, I agree. That was the only thing he asked on the phone as well. "Are the pills working? Yes, great then we have solved your problems."
You need sugar for cholesterol production.
Your prolactin level clearly indicates an estrogen problem. I really think a dopamine agonist would give you some immediate relief.


Mar 5, 2017
Do you sleep well? What about dreams? Wake up feeling ready to live?

Your liver is like a ringing bell, which sound terrible if you put a towel over them before you strike. What's your towel?

Check out actions of corticoids on the CNS (especially sexual centers)

I usually don't dream or at least, don't recall any dreaming when I wake up.
Aug 3, 2016
Do you have a list/thread here describing all the herbs and supps with the dosages you have experimented with?
If not, please share the dosages and name of the compound's you have tried.


Feb 26, 2018
I usually don't dream or at least, don't recall any dreaming when I wake up.
Can be a symptom of vitamin b6 deficiency . It CAN be , doesnt have to.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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