Diet Of Japanese Longevity Expert Who Lived To 105


Jun 13, 2019
good quality food, no stress from food shortage, low chemical/plastic exposure, clean air, clean water, good relationships.

if only every human could have the opportunity to experience this
Nov 21, 2015
Some of these people live in nursing homes. Some live on their own until near or at death. But the common thread is the predictability and stability in their life.

I think some stress is useful, from occasional travel. But most advice for novelty, for instance, to get a “varied diet” for instance is just dead wrong.

Novelty is stressed in our society but it is very stressful and doesn’t contribute to a long life.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Some of these people live in nursing homes. Some live on their own until near or at death. But the common thread is the predictability and stability in their life.

I think some stress is useful, from occasional travel. But most advice for novelty, for instance, to get a “varied diet” for instance is just dead wrong.

Novelty is stressed in our society but it is very stressful and doesn’t contribute to a long life.
Why would someone consistently seek novelty? Do you think it reflects some biological or psychological impulse? is novelty seeking really just a way to get out of a stressful situation? The novelty is perceived as a relief in comparison to the situation...? I’m just thinking about people who live in different cities and move around really often and I feel like the stress of staying in one place has always bothered me, this feeling of my life not “going anywhere” — so what is that about?


Oct 1, 2019
Seeking novelty = survival mechanism.

If you are unhappy in your situation and can't adapt to your environment you seek something new. May have something to do with our nomad ancestors. Possibly dopamine plays a role.

I see a similar effect with myself in the past and people around me who aren't content with their life. Especially with buying addiction, collecting (shoes, toys).

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Seeking novelty = survival mechanism.

If you are unhappy in your situation and can't adapt to your environment you seek something new. May have something to do with our nomad ancestors. Possibly dopamine plays a role.

I see a similar effect with myself in the past and people around me who aren't content with their life. Especially with buying addiction, collecting (shoes, toys).
How did you make yourself content and more adaptive? Was it finding the ideal environment, or changing something within?


Oct 1, 2019
I think the biggest change for me was having goals again in life. Getting over anhedonia caused by serotonin excess, being able to enjoy things again I enjoyed as a kid. My buying addiction vasnished when I got my health back on track.

Also Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When one of the pillars is lacking I tend to fall back a bit.


As far as my living situation in the city I'm still looking for a different place :lol: mainly because of the street noise that is disrupting my sleep. I try to reframe these noises as something positive in the sense of security a city gives. For example 24/7 access to everything I need. Definitely makes a difference for me.

What about you? Can you put a needle on what it is exactly that you are trying to escape or change?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I think the biggest change for me was having goals again in life. Getting over anhedonia caused by serotonin excess, being able to enjoy things again I enjoyed as a kid. My buying addiction vasnished when I got my health back on track.

Also Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When one of the pillars is lacking I tend to fall back a bit.


As far as my living situation in the city I'm still looking for a different place :lol: mainly because of the street noise that is disrupting my sleep. I try to reframe these noises as something positive in the sense of security a city gives. For example 24/7 access to everything I need. Definitely makes a difference for me.

What about you? Can you put a needle on what it is exactly that you are trying to escape or change?
That makes sense. Thank you.

Well, I have long term goals that I am working towards and accomplishing the necessary steps towards realizing them, which involves self actualization. I guess I spend a lot of time thinking about if I should dedicate my life to building my needs around a more rural environment, where peace and nature are part of my lifestyle, or if I should stay in a city and make enough money to be able to take trips that allow me to recharge in natural and peaceful environments. I think I have some healing to do around family relationships and intimacy, but I think a lot of healing is more about growth. Like if I work on my personal growth and sense of achievement, my level of shame or guilt decreases, and I’m able to engage more authentically and kindly with people in my life because I feel better about myself...


Apr 18, 2018
I n
Literally zero proof of this statement. And it makes no sense whatsoever. People who live the longest are most likely the best at maintaining themselves. Even the best designed car in the world won't last if you crash it into a wall the first day, or never change the oil. While I think the human body is far more complex than a car, you can easily destroy a human body with poor maintenance as well.

You also have zero proof that it's their diet. I have watched documentaries many people who have lived over 100 including my grandfather and great uncle. These people's diets vary a lot and many of them eat what we would consider bad foods daily and smoke daily. Like I said, it's genes.

Now that doesn't mean you can't prolong your life through healthy living, but reaching 100+ is mostly genes.


Feb 13, 2016
I n

You also have zero proof that it's their diet. I have watched documentaries many people who have lived over 100 including my grandfather and great uncle. These people's diets vary a lot and many of them eat what we would consider bad foods daily and smoke daily. Like I said, it's genes.

Now that doesn't mean you can't prolong your life through healthy living, but reaching 100+ is mostly genes.

Or maybe personality. I've noticed long-lived people tend to have very little generalized anxiety & insecurity. They are usually open and internally calm (no matter how extroverted they may be on the outside), with no defensiveness.


Apr 18, 2018
Or maybe personality. I've noticed long-lived people tend to have very little generalized anxiety & insecurity. They are usually open and internally calm (no matter how extroverted they may be on the outside), with no defensiveness.
Yes and that's genes. They are naturally easy going, have low anxiety disposition. They don't get sick much nor have food intolerance. Then you have us on these sites who are the opposites. We need to watch our foods and diets. We were not lucky enough.
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Aug 5, 2019
Non of us will live to +100 anyways with all the endocrine disruptors that we are exposed everyday since our childhood.

If you want to live longer, you need to move out of the big cities and to a tropical/warmer/high climate


Feb 13, 2016
Yes and that's genes. They are naturally easy going, low anxiety.

parts of your personality depend on parents but it's not all just genetic, especially once you know that high serotonin/oxygen is related to anxiety and doing things to increase progesterone will reduce it. n=1 but my personality has changed a lot since Peating.


Apr 18, 2018
parts of your personality depend on parents but it's not all just genetic, especially once you know that high serotonin/oxygen is related to anxiety and doing things to increase progesterone will reduce it. n=1 but my personality has changed a lot since Peating.

Yeah but people with better genes never really have excess serotonin as their bodies cycle it properly. My personality changes based on what I eat. I can be depressed or happy after a meal or drink within minutes. The thing with genes is you can adjust your diet to work around your bad genes to function like someone with good genes. It's hard but possible.
You can't fix your genes, but you can eat in a way to get them to behave like you want.

A lot of people just accept their bad genes as normal and live a mediocre life without ever unlocking their full potential. I was that guy until my late 20s.
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Jun 16, 2017
Yes and that's genes. They are naturally easy going, have low anxiety disposition. They don't get sick much nor have food intolerance. Then you have us on these sites who are the opposites. We need to watch our foods and diets. We were not lucky enough.
Lol okay, can you point me to those " good genes"? Or maybe to some "bad" genes? You're just saying extremely theoretical non- sense here.
Jun 16, 2017
I n

You also have zero proof that it's their diet. I have watched documentaries many people who have lived over 100 including my grandfather and great uncle. These people's diets vary a lot and many of them eat what we would consider bad foods daily and smoke daily. Like I said, it's genes.

Now that doesn't mean you can't prolong your life through healthy living, but reaching 100+ is mostly genes.
Smoking is really common among centenarians, and it has been shown to reduce stress. Less stress means longer life.

What bad foods do they eat?

Also, what do you mean by genes? Do you mean heritage? Bad heritage exists, but it isn't unchangeable. Someone who is prone to anxiety can heal that bad adaptation through environmental changes.

What proof do you have that it's genetics? High PUFA diets clearly increase estrogen, serotonin and decrease thyroid hormone. Good luck surviving that situation unscathed with your good genes. Living creatures are way more plastic than you think.


Jan 25, 2014
You also have zero proof that it's their diet. I have watched documentaries many people who have lived over 100 including my grandfather and great uncle. These people's diets vary a lot and many of them eat what we would consider bad foods daily and smoke daily. Like I said, it's genes.

Now that doesn't mean you can't prolong your life through healthy living, but reaching 100+ is mostly genes.

I said nothing about diet, in the quote. I said maintenance.

The fact that you watched a few documentaries and noticed that some 100+ year olds have different diets does nothing to support your claim that it's "mostly genes."

As for your claim that it's genes..... prove it. What is the particular SNIP that I can pull up in 23 and Me or one of those other gene tracking services that will show me if I will live to 100 or not? Will this gene or genes prevent me from getting hit by a car? Will it prevent poisoning from known toxins like excess iron, PUFA, and inflammation? Will it get me to 100 even if I don't eat anything for 10 years? Will it get me to 100 if I jump out of an airplane with no parachute? Will it get me to 100 if I inject heroin everyday? If it's truly "mostly" genes, none of those activities would matter.
Jun 16, 2017
If you had good health genes, you wouldn't be on this site.
Nope, my ancestors before my parents's generation were healthy. Nothing to do with " curse" or "blessing", which are very common topics in the neo- darwinist view you're espousing. I'm unhealthy due to the terrible environment I was exposed to during all my life almost. Using your logic, I and many others on this forum would be dead, since it's genes that dictate it all. I clearly changed things around by improving my environment, as did many others here.

What proof do you have it's genes? Why do people who have little contact with the modern world are so healthy? Why do they get sick after moving to cities and eating crap? And I'm talking about indigenous people who go from their home to modern environments. It's well known that they get sick in one generation.

You have no proof that it's genes, meanwhile this forum and other sites have tons of information on how the environment can and will cause adaptive changes, for better or for worse.

If you were a little more diligent on reading Ray's articles, you wouldn't be spouting things that clearly are unfounded.


Apr 18, 2018
Nope, my ancestors before my parents's generation were healthy. Nothing to do with " curse" or "blessing", which are very common topics in the neo- darwinist view you're espousing. I'm unhealthy due to the terrible environment I was exposed to during all my life almost. Using your logic, I and many others on this forum would be dead, since it's genes that dictate it all. I clearly changed things around by improving my environment, as did many others here.

What proof do you have it's genes? Why do people who have little contact with the modern world are so healthy? Why do they get sick after moving to cities and eating crap? And I'm talking about indigenous people who go from their home to modern environments. It's well known that they get sick in one generation.

You have no proof that it's genes, meanwhile this forum and other sites have tons of information on how the environment can and will cause adaptive changes, for better or for worse.

If you were a little more diligent on reading Ray's articles, you wouldn't be spouting things that clearly are unfounded.

Nope, my ancestors before my parents's generation were healthy. Nothing to do with " curse" or "blessing", which are very common topics in the neo- darwinist view you're espousing. I'm unhealthy due to the terrible environment I was exposed to during all my life almost. Using your logic, I and many others on this forum would be dead, since it's genes that dictate it all. I clearly changed things around by improving my environment, as did many others here.

What proof do you have it's genes? Why do people who have little contact with the modern world are so healthy? Why do they get sick after moving to cities and eating crap? And I'm talking about indigenous people who go from their home to modern environments. It's well known that they get sick in one generation.

You have no proof that it's genes, meanwhile this forum and other sites have tons of information on how the environment can and will cause adaptive changes, for better or for worse.

If you were a little more diligent on reading Ray's articles, you wouldn't be spouting things that clearly are unfounded.

I don't know what you both are yapping about. I said you can work around your bad genes by modifying your diet. Btw, tribal communities have much shorter life expectancy than modern city folks. Modern medicine is prolonging man's life , although it's barely mostly just keeping them alive and not making them feel well.

Almost everything is genes, success, health, wealth, etc. Face it now or face it later, it is that. But the important thing is you can work around genes with foods and even supplements to make them function more like the lucky gene pool. Eat for your genes to have energy to achieve things, eat for your genes to not be depressed, eat for your genes to live longer. There is no one size fits all diet plan. Those with great genes can eat whatever they want and still feel great and get ish done, and thrive.
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