Dating and Working in a Vaccinated World


Jul 8, 2019
I am very very concerned because I hear a suicidal impulse in many of the posts in this thread.

I want you to remember that you are young, and that when this is over in a short while, you will STILL BE YOUNG.

There is no one in this thread who can't take HCQ or ivm or antihistamines to stay safe for this short time.


Jun 10, 2020
@Vileplume, rereading my post, I apologize if it came off as judgmental in any way. That was not my intention. Just because I’m not worried about being around the vaccinated or the spike protein, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be too. You have a right to feel the way you feel about it. Again, my apologies.
It did not come off as judgmental, Jennifer. In every post of yours, I sense a compassionate and peaceful tone. I appreciate your message.


Jan 25, 2021

Here it is. These are doctors in countries all over the world that will actually treat this properly and prescribe these early treatments.

If you want to make a guinea pig of yourself, you could even use a combo of H1 and H2 blocking antihistamines to stay safe.

At night you take cypro or Zyrtec.

In the morning, you take 20 mg Pepcid. Both have been recommended around here as safe anti-serotonin agents, so you can't claim they're anti-Peat.

There's in vitro evidence they block spike proteins but no animal or human trials yet.
Thanks for reposting this in a nutshell, @Nemo ! This is good information to have handy.


Jun 10, 2020
I am very very concerned because I hear a suicidal impulse in many of the posts in this thread.

I want you to remember that you are young, and that when this is over in a short while, you will STILL BE YOUNG.

There is no one in this thread who can't take HCQ or ivm or antihistamines to stay safe for this short time.
Thanks for your concern, Nemo. After doing more research on Ivermectin’s safety (thanks to Mito’s thread), it does seem like a medication with low risks, especially compared to the risks of ingesting the spike protein. Right now I have IVM and cyproheptadine, with HCQ ordered from Mexico, still a month away. I have contacted doctors on a list you provided, to see if my insurance covers them becoming my doctor and prescribing IVM or HCQ.

I took 12 mg IVM today and tomorrow I will take 20 mg, because Dr. Fleming recommends .2-.4 mg/kg body weight and I weigh 200(+) pounds.

I will continue to take cypro daily.

I just hope this is enough to protect me when I go back to work in a room full of vaxxed students.


Feb 13, 2021
Occam, I am shocked at you. You're too smart for this.

You just used the "Why try?" excuse. It's impossible, so let's all do what we want. I'm not responsible because it's inevitable.

Are you crazy?
Hey Nemo, you may very well be right.

I don't think I'm crazy, but I probably do have some dissonance going on with my thought processes. Maybe it was a mistake to go out clubbing at this weird & unpredictable time.

Please note that I do draw the line somewhere - I have not and will not have sex with a vaccinated person.

Is that an arbitrary cutoff point? Even you yourself were okay with your husband visiting a vaxxed friend. Not trying to criticize - just saying that bringing theory into practice can be tough.

Anyways, will be getting some Ivermectin tomorrow...


Jun 10, 2020
Hey Nemo, you may very well be right.

I don't think I'm crazy, but I probably do have some dissonance going on with my thought processes. Maybe it was a mistake to go out clubbing at this weird & unpredictable time.

Please note that I do draw the line somewhere - I have not and will not have sex with a vaccinated person.

Is that an arbitrary cutoff point? Even you yourself were okay with your husband visiting a vaxxed friend. Not trying to criticize - just saying that bringing theory into practice can be tough.

Anyways, will be getting some Ivermectin tomorrow...
You’re definitely not crazy, Occam. It becomes really hard to stick your guns on something like this when the whole world around you seems to discount it. In person, I only know one or two who share my views regarding the vaccine, and not a single person who considers the vaxx an intentional bioweapon that sheds. We’re privileged to have this information, but people on the other side would call us crazy for believing it, for taking ivermectin.

It gets difficult to act in the world when our immediate surroundings disregard our beliefs and act in opposition to them.


Nov 22, 2017
@Vileplume: After being home bound for a couple of years, I met a young lady who would be good g/f material for me but has been vaccinated, likely under pressure from her employer. So I can relate to your situation.

But it's worth asking the group: Has Ray Peat said anything about risks of sex with the vaccinated? We've seen lots of commentary about shedding from others, but I'd like Ray's perspective.

Basically, if you have sex with her you're basically vaccinated yourself.

But at some point, something's gotta give lol


Nov 22, 2017
You’re definitely not crazy, Occam. It becomes really hard to stick your guns on something like this when the whole world around you seems to discount it. In person, I only know one or two who share my views regarding the vaccine, and not a single person who considers the vaxx an intentional bioweapon that sheds. We’re privileged to have this information, but people on the other side would call us crazy for believing it, for taking ivermectin.

It gets difficult to act in the world when our immediate surroundings disregard our beliefs and act in opposition to them.

I know the feeling. I have a sister in her mid 20s who's thankfully agreed with me and she won't take the vaccine because she's aware of the effects of fertility. So that's a plus.

My mother has listened to me as well, but the pressure from her entourage is starting to ramp up. She likes to travel so I'm not sure she'll be able to avoid it.

The worst is my dad, who used to be very skeptical of vaccines but has been sick over the past year and has become convinced of the dangers of covid and despite a host of metabolic problems, has gone ahead and gotten vaccinated twice which has just made his health poorer.

To make matters worse, people in that side of my family don't want me to come to gathering because I'm not vaccinated. Ironic because I don't want to be around them lol.

Several friends haven't taken the vaccine but many have families/jobs which make it difficult not to do so.

Basically it's a mess and we have to navigate and stay through to ourselves along the way.


Jan 25, 2014
There was a study that found the S1 part of the spike protein in the plasma of 11 out of 13 vaccinated participants.

Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273
Vaccine Recipients

But it only found the full spike protein in 3-

S1 antigen was detected as early as day one post vaccination and peak levels were detected on average five days after the first injection (Figure 1A). The mean S1 peak levels was 68 pg/mL ±21 pg/mL. S1 in all participants declined and became undetectable by day 14. No antigen was detected at day zero for 12 of 13 participants, as expected. However, one individual presented detectable S1 on day zero, possibly due to assay cross reactivity with other human coronaviruses or asymptomatic infection at the time of vaccination. Spike protein was detectable in three of 13 participants an average of 15 days after the first injection. The mean spike peak level was 62 pg/mL ± 13 pg/mL. After the second vaccine dose, no S1 or spike was detectable, and both antigens remained undetectable through day 56. For one individual (Participant #8), spike was detected at day 29, one day after the second injection and was undetectable two days later.

I don't know if this shows that spike proteins were being made by the body, as they were all high shortly after vaccination, and then declined. Couldn't it be due to spike protein (or fragments of it) in the vaccine? Or even due to exposure in their job? They were all healthcare workers in a hospital.

If they are being produced by the body, it seems to only happen for a few days to two weeks, before levels fall to undetectable. It doesn't seem like this supports the idea that people will be producing spike proteins indefinitely (at least, the majority probably won't), and likely makes any danger to others a few weeks after the actual vaccination, if that.

spike graph.png
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Oct 19, 2019
Except there IS something to worry about.

A good metabolism will not stop spike proteins from binding to your brain cells and killing you of Mad Cow in 18 months.

It will not stop the spike proteins from chelating your copper and giving you ferritin levels a thousand times the normal range and wreaking havoc in your body.

You are delusional. And you are relying on a completely unsubstantiated Peat claim.

I have NEVER relied on a completely unsubstantiated Peat claim.

Control the controllables either means avoid the vaxxed or take safe protection like ivermectin or HCQ, with your choice depending on how continuously you need protection.

That's what controlling the controllables mean. Not shoving your head up your ****.
Nemo, I really respect you for the work you have been doing on a range of threads raising awareness of a range of different things. I have learned a lot from you, especially around potential prevention/treatment. But your tone here and in subsequent posts in this thread stinks.

Whenever I have heard Ray asked about the virus and whether he would take a vaccine he literally laughs. He obviously sees it as relatively insignificant if one is in good health. Whether he's right or not, that seems to be his view.

Personally, I HAVE got precautions in place (e.g., Ivermectin) if I were to get symptoms or feel I needed them, as I have spoken with you about on other threads. My head is not shoved up my **** yet I refuse to cower in my home.

Some of the claims you are now making now sound hyperbolic and like fear mongering and probably do the opposite of what you intend. It might be time to take a step back and recalibrate.


"Long-term uncontrolled use" is not what anybody is advising.

People like Fleming are advising a modest dose every two weeks for prophylaxis.

The FLCCC doctors are recommending a modest dose every two weeks.

Zelenko recommends HCQ, one tablet a week, like hundreds of millions of people in endemic malaria areas have been using for 50 years.

I've already said if I were dating or in a high-exposure job I'd take 12 mg of ivermectin exactly TWO TIMES. Then I'd take HCQ once a week.

But you guys all pretend everyone's advising UNCONTROLLED USE.

Why are you lying to yourselves about this? Look at what you are doing psychologically. You don't want to face up to what's going on. You don't want to change your behavior and you also don't want to do anything to protect yourselves.

I am appalled by what I am seeing in this thread.
I stated a fact about long term use because I was asked about that please read my post and the question which I was asked.
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Jun 25, 2019
The field of available friends and partners becomes so narrow, because what about our partners’ friends? And if our partners previously had sex with a vaccinated person, then they’re off the market too. It’s just such a mess haha. Gotta laugh about it
Maybe the real birth control wasn’t the spike protein but the conspiracy theories we made along the way.


That's probably why EVERY SINGLE PROTOCOL recommends only a small dose ONCE EVERY WEEK OR TWO WEEKS.

Why does everyone keep pretending that people are telling you to eat it for breakfast every day?
I simply aswered a question I was asked. I don't presume that everyone knows the protocol.


Jul 9, 2017
Maine, US
I won’t date anyone who has been vaccinated. Not even because I’m worried about spike protein shedding or experiencing side effects. My problem is, anyone who has chosen to get this vaccine likely does not share my views on the world, and therefore we will be incompatible. If you are willing to get this vaccine, then by definition you are someone who trusts the government and trusts the institutions. And I don’t. It’s as simple as that. I don’t want to be with someone who trusts the government or the institutions like Big Pharma or the CDC.

In other words, I want to date someone who is awake. Not a sheep who goes with the flow.


Jul 13, 2020
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?
Just move to Texas duh


Sep 21, 2014
Whenever I have heard Ray asked about the virus and whether he would take a vaccine he literally laughs. He obviously sees it as relatively insignificant if one is in good health. Whether he's right or not, that seems to be his view.
No offense to Ray Peat, but at his age I would laugh at potentially deadly things too. Plus: Who is in "good health" nowadays?


Feb 27, 2019
I am in my late 40's and single. I make it very clear that I won't date someone who is 'vaccinated'. For multiple reasons. I do want someone who is awake, and understands or is willing to learn what this 'vaccine' really is. That leaves a very small percentage of males where I am located, where media rules.

I am in Ontario, Canada where we may need a vaccine passport soon. It seems like it will be a long and lonely road. I am lucky I have my children who keep me fighting for theirs, and my rights and health.

I am unable to get the IVM or HCQ as far as I have tried. I am going to try the antihistamines if needed. Antihistamines always leave my head up in the clouds. I would prefer a natural route. Is there any substance to dandelion working?


Oct 5, 2014
I am in my late 40's and single. I make it very clear that I won't date someone who is 'vaccinated'. For multiple reasons. I do want someone who is awake, and understands or is willing to learn what this 'vaccine' really is. That leaves a very small percentage of males where I am located, where media rules.

I am in Ontario, Canada where we may need a vaccine passport soon. It seems like it will be a long and lonely road. I am lucky I have my children who keep me fighting for theirs, and my rights and health.

I am unable to get the IVM or HCQ as far as I have tried. I am going to try the antihistamines if needed. Antihistamines always leave my head up in the clouds. I would prefer a natural route. Is there any substance to dandelion working?
Look on the forum there is plenty of info. NAC, thymoquinone, methylene blue, etc.


Jun 20, 2015
But it only found the full spike protein in 3-
One important and concerning finding is that S1 and spike protein is found in the plasma. It does not stay at the injection site as proclaimed by the manufacturers. Why there is S1 in the plasma and this days before the spike protein can be detected no one knows.

They write in the paper that the test they used is "designed to require antibody binding to both the S1 and S2 subunits for detection, resulting in a cleaved spike protein to be undetectable." Could this explain why full spike protein was found only in 3 participants?

I don't know if this shows that spike proteins were being made by the body, as they were all high shortly after vaccination, and then declined. Couldn't it be due to spike protein (or fragments of it) in the vaccine? Or even due to exposure in their job? They were all healthcare workers in a hospital.
I think that we would see the peak earlier if the spike protein or fragments were in the vaccine. In the study they rule out that it the spike protein came from an infection:

"There is no significant increase in IgG and IgA against nucleocapsid, confirming that the immune response was specific to the vaccine, which does not contain mRNA for nucleocapsid."

If they are being produced by the body, it seems to only happen for a few days to two weeks, before levels fall to undetectable. It doesn't seem like this supports the idea that people will be producing spike proteins indefinitely (at least, the majority probably won't), and likely makes any danger to others a few weeks after the actual vaccination, if that.



Feb 27, 2019
Look on the forum there is plenty of info. NAC, thymoquinone, methylene blue, etc.
Thank you Makrosky. I was hoping for something natural as opposed to supplemental. I am very sensitive to supplements. NAC leaves me feeling like I am having a heart attack and anxiety attack. I will look into the others. I appreciate your answer.
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