Considering TRT


Jul 2, 2022
It's a risk with putting anything new in your body. But there is also the risk that things could get worse on their own, and it could be helpful. There could also be an adjustment period where things are a little weird at first until you get the dose and timing dialed in. If it's cream this is easier. If you try it for a little while and and decide it's not for you, there may be a short period of sh!ttiness while your HPTA reboots. Imho it's not the end of the world, but we all have different tolerances for what we are willing to endure. These are the decisions we each have to make for ourselves.
Yeah, topical is great for trying out T to see if it agrees with the system but for some it is too estrogenic.

Sublingual could be even better as it is out of the system in 2h and there is no suppression. Once a week 5-15mg micronized T from PPL under the tongue for 5-10 mins will resolve many issues connected to low T without sides, serum levels will be increased for just a few hours but the effect lasts 5-7 days.

99% of the time T improves the situation no matter what is wrong if Estrogen is under control. I would not think too much about it if I were you @iLoveSugar unless you have injections which I would not do.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Yeah, topical is great for trying out T to see if it agrees with the system but for some it is too estrogenic.

Sublingual could be even better as it is out of the system in 2h and there is no suppression. Once a week 5-15mg micronized T from PPL under the tongue for 5-10 mins will resolve many issues connected to low T without sides, serum levels will be increased for just a few hours but the effect lasts 5-7 days.

99% of the time T improves the situation no matter what is wrong if Estrogen is under control. I would not think too much about it if I were you @iLoveSugar unless you have injections which I would not do.
I think the estrogenic side effects come from the rapidity of absorption of transdermal test without an ester. The solution being to break up the dose into multiple times a day when first starting, as well as finding the minimum effective dose.

I actually made some sublingual T out of test base and Tocovit. I found the effects to be pretty underwhelming, but I've been on replacement for years, so perhaps for someone just looking to experiment it'd still be worth trying.


Dec 25, 2020
Oh Lord, give me chastity, but do not give it yet.

Saint Augustine

With TRT, you run the risk of estrogen conversion. Which then means an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) will be needed.
There are great posts on this forum regarding AI. I think the majority would say to use Exemestane as an AI if you need it.

I do not know the nuances of primary and secondary hypogonadism, but I will bet
that you will convert a large chunk of T to E.
TRT may also increase prolactin. That opens up all sorts of other issues. Vitamin E, vit A and P5p (vit b-6) with a B-12 occasionally may keep the prolactin in check.

There is some talk that Enclomiphene - a newer version of clomiphene may up T with less symptoms than TRT. However Enclom has issues too.

There is evidence of DHEA, pregnenolone, vit k topically to the testes may help raise T. But then your aversion to gels makes me think its not worth talking about.

Disclaimer- I did TRT for 6 months. Gained man boobs and about 50 lbs of fat/water that I am still trying to drop. Could barely lean over to tie my shoes.
But that is what a McTRT center gets me. They ended up giving me more T, anastrozole and hcg. No relief. At that point I said enough.
Now I am trying the topical DHEA/preg vit K2 on the testes, And I just got enclomiphen- I plan on a low dose eod.

The only way I would do TRT now is via gel or cream applied to the gonads, which requires much less T for efficacy. 200 mg once a week of T-- or any amount once a week is imho a recipe for disaster.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Oh Lord, give me chastity, but do not give it yet.

Saint Augustine

With TRT, you run the risk of estrogen conversion. Which then means an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) will be needed.
There are great posts on this forum regarding AI. I think the majority would say to use Exemestane as an AI if you need it.

I do not know the nuances of primary and secondary hypogonadism, but I will bet
that you will convert a large chunk of T to E.
TRT may also increase prolactin. That opens up all sorts of other issues. Vitamin E, vit A and P5p (vit b-6) with a B-12 occasionally may keep the prolactin in check.

There is some talk that Enclomiphene - a newer version of clomiphene may up T with less symptoms than TRT. However Enclom has issues too.

There is evidence of DHEA, pregnenolone, vit k topically to the testes may help raise T. But then your aversion to gels makes me think its not worth talking about.

Disclaimer- I did TRT for 6 months. Gained man boobs and about 50 lbs of fat/water that I am still trying to drop. Could barely lean over to tie my shoes.
But that is what a McTRT center gets me. They ended up giving me more T, anastrozole and hcg. No relief. At that point I said enough.
Now I am trying the topical DHEA/preg vit K2 on the testes, And I just got enclomiphen- I plan on a low dose eod.

The only way I would do TRT now is via gel or cream applied to the gonads, which requires much less T for efficacy. 200 mg once a week of T-- or any amount once a week is imho a recipe for disaster.
This is why frequency of dosing is so important even if you are injecting. The lower the peaks and troughs the better. And also why attempting to determine a minimum effective dose is so important. If you do that, none of that stuff should be necessary.

Unfortunately your story is not uncommon for men who used HCG. Not to say that T didn't play a part. I'm sorry you were put through all that. Clinics will take your cash and give you drugs legally. That's about all they're good for.


Sep 19, 2013
Thanks for the reply guys. They did give me the injections to do IM. I also told them I do not want a high dose. They want to start me at .20ml, 3x a week. I was thinking 100mg a week is all I need.

I feel like complete garbage and am just desperate for answers at this point.


Oct 18, 2023
@iLoveSugar Hi, what do you eat? I have expérienced Very Very slow healing in the past, it Can be easy to fix with right foods and certains life style factors


Sep 19, 2013
@iLoveSugar Hi, what do you eat? I have expérienced Very Very slow healing in the past, it Can be easy to fix with right foods and certains life style factors
That is such an impossible question because I have changed this so much over the years.

Currently consists of meat such as beef and chicken, occasional milk, occasional potatoes, seafood, eggs, masa harina, sugar, cola, cheese.

Again though, I've changed this quite a bit over time.


Oct 18, 2023
That is such an impossible question because I have changed this so much over the years.

Currently consists of meat such as beef and chicken, occasional milk, occasional potatoes, seafood, eggs, masa harina, sugar, cola, cheese.

Again though, I've changed this quite a bit over time.
I was referring to what you've been eating lately, your answer is very clear

Didn't you eat carrots and/or liver thèse past days/weeks?
How much seafood do you eat?
Are your extremities and/or body cold/not warm? It's common to have a much higher propensity for pain, and a much lower speed of recovery, when the part concerned is cold/little warm.

Are you taking any supplements or medications?


Sep 19, 2013
Carrots and liver, not so much right now. I do eat liver more frequently in the summer as I grill it. I did the carrot salad for a long time, but found no benefit.

Seafood, more of a summer thing as well, and typically 1-2x per week. Mainly crab legs, oyster, shrimp.

Extremities are typically cold, especially now in the winter.

Supplements now are B1 (100mg) most days. Some days 1mg cyprophetadine. Some days a very small amount of Mag glycinate, but not often. Also, 1-2 days a week, 2-3 drops of Carlson vitamin D.

I also take aspirin some days as my pain in the body is just so bad, or I get awful headaches that require it.


Oct 18, 2023
Carrots and liver, not so much right now. I do eat liver more frequently in the summer as I grill it. I did the carrot salad for a long time, but found no benefit.

Seafood, more of a summer thing as well, and typically 1-2x per week. Mainly crab legs, oyster, shrimp.
I suggest you try eating more fish/seafood, it Can communly increase body température, relaxation, tolerance to pain, recovery speed
Extremities are typically cold, especially now in the winter.
Really commun in the winter, spécifically for men, do you spend a lot of Times on computer ? I suggest you Wear as Much layer as necessary to feel as warm possible, as long as it is confortable, including covering head an feets, most of the people I've suggested this to, many people had symptoms in common with those you listed

I suggest you experiment not eating any eggs, eggs can communly contribute to cold extremities

I suggest you experiment drinking less Coca-Cola, to eat foods(such as honey) that are more concentrated and Less watery, and to drink when thirsty, doing that Can communly increase body température specifically in the winter

Supplements now are B1 (100mg) most days. Some days 1mg cyprophetadine. Some days a very small amount of Mag glycinate, but not often. Also, 1-2 days a week, 2-3 drops of Carlson vitamin D.
I suggest you experiment not using any suppléments, and see how you feel, while expérimenting with what i have suggested above
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