CO2, Sleep Apnea, Diamox, Stress Hormones And Estrogen


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for sharing the story about your cousin. It is wonderful to hear of someone healing through such a simple and safe intervention. It almost brought tears to my eyes. He is very fortunate to have you in his family.


Blossom said:
Thanks for sharing the story about your cousin. It is wonderful to hear of someone healing through such a simple and safe intervention. It almost brought tears to my eyes. He is very fortunate to have you in his family.

I think irritants to the intestine can provoke hyperventilation. Knowing that bag breathing helps can be the difference between a full blown panic attack that ends in the ER and a minor nuisance that goes away after breathing in a bag.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes j I think you're right. I wonder how many unnecessary ER visits could be avoided if people tried a little bag breathing first. My gym teacher in grade school was always having the hyperventilating children do it. That was in the early to mid 80's so not really that long ago for things to have changed so much. Sadly, teachers today would probably fear a law suit if they did that.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
'Medicine' has done a bang up job convincing people to fear the very things that are actually the most beneficial.


Aug 9, 2013
Mittir said:
CO2 and pH

I tried large dose ( 1-2 tsp) of baking soda for a while. It increased frequency of
urination and i felt real bad after few days.

interesting - i took 2 tsp of baking soda yesterday evening, perhaps this caused my excessive night urination


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Since diamox is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor avoiding baking soda while taking diamox is recommended. You will be overloading your system by having both on board.


Mar 6, 2013
does anyone know what the optimum percentage/balance of oxygen and c02 would be?

80 yr. old mother in-law had heart surgery 2 weeks ago and is on continuous oxygen and not breathing well.

I thought i read a Peat recommendation somewhere but cannot locate it now.



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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I extensively researched this medication before making the decision to add it to my own approach and two things that seem worth mentioning here because they might apply to some people on the forum are: 1. Aspirin should be kept below 3,000mg per day while using diamox( I have been keeping it below 2,000 just to be extra cautious) 2. Sodium bicarbonate should be avoided while taking diamox. You can think of baking soda as doing the same thing as diamox from a different route. One day I drank gerlosteiner mineral water which is high in sodium bicarbonate and had kidney pain.
These are just things I learned from research on the medicine that is available to anyone with internet access but thought I would pass it along if it could be of help. Please feel free to look under the healthcare provider tab when researching any medicine. You do not have to be a medical worker to view any of this information.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
5magicbeans said:
does anyone know what the optimum percentage/balance of oxygen and c02 would be?

80 yr. old mother in-law had heart surgery 2 weeks ago and is on continuous oxygen and not breathing well.

I thought i read a Peat recommendation somewhere but cannot locate it now.

All of the oxygen provided by medicine is usually 98-100% pure oxygen and the rest is just normal room air which is 21% oxygen. I have read where Peat advocates adding about 5% CO2 to the oxygen to help the body absorb oxygen better. If she has oxygen in her nose then she is probably getting a mixture of the pure oxygen and the room air that she breathes in around the tube in her nose. It really does all depend on how she is getting the oxygen and obviously the lowest effective amount would be the best since medicine doesn't add any CO2.


Feb 20, 2013
5magicbeans said:
does anyone know what the optimum percentage/balance of oxygen and c02 would be?

In KMUD Altitude RP mentioned about a guy who supplied oxygen tank to
fire fighters, which had 7 percent carbon dioxide. But i also remember that in
another interview he mentioned that some hospital currently use
5 percent CO2 to the oxygen for better result. I am not sure how
common is this in hospitals but you can ask them about it.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If she is recovering at home maybe you could try some short bag breathing sessions with her. The surgery itself can make breathing painful because of trauma to the chest wall. I don't think the oxygen at a low level in the nose (called a nasal cannula) is nearly as worrisome as the higher amounts used with some of the masks and ventilators. It's not ideal but until medicine catches up with Peat I think the lower flows with the nasal cannula are really the least harmful way oxygen is currently used.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Mittir said:
5magicbeans said:
does anyone know what the optimum percentage/balance of oxygen and c02 would be?

In KMUD Altitude RP mentioned about a guy who supplied oxygen tank to
fire fighters, which had 7 percent carbon dioxide. But i also remember that in
another interview he mentioned that some hospital currently use
5 percent CO2 to the oxygen for better result. I am not sure how
common is this in hospitals but you can ask them about it.
No one in my state adds CO2. Hopefully they do where you are.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
5magicbeans said:
Blossom and Mittir,

Thanks so much for your responses...super helpful!
This may help you to further figure out how much oxygen your loved one is getting. If she has the nasal cannula(plastic tube in each nostril) you can estimate her inspired oxygen by looking at the litter flow on the meter the tube is attached to:
1 liter is approximately 24%
2 liters is approximately 28%
3 liters is approximately 31%
4liters is approximately 35%
Every liter of oxygen is 3-4 % because it is variable depending on the individuals rate and depth of breathing. This is just 'medical' oxygen information that I'm passing along to you because your loved one is receiving ' medical oxygen' therapy. If she has a mask or a breathing tube in her trachea it would be a slightly different scenario where the oxygen is more specific and not an approximate. Hope that additional information is helpful.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It looks like now requires a prescription if you order products from them. Just thought I'd mention that since it was previously a convenient source for diamox/acetazolamide.


Aug 9, 2013
Blossom said:
It looks like now requires a prescription if you order products from them. Just thought I'd mention that since it was previously a convenient source for diamox/acetazolamide. sells it


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
aquaman said:
Blossom said:
It looks like now requires a prescription if you order products from them. Just thought I'd mention that since it was previously a convenient source for diamox/acetazolamide. sells it
I received an email from stating that they were forced to change over to requiring prescriptions for credit card transactions due to pressure from the drug companies and big pharma in the U.S. Basically the claim is that the credit card companies were being threatened with legal action by pharmaceutical giants for being part of the process of people obtaining prescription medicines with out a prescription?!? Despite this being LEGAL, I suppose if correct, then the powers that be are getting creative with ways to hinder people from obtaining needed medicine. This seems quite scary to me. Apparently you can order and pay by echeck and circumvent the process. I've basically been unsuccessful this week ordering from both of my normal sources which is a big red flag. I've also been forced to purchase a catastrophic healthcare plan against my will or face fines from the government. I now have a basically worthlessness health insurance policy that I plan on never using but I must pay for nonetheless and now my ability to handle my own healthcare the way I see fit is seemingly being taken from me as well. I can apparently still obtain the products I need but with a lot more difficulty and additional expense that includes TAX. I suppose the powers behind all of this want people to give up and submit to placing their healthcare in the hands of mainstream medical authorities. :banghead


Feb 12, 2014
I've also been forced to purchase a catastrophic healthcare plan against my will or face fines from the government. I now have a basically worthlessness health insurance policy that I plan on never using but I must pay for nonetheless and now my ability to handle my own healthcare the way I see fit is seemingly being taken from me as well.

This is truly quite scary. I have heard that some people think that the best thing to do in this case is to just pay the penalty. Is this possible or would the employer take punitive action against you?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
mas said:
I've also been forced to purchase a catastrophic healthcare plan against my will or face fines from the government. I now have a basically worthlessness health insurance policy that I plan on never using but I must pay for nonetheless and now my ability to handle my own healthcare the way I see fit is seemingly being taken from me as well.

This is truly quite scary. I have heard that some people think that the best thing to do in this case is to just pay the penalty. Is this possible or would the employer take punitive action against you?
Mas- I doubt my employer would care either way at this point. This process has been in the works for awhile. My employer took away an option employees had called 'pay in lieu of benefits' due to the government mandate that everyone have health insurance. I had a plan with my spouse who works for the same company and it started a couple years ago with a 1,200 dollar per year fine for being on the same policy in addition to charging more, we were basically being penalized twice. It was getting so ridiculous to pay more for the same insurance. Then the government stepped in and mandated companies do away with those options. It seems we may indeed be losing some freedoms here in America. Rumor has it that the fines will increase with every year that a person doesn't have health insurance and eventually you may run the risk of losing your drivers license (and who knows what else) if you are not complying. Not many people are talking about this issue, sadly. Maybe they have yet to feel the full weight of it. My pay cut was less than 10,000 dollars per year but I've known people who have taken up to a 25% pay cut and many who are losing their jobs all together. It will be interesting to see how this all works out in the end. 'Medicine' can't possibly get worse! I guess it will be good if there ends up being some true health care reform. :shock: One must hope.


Feb 12, 2014

No one is going to get out of this mess unscathed and my husband and I will feel the brunt of this too. When this "affordable care" legislation was being drafted up, the sheer volume of legal manuscripts would amount to tens of thousands of pages of legalese and unintelligible verbosity and circumlocution, which were constantly being amended and changed incrementally and were difficult to not only understand, but to basically keep up with amendments and revisions.

Even if the Congressional Representatives and Senators wanted to generally understand the ongoing and ever changing codes in this legislation, they would need expensive legal analysts and scholars to decipher. Even worse, parts of the legislation were tucked into other verbose bills consisting of hundreds and thousands of pages (this is common practice) so trying to understand the legislation as a whole is almost impossible.

The country has been mired in derivative hedging and deindustrialized slowly by design and the consequences of so called "Free Trade" (NAFTA,GATT, TPP and legislated and sold out by our own representatives for numerous reasons) have been destroying our ability to compete with other nations economically! Unemployment is growing because industry is not creating jobs - no matter what the government spin doctors say. 47% of families are on food stamps because of dire economic circumstances.

The economic burden for paying for this "health care" falls squarely on the shoulders of those middle class people who are lucky enough to still have a job. We will be squeezed for to pay for this as well as for persons who have been economically disadvantaged and this will cause more strife for all down the road. Instead of blaming the power structure and their machinations for our countries demise, people will be blaming the unemployed people, who are often victims of economic circumstance that one has no control over.

I never believed that this pie-in-the-sky fantasy that was being spouted with political rhetoric that everyone would be covered across the board, and would get superior care regardless of health history, economic position, and that this could be easily achieved without biting people economically who have the sole economic burden.

We do not even know at this point yet either, how many more hidden codes for increased taxation and penalties lie hidden in this voluminous legislation that is imbedded in other verbose legislation. The taxes and penalties will reveal themselves as we roll into the future.

Also we don't have any knowledge about what policies people will be forced to adhere to- such as mandatory testing for cancer, drug testing, diseases in general, etc… and will people be forced into "treatment" in a coercive manner?

Scary indeed!!!
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