Chronic Craniofacial Discomfort. Can Only Listen To Music If I'm On An SSRI. Need Supplement Advice


May 3, 2015
Hi @milk, have you read Weston Price's 1930's book, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration"?

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

In the book the dentist Weston Price travels the world examining traditional versus modern diets and looking at teeth and facial bones of the people on these diets.

He wrote of a mysterious fat soluble nutrient that was missing from the flour, jam and canned goods diet of his times.

He found this essential nutrient in the butter of grass-fed cows. Administering it to a group of underprivileged US children corrected many oral and facial problems.

We now believe it was vitamin k2. You can get this from aged cheddar or parmesan, but if you do not like dairy, then the book suggests that various seafoods and / or greens also provide it. eg. the traditional Maori and Fijian diets provided excellent nutrition.

Ray Peat's love of dairy may have been influenced by Weston Price's work.

The book may give you some ideas of foods to try.

I agree with @Constatine that the SSRI's were probably hiding the problem.


Apr 27, 2015
I think I'm making some progress. Which is very fortunate. Living a music-deprived life rather sucks.

I've been using progesterone (Progestene, thanks DaveFoster for the tip) for the first time. In terms of alleviating the symptoms I talk about in this thread it works similarly to pregnenolone, but better. I'm taking Vit K2 (Kuinone) as well which may be helping too.

If I listen to music on headphones for an hour or more, it is like subjecting my body to some kind of electrical current. One time recently upon waking up, when the night before I had listened to music for about an hour on headphones immediately before sleep, I felt this energy all over my body, particularly on the palms of my hands and feet. I had a longing for stepping barefoot on grass, but that would only have been feasible in a park quite a few blocks away. There might be somehing to the idea of "grounding", it was a curious longing.

And you know, this energy thing, it sort of seems like a kundalini thing, no?

Anyway. The SSRI's worked wonderfully when it came to subsiding the symptoms... Just like hitting a switch and making it go away a 100%. Whereas if I use a plethora of peaty supplements I can achive an effect that approximates that, but it's not as dead on efficacious.

It does feel like "morphogenetic fields" thing, too. It's like there's this energy all over my body and it's trying to nudge my body into symmetry, but there are several blockages here and here, I can feel the energy getting stuck in some places, changing direction, going into repetitive swirls... I can see the swirls when I close my eyes.

With the SSRI's I feel nothing physically, it's all gone, music doesn't make my body flip out. With progesterone I still feel the weird tension in several spots of my body and the energy, but it's like my body is more able to take the music, it doesn't flip out as much. Like, to a significant degree, I'm pretty happy with the results.

I still a little dizzy after, my ability to read long texts afterwards gets a little compromised, it's literally like my eyes get a little shook within the sockets. Like the invisible line of the eyes' alignment slides down a few angles after the music... It's like my face doesn't know its shape and the morphogenetic energy is trying to put it in place.
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Mar 2, 2016
I'm curious, do you have ridges on your fingernails? Are they more pronounced on the right hand, especially the middle finger? Do you bite your nails?

I think you're doing good work, you are very observant and it will serve you well!


Apr 27, 2015
I'm curious, do you have ridges on your fingernails? Are they more pronounced on the right hand, especially the middle finger? Do you bite your nails?

I think you're doing good work, you are very observant and it will serve you well!

I do have ridges on my fingernails. The ones on my right middle finger are quite noticeable, but the most pronounced ones are on my left ring finger.

As for biting my fingernails, no, but I used to be obsessed with removing them manually, as it were, both my fingernails and my toenails, just chipping at them with my fingernails until they "gave" and I could slowly sort of peel the white part of the nail out? Sort of like cutting your fingernails with your other hand's fingernails. (I hope the explanation is clear.)

It's funny because I don't think of it much but just yesterday I was wondering if it's some kind of trichotillomania, which is borderline personality disorder symptom (I'm pretty sure I'm BPD). And BPD is related to trauma, and Peat says bodily asymmetry tends to be related to trauma...


Apr 27, 2015
Hi @milk, have you read Weston Price's 1930's book, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration"?

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

In the book the dentist Weston Price travels the world examining traditional versus modern diets and looking at teeth and facial bones of the people on these diets.

He wrote of a mysterious fat soluble nutrient that was missing from the flour, jam and canned goods diet of his times.

He found this essential nutrient in the butter of grass-fed cows. Administering it to a group of underprivileged US children corrected many oral and facial problems.

We now believe it was vitamin k2. You can get this from aged cheddar or parmesan, but if you do not like dairy, then the book suggests that various seafoods and / or greens also provide it. eg. the traditional Maori and Fijian diets provided excellent nutrition.

Ray Peat's love of dairy may have been influenced by Weston Price's work.

The book may give you some ideas of foods to try.

I agree with @Constatine that the SSRI's were probably hiding the problem.

I should have replied to this post before, sorry.

I'm taking Kuinone now, let's see how it works out.


May 3, 2015
I'm taking Kuinone now, let's see how it works out.
If you can afford it, traditional (authentic) Italian parmigiano reggiano cheese is aged 2 years and may be a more balanced source of k2, calcium, saturated fat and other goodies.

How many calories are you eating and what do you eat?


Apr 27, 2015
If you can afford it, traditional (authentic) Italian parmigiano reggiano cheese is aged 2 years and may be a more balanced source of k2, calcium, saturated fat and other goodies.

How many calories are you eating and what do you eat?

I'm eating about 2500 cals, maybe a bit more. OJ, milk, eggs, liver, coffee, sugar. The staples.


Apr 27, 2015
Progesterone applied under my eyes (on the maxilla region), on my forehead and next to my ears where the maxilla meets the mandible (since I have TMD) seems particularly effective.

Progestene, 5 drops, about 10 mg. I'm listening to music right now and it's not causing as much discomfort as usual.

I was doing 3 drops for a while. Upping it to 5 increases the effect proportionally. Sort of an anaesthetic effect.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I think I'm making some progress. Which is very fortunate. Living a music-deprived life rather sucks.

I've been using progesterone (Progestene, thanks DaveFoster for the tip) for the first time. In terms of alleviating the symptoms I talk about in this thread it works similarly to pregnenolone, but better. I'm taking Vit K2 (Kuinone) as well which may be helping too.

If I listen to music on headphones for an hour or more, it is like subjecting my body to some kind of electrical current. One time recently upon waking up, when the night before I had listened to music for about an hour on headphones immediately before sleep, I felt this energy all over my body, particularly on the palms of my hands and feet. I had a longing for stepping barefoot on grass, but that would only have been feasible in a park quite a few blocks away. There might be somehing to the idea of "grounding", it was a curious longing.

And you know, this energy thing, it sort of seems like a kundalini thing, no?

Anyway. The SSRI's worked wonderfully when it came to subsiding the symptoms... Just like hitting a switch and making it go away a 100%. Whereas if I use a plethora of peaty supplements I can achive an effect that approximates that, but it's not as dead on efficacious.

It does feel like "morphogenetic fields" thing, too. It's like there's this energy all over my body and it's trying to nudge my body into symmetry, but there are several blockages here and here, I can feel the energy getting stuck in some places, changing direction, going into repetitive swirls... I can see the swirls when I close my eyes.

With the SSRI's I feel nothing physically, it's all gone, music doesn't make my body flip out. With progesterone I still feel the weird tension in several spots of my body and the energy, but it's like my body is more able to take the music, it doesn't flip out as much. Like, to a significant degree, I'm pretty happy with the results.

I still a little dizzy after, my ability to read long texts afterwards gets a little compromised, it's literally like my eyes get a little shook within the sockets. Like the invisible line of the eyes' alignment slides down a few angles after the music... It's like my face doesn't know its shape and the morphogenetic energy is trying to put it in place.
I had a very similar experience. I would wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling of energy running through my body in all different directions. I was agitated even because it felt so strong and opposing. I often felt like there was not a flow.
I've been doing a series of Rolfing sessions and it's helped a lot with becoming more aware of what it feels like to be inside my body and how to be more attuned to this energy. It's also helped my posture and mood in lots of ways.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I'm curious, do you have ridges on your fingernails? Are they more pronounced on the right hand, especially the middle finger? Do you bite your nails?

I think you're doing good work, you are very observant and it will serve you well!
What do the ridges signify? I have more pronounced vertical ridges on my left hand and less so on my right. Was just looking at that today actually. I think in TCM ridges point to the heart and hardening of the arteries. I also bit my nails for most of life but no longer do.


May 10, 2017
I would focus on your potassium/sodium ratio... Now this may be complete BS. but I was told/ have read the left side of our bodies is controlled by sodium and the right potassium.For instance... if you have problems with your sciatic nerve on the right side or bells palsy/ some facial drooping on the right your potassium is off. Same with high sodium will cause heart disease in the left chamber of your heart. Just an idea.... potassium and sodium keep your body alkalized and prevent acidic loving viral/bacterial infections. If the ratio is off it can cause problems. coconut water is a fantastic way to get more electrolytes especially potassium. as well as the good old salted OJ. When it comes to any sort of eye twitching magnesium glycinate will do wonders!!
I know these aren't the most dependable websites...but if it works it works. Good Luck!
Sodium Potassium Balance & Muscle Groups - Let's Talk Real Health

Potassium to the rescue - Purple House Natural Therapies
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May 10, 2017
also magnesium works with potassium. so having eye twitches and poor symmetry points to mag potassium insufficiency. is the eye twitch usually on the right side?... orange juice it up! eating out or any sort of premade foods are filled with sodium and low in potassium. Also progesterone lowers aldosterone and helps the body flush out excess sodium to keep the NA/K ratio balanced. so all of these should help.


Mar 2, 2016
What do the ridges signify? I have more pronounced vertical ridges on my left hand and less so on my right. Was just looking at that today actually. I think in TCM ridges point to the heart and hardening of the arteries. I also bit my nails for most of life but no longer do.

I'm not entirely sure what ridges signify but I have noticed some patterns with them. I used to have pronounced horizontal ridges or depressions in both hands, middle and ring fingers, less pronounced on the left hand. I also used to bite my nails constantly, and pick at them until they bled.

I think that the fingertips and fingernails are reflexive points which can indicate the state of various parts of the nervous system, and the sides can indicate which type is dominant. You can feel the reflex action by pressing down hard on the nail bed of a particular finger, or clamping with a clothes pin. You may not feel much if sensitivity is low. I find it's best to try directly upon waking up. There are some reflexology/Chinese medicine type guidelines for which fingers indicate what, but I'm not sure how accurate they are or how to even interpret them.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
and of course redlight!
That's so weird. When my eye twitches it twitches on my left side so maybe there is some truth to the sodium/potassium duality
I'm not entirely sure what ridges signify but I have noticed some patterns with them. I used to have pronounced horizontal ridges or depressions in both hands, middle and ring fingers, less pronounced on the left hand. I also used to bite my nails constantly, and pick at them until they bled.

I think that the fingertips and fingernails are reflexive points which can indicate the state of various parts of the nervous system, and the sides can indicate which type is dominant. You can feel the reflex action by pressing down hard on the nail bed of a particular finger, or clamping with a clothes pin. You may not feel much if sensitivity is low. I find it's best to try directly upon waking up. There are some reflexology/Chinese medicine type guidelines for which fingers indicate what, but I'm not sure how accurate they are or how to even interpret them.
Interesting. An acupuncturist once told me that I bit my fingernails because I had candida or yeast. Alternatively I've read that it has to do with poor liver function.
I had a deep horizontal ridge in my thumb nail for a few months after receiving mandatory vaccination for school. It's called a Beau's line and happens in cases of systemic infection or lack of cell division in the nail. It's since grown out. I used to get the white spots from zinc deficiency but those too are gone since I've started eating oysters once a week.
I've noticed lately that my nails are really shiny, they almost looked buffed. The only supplements I've been taking everyday are kuinone and magnesium carbonate.
If I press down on my middle finger I immediately am more aware of energetic sensations in my heart. I just asked my friend who is an acupuncturist and she said middle finger is associated with xin bao, pericardium or heart protector. Very interesting stuff thanks for sharing!


Feb 18, 2018
Where should tip of tongue be touching ? Just behind front teeth so pretty much touching the back of teeth? Or where you can feel indents ?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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