BAD POSTURE is the bane of the my existence today ... I can not figure out how to IMPROVE IT! Mewing/Face Pulling/Chewing/EVERYTHING!


Feb 13, 2021
Only women usually get the privilege of selling their toe nails, feet pics, farts, etc.
By what metric is this a privilege? Based on how much money they make?

There are more important things, and such women will likely regret these activities for the last 2/3 of their life.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020


May 12, 2016
Throwing my 2 cents. I always had great posture. I learned this sitting up right in the chair after being forced my my primary school teacher each day to sit with my hand in the back in our school benches... Comunist stuff but did me good ? aperantly. When I look around people with great posture are uptight... I find few that are relaxed with a good posture. Once my diet and health started slowly improving my posture visibly got worse. My back started hurting and I realized it was from relaxing probably but i never had a muscular figure so it was probably normal for my body type to slump. I remembered I had a good time running for my back pains so I started walking instead of running daily minimum 10k steps indoor if bad weather and outdoor if the weather is fine. Takes about an hour in nature on a fast pace. It did improve my posture, and my back does not hurt anymore. I feel relaxed especially if the walk is in the evening. I take the kids or my partner in these walks so it makes for a great way to connect with them also ☺️ . I have a kid that has bad slumpy type posture. I am trying to get him on the regular walk. No significant results convincing him yet. I will report back if this improves :)))
Hope this helps


I always had bad/poor posture growing up, which I why I found out about mewing, "looksmaxxing" and other topics. Bad posture/looks seems much worse than even being DIRT POOR. I can't simply figure out what the real issue is with posture ... Sometimes diet, hormones/supps/etc. influence it but never enough to make heads or tails of it. Like it feels wrong and sometimes even PAINFUL to "sit straight" but you also feel pain if you don't do it because then you, well, sit crooked. So it's a lose-lose situation. What puzzle is missing here? Dopamine-increasing things makes you "sit up" but still have ***t neck posture, or vice-versa ... Neck posture with bad back.

Basically I have neck pain, back pain, bad back posture/neck posture, etc. I have tried chin tucks, different chairs, etc. but can't just "get it right." It's sad and frustrating seeing everyone just having naturally superior posture with no effort, meanwhile I have to download 20 videos a day teaching me how to sit like a normal person with out pain.

I have to work on computers and such, so I can't always adjust things the right way/have the ability or means to do so. I try mewing, McKenzie chin tucks, standing back against the wall, etc. but it's just temporary ... Like with mewing you have to CONSTANTLY remind yourself to do it or else you never really do. Posture overall is the same ... Must "remind yourself" to sit or stand normally. Must remind yourself to assault your palate with your tongue ... Must remind yourself to push your head/neck back, etc.

Otherwise I naturally slouch, lag, or "melt in to my body" without conscious effort to non-stop sit right, whereas some others just seem to always have it all perfect and never think of it ... MADNESS. To see these perfect posturers vs. me struggling to "normal" is like watching millionaire preppies play while you're the poor, board licking kid.

Few things you can try if you wish.
- Inversion table (hang upside down)
- Tummy vacuums every day
- Exercise your core muscles, ab training
- Resistance training, i.e: cable machine face pulls, lateral band pulls, to lesser extent deadlifts & rows (important to not use heavy weights, light weights with many many reps works best to train posture)
- You can combine some of the above aka Inversion/upside down tummy vacuums & ab training
- Food allergy test (theoretical but makes sense to me, that if you're regularly eating food that is causing inflammation somewhere in your body, that inflammation can cause skeletal and muscular imbalances over extended periods of time. Perhaps this may even cause conditions such as scoliosis)

You may also want to start doing something like Wim Hoff method, so as to increase mood and wellbeing, and not let daily happenings, online or off, affect your mood.


Sep 12, 2018
Standing posture is fine, besides some forward head issues when walking or more specifically when riding bike ... Sitting is the real kicker though.

I have terrible muscle-balance around the body, or better yet imbalance (like strong hands/arms and abs but weak back and legs).
It was F.M Alexander (Alexander Technique) who recognized that our feeling sense is out of wack and thus, as one knowledgeable in the "initial Alexander Technique" I would say that you have no understanding of what "good posture" is, and that what you think is good posture, might actually be causing harm. Thus the whole "chin tucking" business, and "forward head posture" fears are just that, based upon certain wrong conceptions...


Dec 28, 2021
It was F.M Alexander (Alexander Technique) who recognized that our feeling sense is out of wack and thus, as one knowledgeable in the "initial Alexander Technique" I would say that you have no understanding of what "good posture" is, and that what you think is good posture, might actually be causing harm. Thus the whole "chin tucking" business, and "forward head posture" fears are just that, based upon certain wrong conceptions...
Do you have any recommendation of a place to start reading his work?


Jan 6, 2019
Try relaxing into the proper posture instead of forcing yourself into it. I wasted five years trying to fight my way to proper posture. Once I figure out that all postural imbalances are created by tension, I simply scanned my body for tension and let go of it all. By doing so, my body eventually relaxed into alignment.


Dec 28, 2021
Try relaxing into the proper posture instead of forcing yourself into it. I wasted five years trying to fight my way to proper posture. Once I figure out that all postural imbalances are created by tension, I simply scanned my body for tension and let go of it all. By doing so, my body eventually relaxed into alignment.
Agree somewhat to this. It takes energi for the body to relax. If you have aching joints and pains it is easier said then done to just relax into a good posture. Did you do anything else aswell? Body exercises/thyroid meds etc?


Jan 6, 2019
Agree somewhat to this. It takes energi for the body to relax. If you have aching joints and pains it is easier said then done to just relax into a good posture. Did you do anything else aswell? Body exercises/thyroid meds etc?
Just walking and improvised range of motion exercises, the goal of which was to get the inactive muscles spasming/cramping in order to wake them up. The initial five years of forcing correct body posture no doubt helped with building a muscular foundation for the subsequent relaxation into good posture. Though at the same time, such forcing was dysfunctional enough to result in its own knee, neck and back pains.

In retrospect, I think following some basic yoga-inspired routine would've been more productive since those movements are so holistic that they target the whole body at the same time. Relaxation, however, was the keystone that 'solved' my posture for good, as well as improved my overall wellbeing and energy.


Mar 25, 2016
@ScurveDream You might invest in a standing desk or raising your screens in a work station, that said, it won't solve your problem when it comes to standing in a normal day to day scenario.

Let me enlighten you on something I figured out by myself. Its equally difficult to stand straight for any length of time and will normally end in failure after a short while as it seems un-natural and stressful on the4 torso in particular

If I re-position my weight spread away from my heels and more towards the balls of my feet (closer to how it would be if you'd grew up barefoot) my body will rebalance itself, straighten up and I will have pretty close to perfect posture and yet it feels natural and is effortless (apart from having to be conscious of rebalancing on my feet).

Try it and let me how how it works for you?

No doubt you will have to keep reminding yourself to alter your stance but its a lot simpler than trying to force your back, shoulders, neck and head into what feels like an unnatural straightness.


Feb 28, 2020
Definitely check out Egoscue Therapy. Buy Pete Egoscue's book Pain Free. Check out Egoscue exercises on youtube. But it's best to work with a therapist online. YOu send picts and he/she chooses which ecises to do. It's a time commitment, but your body will feel better after each menu. That and Original Strength are pretty awesome.


Dec 28, 2021
Just walking and improvised range of motion exercises, the goal of which was to get the inactive muscles spasming/cramping in order to wake them up. The initial five years of forcing correct body posture no doubt helped with building a muscular foundation for the subsequent relaxation into good posture. Though at the same time, such forcing was dysfunctional enough to result in its own knee, neck and back pains.

In retrospect, I think following some basic yoga-inspired routine would've been more productive since those movements are so holistic that they target the whole body at the same time. Relaxation, however, was the keystone that 'solved' my posture for good, as well as improved my overall wellbeing and energy.
Cool, thanks for replying. Sounds like a similar experience to me, trying to overcorrect things. I need to be careful with yoga though, always been hyper mobile and can easily overstretch, making a part that needs to be strong to be more flaccid.


Nov 27, 2019
Hey man,

I had issues with my posture too. Specifically, i had an APT (Anterior pelvic tilt). I had pain in my lower back and hip flexors, so through those symptoms, I was able to ascertain my issue. You need to know exactly what your problem is.

The way that I healed my posture is actually very simple. You don’t need to launch this giant endeavor or spend any money. All you need to do is just walk, barefoot. Take it really slow and easy. You will have to get used to stepping on things that will make your feet uncomfortable, but eventually you will get used to it. Focus on that heel to toe movement and keep your weight centered. My posture corrected itself within 2 barefoot walks after years and years of being messed up.

I knew about my APT problem for years and went on several missions to fix it, but the one time it worked, it just came back. Now it never comes back. It did help things even more to stretch, and i do stretch daily now. I stretch my lower back and hip flexors, as well as other poses to increase mobility in my spine and neck. Make sure you know what your problem areas are though, and focus on stretching those. For example, If i had started stretching my core and glutes (weak in an APT), it wouldve made my problem worse and not better. The same would be true for other strength imbalances.

The last thing I’ll say is that after improving things a lot by walking barefoot, I learned that most of my shoes had “platforms”, and that the heel part was cushioned in a way that made an incline from heel to toe. This was directly contributing to my postural problem. In fact, it could’ve been what was causing it. I’ve done a lot of work evaluating my environment and eliminating stressors and poisons. I never thought that I would get to a point where I’d be scrapping shoes and labeling them as stressors unironically, but such is the situation in the West. You just cannot trust these companies - or anything in this system, for that matter.

Good luck. You’ll get this fixed soon.


Feb 22, 2022
Sitting is a big part of the problem. I don’t think there is a right way to sit in a chair. Squatting is the correct sitting position. A standing desk seems like a necessity to make any real progress.
Ye I'll either be standing up or laying down, prefer not to sit
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