Why your face has almost nothing to do with "Genetics" and why you SHOULD be Mewing AND Chewing


Jun 7, 2019
Below example of 1 of the most populair male models. Very good forward growth with angulair features, wider set eyes, resembling more towards a disney dog like face than an ape like face.

Caucasians being the most universally attractive people? Based on dating app statistics it’s overwhelmingly clear.
But definitely also based on my own view on aesthetics and beauty.

Beauty is to a large degree (but not completely), objective and universal. Just like function and structure are.
The contrasting facial development between that guy and his husband is amazing. It's a total structural difference.

Looks like he has a big enough jaw anyway:


Feb 12, 2020
The contrasting facial development between that guy and his husband is amazing. It's a total structural difference.
View attachment 32019

Looks like he has a big enough jaw anyway:
View attachment 32020

I realise this is a troll response to a troll user but it's worth saying:
the brunette guy's phenotype is very common in the mediterranean.
Even if he worked to optimise his facial development he would not have the northwestern european's square broad face, sharp features, thin lips and small vertically narrow upward tilted eyes.

If you observe the second picture where they both smile the Mediterranean man's dental arch is just as broad and well developed which means he's not far off from his optimal development. People who want to look like a northwestern european phenotype and consider everything else to be ugly, dysfunctional and a sign of low thyroid need to reevaluate the viability of mewing and alimentation and focus on agressive reconstructive surgery as having this phenotype is not entirely a matter of tongue posture and thyroid health. It would also be worth to investigate photos of their ancestors who lived a natural lifestyle and developed optimally and see if they have a similar phenotype.

I realise this forum is in denial of the reality of genes and their influence on phenotypes but it's better to swallow this pill than chastise and pathologise people who don't fit the desired phenotype for not trying hard enough to be "healthy". Just as no amount of thyroid or "mewing" will turn brown eyes to blue, no amount of it will turn a Gracile mediterranean into a dalofaelid. It's a good thing to correct thyroid status and eat well but the expectations are in serious need of dialling down and phenotype needs to be considered as the major limiting factor.
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Feb 8, 2021
I realise this is a troll response to a troll user but it's worth saying:
the brunette guy's phenotype is very common in the mediterranean.
View attachment 32021
Even if he worked to optimise his facial development he would not have the northwestern european's square broad face, sharp features, thin lips and small vertically narrow upward tilted eyes.

View attachment 32022
If you observe the second picture where they both smile the Mediterranean man's dental arch is just as broad and well developed which means he's not far off from his optimal development. People who want to look like a northwestern european phenotype and consider everything else to be ugly, dysfunctional and a sign of low thyroid need to reevaluate the viability of mewing and alimentation and focus on agressive reconstructive surgery as having this phenotype is not entirely a matter of tongue posture and thyroid health. It would also be worth to investigate photos of their ancestors who lived a natural lifestyle and developed optimally and see if they have a similar phenotype.

I realise this forum is in denial of the reality of genes and their influence on phenotypes but it's better to swallow this pill than chastise and pathologise people who don't fit the desired phenotype for not trying hard enough to be "healthy". Just as no amount of thyroid or "mewing" will turn brown eyes to blue, no amount of it will turn a Gracile mediterranean into a dalofaelid. It's a good thing to correct thyroid status and eat well but the expectations are in serious need of dialling down and phenotype needs to be considered as the major limiting factor.
bro are you a looksmaxxer, can i pm you, need advie for ascension


Dec 1, 2020
As most of us know - the upper and lower jaws of those living in Western Civilization have continously declined over time.

Looking at indigenous people's on traditional diets - their jaws seem to be FAR wider and longer than those living in Western Civilization across the board - many theorize that their way of eating helps develop these strong, large jaws (strongly focused on chewing especially compared to the Western diets where foods are very soft and "easy" on the teeth)


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A few relevant links:

Why should you care about the size of your jaws ?

View attachment 28555

A jaw without forward growth with (either an underdeveloped maxilla or mandible or both) will have the jaws interefering with the extremely important tasks of breathing and eating.

A person with a forward upperjaw has a MUCH easier time breathing through the nose (larger nasal passage ways) than someone without one with all things being equal causing them to NOT have to mouth-breathe - creating a more ideal metabolic environment

A person with a forward lower jaw has a MUCH easier time eating food - especially without choking than someone without a forward lower jaw - the food ways are larger and not blocked by the lower jaw

Notice for the image I posted below - the people on the right have STRAIGHT jaws - when your jaws are pushed forward - they become straighter - when they are NOT straight - they are facing DOWNWARD - blocking air and food ways to some extent - ruining your posture because you have to adjust your neck (lean your neck forward to breath freely)

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Luckily the length and the width of the upper and lower jaws don't seem to be related to genetics and seem to be something more:

Most of us are familiar with mewing (if you are not I will link to a thread that is a very good introduction) - the act of flattening out the tongue over the roof of the mouth to expand the width and length of the upper jaw over time - overtime this pushes the upper jaw forward and expands the width of the upper jaws - Making it easier for you to BREATHE and EAT overtime -

There is one problem with Mewing - it focuses attention on the UPPER jaw MAINLY - neglecting attention to the LOWER jaw - some people claim that expanding the upper jaw "automatically" forces the lower jaw to adjust - I personally do not think the lower jaw adjusts that much WITHOUT direct attention to it - if this was the case I think mostly everyone that had a large upper jaw would have a large lower jaw as well - this doesn't seem to be the case -

it seems that most people have one or the other (and their other jaw ends up as underdeveloped as a result)

so what do people look like when they have a stronger upper jaw but an UNDERDEVELOPED lower jaw (mewing [tongue resting at the roof of the mouth] alone with little to no attention to the lower jaw) ?

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For people who don't mew (and KEEP their tongue resting at the bottom of the mouth to DEVELOP a lower jaw with little to NO attention to the upper jaw) - their faces develop as follows

View attachment 28560

This is one of the best cases scenario for each - most people don't develop like this WITHOUT a conscious effort

For people who have BOTH (extremely rare in western civilization) they develop as follows:

View attachment 28564View attachment 28565

Many people claim that Mewing "only works" if you are young and your bones are "malleable" - It is NO secret that looks tend to DECLINE as "people get older" - I strongly believe that the jaws are subject to change in width and in length for your ENTIRE LIFE - Without proper tongue posture for your entire life - your looks will decline over-time as with most people - causing you to have a HARDER TIME breathing and eating which subsequently will have a negative impact on your metabolic rate if you are mouth-breathing.

It is DIFFICULT to have a DEVELOPED upper and lower jaw - because using your tongue at rest to either NEGLECTS attention to the other jaw - MEWING is seen as beneficial because developing the upper jaw (for breathing) is probably a little bit more important to developing the lower jaw (for eating) if one had to choose between the two

The point of the thread is to work on having BOTH as BOTH are extremely important not only from a metabolic perspective but for surviving/thriving in general

Notice how for the lower jaw men their eyes look like they are melting (negative canthal tilt) the eyes for the upper jaw people look at a positive angle (positive canthal tilt) - the shape of the eys follow the upper jaw -

the larger and more forward your upper jaw - the more positive canthal tilt it will have and vice-versa for an UNDERDEVELOPED upper jaw

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Tongue posture does not just affect your BREATHING and EATING - it affects the ENTIRE way your face develops for the rest of your life - the size of your nose (more forward growth pushes the nose to become bigger) - the shape of your eyes AND the size of your skull (expanding the jaws will expand the size of your skull)

The purpose of this thread is to explore the benefits for mewing correctly and Mewing AND Chewing -

For Mewing correctly and for results in the lower jaw as well (strongly recommend for lower jaw - check-out what the @TheSir posted - very good gem for lower jaw growth while mewing ) :

Some of the relevant quotes for mandible (lower jaw) length and growth while mewing:
1) suction your posterior tongue onto the soft palate
2) drive your occiput upwards and tuck your chin in until these movements and the tongue suction become one.
3) lower your mandible (experiment with backwardly vs forwardly descending vector), until you feel your anterior neck muscles engage. Seek to habitually maintain this engagement, especially during inhalation. Note how your jaw comes to be sustained at an equilibrium of forces between the tongue and the neck muscles.
(4 optional) study the dynamic between lowering the mandible and elevating the coccyx. Both being the ultimate end points of the spine, posture-wise they function as complementary opposites.


Mewing gives attention to the UPPER JAW - expanding the width and length of the upper jaw - I recommend reading the above quote for the lower jaw while mewing. - It is Important to ensure you are Mewing correctly for lower jaw length

- while CHEWING gives attention to the Width and mass of Lower Jaw - allowing it to grow larger over time and to match the width and mass gains made for the maxilla.

Having proper tongue posture from mewing ensures you work and maintain a large and forward upper jaw - making it easier to breathe through your nose WHILE also lengthening the mandible as long as you are mewing correctly

Chewing and "working" the lower jaw ensures that your lower jaw expands in width and mass as well - mewing correctly however is EXTREMELY RELEVANT to the lengthening of the lower jaw however and it's adjustments to the skull

This is why I strongly believe for your entire life MEWING AND CHEWING should be combined to ensure that your jaws grow longer/bigger and also MAINTAIN that size - if you do NOTHING to maintain the sizes of your jaws they will inevitably get smaller as they do with mostly everyone you see on the internet -

View attachment 28566

Celebrities aging "badly" and celebrities aging "well" - what's the difference ? 10 times out of 10 - the celebrities that aged WELL have maintained or even INCREASED the size of their upper and lower jaws from proper tongue posture - the celebrities that aged BADLY all have decreased size of their lower and upper jaws - making their wrinkles more prominent in the absence of bone support

Good Introduction to mewing for those are not familiar:

If you have been mewing with no results you should make sure you are mewing CORRECTLY - I would strongly recommend watching this video on suction-based mewing (creating an intra-oral vaccuum):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxYcPpOB_i8

Also a good way of finding someones forward growth is learning seeing if the front of neck or back of neck musculature is stretched. If you can see what angle the neck goes at then u can just draw a parallel line with the same angle across the face. I think this strategy is better for seeing someones forward growth. The first guy wich look very recessed is even more recessed calculating it like this. The looks compared to forward growth get even more linear with this technique.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I am not but pretty much everyone whose avi is a naked bathroom selfie is one so you could hit any one of those bros up
Iam not sure why these peoples put this as a profile picture on this forum,chest naked specifically,peoples claiming to feel androgenic,yet manifesting recognition seeking behavior?


Feb 8, 2021
Just to be frank - this whole looksmax thing is very g4y
possibly but there are objective metrics as to what makes humans attractive, of course personal preference matters but there are ways to improve looks objectively and LOOKS MATTER without a doubt, it's undeniable, improving ones looks is a very valuable use of time -- there are many underground ways to improve looks not including surgery, not everything is get a better haircut


Feb 8, 2021
Anyone know what the issue is with me -- i have very strong and sharp jawline/forward growth, very ideal gonial angle, good long visible ramus, but my chin is very short in width and height and my lips ever so slightly protrude it


Dec 1, 2020
possibly but there are objective metrics as to what makes humans attractive, of course personal preference matters but there are ways to improve looks objectively and LOOKS MATTER without a doubt, it's undeniable, improving ones looks is a very valuable use of time -- there are many underground ways to improve looks not including surgery, not everything is get a better haircut
Just to be frank - this whole looksmax thing is very g4y
Its not gay. If you have dopamine you will be aesthetically pleased by other good looking people, even if they are the same gender. Now if you fall in love or get sexually attracted to someone of the same gender its gay. If you cant see the difference in that I would be worried about your dopamine to serotonin ratio...


Jan 9, 2019
I would like to add, something a little random but I think being breastfed as a child may have something to do with the formation of the jaw. Only through my own experience, I don't have any scientific data to back this up but there is sure to be something out there if I have a look.

I breastfed both my children on demand for three years = 6 years of me feeding them in total. I was into Weston Price at that point. I understood that the shape of the jaw was crucial to good health and respiration etc. so I wanted to keep it going for as long as possible. I always noticed that in profile, both my daughters' lower and upper jaws were very far forward, this diminished over time but they still have very well shaped heads, well spaced teeth and forward jaws now they are teenagers.

I don't think bottle fed children have the same need to root forward with their jaws to suck unless the mother is attentive and is aware of her and the baby's position perhaps.

Would this then be an argument to drink out of straws? Maybe those water bottles which come with a permanent silicon straw with a slit would have adequate suction.

Someone ask a baby how much approximate resistance there is in a nipple.

Peaty people drink a lot of liquid, milk especially tends to have more viscosity than water. whole milk would provide even more resistance. If one were to drink all of their coffee, OJ, coke and milk with straws for around 2 years wonder if it would mimic breastfeeding.


Oct 12, 2015
I’m late to this thread. I’ve been mewing for about 6 months. Thanks to reading this thread, I realized I was doing it incorrectly, & I’ve now ended up with a small pouch of skin under my chin. I started mewing to try to improve neck tone, because I have some softening at the throat. I’m female, almost 42 (so yes I realize my sagging is happening much earlier than it should be). I’ve been dealing with chronic health issues for about three years but have finally seemed to get a bit of a foothold. If I mew properly moving forward, do you think improvements can be made? I really believe in regeneration, and want to believe I can restore some of my natural appearance through these types of techniques
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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