New here- trying to figure it all out!


Oct 9, 2014
Hi everyone!

First off, I have been on a health improvement journey for 11 years now. I've had health problems for as long as I can remember. A little back ground: I am a 45 yo female. As a child I was constantly sick with tonsillitis, walking pneumonia and viruses. Was a daydreamer and very shy. As a teen, had acne that later developed into cystic acne in my late teens, early 20's. Constant bladder and yeast infections in my 20's. Took the BC pill for 4-5 years but haven't since I was 27. Have one daughter who is 15 now, had her when I was 30. Severe morning sickness the whole pregnancy. I called it all day sickness. Lol :) When I was 27 developed SEVERE anxiety attacks out of the blue. Now that I look back, I think it was coming off the pill. Just figured that out this year after tons of research.

About 10 years ago, I discovered a raw food diet ( after trying to find a way to heal my rosacea (which developed after I was 31). My dermatologist told me it was NOT related to my diet. Ha ha! The diet consists of lots of fruit, olive oil, nuts and raw fish, egg yolks. No seeds, vegetables, dairy or grains. It also discourages caffeine products. My skin, anxiety and female problems, (bladder, etc) cleared up for the first time in years! I had taken Accutane when I was 21 and when I was 27. I know, bad stuff, but trusted docs at the time. My skin looked amazing on this raw food diet and I felt amazing. I stayed on this diet about 90% for 7 years, the 10% being some rice, a little soy sauce when I would eat sushi. Didn't seem to bother me. Now I am about 50%. :cry:

Up to today. The last 3 years I have been wayyyy off of my diet because I work a retail job and I use way more energy and we are not allowed to have food on the floor, so I have to eat much more filling meals that last. Raw food metabolizes fast! I still remain gluten/dairy free. I do eat dairy and gluten 3-4 times a month when socializing or if my husband buys pizza or something. He tries to stay gluten, dairy free as well. We both feel bad when we eat it. My skin has pretty much normalized and I don't get a severe skin reaction from these cheats. I do get pretty constipated though, stuffy nose, etc, and will drink some herbal lax tea to help. We only use butter, coconut oil, olive oil for fats at home and eat a lot of eggs. We usually eat beef and chicken for protein, and I don't care for chicken much.

Why I am here: When I turned 44, I started aging more quickly in my skin (bad forehead wrinkles almost overnight, even had people comment!) and having bad neuro problems. Neuropathy in hands, face and feet and severe brain fog, plus much more. Over 30 symptoms! Thought I had MS or something. Rosacea started trying to come back. I have always looked very young for my age. People still guess me 30-35. My husband is 10 years younger, so I don't want to start aging quickly! In Feb of this year, I went to my gyno because I started having hot flashes every 30 minutes, all day and night. I also felt like I was losing my female feelings. After the 3rd week, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the doc. He ran tests on me and told me my vitamin D was super low: D3 was 15 and D2 -4! When I first went to the doc I had gained 7 pounds and was at my highest weight besides pregnancy. Normally weigh 110-115. I am 5'2. I now weigh 125. My doc put me on natural progesterone and also estrogen and test cream as well. Quickly figured out I did not need the estrogen cream! I shot up from 121 to 130 in two weeks! Just now got my weight down to 125 this month. I also went to see a neuro, which I didn't really want to do. Before this I had not seen a doc since the raw diet. He diagnosed me with Fibro. My gyno also had some tests ran for thyroid and others. The thyroid came back normal but I have always felt I have low thyroid. My mother and grandmother have been diagnosed, but I always get normal readings.

The progesterone cream has helped tons. I use prometrium 100mg capsules, but I break them open and put them in lotion and rub it on thin skin spots. I usually do half in the am and half in the pm.

Recently, 3 weeks ago, I was doing my usual research, which is a passion of mine, and discovered Pyroluria. I was shocked about how many of the symptoms I have and also that many of my family members have! I immediately went out and bought the supps. Zinc picolinate and B2 (P5P). My skin was clear in two days! I had these weepy rosacea spots on my chin and nose that would NOT go away. They are gone and have not came back. I think it is helping my weight go down too. It did say that pyrolurics usually have a omega 6 deficiency, which I do know that Peat doesn't recommend. I tried borage oil and boy, it was bad! Extreme bruising and bad estrogen symptoms. Took two weeks to clear up. I have dry body skin on my lower body, it did help that, but the other symptoms said NO!

Anyway, that brings me to now. I found out about Ray Peat while researching Pyroluria. It's funny, because his diet kind of reminds me of a cooked version of my raw diet. My main concerns that are left is my skin on my face and neck turn bright red and hot around 5:30 pm when I get in my car to go home and lasts for an hour or two. I also have very dry skin on my legs and back side. My face is oily. Want to lose these 10 pounds. I think it's estrogen dominance symptoms. I also have had in the past, androgenic symptoms but those have got better over the years of better eating. Excessive leg hair growth (for a female) and a few dark random hairs in unwanted places that seems to be lessening. I was reading about how he encourages coffee drinking, and I love coffee, but it has always aggravated my estrogen dominance symptoms. I have been drinking it more, but sometimes it makes me feel a little tired and wired at the same time. I never get that up buzz or pick me up from it, just makes me feel kind of weird. Hard to explain. Several years ago, I couldn't even handle caffeine. Severe anxiety for sure if I drank even a few sips. I guess that shows me I have healed some what.

What I am taking now:
Zinc picolinate
Co-enzyme B vitamins (about 5x a week)
Progesterone 100mg
Hydrolyzed Collagen (liquid formula)

I also bought some asprin but I am not sure how I feel about it.I have always been hesitant on taking supplements, but if I have to I will. I prefer whole food supplements. I want to buy some gelatin too. I actually started the collagen because my husband bought it on sale last month and it was even before I learned of Peat. How coincidental! I can tell a positive difference from it. Skin smoother, but still dry and wrinkles on fore head looking better. Rest of the face was fine. We both come from really strong nutritional knowledge (used to own a nutrition store) and I feel like I am putting the missing pieces together. I really want to get well. I already eat 90% clean. Raw diet is ideal, but at this time life, job etc, isn't supportive. I believe I have methlyation problems too, because I cannot metabolize odd things, like yellow food dyes, sulphites and such. This also started with the panic attacks at 27. The symptoms are anxiety and skin flare ups and a light headed feeling. It is getting better but it's still there. Not that I want to eat those things, I avoid them and we do not buy anything but whole foods for our home, but it makes it hard if I am not aware of it being in the item when I am at a friends house or something. I also have been trying to avoid PUFA more diligently.

Oh, here are my thyro numbers:

Free T4- .95
Triiodothyronine Free T3- 3.3
TSH- 2.129

The T4 is a little low on the normal (.80-1.80) but the others are smack in the middle. I don't have much experience with thyroid info, so this makes no sense to me. My doc never suggested to supplement, but I am sure he would, as he will give me anything I ask for. Also, my iron levels are on the high side 190 (15-150 normal) which is weird because I used to be anemic in my pre raw days. B12 was normal at 551. So, I am suspecting estrogen dominance even with the progesterone and possible copper toxicity. I know one thing for sure, the Zinc has been the best supplement so far with the progesterone.

Sorry so long, but I didn't' want to leave anything out! Any ideas or helpful direction is greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading! :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:welcome2 Livingirl! I'm glad you discovered Peat and the forum. We are about the same age and for me this approach has definitely stopped the rapid aging process I was experiencing prior to discovering Peat's work. I focused on my nutrition for the first few months before adding supplements or medicines because I wanted to see what the diet improvements alone would do for me. That's just the approach I took though and in no way means you need to do things the same! There's a lot of information here on the forum that I'm sure you will find helpful.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Livingirl, :welcome

See you around. :hattip


Mar 29, 2014
Welcome. A couple of thoughts.

Peat has said that people are seldom really healthy with TSH over 2, and would be better under 1. I can't remember the T3 and T4 numbers.
Panic attacks often go with hyperventilating. If you are mouth or chest breathing, retraining these habits can help.
I currently don't tolerate much caffeine, so I've taken up drinking decaf lately.

I didn't get what you are eating now. I imaging if you have been reading here that you have got the idea of some things to begin with - as you mention, minimising PUFA, getting enough protein (at least 80g, maybe more), getting plenty of sugar, and going easy on things that irritate your digestion. Carrot salad between meals does many of us good.


Oct 9, 2014
Blossom said:
:welcome2 Livingirl! I'm glad you discovered Peat and the forum. We are about the same age and for me this approach has definitely stopped the rapid aging process I was experiencing prior to discovering Peat's work. I focused on my nutrition for the first few months before adding supplements or medicines because I wanted to see what the diet improvements alone would do for me. That's just the approach I took though and in no way means you need to do things the same! There's a lot of information here on the forum that I'm sure you will find helpful.

Thanks Blossom! May I ask what has helped you the most? Did you have any peri symptoms prior? I know everyone has a unique hormone profile and different symptoms, so just curious to how many other women my age experience peri. My mother never had hot flashes and said she didn't start going through the change til 52. I have always ate much healthier than her, the only difference is I have drank alcohol and she never did. I still want to have another baby and have been trying naturally for the last 3 years. That hope is starting to fade due to my age.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I was being treated for early menopause (with estrogen) when I discovered Peat. I guess my case would be a bit different because I was a victim of a partial hysterectomy at 36. With Progest-e my hormones seem to be doing great now but I don't have menstruation to go by, only how I feel. It's hard to say what's been the most helpful because I think the whole approach is synergistic.


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
Welcome. A couple of thoughts.

Peat has said that people are seldom really healthy with TSH over 2, and would be better under 1. I can't remember the T3 and T4 numbers.
Panic attacks often go with hyperventilating. If you are mouth or chest breathing, retraining these habits can help.
I currently don't tolerate much caffeine, so I've taken up drinking decaf lately.

I didn't get what you are eating now. I imaging if you have been reading here that you have got the idea of some things to begin with - as you mention, minimising PUFA, getting enough protein (at least 80g, maybe more), getting plenty of sugar, and going easy on things that irritate your digestion. Carrot salad between meals does many of us good.

Hello Tara. I don't have the panic attacks anymore, unless I take too many stimulant things. I feel that stimulants act like estrogen, since it is an excitatory hormone. I get estrogen symptoms when I drink coffee or take anything that is stimulant producing. I had some coffee with sugar and cream today (how I like it) and my nose got red with the first few sips. UGH! This redness really bothers me. Most of the time it goes into my chest as well.

Also, I forgot to mention, when I first started my progesterone, I would wake up at 2 am with a severe panic attack and feel like I was going to pass out. I would wake up out of a deep sleep and freak out. Heart pounding like crazy, dizzy and faint. The first time it happened I called 911 it was that bad! By the time the fire dept got to my house, I was a sweaty shaky mess. Like my blood sugar was crashing. Before they got there, I downed some OJ and olive oil. I had that every time I tried to increase my dosage. This was in Feb.

My diet right now is eggs with rice, sometimes with bacon in the am, water and a coke or sweet tea, and sometimes I will make a fruit smoothie, but those don't last long huger wise, even with coconut. I am starving in two hours. Eggs are the only thing that stays with me. Lunch some type of protein and starch, potato or rice, sometimes with steamed veggies and butter. Apple when I get home, and dinner same as lunch. I try to stay around 1200-1400 cals. I do have days I go over 2 times a week. I walk all day at work and do quite a bit of physical labor and I am still carrying an extra 10lb. I only lose when I go below 1000 cal.


Oct 9, 2014
Blossom said:
I was being treated for early menopause (with estrogen) when I discovered Peat. I guess my case would be a bit different because I was a victim of a partial hysterectomy at 36. With Progest-e my hormones seem to be doing great now but I don't have menstruation to go by, only how I feel. It's hard to say what's been the most helpful because I think the whole approach is synergistic.

I see. I am just going to give it time. I will tell you this, when I take estrogen, even just one day, my rosacea tries to flare up and I get the redness in my nose, cheeks and chest really bad. Progesterone helps, but sometimes it doesn't I am reluctant to up my dose because it gives me night time panic attacks every time I try to go up. I have read something that they may not be panic attacks, but low blood sugar. I am confused about that! The highest I have gone is 200 and I felt so sleepy and out of it. I've read many conflicting stories too. That you need to keep going up as long as estrogen dominance is present and the other that you can have too much progesterone. I would try going up if I knew it wasn't a bad thing.

I am currently getting ready to start my period. I have been very PMS symptomatic the last 4-5 days. Mental fatigue, feeling out of sorts, etc. Until Dec 2013, I was 26 days on the dot and never really had any PMS symptoms. I was going through a lot of stress, job I hate and relationship problems. I've been erratic since and I have missed two periods in this time period. I also forgot to mention, I had two old root canals go bad and had to have them pulled with in 6 months apart. I am sure hormones had something to do with them. Root canals are better out than in I try to remind myself!

It stinks that you can't even go to a doctor about this. They always want to put me on a SSRI and call it a day. I tried them in my late 20's and they made me worse. I am not depressed and my former daily anxiety and panic was not worry related. I proved it when I changed my diet. :)


Mar 29, 2014
I'm not Blossom, but I'll fill in some of my details. I'm ~50. My key issues are migraine and brain fades. I'm still menstruating, despite using Progest-e every day. I had kids in my early 40s. I used to get what I now think were night sweats from time to time. Hardly had any in the last year or so. I wonder whether the night sweats phenomenon is similar to hot flashes. Some of the changes I've made that I think may have helped:
- eating more sugar during day and before bed (I'd been restricting sugar for years),
- keeping my mouth shut at night and retraining diaphragmatic breathing,
- progest-e,
- warmer bed clothes (this was counterintuitive from my previous viewpoint - I thought my problem was being too hot in bed).
- possibly oyster shell powder
I'm also finding B vitamins helpful, but night sweats stopped before I started them.

Now seeing your next post:
These comments are based not so much on reading Peat, as reading You are on a very low calorie diet. You may well need at least 1000 cals more to be able to sustain a healthy metabolism. If you've been eating this low for a long time, this could be a major contributor to your health issues. If you only lose weight when you go below 1000 cals, I think that implies your metabolism is very run down. If you add anything that improves your body's ability to burn and use sugar (eg coffee or progest-e), it can run down your glycogen stores even quicker, causing a bunch of stress hormones to increase to maintain necessary fuel supply. Possibly a quick route to hot flashes or panic attacks. There are some risks with refeeding, especially if you've spent time at under 1000 cals.

I seldom go 2 hours without fuel.
I crave extra carbs premenstrually, and some people find extra salt also helpful at that time.


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
I'm not Blossom, but I'll fill in some of my details. I'm ~50. My key issues are migraine and brain fades. I'm still menstruating, despite using Progest-e every day. I had kids in my early 40s. I used to get what I now think were night sweats from time to time. Hardly had any in the last year or so. I wonder whether the night sweats phenomenon is similar to hot flashes. Some of the changes I've made that I think may have helped:
- eating more sugar during day and before bed (I'd been restricting sugar for years),
- keeping my mouth shut at night and retraining diaphragmatic breathing,
- progest-e,
- warmer bed clothes (this was counterintuitive from my previous viewpoint - I thought my problem was being too hot in bed).
- possibly oyster shell powder
I'm also finding B vitamins helpful, but night sweats stopped before I started them.

Now seeing your next post:
These comments are based not so much on reading Peat, as reading You are on a very low calorie diet. You may well need at least 1000 cals more to be able to sustain a healthy metabolism. If you've been eating this low for a long time, this could be a major contributor to your health issues. If you only lose weight when you go below 1000 cals, I think that implies your metabolism is very run down. If you add anything that improves your body's ability to burn and use sugar (eg coffee or progest-e), it can run down your glycogen stores even quicker, causing a bunch of stress hormones to increase to maintain necessary fuel supply. Possibly a quick route to hot flashes or panic attacks. There are some risks with refeeding, especially if you've spent time at under 1000 cals.

I seldom go 2 hours without fuel.
I crave extra carbs premenstrually, and some people find extra salt also helpful at that time.

Thanks Tara!

When I started my hot flashes, they went into the night but were different in a way. I had what you call were night sweats too, but I just called it hot flashes at night! Lol I would wake up 2-4 times and be soaked in sweat. It was very distressing. Imagine all day every 30 minutes having these heat surges and then sweating all night. I thought I was going to go insane.

The difference in your and my diets is that I have always been sugar heavy since 10 years ago when I was on my raw food lifestyle. BUT- I ate low protein as cooked meat on the plan was restricted due to biogenic amines and such. So, if I couldn't eat my raw fish, I just ate fruit and fats, in the form of raw nuts or coconut. I was at my lowest weight at this point. I even got down to 105 which is what I weighed in high school naturally, no dieting. At that point on the raw food, I was eating about 850 cals. I know, very low but my appetite was low too due to me not eating any appetite enhancers (dairy, cooked food). I was very athletic in high school, track, basketball and cheerleading. I also was in after school gymnastics. I would work out now, but after a 10-12 hour shift at work, I am too exhausted, more mentally than physically.

My husband is a personal trainer and has told me I under eat. The only problem is when I eat more, I start packing on the pounds in about two weeks. I currently cannot wear a lot of my clothes. I cannot afford to go buy new, so that is the only thing that is motivating me to lose weight. The other is that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin being 10-15 pounds heavier than I usually am. Being very short, it's very uncomfortable. It hurts my stomach and sides when I bend over from the extra fat there.

Funny that you mention cravings, I crave salt and fat over sugar! I would rather eat a greasy fatty meal over a sugary one. Pizza is my fave, which I rarely eat. Also, I do eat every two hours or less, in the form of Coke or chocolate candy. :oops:


Oct 9, 2014
I also forgot to say that I am never starving on my 1200-1400 calories. I eat when I am hungry. So, if I ate more, I would feel like I am too full. Also, I guesstimate my calories so I may be eating 200-300 more than I think on average. :)


Mar 29, 2014
Livingirl said:
My husband is a personal trainer and has told me I under eat. :
Great, you've got your most important person on your side. :)

Livingirl said:
The only problem is when I eat more, I start packing on the pounds in about two weeks. I currently cannot wear a lot of my clothes. I cannot afford to go buy new, so that is the only thing that is motivating me to lose weight. :
I don't know if there is a way of recovering from prolonged undereating without gaining fat as well as lean. You will find people here who say it is possible, but I don't think there are any guarantees. You may have to choose between health and thinness. Not easy in a fat-phobic world. Long-term ill health may cost more than some larger clothes.

Livingirl said:
The other is that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin being 10-15 pounds heavier than I usually am. Being very short, it's very uncomfortable. It hurts my stomach and sides when I bend over from the extra fat there. :
Clothes you can expand in may help with the physical part of that. The social part may take changing the world (and getting personal support). :)

Livingirl said:
Funny that you mention cravings, I crave salt and fat over sugar! I would rather eat a greasy fatty meal over a sugary one. Pizza is my fave, which I rarely eat. Also, I do eat every two hours or less, in the form of Coke or chocolate candy. :oops:
A starving woman wants high-density food. :)

I started a related thread a while ago:


Mar 29, 2014
Livingirl said:
I also forgot to say that I am never starving on my 1200-1400 calories. I eat when I am hungry. So, if I ate more, I would feel like I am too full. Also, I guesstimate my calories so I may be eating 200-300 more than I think on average. :)
It seems that for some people the appetite can adapt to reduced metabolism. Doesn't mean it is enough for recovery. It may take a bit of retraining your digestive system. It is apparently common for this to be a uncomfortable. High-density, easy-to-digest food and drink can help.
Average weight-stable non-dieting women: 5' - 5'8 25 - menopause: ~2500cal; after menopause ~2300.

Livingirl said:
My mother never had hot flashes and said she didn't start going through the change til 52. I have always ate much healthier than her, the only difference is I have drank alcohol and she never did.
Would I be right in guessing your mother ate a healthier amount of food?

Livingirl said:
I still want to have another baby and have been trying naturally for the last 3 years. That hope is starting to fade due to my age. ... repro.html


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
Livingirl said:
My husband is a personal trainer and has told me I under eat. :
Great, you've got your most important person on your side. :)

Yes, he loves me no matter what my weight, but I am just used to my small frame and I don't feel like getting intimate any more since my weight gain. I don't feel sexual when my weight goes up, just being honest. He is very understanding and reassures me, but it doesn't help. I am wondering if the extra weight interferes with my libido hormonally.

Livingirl said:
The only problem is when I eat more, I start packing on the pounds in about two weeks. I currently cannot wear a lot of my clothes. I cannot afford to go buy new, so that is the only thing that is motivating me to lose weight. :
I don't know if there is a way of recovering from prolonged undereating without gaining fat as well as lean. You will find people here who say it is possible, but I don't think there are any guarantees. You may have to choose between health and thinness. Not easy in a fat-phobic world. Long-term ill health may cost more than some larger clothes.

I have had those same thoughts. I am going to continue to feed myself correctly and try to balance myself hormonally. I am hoping the gelatin I plan to buy will help rebuild my system.

Livingirl said:
The other is that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin being 10-15 pounds heavier than I usually am. Being very short, it's very uncomfortable. It hurts my stomach and sides when I bend over from the extra fat there. :
Clothes you can expand in may help with the physical part of that. The social part may take changing the world (and getting personal support). :)

Most of my clothes aren't that tight. Its the skin with the fat touching that is painful. I can be naked and it hurts when I bend to the side and my fat rolls touch. :0 But, I have a lot of neuro problems and I am very sensitive to pain. I cannot tolerate excessive touching even. If my daughter and husband horse around, I cannot handle the simple act of a firm touch.

Livingirl said:
Funny that you mention cravings, I crave salt and fat over sugar! I would rather eat a greasy fatty meal over a sugary one. Pizza is my fave, which I rarely eat. Also, I do eat every two hours or less, in the form of Coke or chocolate candy. :oops:
A starving woman wants high-density food. :)

I can see this! I have read that people low in dopamine crave these type of foods. I need to go and buy some tryptophan. My husband seems to be high serotonin too according to Peat. He has a drinking problem when stressed and low sugar problems. I am hoping gelatin will help him with his issues. He also cannot stay asleep. He drinks protein shakes and I think his nutrition is imbalanced.

I started a related thread a while ago:


Mar 29, 2014
Livingirl said:
Most of my clothes aren't that tight. Its the skin with the fat touching that is painful. I can be naked and it hurts when I bend to the side and my fat rolls touch. :0 But, I have a lot of neuro problems and I am very sensitive to pain. I cannot tolerate excessive touching even. If my daughter and husband horse around, I cannot handle the simple act of a firm touch.
I'm sorry, this sounds miserable. Hope it improves soon. Uncomfortable bloating and edema seems to be a phase that is common for people recovering from undereating to endure. It is also common for it to pass after a while if they persist with eating enough.
Does progesterone help with neurological pain? (I always have food before progesterone - not good for me on an empty stomach.)

Livingirl said:
I can see this! I have read that people low in dopamine crave these type of foods. I need to go and buy some tryptophan. My husband seems to be high serotonin too according to Peat. He has a drinking problem when stressed and low sugar problems. I am hoping gelatin will help him with his issues. He also cannot stay asleep. He drinks protein shakes and I think his nutrition is imbalanced.
A lot of people here are trying to reduce serotonin, some of us by either reducing tryptophan ingestion, or balancing it with more gelatin etc. I would not recommend specifically supplementing tryptophan - most animal proteins other than connective tissue/gelatin has a bit, along with other amino acids. Peat has an article about serotonin on his website, if you are interested.


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
Livingirl said:
Most of my clothes aren't that tight. Its the skin with the fat touching that is painful. I can be naked and it hurts when I bend to the side and my fat rolls touch. :0 But, I have a lot of neuro problems and I am very sensitive to pain. I cannot tolerate excessive touching even. If my daughter and husband horse around, I cannot handle the simple act of a firm touch.
I'm sorry, this sounds miserable. Hope it improves soon. Uncomfortable bloating and edema seems to be a phase that is common for people recovering from undereating to endure. It is also common for it to pass after a while if they persist with eating enough.
Does progesterone help with neurological pain? (I always have food before progesterone - not good for me on an empty stomach.)

Tara, the progesterone has helped a lot with neruo symptoms. I used to be not able to handle loud noises either, which I still have a problem with a little. Also, since I've been using the liquid collagen, my sensitivity to touch has got better. My husband is always frustrated that I get so sensitive when I get pain from things other people don't. People just don't understand. With progesterone, how do you use it? Cream or Peats progesterone? I really haven't noticed it bothering me taking it, food or not. I have noticed when I take niacinamide that my stomach has a hollow feeling, not hunger but a gnawing feeling. I took it last night and I woke in the middle of the night with stomach discomfort, which I've noticed other times so I stopped taking it til last night . I only notice it when I take it, but I am taking it to see if it helps with my redness from the estrogen dominance. Also, I don't see why I am getting the redness if I am taking such high doses of progesterone. I've read that excess progesterone turns into estrogen. If that's true, I can see why the redness persists. The zinc I have been taking is helping, but since my period is due to start, PMS symptoms are prevailing their ugly head.

Livingirl said:
I can see this! I have read that people low in dopamine crave these type of foods. I need to go and buy some tryptophan. My husband seems to be high serotonin too according to Peat. He has a drinking problem wh. en stressed and low sugar problems. I am hoping gelatin will help him with his issues. He also cannot stay asleep. He drinks protein shakes and I think his nutrition is imbalanced.
A lot of people here are trying to reduce serotonin, some of us by either reducing tryptophan ingestion, or balancing it with more gelatin etc. I would not recommend specifically supplementing it - most animal proteins other than connective tissue/gelatin has a bit, along with other amino acids. Peat has an article about serotonin on his website, if you are interested.

I think I have read it, but will go read again. That has been one of my stressors, his drinking when stressed and motivation to look for a meaningful job that he can stay with. He's very emotional and can't handle stress at all. I carry the stress for both of us. I want to help him too. The positive of this is that he realizes it and will try what ever I recommend.

By the way, I am going to go read some of your links that I saw. Started them and think they are very helpful so far!

Thank you so much for your insight and help!



Oct 9, 2014
Okay, one thing Tara that I have to disclose after starting to read one of your threads, is that I was bulimic for more than 20 years, yes, 20 years. It has waxed and waned, but I have struggled with it until I started with progesterone. With raw foods, it was gone. With cooked foods, it reappeared. My mother started the cycle when I was 16 by monitoring my weight which was not even high, 105lbs. I haven't had the desire since I've started the progesterone. I'm sure there is a reason. This is very hard for me to admit.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Livingirl said:
Okay, one thing Tara that I have to disclose after starting to read one of your threads, is that I was bulimic for more than 20 years, yes, 20 years. It has waxed and waned, but I have struggled with it until I started with progesterone. With raw foods, it was gone. With cooked foods, it reappeared. My mother started the cycle when I was 16 by monitoring my weight which was not even high, 105lbs. I haven't had the desire since I've started the progesterone. I'm sure there is a reason. This is very hard for me to admit.
I'm not Tara but I'm sorry to hear that about your mom. You're not alone. My mom mostly withheld food and ridiculed me when she found I had hidden some snacks in my room (because I was starving). Sadly she is disabled now at 65 and been given less than five years to live. She still obsesses over her (and everyone else's) weight. I'm determined to do everything I can to avoid the same fate.:grouphug2


Mar 29, 2014
Hi livingirl. I guess that confirms that malnourishment is likely the root of a lot of the difficulties you've been suffering. I'm sorry you got pushed to that, and from such a young age.
Sounds like the progesterone is really helpful for you. I use progest-e ~5 times a day, round inside mouth and trying not to swallow it.

I've been sensitive to loud noises for as long as I can remember, too.

I take 100mg niacinamide powder, along with other Bs, in fruit juice morning and night. I think I notice a boost from them. When I accidentally took much more a couple of times, I didn't fare so well. Niacinamide promote sugar burning. Too much of it without enough sugar can precipitate an energy slump.

I found youreatopia compelling reading.

Take care.


Oct 9, 2014
Blossom said:
Livingirl said:
Okay, one thing Tara that I have to disclose after starting to read one of your threads, is that I was bulimic for more than 20 years, yes, 20 years. It has waxed and waned, but I have struggled with it until I started with progesterone. With raw foods, it was gone. With cooked foods, it reappeared. My mother started the cycle when I was 16 by monitoring my weight which was not even high, 105lbs. I haven't had the desire since I've started the progesterone. I'm sure there is a reason. This is very hard for me to admit.
I'm not Tara but I'm sorry to hear that about your mom. You're not alone. My mom mostly withheld food and ridiculed me when she found I had hidden some snacks in my room (because I was starving). Sadly she is disabled now at 65 and been given less than five years to live. She still obsesses over her (and everyone else's) weight. I'm determined to do everything I can to avoid the same fate.:grouphug2[/quote

Blossom, thanks for sharing your experience. My mother was controlling over a lot of aspects of my life and food was one of them. She wouldn't even give me lunch money so I could eat at school. She has realized how wrong she was and has apologized many times. I am sorry to hear of your mothers health. Mine is the same age. She struggles with depression. I may be a little too lenient on my daughter because of my experience growing up. It's nice to hear that other people have experienced similar situations and that you aren't the only one!
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