Anything That Increase Thyroid Cause Rapid Tooth Decay


Nov 6, 2015
I'm very happy you got your teeth problems under control. Wish you the best of luck and no further dental issues!

I'm really curious, have you ever tested your parathyroid hormone?

Thanks and I hope things work out for you too! Yes I measured PTH when I got tooth issues and it was in range, but I think not optimal as Peat says. I forgot, it was some years ago. I also took vitamins D and K at that time - I hope that didn't contribute in some way. I think my vit. D was a bit too high then.


Sep 8, 2019
On sunday, I took some iodine, as a mouthwash (to fight tooth decay, ironically).

Yesterday, some of my teeth started to hurt and my breath started to smell, although I'm brushing my teeth and using Closys/Listerine/Xylitol mouthwash at least three times a day.

Today, one of my teeth crumbled. I haven't had any issues with that tooth before, the debris looked healthy, white, it just crumbled for no apparent reason.

At the same time, my hearing also got much worse.

I have reacted in a very similar way to many substances and supplements before (even to red light or weightlifting) and I think the only common denominator is that all of these supplements directly or indirectly stimulate thyroid.

I think I'm either:
-Catastrophically deficient in calcium and phosphorus, or some other nutrient. The metabolic boost of increased thyroid exacerbate that deficiency
-Or the increased thyroid also shoots up my PTH
-Or I have some hidden infection that acts up when the body tries to heal it

Are there any other possibilities?

How to stop that reaction?

You're not wrong at all. Here is my testimony.

Started using iodine in large amounts the past few months along with (lugols, nascent), vit a, selenium etc and tooth decay came on rapidly. Almost like the calcium has been absolutely stripped from my teeth and there are dark, almost black veins in my teeth - mostly the front 6.

I can attest this kind of metabolism increase will definitely leach calcium and other minerals out ESPECIALLY if u aren't replenishing this calcium and/or if PTH is high.
I was not at first, i am now with a lot of raw milk + calc cit, k2 etc. Improved very slightly. Going to stop all iodine and stop increasing thyroid like this.

Lets see if i can get my teeth to remineralise.

Ps the nascent iodine i used strongly boost metabolism, to a hyperthyroid state after 20 mins or so. Utilising all my sugar stores forcing me to eat more. This can't be good on a daily basis


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
You're not wrong at all. Here is my testimony.

Started using iodine in large amounts the past few months along with (lugols, nascent), vit a, selenium etc and tooth decay came on rapidly. Almost like the calcium has been absolutely stripped from my teeth and there are dark, almost black veins in my teeth - mostly the front 6.

I can attest this kind of metabolism increase will definitely leach calcium and other minerals out ESPECIALLY if u aren't replenishing this calcium and/or if PTH is high.
I was not at first, i am now with a lot of raw milk + calc cit, k2 etc. Improved very slightly. Going to stop all iodine and stop increasing thyroid like this.

Lets see if i can get my teeth to remineralise.

Ps the nascent iodine i used strongly boost metabolism, to a hyperthyroid state after 20 mins or so. Utilising all my sugar stores forcing me to eat more. This can't be good on a daily basis
Could the iodine experience you and JanP are having represent a REDUCTION in thyroid, not an INCREASE? This is, afterall, Ray's perspective on iodine. How do you know your thyroid IMPROVED with the iodine, which caused the tooth decay? Blood work, temp+pulse?


May 19, 2017
Could the iodine experience you and JanP are having represent a REDUCTION in thyroid, not an INCREASE? This is, afterall, Ray's perspective on iodine. How do you know your thyroid IMPROVED with the iodine, which caused the tooth decay? Blood work, temp+pulse?
Could NDT possibly cause reduction in thyroid? For me, NDT is by far the worst offender when it comes to tooth decay, with iodine being close second.

When I was using higher doses of iodine orally, I was always wired, jittery, hyperactive, I was not able to sleep and I was warm. Just based on these symptoms, I would say that I was not hypothyroid at the time, but I have not confirmed it by any tests.

And by the way, I love good quality chocolate! It gives me dopamine boost like nothing else. Good to know it is also good for my teeth :):


Sep 8, 2019
Could the iodine experience you and JanP are having represent a REDUCTION in thyroid, not an INCREASE? This is, afterall, Ray's perspective on iodine. How do you know your thyroid IMPROVED with the iodine, which caused the tooth decay? Blood work, temp+pulse?

Iodine definitely increases thyroid. It is part of the T3/t4 molecule after all. Gives me pro thyroid symptoms and will crash eventually without sugar. Hence boosting thyroid function.
Also read that as thyroid/metabolism increases, calcium tends to decrease.
I believe that.
Could also be due to its strong detox properties whereby calcium aswell as heavy metals are being leached out of the system.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Could NDT possibly cause reduction in thyroid? For me, NDT is by far the worst offender when it comes to tooth decay, with iodine being close second.

When I was using higher doses of iodine orally, I was always wired, jittery, hyperactive, I was not able to sleep and I was warm. Just based on these symptoms, I would say that I was not hypothyroid at the time, but I have not confirmed it by any tests.

And by the way, I love good quality chocolate! It gives me dopamine boost like nothing else. Good to know it is also good for my teeth :):
Iodine definitely increases thyroid. It is part of the T3/t4 molecule after all. Gives me pro thyroid symptoms and will crash eventually without sugar. Hence boosting thyroid function.
Also read that as thyroid/metabolism increases, calcium tends to decrease.
I believe that.
Could also be due to its strong detox properties whereby calcium aswell as heavy metals are being leached out of the system.
Thyroid sensitizes cells to adrenaline, and with high adrenaline in hypothyroidism, the beginning will feel a lot like adrenaline. Im sure Im not writing anything you dont already know. NDT does not make a person immune from hypo symptoms. It upgrades the car's engine, and requires more and premium fuel. In my experience, NDT made hypothyroid symptoms (adrenaline from under eating quality and quantity) much more severe in the absence of such food. If the added iodine is doing this to your thyroid, the explanation above could be why.

Still, Ray has said iodine excess can cause hypothyroidism just like deficiency, despite it being, afterall, part of the t3/t4 molecule:
"An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes." -RP

This is why I asked how you know your thyroid is improving, via blood tests or temp + pulse measurements.
Last edited:
Nov 21, 2015
I have finally got my temperatures and HR up to where I'm not hypothyroid. I did have some soreness in my teeth. I took doxycycline for about 5 days and it went away.

Dr. Buteyko believed in focal infections that would get worse when your body was more able to deal with them. The act of restoring health could cause toothache if there had always been an infection in that tooth, but the better health state unleashes your body's attack on the problem which was there before, but quiescent.

I think there is something to this idea and perhaps if you get your metabolism up to where it should be, there may be some infection that develops, that was always there, but now it becomes symptomatic and your body is fighting it more actively.


Sep 8, 2019
Thyroid sensitizes cells to adrenaline, and with high adrenaline in hypothyroidism, the beginning will feel a lot like adrenaline. Im sure Im not writing anything you dont already know. NDT does not make a person immune from hypo symptoms. It upgrades the car's engine, and requires more and premium fuel. In my experience, NDT made hypothyroid symptoms (adrenaline from under eating quality and quantity) much more severe in the absence of such food. If the added iodine is doing this to your thyroid, the explanation above could be why.

Still, Ray has said iodine excess can cause hypothyroidism just like deficiency, despite it being, afterall, part of the t3/t4 molecule:
"An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes." -RP

This is why I asked how you know your thyroid is improving, via blood tests or temp + pulse measurements.

Oh yeah, temp up, energy pulse all that has been improved. But. I do feel like the effects are becoming less effective so I'm not sure if it's because the body has reached a homeostatis or the iodine is in excess in the body. Either way I'm cutting it out completely now.
It's not a good idea to take high doses for a long time like me, only for detox, iodine replete purposes.
Not a good idea either to ride out with a hyperthyroid state either like i have most days. Very taxing on the system and resources.
Side note: stopped iodine yesterday increased calcium quite a bit and teeth have already improved in re to appearing more mineralsed.

But Jesus if u saw my teeth at my worst like a week ago, wrecked. That would totally depress/destroy certain individuals lol. But i knew deep down it was due to all this iodine/hyper state. Can't wait to see improvements as week goes on. Wish me luck


May 19, 2017
Everything is involved really. You need to find your weakest link. Your protein intake is insane but somehow your niacin, zinc and selenium intake are barely adequate. This is all a consequence of so much dairy and so little meat which has much more of those nutrients.

Zinc requirements increase with increased protein intake so getting a lot of protein from low zinc foods is not good. Niacin is so heavily involved in metabolism and strong thyroid, though you consume a lot of tryptophan so you make plenty but can never be sure and the tryptophan can cancel all of that out.
This is interesting, because many B-vitamins are also triggering rapid tooth decay for me.

Niacin and B12 are the worst offenders, even in low doses.


Dec 17, 2018
Thyroid sensitizes cells to adrenaline, and with high adrenaline in hypothyroidism, the beginning will feel a lot like adrenaline. Im sure Im not writing anything you dont already know. NDT does not make a person immune from hypo symptoms. It upgrades the car's engine, and requires more and premium fuel. In my experience, NDT made hypothyroid symptoms (adrenaline from under eating quality and quantity) much more severe in the absence of such food. If the added iodine is doing this to your thyroid, the explanation above could be why.

Still, Ray has said iodine excess can cause hypothyroidism just like deficiency, despite it being, afterall, part of the t3/t4 molecule:
"An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes." -RP

This is why I asked how you know your thyroid is improving, via blood tests or temp + pulse measurements.

I think its inaccurate to say NDT worsens hypothyroid symptoms. Those symptoms are merely a stress response from not meeting calorie needs not hypothyroidism because when you take thyroid (especially T3 but NDT can do it) your calorie needs increase. Thus stress responses will happen sooner and be stronger when calories are not met which is exactly what you would expect from a faster metabolism.


Dec 17, 2018
This is interesting, because many B-vitamins are also triggering rapid tooth decay for me.

Niacin and B12 are the worst offenders, even in low doses.

Well that definitely suggests you are making plenty of niacin from the tryptophan you are eating.

Zinc is very important for mineralization of teeth. Consider trying some zinc which may be depleted by all that protein and your past usage of iodine. It would be also beneficial to avoid low zinc proteins and have more high zinc proteins instead.


Sep 8, 2019
Well that definitely suggests you are making plenty of niacin from the tryptophan you are eating.

Zinc is very important for mineralization of teeth. Consider trying some zinc which may be depleted by all that protein and your past usage of iodine. It would be also beneficial to avoid low zinc proteins and have more high zinc proteins instead.
I've been getting around 30mg +Zinc with copper during this iodine loading stage and teeth we're still being depleted!
Since stopping iodine I may need to lower the zinc.
Copper is also crucial for bone mineralisation.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I think its inaccurate to say NDT worsens hypothyroid symptoms. Those symptoms are merely a stress response from not meeting calorie needs not hypothyroidism because when you take thyroid (especially T3 but NDT can do it) your calorie needs increase. Thus stress responses will happen sooner and be stronger when calories are not met which is exactly what you would expect from a faster metabolism.
Isnt that what I wrote? Its definitely what I meant.


Dec 17, 2018
I've been getting around 30mg +Zinc with copper during this iodine loading stage and teeth we're still being depleted!
Since stopping iodine I may need to lower the zinc.
Copper is also crucial for bone mineralisation.

I dont think its possible to save the teeth if they are wasting away when iodine loading. That suggestion was for after the fact.

Isnt that what I wrote? Its definitely what I meant.

I thought your were suggesting NDT causes hypo symptoms when its just symptoms of stress response not necessarily a lower thyroid.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I thought your were suggesting NDT causes hypo symptoms when its just symptoms of stress response not necessarily a lower thyroid.
If stress symptoms rise, thyroid has fallen, so you did read me correctly. You are separating hypo symptoms from stress symptoms which I think are synonymous, and insufficient diet can definitely be a cause of them


Dec 17, 2018
If stress symptoms rise, thyroid has fallen, so you did read me correctly. You are separating hypo symptoms from stress symptoms which I think are synonymous, and diet can definitely be a cause of them

Oh I see. I don't think they are synonymous but now your post makes more sense.


Apr 18, 2018
If teeth are crumbling yet you're eating a nutrient replete diet, its fairly logical to me you arent absorbing what you are eating. In my opinion the most likley cause is pathogenic bacteria or fungal pathogens cyphoning off some of the nutrition for themselves. The first things I personally would try would be calcium acetate, magnesium malate and zinc sulphate.


Dec 17, 2018
@SamuraiJack Copper deficiency could potentially cause these tooth problems but usually it should cause other bad symptoms as well like vision problems, severe fatigue, difficulty walking, etc... Problem is copper deficiency is so rare so there is not much data on it in regards to actual human manifestations of copper deficiency.
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