Hypocholesterolemia, low body temps, and hair loss - 33yo - input and log for 2022



Jul 30, 2020
Just a general update/thoughts about the past month. Ive slowly added calories, with the inclusion of a little more starch in the form of white potatoes. Keeping PUFA down is actually trickier than I thought. On a day when I was particularly heavy on fats, (80g or so, 2900 kcal total for the day) cronometer had me at approx 6g of PUFAs. Looking more closely, there were almost 20g 'mystery' unsaturated fats!! It would be safe to assume a large chunk of those are PUFAs. This appears to be due to imperfect nutritional labeling - Some might just be divided into saturated vs. unsaturated on the label. I thought this could be important for other people who are tracking macros.

Overall, I feel I am making progress. The last 3 days, my waking temps have ranged from 97.5, to 97.9. My mid morning temps have been 98.5-98.7. Im pretty excited about this and hope its not a fluke. Im not sure when my temps were consistently in the 98s - When I worked in the hospital, they were always 97s at best. I think having less liquid in my breakfast and more warm food may have played a role. Ive also gotten into the habit of getting morning sun - lately its just been through a window where it shines on the floor - I realize not a ton of this light is useful but I believe some of the red spectrum might be getting through? I know Ray has said getting light through a window can still help. Its freezing cold here in the northeast. Carrot salad is fairly regular, every other day or so. In general, I feel like I have more stable energy, mood and a calm demeanor. My sleep is a little deeper. Hands are notably warmer - ring is harder to get off. I still wake with some congestion, but it is much less. My workouts feel more tolerable, nothing dramatic, maybe I feel 10-15% less gassed afterwards. If I can continue the way Im feeling right now, Im actually very surprised at this progress.

Going forward, Im going to continue to add calories in slowly. Will experiment with bamboo shoots and/or charcoal and see how this affects digestion - I still get the odd stomach ache/bowel irregularity. I havent checked my cholesterol again - maybe in a few months. Im not prioritizing it quite as much at the moment. I could add in more coconut oil, OJ, experiment with some abx in the future. Have to be a little more consistent with micronutrients, as Im sometimes quite low in zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, selenium. Liver has some of these things, but I probably need more seafood as well. Im not super worried about hair at the moment. Ive made a point to slowly strech out shampooing, im at every 2 days now. My scalp/hair is noticeably less oily. I will look into other pro hair changes once I feel my temps/diet has been pretty consistent for a while.

One big thing Ive learned is that simplicity with changes is key (for me at least). Ive been reading various Peat content for a while, but its only this past month Ive made small but consistent changes. I think there are other supplements that will be useful, but I could see adding in too many could make the picture less clear. For now its just d3, k2, and maybe some charcoal soon. After being unemployed since late october, I will be starting a new job in the coming weeks. I opted for an evening schedule as opposed to a 9-5, Im hoping ill have an easier time getting sunlight in. Its mostly a hands off gig, so hopefully less stressful. Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses! You have been very helpful and I feel blessed this group of people is here.


Jul 30, 2020
Hello all,
Just an update as it’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread. Have regressed a bit with my general health progress and peating. New gig has been a bit more stressful than I thought it would be, my shifts have just been bouncing between day and evenings. I’ve resorted to less than peaty foods much more often than I should, fast food, etc., which is on me. Haven’t retested any bloodwork, but temps are back down to high 97s for much of the day when I’ve bothered. Obviously consistency is key, it does bother me that it doesn’t take much time at all to lose progress. My scalp hair has worsened, psoriasis is in overdrive, my energy levels are low, my digestion is off and I’ve suddenly appeared to have lost a large chunk of lateral eyebrows, which has been the most alarming change. Call it vanity, but I’ve had thick eyebrows my whole life, and it’s quite depressing.
I don’t think anything can replace a good diet, but I’m considering experimenting with a few tools/supplements at this point. I think red light is fairly low risk and worth trying. Antibiotics may be in order, my instincts tell me a big part of my problem is the gut. Of course that can become a chicken vs. egg question. I hear obvious choices of antibiotics being things like minocycline, penicillin, etc. but I’m somewhat nervous about threads discussing thyroid suppression. I tried some activated charcoal the other day, which was the coarse, granular variety. I was aiming for 1 1/2 tablespoons, but I’m lucky to have gotten down a half teaspoon. It was uncomfortable to swallow and I was constantly worried about inhaling any of those coarse grains. I might try again with a bunch of capsules or just get the fine powder for short term use.
Will get the diet and sunlight back on point, and add in some of these other things.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I appreciate your lenghty comments but why haven't you tried oral Minoxidil for hair? The results are phenomenal studies say.
Low body temp, see a doc, maybe an endocrinologist.


Aug 9, 2015

Can you give an update on your situation?
You say you have low body temps, where have they been majority of your life vs now?


Jul 10, 2016
Have you tried lowering fat and harmful amino acids for a while? Focusing on non-inflammatory carbs and protein? What is your current BF%?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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