3 Years Carnivore...Great Results...How??


Feb 13, 2021
How does this girl look so great after 3 years on a pure carnivore diet?

More specifically, how does she have such positive canthal tilt while eating next-to-no carbs?

I'll probably never go back to a carnivore diet, but examples like this one really make me wonder. Maybe her health would further improve if she added in a little chocolate or fruit.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skHAzrp_AeA


Feb 13, 2021
Seeing on you tube doesn't mean it actually happened. Propaganda.
What makes you think it's propaganda?

I wouldn't expect such things to be present on a channel with under 50k subscribers, but maybe that's just naivete.


Feb 28, 2016
There's lots of videos on YouTube saying that vaccines and wearing a mask will save lives. Give a Roddy a message and ask him about his experience with Carnivore.


Jan 25, 2014
What makes you think it's propaganda?

I wouldn't expect such things to be present on a channel with under 50k subscribers, but maybe that's just naivete.
Lol. That it naivete.

People lie and exaggerate to tens/hundreds of people in their real life. Lierre Keith mentioned this in "The Vegetarian Myth." Why do you think they wouldn't do it to gain "fame" among 400 times that amount?

Plus, it's just common sense. I've heard all sorts of people claim to be paleo/keto/whatever, and then see them consuming things that don't fit those paradigms with regularity. So who knows how strict or how loose anyone follows these things?

Beyond that, there is Youtube ad revenue.

So who knows how strictly she actually followed the diet? It's not like she locked herself into a metabolic ward. And even a cursory look at her videos shows she (publicly) consumes raw milk, so there goes the idea of no carbs. Peat himself had said that "Carnivore" could work, if a fair amount of milk were consumed.

Plus, if she was coming from Vegan, that might be a better diet in several ways. And there are the admitted things that a diet like that could help, at least in the short term, like reduction in serotonin and endotoxin.


Jun 10, 2020
I've been following her on Instagram since I was carnivore a few years ago. I do think she's honest about her diet and how she looks. I agree with you Occam, she looks great--lean, good facial bone structure, incredibly smooth skin, nice hair. She's definitely eliminated some inflammation by removing harmful foods, which is the benefit of carnivore. But I don't think she's optimally healthy, based on a few things:

She has changed her type of carnivore diet a lot over the years, switching from steak to chicken to bacon, cutting butter, cutting coffee, adding salt then going no salt, changing the amount of fat. While this is fine and I do the same thing, the constant bouncing around tells me that she has yet to find a healthy equilibrium. If she felt good, she wouldn't make such constant drastic changes (at least that's how I see my own dietary experience). When she says that something "works," such as eating a lot of chicken, people should not put so much weight into what she says because she is liable to change it in the next few weeks or months. Again, I do this too, I'm just saying it points to not having reached a healthy equilibrium.

Additionally, in interviews (like with Kelly Hogan or people on her own SteakandButterGal channel), she seems a bit strained, tired, contrived, and disingenuous. While this perception could be false and certainly does not condemn her to having metabolic problems, you can usually tell when someone has a good metabolism: They seem happy, they laugh, they say new and unique things, they actually listen to the person they're talking to and provide genuine spontaneous responses instead of canned "oh wow! Well, next question..."

To your last point, I think she would totally benefit from some ripe fruit and well-tolerated sugars. She's clearly experienced some benefits on carnivore, relative to her previous diet, and that's awesome for her. Maybe she'll take a Saladino Spin™️ and start adding in papayas and cheese, but never mention Ray Peat's name (excuse my bitterness).


Apr 26, 2014
You are falling into the same trap that she has built her audience on. How she looks...

There is so much more to health than how you look.

In fact. I'd go as far to say that the leaner someone is the more likely they are to have health issues.

And. Health issues develop over years. Not overnight. So what she is doing now may not manifest for a while. Besides she looks young where we are much more resilient.

And remember health encompasses all sorts of things. Emotional, spiritual, mental etc.

Besides she has clearly had facial work, is wearing a considerable amount of makeup etc. It's all a vasade.


Feb 13, 2021
I've been following her on Instagram since I was carnivore a few years ago. I do think she's honest about her diet and how she looks. I agree with you Occam, she looks great--lean, good facial bone structure, incredibly smooth skin, nice hair. She's definitely eliminated some inflammation by removing harmful foods, which is the benefit of carnivore. But I don't think she's optimally healthy, based on a few things:

She has changed her type of carnivore diet a lot over the years, switching from steak to chicken to bacon, cutting butter, cutting coffee, adding salt then going no salt, changing the amount of fat. While this is fine and I do the same thing, the constant bouncing around tells me that she has yet to find a healthy equilibrium. If she felt good, she wouldn't make such constant drastic changes (at least that's how I see my own dietary experience). When she says that something "works," such as eating a lot of chicken, people should not put so much weight into what she says because she is liable to change it in the next few weeks or months. Again, I do this too, I'm just saying it points to not having reached a healthy equilibrium.

Additionally, in interviews (like with Kelly Hogan or people on her own SteakandButterGal channel), she seems a bit strained, tired, contrived, and disingenuous. While this perception could be false and certainly does not condemn her to having metabolic problems, you can usually tell when someone has a good metabolism: They seem happy, they laugh, they say new and unique things, they actually listen to the person they're talking to and provide genuine spontaneous responses instead of canned "oh wow! Well, next question..."

To your last point, I think she would totally benefit from some ripe fruit and well-tolerated sugars. She's clearly experienced some benefits on carnivore, relative to her previous diet, and that's awesome for her. Maybe she'll take a Saladino Spin™️ and start adding in papayas and cheese, but never mention Ray Peat's name (excuse my bitterness).
Hey thanks for the in-depth answer!

I haven't been following her quite as closely, but yeah it does seem like she's always undulating between different subsets of carnivore. Most recently she's not even eating beef, right?

Regarding her mood, that's a great point. Quite the contrast between her mannerisms and those of Peat, Roddy, and Georgi - they're much more playful & childlike, and perhaps not so easily offended. Maybe this inward stress will start to externally manifest at some point.

Still, her hugely positive canthal tilt seems strange to me. Mine goes down when I don't eat carbs. Maybe she's eating gobs of honey in secret, just as Saladino reads and regurgitates all of Dr. Peat's work in secret?

I'm just waiting for that guy to start talking about thyroid or calcium:phosphate ratios, maybe one day he'll be [successfully] sued. lol


Feb 13, 2021
You are falling into the same trap that she has built her audience on. How she looks...

There is so much more to health than how you look.

In fact. I'd go as far to say that the leaner someone is the more likely they are to have health issues.

And. Health issues develop over years. Not overnight. So what she is doing now may not manifest for a while. Besides she looks young where we are much more resilient.

And remember health encompasses all sorts of things. Emotional, spiritual, mental etc.

Besides she has clearly had facial work, is wearing a considerable amount of makeup etc. It's all a vasade.
Eh, I'm far from falling into the trap, tho I am looking at it and becoming intrigued by its apparent beauty!

Gotta disagree with you on the leanness part, only based on the difference between causation and correlation; in today's world, many people who are thin have dieted themselves into oblivion, which is obviously unhealthy.

In prior times, on the other hand, people ate lots of nourishing foods and stayed naturally thin for the most part - a very healthy state to be in, IMO.

In the traditional sense, being overweight implies an energy deficiency, while staying thin implies an energy surplus.

But yeah...she's obviously wearing tons of makeup. It would be interesting to see a makeup-free, unedited photo.


Feb 13, 2021
Lol. That it naivete.

People lie and exaggerate to tens/hundreds of people in their real life. Lierre Keith mentioned this in "The Vegetarian Myth." Why do you think they wouldn't do it to gain "fame" among 400 times that amount?

Plus, it's just common sense. I've heard all sorts of people claim to be paleo/keto/whatever, and then see them consuming things that don't fit those paradigms with regularity. So who knows how strict or how loose anyone follows these things?

Beyond that, there is Youtube ad revenue.

So who knows how strictly she actually followed the diet? It's not like she locked herself into a metabolic ward. And even a cursory look at her videos shows she (publicly) consumes raw milk, so there goes the idea of no carbs. Peat himself had said that "Carnivore" could work, if a fair amount of milk were consumed.

Plus, if she was coming from Vegan, that might be a better diet in several ways. And there are the admitted things that a diet like that could help, at least in the short term, like reduction in serotonin and endotoxin.
Hey, all good points. Maybe I'm too gullible sometimes lol.

It would be nice to know exactly what she is eating, as it seems to have worked for her.

Carnivore is definitely more survive-able than veganism, so some amount of improvement is no surprise. But there's more than just a little bit of improvement going on here.


Oct 6, 2020
There was this full on vegan woman who did that lifestlyle for almost a decade proudly. She started to develop intense bloating and other digestive issues at year 6 or 8 or so and she didn't know why. She even did all the traditional soaking, sprouting, fermenting stuff to lower antinutrients in her nuts, grains and seeds.

After working with a specific doctor she figured out her long going vegan diet eventually led to wiping out specific bacteria of the lactobacillus and bifido type causing her to bloat so bad she looked 8 months pregnant and a course of probiotics and some "dairy" for the time being fixed her issues.

With that carnivore woman ... i don't think she'd be lying if she says a dominantly meat diet is going well for her.

The question i ponder about is not if it does, but for how long until a dietary switch is necessary again. How many alternative pathways need to be stretched out until symptoms appear again?


Jul 31, 2015
I've been following her on Instagram since I was carnivore a few years ago. I do think she's honest about her diet and how she looks. I agree with you Occam, she looks great--lean, good facial bone structure, incredibly smooth skin, nice hair. She's definitely eliminated some inflammation by removing harmful foods, which is the benefit of carnivore. But I don't think she's optimally healthy, based on a few things:

She has changed her type of carnivore diet a lot over the years, switching from steak to chicken to bacon, cutting butter, cutting coffee, adding salt then going no salt, changing the amount of fat. While this is fine and I do the same thing, the constant bouncing around tells me that she has yet to find a healthy equilibrium. If she felt good, she wouldn't make such constant drastic changes (at least that's how I see my own dietary experience). When she says that something "works," such as eating a lot of chicken, people should not put so much weight into what she says because she is liable to change it in the next few weeks or months. Again, I do this too, I'm just saying it points to not having reached a healthy equilibrium.

Additionally, in interviews (like with Kelly Hogan or people on her own SteakandButterGal channel), she seems a bit strained, tired, contrived, and disingenuous. While this perception could be false and certainly does not condemn her to having metabolic problems, you can usually tell when someone has a good metabolism: They seem happy, they laugh, they say new and unique things, they actually listen to the person they're talking to and provide genuine spontaneous responses instead of canned "oh wow! Well, next question..."

To your last point, I think she would totally benefit from some ripe fruit and well-tolerated sugars. She's clearly experienced some benefits on carnivore, relative to her previous diet, and that's awesome for her. Maybe she'll take a Saladino Spin™️ and start adding in papayas and cheese, but never mention Ray Peat's name (excuse my bitterness).
As an aside, do you know how the carnivore diet practitioners deal with all the heme iron from high meat diet?


Jun 25, 2017
As an aside, do you know how the carnivore diet practitioners deal with all the heme iron from high meat diet?
Iron doesn't collect the same when carnivore. One from a Facebook group showed labs and iron was lower even with much coming in.


Feb 12, 2020
-on the subject of canthal tilt- once again, human phenotypes... east asian people have some of the most positive canthal tilt on earth. It will take a lot more for a sinid to develop a negative canthal tilt than for example an armenoid who naturally tends to be on the verge of it



View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8CKV-5hp0Rw

this is a good video discussing an issue among diet youtubers (ignore the vegan babble). They either lie and omit details of the problems they're experiencing because of ego or because they want to sell a product or a lifestyle
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2020
The mainstream narrative opposes meat and wants it taxed.
that doesn't mean people who operate outside the mainstream are necessarily honest and won't have an agenda. Lots of money has been earned out of keto


Nov 17, 2020
I did carnivore for about 2 years. It started great but I was too tired in the end. Then I found peat and began eating less meat and more peaty stuff. It wasn't perfect. Now I eat more like I did on carnivore but with sugar and some supplements like eggshell calcium. So far I have more energy than before. I think carnivore is close to a great diet, but it needs carbs to be optimal. I also eat liver and kidney everyday, btw.


Oct 22, 2019
I too am impressed by her physique and facial appearance on the carnivore diet. I've watched a few of her videos, and in a recent one she claims that she started to become nauseated by beef after eating really fatty short ribs, and so she switched to eating all chicken. I wondered if this may be the beginning of the end of her carnivore diet - being nauseated by beef was one of the things that led me to quitting (I switched to lamb for a while before throwing in the towel). She seems to determined to just keep adjusting her carnivore menu, though. She's built a little business around it, which is another pressure on her to keep adjusting rather than quit. Curious to see what she's eating a few years from now.

Both she and Mikhaila Peterson are two women doing the carnivore diet who look healthy and beautiful, with great skin. And having that glowing skin was one of the positive side effects of the diet for me, too -- multiple people complimented me on my skin, out of nowhere. And I wore no foundation, and used no skincare products. So... I do believe that she could be fully adhering to the carnivore diet, the question is: For how long can she do this before experiencing serious issues? Mikhaila Peterson ate fecal filled capsules to cure the C. Diff diarrhea she developed on the diet, she's done transfusions of certain vitamins, done multiple fasts, supplements electrolytes, and now eats honey iirc. It doesn't seem to be as simple as "just eat meat," at least not long term. Little problems crop up, and you adjust adjust adjust. And if you're broadcasting your diet to thousands of people, you're probably not keeping them up to speed on every little ailment and adjustment.

I don't know. This woman is definitely a good, attractive spokeswoman for the diet. But I kind of doubt she'll still be doing all-meat a few years from now -- her boyfriend has already quit carnivore. And then, when she moves away from the diet, she won't say it's because it's a bad diet, she'll probably just say it's down to personal choice, personal circumstances, etc.


Aug 9, 2019
I agree with you Occam, she looks great--lean, good facial bone structure, incredibly smooth skin, nice hair.
You can clearly see she already had a great bone structure in the before pics, it's not the Carnivore Diet that made her like that. The differen is now she is leaner because of weight loss. Simple as that.


Feb 12, 2020
You can clearly see she already had a great bone structure in the before pics, it's not the Carnivore Diet that made her like that. The differen is now she is leaner because of weight loss. Simple as that.
lmao yeah people can't seem to shake off the idea diet will change their bone structure/race. People thinking buying a product or following a diet will get them a completely different look is the whole basis of advertisements and why influencers are so big nowadays

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j6UC89LT3jc
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