Why someone look like this?



Feb 13, 2021
Very good question, i'm afraid that barely anyone had the ideal environment and it went like that for many many generations causing alot of unhappy people. While we can't all be beautiful topmodels, i think the ratio between the amount of good looking people and the unfortunates is increasing. The gap becomes wider the more manmade destruction we bring upon nature and the very soil on which we grow our food from and the genetic damaging environment we put ourself in.

Having children ... tough decision ... and providing the neccesary nutrition/environment is even harder.

That does not sound like you understood what she ment at all ...

You should improve your well being both trough a good diet, lifestyle and a proper social life. I guarantee you, no amount of muscle or bones will make you happy.
You can workout and read on what bones need to grow, incorporate it into the diet/workouts and let it be, dont define your life, personality or happiness solely on your bone structure/mass.

Find out what kind of man you want to be (not just from a superficial standpoint), what skills, traits, habits, interests and goals do you want to have? If it realy is just the bones that you've been missing ... then your already very lucky ...

Adapt a calm and loving attitude towards yourself and mind the thoughts you have about yourself. Stoicism may be interesting to look up.
My dream is to be a boxer/mma fighter.
top pro fighters have a face with big bones, all of them have big head/jaw.
I don t have any reason to live if i can t be a top athlete and my genetic is stoping me. I want to die because i don t want to do anything else , just sport and i can t be a pro because small bones/head can t sustain big punishment vs big frames. :) also i want respect from other guys because i m physical intimidating, from girls also. idon t care about anything else .
Girls like big framed guys, jawline and it s a fact. i don t want anything else, just to know how to achieve that. You can t lie these guys aren t superior genetic vs the first 2.


Aug 13, 2020
With that said.. you have the answer to your question, life is unfair. I'm guessing most people will completely ignore that, but it is the fundamental truth, that so much of who we are is influenced by factors outside of our control, and that we can end up spending so much of our energy in attempting to regain some semblance of stability. There is a reason why I firmly believe that having a child is anything but personal, and a question of morality in a world filled with so much need.. so many that need to recover, and with what resources? How do we provide the nutrition and environment that every single child deserves to have?

If you accept that nature is inherently unfair, then why try to change it ("...every single child deserves to have?")? This sounds like do-gooder tilting at windmills.

By your logic, we should all stop having children in order to take care of the exponentially growing youth and squalor of places like Africa, because after all, they have so much more need, right? Europe must die so that Nigeria can thrive.

My view is that one of the most moral things people with resources and good health can do is to reproduce, thereby making a positive contribution to humanity, with skin in the game by way of biological legacy. It perpetuates and grows the impact of whatever it is these people are doing right, from a cultural/metabolic/health perspective, and that would make a net contribution to humanity. Secondarily to that can come charity to outsiders from whatever resources are left over, if any.


Aug 13, 2020
My dream is to be a boxer/mma fighter.
top pro fighters have a face with big bones, all of them have big head/jaw.
I don t have any reason to live if i can t be a top athlete and my genetic is stoping me. I want to die because i don t want to do anything else , just sport and i can t be a pro because small bones/head can t sustain big punishment vs big frames. :) also i want respect from other guys because i m physical intimidating, from girls also. idon t care about anything else .
Girls like big framed guys, jawline and it s a fact. i don t want anything else, just to know how to achieve that. You can t lie these guys aren t superior genetic vs the first 2.

If your view of life is either 1) professional boxing/MMA star or 2) literal death, then I think you have some bigger problems than just small bones...or maybe you're just immature and have some more growing up to do.

It's OK to have dreams but you have to understand that professional sports is extremely competitive and the odds of becoming a successful pro in any sport are very small. As you already know, to compete at the top levels you have to have not only elite commitment and work ethic, but also elite genetics. In an impact sport like boxing there is also a ton of injury risk that can snatch your dreams away from you.

I think it's great that you are so passionate about boxing/MMA, but you also have to be realistic, and keep an open mind that the odds are that you will probably end up doing something else in life. Learn to be at peace with yourself.


Feb 13, 2021
If your view of life is either 1) professional boxing/MMA star or 2) literal death, then I think you have some bigger problems than just small bones...or maybe you're just immature and have some more growing up to do.

It's OK to have dreams but you have to understand that professional sports is extremely competitive and the odds of becoming a successful pro in any sport are very small. As you already know, to compete at the top levels you have to have not only elite commitment and work ethic, but also elite genetics. In an impact sport like boxing there is also a ton of injury risk that can snatch your dreams away from you.

I think it's great that you are so passionate about boxing/MMA, but you also have to be realistic, and keep an open mind that the odds are that you will probably end up doing something else in life. Learn to be at peace with yourself.
Yeah, i just wanted to know if i will take hgh/test/dht/ and others steroids 1 year i will gain some bones man, yes or not. at 18 .


Oct 6, 2020
My dream is to be a boxer/mma fighter.
top pro fighters have a face with big bones, all of them have big head/jaw.
I don t have any reason to live if i can t be a top athlete and my genetic is stoping me. I want to die because i don t want to do anything else , just sport and i can t be a pro because small bones/head can t sustain big punishment vs big frames. :) also i want respect from other guys because i m physical intimidating, from girls also. idon t care about anything else .
Girls like big framed guys, jawline and it s a fact. i don t want anything else, just to know how to achieve that. You can t lie these guys aren t superior genetic vs the first 2.

What girls like does not matter, why? Simply because they are individuals and catering to one thing "girls like" makes you unattractive/unpleasant to girls who do not like that, all the while behaving against your own nature/personality ending up extremely unauthentic wondering whats wrong.

You know what girls like? What people generally like, even men? Authentic people who are interesting and inspiring by simply being energetic, fun and simply happy with themself. A passionate person can make uninterested people be excited about stuff they normally dont care about by simply sharing one's own enthusiasm. Worrying what a subjective majority may or may not like is a sure fire way to make yourself unhappy and falling into a depressive mind carussel of selfhatred.

You don't want to die - have you made any plans for when an injury stops you from boxing? What if you are 30 or 40 (or w/e age boxers retire at) and cant box anymore? No plan B? No other Interests? You have them, even if you are not aware of it, you just made boxing this ultimate life dependent thing, do you know how much stress you are putting on urself here mentally right now (which ironicly inhibits the growth your looking for)? I am not saying dont box, follow your dream, but be a strong, healthy person that can deal with adversity, even if it does not work out, especially then.

You need to get into a good mental health state man. It's important for your athletic performance too.
Try to acquire optimal health, especially at this age, it will benefit any growth you want to do. being healthy will also stop the mental madness you obviously have, and i can tell because i had/still have them too.


Jun 23, 2020
My dream is to be a boxer/mma fighter.
top pro fighters have a face with big bones, all of them have big head/jaw.
I don t have any reason to live if i can t be a top athlete and my genetic is stoping me. I want to die because i don t want to do anything else , just sport and i can t be a pro because small bones/head can t sustain big punishment vs big frames. :) also i want respect from other guys because i m physical intimidating, from girls also. idon t care about anything else .
Girls like big framed guys, jawline and it s a fact. i don t want anything else, just to know how to achieve that. You can t lie these guys aren t superior genetic vs the first 2.
You have serious mental problems - not saying that to be derogatory or as an insult, but it's true.
What you need to realize is that your appearance isn't the problem, your mentality is. Accordingly, even if you achieved the exact appearance you're looking for, the underlying issue that is currently causing this severe insecurity (to the point of suicidal ideation) will simply manifest as something else, and you'll be no better off.
You need to figure out what's causing this obsession with appearance and work on that - not the appearance itself.
Again, you look fine.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hi,you already made a post about the same topic I believe.first you absolutely do not require a huge/big whatever skull structure to be a top athlete in any sport,neither manny pacquiao or Floyd mayweather or Mike Tyson had a perfect skull frame.if your dream is to be a boxer,enter a gym with boxe lessons and your dream is accomplish,if your dream is to be word champion,why would you want to that considering what you must invest,and the fact that you could not succed despit you invested at least 4 years of your life(poisonous goal)?what is it gonna bring you to be word champion rather than contenter,or average gym praticioner,self esteem?if that’s self esteem,you don’t need that to have self esteem,and in our words with all those problems to solve,I would advice anyone to rather invest their potential in a domain that can permit them to participate in solving those problems so we can make the word a better place for ourself,for our suffering relatives or relatives that do not réalise how happy they could be,to our future children.there is nothing wrong with being passionate and loving a sport or a discipline and wishing to be as good as possible so you can accomplish your passion even more,but wishing to be THE BEST better than anyone just for self esteem from my perspective manifest a lake of self esteem and/or recognition from others.if you want a more develop skull it’s totally legit,as the others said be confident in your appearance and personality it is as important,but if you put 2 persons both confidents with a great personality,those factors that you wish to influence on will be non négligeable.
Yeah, i just wanted to know if i will take hgh/test/dht/ and others steroids 1 year i will gain some bones man, yes or not. at 18 .


My dream is to be a boxer/mma fighter.
top pro fighters have a face with big bones, all of them have big head/jaw.
I don t have any reason to live if i can t be a top athlete and my genetic is stoping me. I want to die because i don t want to do anything else , just sport and i can t be a pro because small bones/head can t sustain big punishment vs big frames. :) also i want respect from other guys because i m physical intimidating, from girls also. idon t care about anything else .
Girls like big framed guys, jawline and it s a fact. i don t want anything else, just to know how to achieve that. You can t lie these guys aren t superior genetic vs the first 2.

Of course you can still achieve that.

You approximately have a 4 year window to do the right things.

Make the right decisions before it's too late.


Jan 15, 2016
If you accept that nature is inherently unfair, then why try to change it ("...every single child deserves to have?")? This sounds like do-gooder tilting at windmills.

By your logic, we should all stop having children in order to take care of the exponentially growing youth and squalor of places like Africa, because after all, they have so much more need, right? Europe must die so that Nigeria can thrive.

My view is that one of the most moral things people with resources and good health can do is to reproduce, thereby making a positive contribution to humanity, with skin in the game by way of biological legacy. It perpetuates and grows the impact of whatever it is these people are doing right, from a cultural/metabolic/health perspective, and that would make a net contribution to humanity. Secondarily to that can come charity to outsiders from whatever resources are left over, if any.
Alright, I'll bite.

Yes, I believe people should stop having children, but it has nothing to do with Europe or Africa.. it has everything to do with suffering. Ideally, every region should be assessed for its theoretical life supporting capability and people should be incentivized to live within those means.

Those that are privileged enough to bring a child into this world with access to resources and good health still have no guarantee or contingency for tragedy, they are just rolling the dice on someone else's existence.. What if you die in an accident and your child is orphaned? I suppose the people that adopt your child into a good home are just "do-gooders".. In fact it is the causality of tragedy, environmental constraints, or poor nutrition from some financial situation that many of us are even posting here. Loss and misery is unfortunately the catalyst to my passion in biochemistry, and it seems that those that have come from "good stock" are only interested in maintaining the status quo.

It is by uplifting those in need that you can begin to stabilize them, otherwise suffering will just beget more suffering, and what is to stop your "neighbor" from deciding that they want to be the one that hands you the left over resources, if there is any? In the scenario of some form of collapse or economical turmoil.. this is a stupid game, and biological legacy is nothing compared to an ideological legacy.

I'd like to imagine that mankind can be more than just some flesh automaton stuck on the same behavior loop, but we do the same things don't we? We devour our own through economical usury and subjugation, through class hierarchy and status, through neglect and selected ignorance, and finally if necessary through war and the more obvious forms violence.

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Sep 3, 2017
Quality Breastmilk at least 1 year, then being fed nutritious organic food, healthy and mentally stable euthyroid parents, lots of sunlight, not being allergic to food/the polluted air growing up so you’re breathing through the nose, not growing up in a moldy apartment. If one ticks all those boxes I believe in most cases they’d be decent looking

I was watching this documentary about this African tribe and they’re quite beautiful people with strong built faces. Blood, milk not much else

They also make a big effort to forage for honey.


Feb 13, 2021
after 18 you can change something about your bone structure ? because i lift for like 3 years and eat good and no changes..
Absolutely you can! I kept growing til 23ish.

I'd encourage you to stop dwelling on the past so much. It sounds cliche, but all of are where we are today for a reason.

It's up to you to take useful learning lessons from the past ~ and discard everything else.

Moving forward, a diet rich in fat-solubles and whole milk (if you can digest it) should help you fully develop your frame.

DHEA may also help; I believe Peat grew over an inch taller when he took it in his 40's! But don't forget the basics.


Jun 13, 2019
I know that people can look radically different within months if they do things right. Just google before and after pictures of "steroids, thyroid, keto, veganism, fasting".
You can see that peoples faces can change completely as a result of changing their diet or hormonal profile. You just have to create an anabolic environment within your body to build bone and muscle. Ray Peat wrote about how thyroid, progesterone and androgens are bone building hormones. Estrogen, cortisol and prolactin break down bones. It's simple. The best way to do that is a high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydate and high calcium intake. Not eating too many vegetables, especially brightly colored fruits and vegetables is also improtant in my opinion. Too much carotene blocks thyroid function. Too much fiber feeds gut bacteria which increase endotoxin and serotonin. For example: White potatoes are better than sweet potatoes (carotene). White rice is better than brown rice (PUFA and fiber). Red meat is better than chicken (zinc and iron). Whole milk is better than skim milk (saturated fat).
What do you mean by eating good? It would be helpful if you would outline what you diet looks like.

Rays opinion:

Me: Do you think some people could be sensitive to the carotenes in orange juice? Could the carotenes in orange juice and carrot be keeping people in a hypothyroid state despite doing them everything else right?

Peat: The content in oranges is so low I don’t think even a gallon a day would affect the thyroid, but a glass or two of carrot juice definitely can.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020


I started with the ray peat diet in 2019, before that I was vegetarian and in 2015 I became infertile and started eating vegan to restore my fertility. I drank raw vegetable juice and nuts and 3 liters of water and linseed. I lost a lot of weight, I weighed 34 kg I am 1.40 tall, In 2018 I watched a documentary about Fruiterians and vegans and how they change and then I am meat and go drink milk. i followed aajon vondel diet i ate raw meat raw milk butter. And I recovered a bit, only I had stress and sleeping problems. Then I started following weston price. It didn't help. So I came to ray peat blog via via and it appealed to me. Only I gained from 40 kg to 80 kg in 3 months. And since 2020 I have been buying a lot of supliments, vitamin a d3 k2 b1 b2 b3 b6 iodine potassium iodide t3 and t4 fish collagen marine, policosanol 20 mg octacosanol 24 mg. Lactoferrin 300mg black garlic extract 500mg, amlafruit 500mg, cascara sagrada 450mg, hesperidin methyl chalcone 500mg haven't used these yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to keep increasing hesperidin methyl chalcone 500 mg haven't used this yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to keep increasing hesperidin methyl chalcone 500 mg haven't used this yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium, I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to use more and more Taking, and got a stomach ache and when stopping it was quite heavy, it took 8 weeks that I am a bit normal.
I have also recently started taking 4-fmph 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, but I have to take more and more.
I also drink skimmed milk with sugar and 2 eggs a day, I recently stopped bread pasta,
I also have no bowel movements and it is difficult to digest food. Bloated stomach, depressed, so I take chemical powders to feel better myself.
I have used progestin for 8 months and made my face old, especially swollen edema and stopped for 2 weeks. I also eat little recently and still I stay fat.
I emailed ray peat and also explained my story but quite difficult because I cannot speak English and am dependent on automatic google translation.
Ray Peat says 2 litter milk eggs drink juice, and supliments are bad, vitamins and minerals must be obtained from food. He says low fat and protein 80 percent and high carbohydrates, but I thought fat was healthy. Butter whole milk. Don't actually loop milk. And I don't know which milk is best. I now buy non-perishable skimmed milk.
Which supplement can I keep using and which one can I throw away.
And how can I repair liver and intestines?
I read about chinese herb lung dan xie gan wan for liver. Is that good.
Sorry for long message,
Would like to help tips and my temp is 35, 36 and heart rate is 88. I don't know if I should take more t3 or more t4.


Aug 6, 2015

Why despite low bf, some people have no bones in their face, their whole skeleton is frail, small and other people have big robust skeleton, big jawline and are masculines.​

What make a bad genetic? Small wrists, narrow shoulders, head, neck girlish voice, shynes and what make a strong one? Big jaw, head, neck, overall good look and intimidating.
This are exemples.
The first 2 vs 2 last 2.
What make that?
Testosteron? Dht? Just overall strong bone genetic? But what give that genetic? And what can you do if your face at low bf doesn t have any bones like the first 2.
Life is unfair..

They don't have a striking look about them. they almost look malnourished

If you look at triple h from 2000 he had an incredible look, probably one of the most attractive men who ever lived





Jun 10, 2020


Jun 10, 2020
I started with the ray peat diet in 2019, before that I was vegetarian and in 2015 I became infertile and started eating vegan to restore my fertility. I drank raw vegetable juice and nuts and 3 liters of water and linseed. I lost a lot of weight, I weighed 34 kg I am 1.40 tall, In 2018 I watched a documentary about Fruiterians and vegans and how they change and then I am meat and go drink milk. i followed aajon vondel diet i ate raw meat raw milk butter. And I recovered a bit, only I had stress and sleeping problems. Then I started following weston price. It didn't help. So I came to ray peat blog via via and it appealed to me. Only I gained from 40 kg to 80 kg in 3 months. And since 2020 I have been buying a lot of supliments, vitamin a d3 k2 b1 b2 b3 b6 iodine potassium iodide t3 and t4 fish collagen marine, policosanol 20 mg octacosanol 24 mg. Lactoferrin 300mg black garlic extract 500mg, amlafruit 500mg, cascara sagrada 450mg, hesperidin methyl chalcone 500mg haven't used these yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to keep increasing hesperidin methyl chalcone 500 mg haven't used this yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to keep increasing hesperidin methyl chalcone 500 mg haven't used this yet because I don't know how much to take. Ketotifen 1mg gave me an anxiety attack and my heart was racing. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I don't use anymore. I have been using Bynadril since 2019 and I alternate with doxylamine succinate 25 mg. Magnesium chelate powder. Nicotine tablet 4 mg, etizolam 1 mg. And 2f ketamine, tianeptine sodium, I no longer use because I always had to use a high dose, I used kratom for 8 months but had to use more and more Taking, and got a stomach ache and when stopping it was quite heavy, it took 8 weeks that I am a bit normal.
I have also recently started taking 4-fmph 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, but I have to take more and more.
I also drink skimmed milk with sugar and 2 eggs a day, I recently stopped bread pasta,
I also have no bowel movements and it is difficult to digest food. Bloated stomach, depressed, so I take chemical powders to feel better myself.
I have used progestin for 8 months and made my face old, especially swollen edema and stopped for 2 weeks. I also eat little recently and still I stay fat.
I emailed ray peat and also explained my story but quite difficult because I cannot speak English and am dependent on automatic google translation.
Ray Peat says 2 litter milk eggs drink juice, and supliments are bad, vitamins and minerals must be obtained from food. He says low fat and protein 80 percent and high carbohydrates, but I thought fat was healthy. Butter whole milk. Don't actually loop milk. And I don't know which milk is best. I now buy non-perishable skimmed milk.
Which supplement can I keep using and which one can I throw away.
And how can I repair liver and intestines?
I read about chinese herb lung dan xie gan wan for liver. Is that good.
Sorry for long message,
Would like to help tips and my temp is 35, 36 and heart rate is 88. I don't know if I should take more t3 or more t4.
Hello. It would be easier for people to help you if you made an account, because then you’d have a post history and we could get to know you better. Peat suggested (in his email exchanges) that for those with high stress hormones (like it sounds like you have), supplementing with tiny doses of T3 throughout the day could help bring down the stress hormones. Have you tried that?
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