The Things That Make Me Think I Have Aspergers


Oct 7, 2020
Lately, I have considered the possibility that I have some form of Aspergers due to various reasons listed below:
  • I enjoy finding out ALOT about the topics I love since discovering Ray Peat I read every idea, article, theory possible and I create frameworks in mind how things work for example what factors influence muscle growth, which factors increase certain physical charasterics, how hormones affect eachother, what environmental factors put them towards a direction and so on, I have a strong information craving I just love being intellectually stimulated.
  • Face expression dismatching how I feel-e.g. I could be happy and content but my face literally goes into the neutral resting face look unless I manually focus on making specific facial expressions although in some cases like strong genuine joy or laughter my face reacts accordingly to that but most of the time I just keep it relaxed.
  • Haven't ever felt as I fully "fit in" or sort of understand the hidden subtle untold social cues, it's been like this since I have been born when I was younger I made friends easier though but I feel as I have never been on the same "vibe" that most people are on which sort of makes them "connected" if that makes any sense.
  • Vivid senses-I'm not sure the level of sensory experience that others have but I have Low Latent Inhibition which is a neurological type where the mind doesn't filter out stimulus e.g. by combining together all the background noises unrelated to the one focused on instead as long as a sound/detail/any other sensory input is within the reach of my senses I'll always notice it e.g. being in a room with many people conversing I'll hear all the conversations together rather than my mind filtering them out so despite not focusing on any particular conversation I often hear alot of what others around me are talking about because my mind intakes every sensory information however I haven't really had sensory overstimulation induced meltdowns so it might not be as strong as for some.
  • Very vivid inner world-I have always been very good at visualizing and "feeling" how things potentially could look like I would often imagine how the places I walk at could look if changed and I'd also often imagine what new series of particular books/movies/fiction/etc. that I like could look like and if I wanna write a story I very quickly can imagine what the scene could look like in all senses, I have been a daydreamer and rather than just focusing on things as they are I'd give them "more liveliness" by integrating them into my inner world daydreaming vividness.
  • Very direct communicator-I say things directly and often I'd say how I felt or thought about something without being aware of some social cues e.g. once I told somebody that their mouth stinks-I have more social cue awareness now compared to before but back then I said it as to show that I find it unpleasant and perhaps to inform them even though they probably knew that but at that time I thought it'd not be interpreted negatively-now I have understood that you don't talk about something someone probably knows and doesn't wanna be informed again especially in a direct manner but I feel as it took me longer time than average to fully learn social cues and understand why they are that way and so on.
  • Sometimes missing out the hidden social cues behind and interpreting it directly-I have had cases when someone would inform me indirectly and at first I would read it directly and only after minutes or sometimes even days or weeks or months or even years later I'd suddenly have the lightbulb moment of realizing they meant something else and just wrapped it inside what I thought to be a direct sentence and sometimes it's possible someone meant well or wanted to get to know me more but they showed that in indirect way so I didn't decode that and thus missed the opportunities-this too has somewhat improved with time and with more reading of humor/jokes/sarcasm/comedy which has made me better at detecting when something is said directly and when not but even then sometimes I might not be 100% sure if something was meant directly or not and might have troubles with that.
  • Sometimes I feel as or some have said that I have an odd walking style or odd facial expressions or that in general, I seem different in some way.
  • Looking younger-I'm 19 190cm tall 63kg of Baltic/Northen European like genetics, I'm lean, tall, never had gyno or excess weight and got tendency towards lean muscularity and resistance to fat gain, from Latvia, some have said that I look of my age but some have said that I have a younger appearance, my eyes aren't as narrow as in the highly androgenic stereotype but not big as women's eyes either, I'm Norwood 0 and now not haircutting for months my hair are very thick like a bush I haven't tried that yet but I might grow hair as long as women I assume, got facial hair on jaw/chin/sides/moustache and they are increasing but not a beard yet and my body/facial/general hair are lightish blondeish so my arms hairs aren't as visible even though they are there, my legs hairs are probably the thickest hair other than ones on head, stomach hair have slightly started growing including the naval strip but chest doesn't have visible hair even though if focusing closely my whole torso has the follicle points and very tiny starter hairs in them meanwhile my father has dark brown hair and his arms look darker due to that and his skin is slightly darker than mine and my mom's and my dad has a thicker fattier wider build in general including bones whereas I and my mom have the slimmer type of physique.
  • Detailed longterm photographic memory-if thinking about something it's very likely I can remember it in details-the environment, things that were said, other details involved too and overall many sensory aspects and I remember well facts about topics I like and research.
  • Larger forehead-idk but afair it was shown people with ASD have larger foreheads and a different facial proportion and I have a large forehead and kinda the ASD facial placement.
  • Secondary issues that are-OCD that appeared at early teen years then disappeared appeared again and now has decreased alot again worsened by stress and better by not giving into OCD loops and Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome since sometime in puberty but idk when it exactly began it got worse with time basically I go into this strong brainfog state where everything feels cloudy, it's harder to recall some things, my voice volume gets lower and sounds different, I may get clumsier like my mind doesn't focus fully on stuff around but is in this sort of fatigue state, decrease in exercise performance-I start shaking alot faster after certain amount of strength exercises when not on abstinence streak I feel sort of tightness in diaphragm like when you don't fully breath out the air or when muscles aren't relaxed but even with relaxed breathing it stays like 2-3 days postorgasm leading to increased trigerring by the sensory experience of that making it more likely I'll try to breathe it out but then there's a chance it leads to urge to repeat OCD motor tics making it more likely other OCD behaviors will appear too, the less sensory discomfort such as muscle discomfort, uncomfortable surfaces, lack of back support, etc. the better I feel. POIS is thought to be autoimmune inflammatory-related and those with ASD have more autoimmune conditions based on what I have read so maybe it's linked when I had the flu in 2020 February POIS disappeared for 3 days I had 2 orgasms 1 nightfall and almost no symptoms felt clear headed after just like before so perhaps immunity induces inflammatory response whenever a POIS trigger occurs so to fix that I must find out why and what makes it be so. I had antibiotic when I was young but only once afair, used antiepileptics due to sleeptime cramp seizures I had as a toddler and at 15 went off from antiepileptics as EEG showed no more epileptic brainwave activity and doc said to take a lightdose of a SSRI for 1 year to transition to medicine free state did that and no medicines after that don't recall any negative changes from the SSRI but maybe it contributed to the POIS, who knows, growing up I slept good, ate various nutritious foods, went out including in the summer in the sun and felt good till POIS appeared which I discovered in 2019 by abstaining and noticing rapid symptom appearance postorgasm but might have had it since 2017-2018 as I recall edging and not wanting to orgasm so I might have noticed it subconsciously.
Many of these may be due to personality and other resons but it's possible I have some form of Aspergers I'm an INTP what do you think?


May 25, 2020
Aspergers can not create, can you? To make something yourself that is not a copy?


Oct 7, 2020
Aspergers can not create, can you? To make something yourself that is not a copy?
I have heard that Aspergers makes one lack creativity but I don't know if it's true because there apparantely are many creative people with ASD who have made original creative inventions and I haven't heard anyone with ASD say or show that they lack creativity.


May 25, 2020
Ray Peat paints. I don not know people with ASD who are creative, they can repeat, copy.


Feb 10, 2013
Ray Peat paints. I don not know people with ASD who are creative, they can repeat, copy.
where are you getting that idea from? The autistic women I know are creative, I draw/paint, as do they, as well as having many other creative hobbies.


May 3, 2015
Hi @Explorer,

It does sound like you are on the spectrum.

Do you eat much red meat or dairy? POIS may be related to depleting your zinc stores.


Oct 23, 2020
You may just be an INTP - tactually, I just read that you are lol. I am INTP as well and have had the same concerns. I have concluded that I am not, indeed, autistic or on the spectrum. Some supplements I'd recommend for you that helped me with my social deficits, etc. were cyproheptadine/metergoline, 7'8 DHF, and uridine


Aug 6, 2015
Lately, I have considered the possibility that I have some form of Aspergers due to various reasons listed below:
  • I enjoy finding out ALOT about the topics I love since discovering Ray Peat I read every idea, article, theory possible and I create frameworks in mind how things work for example what factors influence muscle growth, which factors increase certain physical charasterics, how hormones affect eachother, what environmental factors put them towards a direction and so on, I have a strong information craving I just love being intellectually stimulated.
  • Face expression dismatching how I feel-e.g. I could be happy and content but my face literally goes into the neutral resting face look unless I manually focus on making specific facial expressions although in some cases like strong genuine joy or laughter my face reacts accordingly to that but most of the time I just keep it relaxed.
  • Haven't ever felt as I fully "fit in" or sort of understand the hidden subtle untold social cues, it's been like this since I have been born when I was younger I made friends easier though but I feel as I have never been on the same "vibe" that most people are on which sort of makes them "connected" if that makes any sense.
  • Vivid senses-I'm not sure the level of sensory experience that others have but I have Low Latent Inhibition which is a neurological type where the mind doesn't filter out stimulus e.g. by combining together all the background noises unrelated to the one focused on instead as long as a sound/detail/any other sensory input is within the reach of my senses I'll always notice it e.g. being in a room with many people conversing I'll hear all the conversations together rather than my mind filtering them out so despite not focusing on any particular conversation I often hear alot of what others around me are talking about because my mind intakes every sensory information however I haven't really had sensory overstimulation induced meltdowns so it might not be as strong as for some.
  • Very vivid inner world-I have always been very good at visualizing and "feeling" how things potentially could look like I would often imagine how the places I walk at could look if changed and I'd also often imagine what new series of particular books/movies/fiction/etc. that I like could look like and if I wanna write a story I very quickly can imagine what the scene could look like in all senses, I have been a daydreamer and rather than just focusing on things as they are I'd give them "more liveliness" by integrating them into my inner world daydreaming vividness.
  • Very direct communicator-I say things directly and often I'd say how I felt or thought about something without being aware of some social cues e.g. once I told somebody that their mouth stinks-I have more social cue awareness now compared to before but back then I said it as to show that I find it unpleasant and perhaps to inform them even though they probably knew that but at that time I thought it'd not be interpreted negatively-now I have understood that you don't talk about something someone probably knows and doesn't wanna be informed again especially in a direct manner but I feel as it took me longer time than average to fully learn social cues and understand why they are that way and so on.
  • Sometimes missing out the hidden social cues behind and interpreting it directly-I have had cases when someone would inform me indirectly and at first I would read it directly and only after minutes or sometimes even days or weeks or months or even years later I'd suddenly have the lightbulb moment of realizing they meant something else and just wrapped it inside what I thought to be a direct sentence and sometimes it's possible someone meant well or wanted to get to know me more but they showed that in indirect way so I didn't decode that and thus missed the opportunities-this too has somewhat improved with time and with more reading of humor/jokes/sarcasm/comedy which has made me better at detecting when something is said directly and when not but even then sometimes I might not be 100% sure if something was meant directly or not and might have troubles with that.
  • Sometimes I feel as or some have said that I have an odd walking style or odd facial expressions or that in general, I seem different in some way.
  • Looking younger-I'm 19 190cm tall 63kg of Baltic/Northen European like genetics, I'm lean, tall, never had gyno or excess weight and got tendency towards lean muscularity and resistance to fat gain, from Latvia, some have said that I look of my age but some have said that I have a younger appearance, my eyes aren't as narrow as in the highly androgenic stereotype but not big as women's eyes either, I'm Norwood 0 and now not haircutting for months my hair are very thick like a bush I haven't tried that yet but I might grow hair as long as women I assume, got facial hair on jaw/chin/sides/moustache and they are increasing but not a beard yet and my body/facial/general hair are lightish blondeish so my arms hairs aren't as visible even though they are there, my legs hairs are probably the thickest hair other than ones on head, stomach hair have slightly started growing including the naval strip but chest doesn't have visible hair even though if focusing closely my whole torso has the follicle points and very tiny starter hairs in them meanwhile my father has dark brown hair and his arms look darker due to that and his skin is slightly darker than mine and my mom's and my dad has a thicker fattier wider build in general including bones whereas I and my mom have the slimmer type of physique.
  • Detailed longterm photographic memory-if thinking about something it's very likely I can remember it in details-the environment, things that were said, other details involved too and overall many sensory aspects and I remember well facts about topics I like and research.
  • Larger forehead-idk but afair it was shown people with ASD have larger foreheads and a different facial proportion and I have a large forehead and kinda the ASD facial placement.
  • Secondary issues that are-OCD that appeared at early teen years then disappeared appeared again and now has decreased alot again worsened by stress and better by not giving into OCD loops and Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome since sometime in puberty but idk when it exactly began it got worse with time basically I go into this strong brainfog state where everything feels cloudy, it's harder to recall some things, my voice volume gets lower and sounds different, I may get clumsier like my mind doesn't focus fully on stuff around but is in this sort of fatigue state, decrease in exercise performance-I start shaking alot faster after certain amount of strength exercises when not on abstinence streak I feel sort of tightness in diaphragm like when you don't fully breath out the air or when muscles aren't relaxed but even with relaxed breathing it stays like 2-3 days postorgasm leading to increased trigerring by the sensory experience of that making it more likely I'll try to breathe it out but then there's a chance it leads to urge to repeat OCD motor tics making it more likely other OCD behaviors will appear too, the less sensory discomfort such as muscle discomfort, uncomfortable surfaces, lack of back support, etc. the better I feel. POIS is thought to be autoimmune inflammatory-related and those with ASD have more autoimmune conditions based on what I have read so maybe it's linked when I had the flu in 2020 February POIS disappeared for 3 days I had 2 orgasms 1 nightfall and almost no symptoms felt clear headed after just like before so perhaps immunity induces inflammatory response whenever a POIS trigger occurs so to fix that I must find out why and what makes it be so. I had antibiotic when I was young but only once afair, used antiepileptics due to sleeptime cramp seizures I had as a toddler and at 15 went off from antiepileptics as EEG showed no more epileptic brainwave activity and doc said to take a lightdose of a SSRI for 1 year to transition to medicine free state did that and no medicines after that don't recall any negative changes from the SSRI but maybe it contributed to the POIS, who knows, growing up I slept good, ate various nutritious foods, went out including in the summer in the sun and felt good till POIS appeared which I discovered in 2019 by abstaining and noticing rapid symptom appearance postorgasm but might have had it since 2017-2018 as I recall edging and not wanting to orgasm so I might have noticed it subconsciously.
Many of these may be due to personality and other resons but it's possible I have some form of Aspergers I'm an INTP what do you think?

what physical attributes do you have?

there is an "autistic facial structure" and many studies have mentioned this

autistic people also have a particular gait and style of walking to them, like a constipated walk


Oct 7, 2020
Hi @Explorer,

It does sound like you are on the spectrum.

Do you eat much red meat or dairy? POIS may be related to depleting your zinc stores.
I drink usually over 1 liter of kefir, eat cheese, cheese creams, butter on sandwiches, meat from sausages or lean meats, I doubt it's diet related except if some food is inflammatory or triggers POIS but that'd be a case of excess not deficiency, I had nail white spots as a teen afair they are due to excess coper not enough zinc but haven't had them for the last years so even if I was at a point probably not now as I don't have the zinc deficiency signs. I don't recall POIS ever by diet nor any other lifestyle change except abstinence but it simply doesn't trigger it not solve whatever the core issue is and I doubt it's related to orgasm frequency either as I abstained for 240 days and when I stopped the symptoms were the same as before if not worse so if it was something like sexual exhaustion I'd see less symptoms for a while after stopping a long abstinence.

The fact that it went away while I had flu and the moment I healed it came back and that lifestyle has never made difference in POIS itself makes me think it's immune inflammatory related something of that type maybe a form of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or excess Histamine or something like that I get stuffy nose and mucus in throat in the 1st day and I feel "full" and don't get as strong hunger feeling in the stomach and breathing feels slightly heavier which are high Histamine sympotms afair and it somewhat goes away after a few days but full cognitive sharpness seems to appear at like 2-3 weeks of abstinence yet when I was ill and POIS had mostly turned off I'd feel like when with POIS on abstinence at the end of POIS when symptoms had mostly disappeared even though I wasn't even abstaining.

Maybe Cyproheptadine could impact positively POIS and Aspergers, must find where to get that and the optimal dose as I have heard it can have sides.

I wonder what causes POIS is it some genetic factor or environmental or combination as the many day many symptom POIS that isn't just fatigue and such is quite rare after years of /r/POIS and POISCenter is currently biggest POIS focused community with around 1000+ members as of now so that kinda shows it maybe at maximum affects only 0.005% of people globally but maybe more who knows. There are some women POISers but men are way more on POISCenter so it seems men are more likely to develop it but women can too but it's very rare for women in general there are more men on NoFap communities and such and in general very very very rarely have I heard women talk about getting many day zombie like state symptoms including brainfog and other bad ones after orgasm or by any sexual activity or about NoFap or abstinence making them feel better unlike men on SR/NoFap communities telling how massive difference they get abstinent so there are probably more POISers out there who think it's normal and don't know about POIS or do but think it's how they are supposed to feel rather than it being a disorder and that they can cure it by abstaining for as long as possible even though there are very few people who cured it by just abstaining most cures happened by fixing the underlaying imbalance so it's possible women in general develop POIS-like syndromes less often so the male reproductive system might interact easier with the mechanism of POIS.


Aug 9, 2019
How's your Androgen levels? Ever took a Testosterone test? Are you sexually active?
This whole intellectual self analysis you made serves no purpose. I used to do this a lot. You need to focus on enjoying life. People who enjoy life just don't intellectualize everything about them.
Life really is about ******* and feeding. All there is.


Oct 7, 2020
How's your Androgen levels? Ever took a Testosterone test? Are you sexually active?
This whole intellectual self analysis you made serves no purpose. I used to do this a lot. You need to focus on enjoying life. People who enjoy life just don't intellectualize everything about them.
Life really is about ******* and feeding. All there is.
Only once when I was 17 in 2019 January 475ng/dl Free T was 11 forgot in which value but it was in the range and SHBG and Albumin were somewhere between 20-30 don't recall them exactly nor that value must download the bloodtest results again to know correctly.


Feb 25, 2020
I've had some aspergers symptoms my entire life and they've actually gotten better. One thing that is really interesting is Hemi-sync isochronic tones. Hemi-sync is being investigated as a non-invasive anesthetic by serious researchers so it is known to have a real physiological effect. They say that with aspergers the two halves of the brain are improperly connected, hemisync inmproves that connection. Obviously anything that you do to limit serotonin will help too.

I think aspergers accumulates other syndromes such as high serotonin and high estrogen, so you've got to attack on a full front.

You can also do various tasks like drawing pictures upside down, writing backwards, writing with your left hand, et al. to improve hemisphere involvement.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I've had some aspergers symptoms my entire life and they've actually gotten better. One thing that is really interesting is Hemi-sync isochronic tones. Hemi-sync is being investigated as a non-invasive anesthetic by serious researchers so it is known to have a real physiological effect. They say that with aspergers the two halves of the brain are improperly connected, hemisync inmproves that connection. Obviously anything that you do to limit serotonin will help too.

I think aspergers accumulates other syndromes such as high serotonin and high estrogen, so you've got to attack on a full front.

You can also do various tasks like drawing pictures upside down, writing backwards, writing with your left hand, et al. to improve hemisphere involvement.
would getting punched on the head cause brain disorders or diseases or issues like aspergers or other problems?


Feb 10, 2013
would getting punched on the head cause brain disorders or diseases or issues like aspergers or other problems?
no it's a developmental disorder, iirc haidut has posted some studies that showed mothers that were high estrogen/hypothyroid were more likely to have autistic kids. You can have some autistic traits just from being high serotonin though.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
no it's a developmental disorder, iirc haidut has posted some studies that showed mothers that were high estrogen/hypothyroid were more likely to have autistic kids. You can have some autistic traits just from being high serotonin though.
what can happen from physical damage to the skull/brain? are there long term effects, dont boxers or nfl players get some sort of brain issues due to their careers


Feb 10, 2013
what can happen from physical damage to the skull/brain? are there long term effects, dont boxers or nfl players get some sort of brain issues due to their careers
depends on the injury exactly, can be small things like migraines, eye pain etc more extreme would be personality changes or some severe mental disability. You can get some scans done if you think you have an injury.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
depends on the injury exactly, can be small things like migraines, eye pain etc more extreme would be personality changes or some severe mental disability. You can get some scans done if you think you have an injury.
which ones. MRI? xrays, ct are super risky?


Jun 30, 2018
no it's a developmental disorder, iirc haidut has posted some studies that showed mothers that were high estrogen/hypothyroid were more likely to have autistic kids. You can have some autistic traits just from being high serotonin though.
Didn't know high serotonin could cause someone to have autistic traits, that's really interesting. I wonder if some people who self diagnose based on a few autistic symptoms actually have high serotonin issues

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I was diagnosed with aspergers and I am very creative.. I'm pretty sure Mozart was aspergers.. I think its an evolution rather than a disability
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