White rice problem

Mar 10, 2021
they always seem to forget to mention awamori too, their 40% alcohol rice spirit.

How did anyone come up with the idea that black mold is a good idea to ingest?

“Black koji mold is one of the ingredients that distinguishes awamori from other spirits. It generates a large amount of citric acid, which helps balance the bacteria created in the fermentation process in Okinawa’s hot and humid environment.”
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Mar 10, 2021
@Ainaga It was good to read that when the Okinawan people were at their healthiest their meat was low and their main starch was sweet potatoes, because my main starch is white sweet potatoes, and meat is not in my main rotation.


Mar 30, 2020
I seem to recall Ray saying that if rice is fresh and good quality, then soaking it can increase the b-vitamin bioavailabilty. I also recall reading that brown rice requires much more soaking that white rice to divest it of unwanted chemicals. I seem to remember Ray not being a particular fan of brown rice. I am afraid I am in a rush so I can't find sources for you right now, but I recall he mentions that white rice might also be less allergenic, too.

The conversation about thiamine is probably very relevant too, but you might also have success with soaking a good quality organic (sprouted? unheated?) white rice overnight before cooking.

My endocrinologist recommended cooking my rice with coconut oil, rapidly cooling it in the freezer, then re-heating it. Her concern was, I think, predominantly about the starch content; but I can't remember her specific explanation and I shall have to ask again.


Nov 16, 2018
Brown rice has some thiamine in it. White rice has had the husk removed so it contains no thiamine. It only contains starch which requires thiamine to convert it into energy. Eating white rice causes a thiamine deficit.

I also removes most of the arsenic content in rice, which is on the outer shell.
Mar 24, 2018
Combine white rice with a fiber such as soluble barley and mix it...let me know how you get on afterwards 👍


Apr 15, 2015
Aajonus talked about rice :
Asians have a lot of bile passing through their system, because they eat 80% rice. They don't get enough fat, so the body starts sending bile all the way through the system to digest all the fat that it is produced, the acetones that are produced by transforming carbohydrates which are turned in to acetones which is a fat, it is not a very stable fat and it doesn't burn very well in the brain and nervous system, but as a fuel in the body or the muscles it is fine, it is good for the lackeys, that is the way how the Egyptians and Chinese did it to keep slaves. They kept them eating 5% meat, 80% rice and then 20% to 15% vegetables. That kept their body functioning high and their brain functioning low, so they were good lackeys, good slaves, they could work hard labor without disrupting the feudal systems.
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Jun 19, 2023
I really like sunflower seeds, and was eating them regularly as my main snack for many years... until I found they are very high in PUFA. They also are high histamine and a liberator, and I am pretty sure I am histamine intolerant. Between my long term gut problems and histamine... seems like there is very little I can eat with no problems. I know you have had gut issues (histamine too?)... how are you doing?

Oh I get plenty of thiamin in a day, with the milk, egg yolks, sprouted brown rice and occasional beef and sprouted oats!

Foods high in thiamine
From sources across the web
View attachment 60464

View attachment 60466
Sunflower seeds

View attachment 60463

View attachment 60465
Fortified cereals




Brown rice






Acorn squash























Black beans





May 13, 2015
I also suspected thiamine deficiency. I will try supplementation.
Good plan. I'd like to point out that if you choose thiamine hcl, a larger dose is needed because of its poor absorption rate in the small intestine. I've posed about thiamine hcl a lot; it's the one I use.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
How did anyone come up with the idea that black mold is a good idea to ingest?

“Black koji mold is one of the ingredients that distinguishes awamori from other spirits. It generates a large amount of citric acid, which helps balance the bacteria created in the fermentation process in Okinawa’s hot and humid environment.”
those silly ancestral people, always doing things we moderns don't approve of.

but aren't molds fungi? and aren't some fungi edible and others not? and don't certain molds, like penicillin, transform certain foods in desirable ways that change their flavor profile and release nutrients?
in this particular case it's aspergillus oryzae, responble for the fermentation of a wide array of traditional foods that are considered health foods in asia and an integral part of the culture.

'black mold' doesn't have the right ring to it? call it 'kuro koji'
Mar 10, 2021
I really need to start a thread on Histamine Intolerance, because I lived it to the fullest, with every situation you can imagine. I reacted to everything, food, clothing, water, furniture, EMF’s, just everything. I had a different side-effect for everything too, from a hot blistering burning rash, to insomnia and angiodema, and everything in between. Getting off all supplements and the yanking off that Claritin bandaid, helped me face my problem and do the hard work to get to the root of my issue. Ray Peat saying that caffeine, white sugar and salt are natural antihistamines was a life saver. Mine wasn’t a gut problem per se, but instead it was cumulative, with my unhealthy environment and food too much of a heavy load for my body to bear. I just chipped away at that load little at a time and today I am happy to report @TucsonJJ that I am the healthiest person I know, and I can eat anything now!

Mar 10, 2021
those silly ancestral people, always doing things we moderns don't approve of.

but aren't molds fungi? and aren't some fungi edible and others not? and don't certain molds, like penicillin, transform certain foods in desirable ways that change their flavor profile and release nutrients?
in this particular case it's aspergillus oryzae, responble for the fermentation of a wide array of traditional foods that are considered health foods in asia and an integral part of the culture.

'black mold' doesn't have the right ring to it? call it 'kuro koji'
I know we eat various mills from cheese and such, but citric acid from black mold is the one that Ray Peat says is dangerous to health and to avoid it. I wonder if somehow there was a reason for that black mold brew, like Japan liking to play roulette with snake venom, with some dying. Maybe there was something curative to Awakori. If it kills people why wouldn’t kill other nefarious things? Maybe it was a “like cures lik” situation, using it in smaller doses, like snake venom, or ingesting poison oak. You and I are looking at the Awamori as the Okinawans having a party with it when maybe it was more for curative purposes?


Jan 18, 2020
I really need to start a thread on Histamine Intolerance, because I lived it to the fullest, with every situation you can imagine. I reacted to everything, food, clothing, water, furniture, EMF’s, just everything. I had a different side-effect for everything too, from a hot blistering burning rash, to insomnia and angiodema, and everything in between. Getting off all supplements and the yanking off that Claritin bandaid, helped me face my problem and do the hard work to get to the root of my issue. Ray Peat saying that caffeine, white sugar and salt are natural antihistamines was a life saver. Mine wasn’t a gut problem per se, but instead it was cumulative, with my unhealthy environment and food too much of a heavy load for my body to bear. I just chipped away at that load little at a time and today I am happy to report @TucsonJJ that I am the healthiest person I know, and I can eat anything now!

I honestly dont know much about histamine, I know redsun explained how to deal with them histamines in multiple threads.

if one is in very good health and still has a bad histamine reaction then probably it's worth investigating, but in my case, im focusing on optimizing metabolism and treating high histamine as a side effect of bad metabolism lol.

Still, I feel like a desiccated kidney supplement works for high histamine - supposedly a source of DAO enzyme, hopefully, it will allow me to eat some cows soon. Sugar/salt/caffeine is not strong of a combo for me.

white rice is weird and completely unappealing to my tongue. I think that even with great food, having high-carb diet still will require some thiamine supplement, they are adding thiamine to every bread in the UK, which means that the flour aint got much innit?
Mar 10, 2021
I honestly dont know much about histamine, I know redsun explained how to deal with them histamines in multiple threads.

if one is in very good health and still has a bad histamine reaction then probably it's worth investigating, but in my case, im focusing on optimizing metabolism and treating high histamine as a side effect of bad metabolism lol.

Still, I feel like a desiccated kidney supplement works for high histamine - supposedly a source of DAO enzyme, hopefully, it will allow me to eat some cows soon. Sugar/salt/caffeine is not strong of a combo for me.

white rice is weird and completely unappealing to my tongue. I think that even with great food, having high-carb diet still will require some thiamine supplement, they are adding thiamine to every bread in the UK, which means that the flour aint got much innit?
I would try nettles which only add nutrition, whereas kidney capsules Ray Peat said, have a downside. I took nettle and MSM and both were very good for histamine issues. I don’t know what I ate a week ago, but knowing a stuffy nose indicates gut issues, I had a stuffy nose for the last week and treated it yesterday with MSM and it cleared up within the hour. My nose is a little runny now, but I am about to take my MSM for a second time now. I love how great MSM makes my skin look too. It is good for reducing wrinkles and scarring. Dedicated kidney is going to work until it backfires. Just the very fact it is desiccated kidney capsules are dried makes it high in histamines, and it’s oxidation may very well having you paying the Piper at some point.


Jun 19, 2023
I really need to start a thread on Histamine Intolerance, because I lived it to the fullest, with every situation you can imagine. I reacted to everything, food, clothing, water, furniture, EMF’s, just everything. I had a different side-effect for everything too, from a hot blistering burning rash, to insomnia and angiodema, and everything in between. Getting off all supplements and the yanking off that Claritin bandaid, helped me face my problem and do the hard work to get to the root of my issue. Ray Peat saying that caffeine, white sugar and salt are natural antihistamines was a life saver. Mine wasn’t a gut problem per se, but instead it was cumulative, with my unhealthy environment and food too much of a heavy load for my body to bear. I just chipped away at that load little at a time and today I am happy to report @TucsonJJ that I am the healthiest person I know, and I can eat anything now!

Please do! I'm no sure, but I think MY histamine issues hit me with depression and anxiety, gut issues too. Chlorpheniramine really helps, but I am still not sure if it is a serotonin agonist or not... I made a post, got no responses... I take 2mg in the afternoon, another 2-4mg before bad... Newer antihistamines do little, and often give side effects...
Perhaps my nightly small dose of medical cannabis contributes, but sure relaxes me and helps me sleep...
Peat fave OJ is on the bad histamine list. :-( I do pretty well with white rice, soaked before cooking... sourdough is iffy, though I know Peat was OK with it (limited?)... mozzarella is ok... sharp cheddar not so much...
I have had anxiety and depression issues for 25+ years... so it is likely not just histamine... any solutions for those? I am thinking of trying Lions mane... and this stuff, which is supposedly a pretty strong natural MAO inhibitor...
Mar 10, 2021
Please do! I'm no sure, but I think MY histamine issues hit me with depression and anxiety, gut issues too. Chlorpheniramine really helps, but I am still not sure if it is a serotonin agonist or not... I made a post, got no responses... I take 2mg in the afternoon, another 2-4mg before bad... Newer antihistamines do little, and often give side effects...
Perhaps my nightly small dose of medical cannabis contributes, but sure relaxes me and helps me sleep...
Peat fave OJ is on the bad histamine list. :-( I do pretty well with white rice, soaked before cooking... sourdough is iffy, though I know Peat was OK with it (limited?)... mozzarella is ok... sharp cheddar not so much...
I have had anxiety and depression issues for 25+ years... so it is likely not just histamine... any solutions for those? I am thinking of trying Lions mane... and this stuff, which is supposedly a pretty strong natural MAO inhibitor...
For now I have been talking a little bit about histamine issues in this obscure first thread of mine. Let’s meet over there for more talk on the matter…



Jun 19, 2023
For now I have been talking a little bit about histamine issues in this obscure first thread of mine. Let’s meet over there for more talk on the matter…

Can do, thx!


May 13, 2015
@FitnessMike & @Rinse & rePeat

Here's an article for your consideration:

"It is important to remember that the brain is composed of more than just neurons. The glial cells, for example, help the brain maintain the balance and make up the immune cells in the brain. Glial cells are negatively impacted by mold and one of their favorite weapons happens to be histamine. Not only is histamine a weapon for the immune system, but it is also a messenger for the nervous system. Other than the inflammation caused, mold toxins cause neurons to be highly and chronically excitable, which in turn, causes oxidative stress. Mycotoxins also have been shown to decrease oxygen in cells and have been implicated in seizures."
-end paste-

There's quite a bit about histamine over at hormonesmatter.com. You searched for histamine - Hormones Matter
The first "article":

I used to be almost universally reactive to environmental toxins/chemicals and food. I'm not that way anymore. I attribute my massive improvement to my high dosing thiamine hcl, but can't prove it. Thiamine massively reduces oxidative stress which takes the load off the body including the immune system. Thiamine is also required for the immune system to work properly. It makes sense to me that if you can lower the stress load on the body it will have a better chance of healing itself.


Jun 19, 2023
@FitnessMike & @Rinse & rePeat

Here's an article for your consideration:

"It is important to remember that the brain is composed of more than just neurons. The glial cells, for example, help the brain maintain the balance and make up the immune cells in the brain. Glial cells are negatively impacted by mold and one of their favorite weapons happens to be histamine. Not only is histamine a weapon for the immune system, but it is also a messenger for the nervous system. Other than the inflammation caused, mold toxins cause neurons to be highly and chronically excitable, which in turn, causes oxidative stress. Mycotoxins also have been shown to decrease oxygen in cells and have been implicated in seizures."
-end paste-

There's quite a bit about histamine over at hormonesmatter.com. You searched for histamine - Hormones Matter
The first "article":

I used to be almost universally reactive to environmental toxins/chemicals and food. I'm not that way anymore. I attribute my massive improvement to my high dosing thiamine hcl, but can't prove it. Thiamine massively reduces oxidative stress which takes the load off the body including the immune system. Thiamine is also required for the immune system to work properly. It makes sense to me that if you can lower the stress load on the body it will have a better chance of healing itself.
What dose Thiamine do you take? Do you like "Allthiamine (TTFD)"?? Any side effects? Needs to be taken with other B vitamins?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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