What Free Amino Acids Should I Buy To Use As Main Protein?


Jul 27, 2016
P5P is the safe form recommended here. I think Ray says 5mg a day is good. I have 50 mg capsules and open them up and pour out a little at a time. It is always best to split up the dosage of b-vitamins, since they are water-soluble and come out when you urinate; so even splitting 5mg through out the day would give you better efficiency in utilization.

B6 also is touted to increase dopamine and protein utilization.
Zinc helps you utilize proteins and vitamin a as well I believe.
Taurine is stated to be anti-serotonin and increasing the utilization of proteins as well.


Jul 31, 2017
P5P is the safe form recommended here. I think Ray says 5mg a day is good. I have 50 mg capsules and open them up and pour out a little at a time. It is always best to split up the dosage of b-vitamins, since they are water-soluble and come out when you urinate; so even splitting 5mg through out the day would give you better efficiency in utilization.

B6 also is touted to increase dopamine and protein utilization.
Zinc helps you utilize proteins and vitamin a as well I believe.
Taurine is stated to be anti-serotonin and increasing the utilization of proteins as well.
When I googled B6 it says that it raises serotonin, but maybe it's dose dependent? I'll look into taurine as well, thanks.


Mar 7, 2017


Jul 31, 2017
I don't know how to answer your question
Its obviously not something you've studied thoroughly. You should track down the MAPS information that Haidut posted and read the thread
and I think you'll be able to comfortably answer your own question.
imho the "safe" option is what I posted that is in agreement with the mfg recommendation.
if you want to do something different I can't comment because its not what I have any experience with.
Frankly I don't think there's a "safety" issue either way.
I do think that if you use the IMpower product with the dosage you want to use it won't harm you but
you will be getting less overall protein than your should.
I read Haidut's post but it didn't make me any wiser unfortunately, lol. The shipping to Sweden is $56 from that site, insane. Hopefully it's CAD.


Jul 31, 2017
Best Food-based option:

Ray Peat Potato Protein Soup (RPPPS)

If you're going the BCAA route, I would suggest Bulk Sups in gel-caps:


And then add the other Amino Acids from Haidut's thread:

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

The BCAA's listed in earlier posts are probably better quality, but the price might be too high for some.
I dunno how much of the RPPPS my body would accept now though due to the currently extreme tryptophan sensitivity. I hit toxicity too many times recently so I'll have to pay for it now. In the future I'll go back to making some RPPPS, even though it's a pain to make.

The link you posted is what jitsmonkey mentioned as well, and that's the route I'll take. Thanks.


Aug 29, 2016
I read Haidut's post but it didn't make me any wiser unfortunately, lol. The shipping to Sweden is $56 from that site, insane. Hopefully it's CAD.

If you're shipping from Canada to Sweden it's a little silly to ship 300 caps because air shipping is expensive to your country. Unlike big companies which can afford to ship millions of capsules by ship and wait for clients to buy them we are a small boutique operation and as much as we would love to ship you a small sample pack for free we can't because shipping that amount by air or sea is actually more expensive than that amount of product. But seriously, an 1800 capsule bottle is regular price $199 USD and provides enough protein to replace all your needs for a full month. Thats less that $7 a day, you cant buy good quality meat for that price and if you could you still wouldn't have this quality AND you would be converting 75% of it to ammonia.

But let me make you a trial offer, contact us directly and we'll offer you and any other RPF member a trial offer of $155 for an 1800 capsule bottle, you pay shipping of your choice; sea or air. Let me know if you are interested, we like happy people. IN the meantime checkout our Blog and the testimonials at the bottom of our webpage www.impower.life


Aug 29, 2016
Here is a comparison between AMINO PRO and some common proteins.

6 caps of AMINO PRO is just over 3G of protein but it's pure aminos and doesn't need to be digested. So it's nearly 100% utilizable.

Egg is the best whole protein and we lose about 55% in the conversion process to ammonia. So 6 caps is just over 3 grams, and a whole egg is about 6 grams @45% protein retention so 6 caps is about one egg.

With Dairy we lose about 70% to ammonia.

Meat/fish/poultry we lose about 75%

Plant proteins we lose >85%

So using these examples 6 caps =

10g of dairy protein

12g of meat/fish/poultry

18g of plant protein

So what do those look like in serving sizes?

1.3 cups of skim milk

1.4 oz of rib eye no viable fat eaten

410g of cooked quinoa

At regular price 1800 caps is $199 (300 servings) or $0.66/serving

What does 1.3 cups of skim milk or 1.4 oz of Rib Eye cost?


Aug 29, 2016
6 Reasons AMINO PRO is better than your protein supplement

We purposely left out amino acids like cysteine, tryptophan, methionine, and histidine as these are common in the diet and can negatively impact performance. *Cysteine, histadine, methionine, and tryptophan in abundance act as precursors to substances that promote stress, inflammation, and poor metabolism.

We added;

  1. The remaining Essential amino acids for their role in protein metabolism, healing, and repair, such as with Lysine. L-Lysine plays a major role in calcium absorption; building muscle protein; recovering from surgery or sports injuries; and the body's production of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
  2. BCAA's for their muscle building and recovery benefits
  3. Taurine & Phenylalanine to ensure you don't deplete dopamine while taking BCAA's as a lack of dopamine would take away your drive to do anything. It is also essential for antioxidation, cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system.
  4. Glycine to bond with excess cysteine which creates glutathione, which is otherwise only possible to supplement with by IV or injections.
  5. Glycine to also improve sleep quality, recovery, lower inflammation and provide building blocks for neurotransmitters. Here are some other benefits The Most Important Amino Acid You Don’t Know About
  6. We added Beta alanine because it will combine with histidine and form carnosine. Not only is carnosine beneficial but this will lower the amount of available histidine used to manufacture things like histamine. Carnosine is also very expensive to manufacture and buy so getting it for free is an added benefit!
  7. What is so special about Carnosine? – Amazing Benefits for Athletes, Heart, Brain, Eyes, and Diabetes. ... Carnosine provides major, powerful antioxidant properties against one of the most damaging radicals, the hydroxyl radical. It protects one of the body's most powerful antioxidant systems, SOD, from damage and peroxidation. It is concentrated in muscles when they are working, and it is also found in the heart, brain, and many other parts of the body. Carnosine is used to prevent aging and for preventing or treating complications of diabetes such as nerve damage, eye disorders (cataracts), and kidney problems. More benefits here, https://selfhacked.com/2016/06/21/carnosine/


Jul 27, 2016
Here is a comparison between AMINO PRO and some common proteins.

6 caps of AMINO PRO is just over 3G of protein but it's pure aminos and doesn't need to be digested. So it's nearly 100% utilizable.

Egg is the best whole protein and we lose about 55% in the conversion process to ammonia. So 6 caps is just over 3 grams, and a whole egg is about 6 grams @45% protein retention so 6 caps is about one egg.

With Dairy we lose about 70% to ammonia.

Meat/fish/poultry we lose about 75%

Plant proteins we lose >85%

So using these examples 6 caps =

10g of dairy protein

12g of meat/fish/poultry

18g of plant protein

So what do those look like in serving sizes?

1.3 cups of skim milk

1.4 oz of rib eye no viable fat eaten

410g of cooked quinoa

At regular price 1800 caps is $199 (300 servings) or $0.66/serving

What does 1.3 cups of skim milk or 1.4 oz of Rib Eye cost?

Do you have any links about the loss of protein from foods via conversion process to ammonia?
Is there evidence that none is lost consuming pure protein powders?

Oh nevermind I just found the information in the link to haidut's thread above.


Jul 31, 2017
Oh, now I understand where the shopping cost is coming from, I had no idea you were a small company. I really appreciate your offer - thank you.
Since I'm extremely protein deficient and mildly underweight, does it really matter if I take amino acids on an empty stomach? The body should crave the aminos the most, right? I wanna take it before the potatoes to decrease the tryptophan transportation to the brain.
While waiting for the impower mix to arrive, I've ordered all the aminos needed except threonine which won't arrive for about 2 weeks. What happens if I take all the aminos except threonine on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating a meal of potatoes? I've read that threonine "most often" is not made from keto acids, whatever that means.


Aug 29, 2016
Oh, now I understand where the shopping cost is coming from, I had no idea you were a small company. I really appreciate your offer - thank you.
Since I'm extremely protein deficient and mildly underweight, does it really matter if I take amino acids on an empty stomach? The body should crave the aminos the most, right? I wanna take it before the potatoes to decrease the tryptophan transportation to the brain.
While waiting for the impower mix to arrive, I've ordered all the aminos needed except threonine which won't arrive for about 2 weeks. What happens if I take all the aminos except threonine on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating a meal of potatoes? I've read that threonine "most often" is not made from keto acids, whatever that means.

We, meaning my wife and I and dozens for friends beta-tested this stuff on ourselves with mixed powders but the difference between the set ratios in AMINO Pro and trying to measure them out with scales and micro spoons is night and day. The process works but there is no comparison, and to be honest the cost of buying all the aminos is sufficient to meet one 1800 cap bottle of AMINO Pro was about $175 USD before shipping. Furthermore the ingredients weren't of the same caliber or quality even coming from Nutribio or similar companies. We even approached Nutribio and a few others to see if they would manufacture for us - their cost was astronomical. They would have had to sell the same bottle at $300 USD ++

As to your question on timing - I wouldn't take them alone, although some do, because I believe if your blood glucose is low you will be likely to convert them all to glucose. One of the reasons for a high carb intake is to be protein (amino) sparing.... so take at least some OJ with them.


Jul 31, 2017
We, meaning my wife and I and dozens for friends beta-tested this stuff on ourselves with mixed powders but the difference between the set ratios in AMINO Pro and trying to measure them out with scales and micro spoons is night and day. The process works but there is no comparison, and to be honest the cost of buying all the aminos is sufficient to meet one 1800 cap bottle of AMINO Pro was about $175 USD before shipping. Furthermore the ingredients weren't of the same caliber or quality even coming from Nutribio or similar companies. We even approached Nutribio and a few others to see if they would manufacture for us - their cost was astronomical. They would have had to sell the same bottle at $300 USD ++

As to your question on timing - I wouldn't take them alone, although some do, because I believe if your blood glucose is low you will be likely to convert them all to glucose. One of the reasons for a high carb intake is to be protein (amino) sparing.... so take at least some OJ with them.

I forgot to reply. Thanks for the info.

If I use your product as my protein source, and only eat 150g of white rice and 200g butter and only a few vegetables, wold I need to supplement with other amino acids as well? What about histidine, methionine, and tryptophan? My tryptophan sensitivity prevents me from eating more of it, so I dunno how I'd solve it if necessary.
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2016
My first question would be why vegetables? and if you are going to eat them how are you cooking them? The fiber alone can be really problematic.
Then why just rice and so much butter?
There is histidine, methionine and tryptophan in rice. How long would you eat like this?

There is a lot of information missing to give your question context. So without knowing more let me say that I wouldn't do that, but know that one of the things that Amino Pro is really good at is improving the quality of the other foods you are eating because of how it works i.e. the way glycine and cysteine can form glutathione and histidine and beta alanine can form carnosine... the vast majority of the people trying Amino Pro have been from the RP community but we started out with the intent to help a friend with kidney failure. It just grew slowly from that. I hope that helps.


Jul 31, 2017
My first question would be why vegetables? and if you are going to eat them how are you cooking them? The fiber alone can be really problematic.
Then why just rice and so much butter?
There is histidine, methionine and tryptophan in rice. How long would you eat like this?

There is a lot of information missing to give your question context. So without knowing more let me say that I wouldn't do that, but know that one of the things that Amino Pro is really good at is improving the quality of the other foods you are eating because of how it works i.e. the way glycine and cysteine can form glutathione and histidine and beta alanine can form carnosine... the vast majority of the people trying Amino Pro have been from the RP community but we started out with the intent to help a friend with kidney failure. It just grew slowly from that. I hope that helps.
The vegetables give me some much needed vitamins. I don't eat much of them, and I boil them thoroughly.

My tryptophan sensitivity is out of this world, I can't tolerate more than the amount in 150g rice without getting serotonin toxicity that only continuously gets worse if I don't decrease the amount below 150g the following day. Gonna give activated charcoal a shot to see if it can help me. Someone on this forum mentioned that I could have some serious stomach issues and I hope they're right, I dunno what else I could try if that doesn't work.

The butter is my main calorie source, since I can barely eat anything.

The amount of methionine and histidine in rice is very low in the small amount I eat, would I need to supplement extra with amino acids?


Aug 29, 2016
Depends on how long you would continue like that but it sounds like you need professional help.

Short term you can survive or even thrive on a restricted diet but long term I don't think thats a healthy option. How do you know that what you are eating now set part of the problem, or that you've already created a deficiency that has made the situation worse?

Time is part of the context, as is how long have you been messed up, what other symptoms do you have, etc. I am not qualified to provide that kind of advice. But I empathize with your situation, I am sure it sucks, dont give up - keep looking for answers.


Oct 14, 2016
Here is a comparison between AMINO PRO and some common proteins.

6 caps of AMINO PRO is just over 3G of protein but it's pure aminos and doesn't need to be digested. So it's nearly 100% utilizable.

Egg is the best whole protein and we lose about 55% in the conversion process to ammonia. So 6 caps is just over 3 grams, and a whole egg is about 6 grams @45% protein retention so 6 caps is about one egg.

With Dairy we lose about 70% to ammonia.

Meat/fish/poultry we lose about 75%

Plant proteins we lose >85%

So using these examples 6 caps =

10g of dairy protein

12g of meat/fish/poultry

18g of plant protein

So what do those look like in serving sizes?

1.3 cups of skim milk

1.4 oz of rib eye no viable fat eaten

410g of cooked quinoa

At regular price 1800 caps is $199 (300 servings) or $0.66/serving

What does 1.3 cups of skim milk or 1.4 oz of Rib Eye cost?
Is there any way to lower the amount of protein converting to ammonia from foods?
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