The Promiscuous, Career Focused Single Woman -- An Exaggerated Scapegoat?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016

So I just invented that story?

As soon as the Harvard Law Review or British Medical Journal perform a double-blind placebo-controlled study and produce a peer-reviewed White paper on my daughter's failed relationship, I'll be sure to forward you the links.
Well the irony is you’re asking me for exactly that. I don’t know why your daughters relationship failed, typically when children grow up in a failed marriage they avoid getting married or repeat the conflict in their own lives. Of course there are outliers and all sorts of other anecdotes — you’re asking for evidence of why this one case failed. It’s not really a question you can answer without talking to your daughter.


Mar 15, 2023
Well the irony is you’re asking me for exactly that. I don’t know why your daughters relationship failed, typically when children grow up in a failed marriage they avoid getting married or repeat the conflict in their own lives. Of course there are outliers and all sorts of other anecdotes — you’re asking for evidence of why this one case failed. It’s not really a question you can answer without talking to your daughter.
YOU KNOW WHY my daughter's relationship failed.


She is a selfish brat who expected the man in the relationship to do everything and pay for everything!

What do men get out of such a relationship? Nothing.

That is the problem....clearly defined and spelled out for you.

Are you not listening or observing the trends in what men are doing today?

They are doing the OPPOSITE of what you claim they're doing.

They are NOT seeking to possess or own or control women.

The vast majority of men are completely ignoring women because they behave the way my daughter does.

Men are going their own way because the risks to being with a woman versus the rewards are a complete joke in the West.

Any man who makes such a financial or relationship decision is a fool in today's political, legal, and economic environments.

Now how does that get solved?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
YOU KNOW WHY my daughter's relationship failed.


She is a selfish brat who expected the man in the relationship to do everything and pay for everything!

What do men get out of such a relationship? Nothing.

That is the problem....clearly defined and spelled out for you.

Are you not listening or observing the trends in what men are doing today?

They are doing the OPPOSITE of what you claim they're doing.

They are NOT seeking to possess or own or control women.

The vast majority of men are completely ignoring women because they behave the way my daughter does.

Men are going their own way because the risks to being with a woman versus the rewards are a complete joke in the West.

Any man who makes such a financial or relationship decision is a fool in today's political, legal, and economic environments.

Now how does that get solved?
You sound very emotional.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
YOU KNOW WHY my daughter's relationship failed.


She is a selfish brat who expected the man in the relationship to do everything and pay for everything!

What do men get out of such a relationship? Nothing.

That is the problem....clearly defined and spelled out for you.

Are you not listening or observing the trends in what men are doing today?

They are doing the OPPOSITE of what you claim they're doing.

They are NOT seeking to possess or own or control women.

The vast majority of men are completely ignoring women because they behave the way my daughter does.

Men are going their own way because the risks to being with a woman versus the rewards are a complete joke in the West.

Any man who makes such a financial or relationship decision is a fool in today's political, legal, and economic environments.

Now how does that get solved?
First of all we have no idea what the guy was like behind the scenes. Maybe he was trying to tie her up and do bdsm? Who knows. Power dynamics are super complicated and it sounds like a very particular situation. I’ve never dated a guy who cleans, but I did have a boyfriend who said even thinking about washing dishes made him vomit in his mouth. Clearly we all have had very different experiences that we draw from.


Mar 15, 2023
First of all we have no idea what the guy was like behind the scenes. Maybe he was trying to tie her up and do bdsm? Who knows. Power dynamics are super complicated and it sounds like a very particular situation. I’ve never dated a guy who cleans, but I did have a boyfriend who said even thinking about washing dishes made him vomit in his mouth. Clearly we all have had very different experiences that we draw from.
"We have no idea what the guy was like behind the scenes."

Do you see what you're doing here?

The woman did absolutely NOTHING to contribute in this relationship but, somehow, it must be because of the man.

How does a woman being completely selfish, inconsiderate, and useless in a 6 year relationship end up being a "behind the scenes" thing?

By the way, yes, we know exactly what he was like because my daughter said the guy treated her like gold and she may never get over this breakup.

My son is still friends with the guy and they hang out together.

Do you see what we're doing here?

You cannot be objective about MY daughter, simply because she's a woman.

You've never met her and probably would not like her if you did, but because she shares the same type of genitals as you, the root cause of this problem must be a "behind the scenes" issue with the man.

No reasonable person would want their friend or son to marry such a woman because she is so incompetent and self-absorbed but you defend her because of her gender.

That is another root cause of this problem.

Working as hard as we can to FIND something wrong with a good man while enabling a woman to be selfish and destructive.

I have to get back to work.

Unit 8200 has gotten their money's worth out of you and this thread.



Feb 10, 2013
So I provided an example of that manipulation and you disregard it because you refuse to admit that someone, somewhere, with the same kind of genitals that you have could have possibly been at fault.

It MUST be someone else's fault that my daughter was too stupid and selfish and short-sighted to make herself a better mate for a good man.

It MUST be a man's fault somewhere, some secret society of Elite scheming men, who made my daughter only choose to do for herself and nobody else.

It MUST be the Patriarchy's fault that my daughter was too god damned selfish and lazy to ever do a load of laundry or cook a meal or buy Brad even a cup of coffee?

No, it hurts me to say it because she is my daughter, but Caitlin is a selfish brat who thinks that she is too pretty and her vagina is made of platinum and Brad could never find another like it.

Well, he already has found a better candidate for wife and mother.

And it's nobody's fault but Caitlin's.

The ironic thing is if I told you that my son Chris did all of these horrible things to a woman, I KNOW FOR A FACT that you would be piling on for him being a scumbag.
i feel sorry for your daughter, it is inappropriate for you to bast all of her personal issues online to complete strangers, and insult her while at it. If you're so comfortable insulting her like this i imagine you said much worse to her when she was growing up. As for her not knowing basic things like how to use a washing machine or how to cook, do you take no responsibility for not teaching her basic things like that as a child? I had to help out with cooking and cleaning at home, these are normal chores you should teach your kids, my dad thought me to garden, fish, weld and do woodwork too. What did you do? Insult her for magically not knowing how to do everything? She has a job right, you know how easy it is to google people and end up finding this stuff, at the very least you should stop posting your face or using your real name online because someone can find ***t like this an it can hurt her in her professional life. Read a basic book on childhood psychology and you will find, the patterns that children repeat in their relationships is the ones they learned from home. It is your responsibility to raise well adjusted children that can form happy relationships by modeling such a healthy relationship first yourself. Children of alcoholics typically end up with alcoholic partners, your daughter gets a dysfunctional relationship because that's what you and your partner taught her, and before you blame it all on the mother, you're the one who chose her for a wife and mother of your kids


Mar 15, 2023
i feel sorry for your daughter, it is inappropriate for you to bast all of her personal issues online to complete strangers, and insult her while at it. If you're so comfortable insulting her like this i imagine you said much worse to her when she was growing up. As for her not knowing basic things like how to use a washing machine or how to cook, do you take no responsibility for not teaching her basic things like that as a child? I had to help out with cooking and cleaning at home, these are normal chores you should teach your kids, my dad thought me to garden, fish, weld and do woodwork too. What did you do? Insult her for magically not knowing how to do everything? She has a job right, you know how easy it is to google people and end up finding this stuff, at the very least you should stop posting your face or using your real name online because someone can find ***t like this an it can hurt her in her professional life. Read a basic book on childhood psychology and you will find, the patterns that children repeat in their relationships is the ones they learned from home. It is your responsibility to raise well adjusted children that can form happy relationships by modeling such a healthy relationship first yourself. Children of alcoholics typically end up with alcoholic partners, your daughter gets a dysfunctional relationship because that's what you and your partner taught her, and before you blame it all on the mother, you're the one who chose her for a wife and mother of your kids
You cannot be more transparent and unobjective on this issue.

Once again, you refuse to admit that the woman is at fault here.

I use this true story of my own daughter so as to not "pick on" some stranger.

This is a real problem and it has hit home for our family.

You are blaming the man and enabling the woman here.

And you are acting as if she's some weak, frail little thing that needs strangers to defend her.

She is responsible for her own behavior and the results that she derives from her actions.

It's not inappropriate to talk about the destructive behavior of a 34 yr old woman who has harmed two families.

The fact that she is related to me means nothing.

By the way, her twin sister does not behave that way.

Her sister is a lady who has a great career and a wonderful relationship with a good man...they are a team.

When we all start holding women accountable for their destructive behaviors, this problem can be solved.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
"We have no idea what the guy was like behind the scenes."

Do you see what you're doing here?

The woman did absolutely NOTHING to contribute in this relationship but, somehow, it must be because of the man.

How does a woman being completely selfish, inconsiderate, and useless in a 6 year relationship end up being a "behind the scenes" thing?

By the way, yes, we know exactly what he was like because my daughter said the guy treated her like gold and she may never get over this breakup.

My son is still friends with the guy and they hang out together.

Do you see what we're doing here?

You cannot be objective about MY daughter, simply because she's a woman.

You've never met her and probably would not like her if you did, but because she shares the same type of genitals as you, the root cause of this problem must be a "behind the scenes" issue with the man.

No reasonable person would want their friend or son to marry such a woman because she is so incompetent and self-absorbed but you defend her because of her gender.

That is another root cause of this problem.

Working as hard as we can to FIND something wrong with a good man while enabling a woman to be selfish and destructive.

I have to get back to work.

Unit 8200 has gotten their money's worth out of you and this thread.

The bottom line is your daughter and this man are the people who know best why their relationship didn’t work. I’m not sure why you’re so hung up on it if you have a loving partner of your own. I wish your daughter well and that she finds love. I think there are many things that fulfill us and give us a sense of purpose in life besides romance and transcendence through suffering we’ve been sold as a pseudo religious practice towards individuation. I also can’t believe any person can be reduced to “gym tanning nails” and if she is, it sounds like you, your wife, and extended family must have been enmeshed in a really vacant and impoverished culture.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You cannot be more transparent and unobjective on this issue.

Once again, you refuse to admit that the woman is at fault here.

I use this true story of my own daughter so as to not "pick on" some stranger.

This is a real problem and it has hit home for our family.

You are blaming the man and enabling the woman here.

And you are acting as if she's some weak, frail little thing that needs strangers to defend her.

She is responsible for her own behavior and the results that she derives from her actions.

It's not inappropriate to talk about the destructive behavior of a 34 yr old woman who has harmed two families.

The fact that she is related to me means nothing.

By the way, her twin sister does not behave that way.

Her sister is a lady who has a great career and a wonderful relationship with a good man...they are a team.

When we all start holding women accountable for their destructive behaviors, this problem can be solved.
I’m not Jewish, but Jewish women are particularly outspoken and protective of their children. You definitely would not see a Jewish dad putting his JAP on blast on the internet, that for sure. When society collapses, it’ll just be Orthodox Jews and Amish left, probably because they understand something about community and protecting kids.


Mar 15, 2023
The bottom line is your daughter and this man are the people who know best why their relationship didn’t work. I’m not sure why you’re so hung up on it if you have a loving partner of your own. I wish your daughter well and that she finds love. I think there are many things that fulfill us and give us a sense of purpose in life besides romance and transcendence through suffering we’ve been sold as a pseudo religious practice towards individuation. I also can’t believe any person can be reduced to “gym tanning nails” and if she is, it sounds like you, your wife, and extended family must have been enmeshed in a really vacant and impoverished culture.
They both told me and our whole family why it didn't work out.

I told you why it didn't work out.

Why are you ignoring the facts?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
They both told me and our whole family why it didn't work out.

I told you why it didn't work out.

Why are you ignoring the facts?
Honestly it sounds like you need a good Jewish psychoanalyst, I am not interested in demonizing your daughter with you.


Mar 15, 2023
Honestly it sounds like you need a good Jewish psychoanalyst, I am not interested in demonizing your daughter with you.

So there are no rights or wrongs?

It's "demonizing" someone to repeat the behaviors they ADMIT to having committed.

If a man were to commit the same acts, you would be condemning him and every other man.

So shallow.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016

So there are no rights or wrongs?

It's "demonizing" someone to repeat the behaviors they ADMIT to having committed.

If a man were to commit the same acts, you would be condemning him and every other man.

So shallow.
No, what you don’t understand is this entire thread and most of the threads on here don’t let a woman peep. They can’t even share their subjective experiences without some annoying, tired, boring boomer philosophy telling them why they are wrong or why they are to blame for civilizational collapse or why they are sluts if they want to take a trip to Mexico. Just accept you are a dying gene pool and your daughter is terrified of creating a mini you. It’s ok, you will heal.


Mar 15, 2023
No, what you don’t understand is this entire thread and most of the threads on here don’t let a woman peep. They can’t even share their subjective experiences without some annoying, tired, boring boomer philosophy telling them why they are wrong or why they are to blame for civilizational collapse or why they are sluts if they want to take a trip to Mexico. Just accept you are a dying gene pool and your daughter is terrified of creating a mini you. It’s ok, you will heal.
Don't you retain what you read?

My daughter is devastated by this breakup BECAUSE she wants desperately to have a husband and kids.

Please stay on point.

I'm not annoyed. Please share your experiences. It helps you to heal, like lancing an infected boil.

The problem is that you took the most clear-cut example of a selfish person who could not be LESS of a team player and you ignored its most glaring theme.

The fact that a woman is absolutely, unequivocally to blame for that failed relationship.

It could NOT be more plain which party did NOT do the right thing by their partner or the team in this example.

Yet, you look for every reason to not say "Yeah, your daughter did not treat her loved one the way she would like to be treated. Bad job by her."

You gloss over it and look to demonize ME for talking about it! LOL!

Aren't we here on a private forum to do exactly that?

"Yeah, but you're mean, Mike. You spoke negatively about a woman!!!!"

Is the thread about "Evil Dads who talk about their daughters messing up?"

No, it's about the "Promiscuous, Career Focused Single Woman"

That's one of my daughters.

My other daughter couldn't be more different.

If this story was about how my son was a selfish SOB who contributed nothing to a relationship took advantage of a woman, you would be all over that.

But a woman leverages the double standard to the point of getting kicked out and you still make excuses for her.

You're part of the problem.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Don't you retain what you read?

My daughter is devastated by this breakup BECAUSE she wants desperately to have a husband and kids.

Please stay on point.

I'm not annoyed. Please share your experiences. It helps you to heal, like lancing an infected boil.

The problem is that you took the most clear-cut example of a selfish person who could not be LESS of a team player and you ignored its most glaring theme.

The fact that a woman is absolutely, unequivocally to blame for that failed relationship.

It could NOT be more plain which party did NOT do the right thing by their partner or the team in this example.

Yet, you look for every reason to not say "Yeah, your daughter did not treat her loved one the way she would like to be treated. Bad job by her."

You gloss over it and look to demonize ME for talking about it! LOL!

Aren't we here on a private forum to do exactly that?

"Yeah, but you're mean, Mike. You spoke negatively about a woman!!!!"

Is the thread about "Evil Dads who talk about their daughters messing up?"

No, it's about the "Promiscuous, Career Focused Single Woman"

That's one of my daughters.

My other daughter couldn't be more different.

If this story was about how my son was a selfish SOB who contributed nothing to a relationship took advantage of a woman, you would be all over that.

But a woman leverages the double standard to the point of getting kicked out and you still make excuses for her.

You're part of the problem.
Too bad you can’t burn me on a stake


Feb 10, 2013
You cannot be more transparent and unobjective on this issue.

Once again, you refuse to admit that the woman is at fault here.

I use this true story of my own daughter so as to not "pick on" some stranger.

This is a real problem and it has hit home for our family.

You are blaming the man and enabling the woman here.

And you are acting as if she's some weak, frail little thing that needs strangers to defend her.

She is responsible for her own behavior and the results that she derives from her actions.

It's not inappropriate to talk about the destructive behavior of a 34 yr old woman who has harmed two families.

The fact that she is related to me means nothing.

By the way, her twin sister does not behave that way.

Her sister is a lady who has a great career and a wonderful relationship with a good man...they are a team.

When we all start holding women accountable for their destructive behaviors, this problem can be solved.
you don't even respond to anything anyone says to you, just go off on tangents about your daughters sex life and her vagina, glad my dad doesn't post about my vagina on the internet, that'd be pretty ****88 up.

"the fact that she is related to me means nothing"
i thought family was everything? it's your job as a father to teach her and protect her, not assassinate her character on the internet. I'd say the same if you were insulting your son all over the internet.


Mar 15, 2023
you don't even respond to anything anyone says to you, just go off on tangents about your daughters sex life and her vagina, glad my dad doesn't post about my vagina on the internet, that'd be pretty ****88 up.

"the fact that she is related to me means nothing"
i thought family was everything? it's your job as a father to teach her and protect her, not assassinate her character on the internet. I'd say the same if you were insulting your son all over the internet.
She's 34

The fact that she is related to me means I SHOULD be critical of her behavior.

This is a private forum. Nobody knows who my daughter is.

That's not even her real first name.













Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
Approaching the problem as you would breeding animals in captivity is the solution.

Search term: Behavioral Sink

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I had to ask because it's so accurate in describing what is happening around the world right now.
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