Sudden health issues


Oct 7, 2020
May be histamine/mast cell related, I sometimes get the sinus and eye and throat symptoms too


May 31, 2018
ROFL :rolling

That's actually hilarious and true.

I'm glad I could make you laugh ;) I mean, I could be wrong, of course, but her symptoms are spot-on for sinus infection which is probably why she got antibiotics prescribed to her.


Mar 29, 2016
I can't help but let this go by without offering my personal thoughts on this.

These symptoms appear to be detox symptoms that are first expressed in lungs, from microbes and endotoxins originating from the gut.

Because the lungs are overwhelmed, they are unable to adequately dispose of the serotonin, and serotonin reaches the brain, and this causes headache and affects also the eyes. The blood vessels in the eyes expeess what is happening with blood vessels all around - they leak because they lose integrity and fluids leak from the vessels into the interstitial spaces.

Taking some cyproheptadine will help with serotonin.

Taking baking soda or/and soda water to correct acid-base imbalances will help the body restore itself. If there is too much lactic acid, taking thiamine will lower the lactic acid by converting it to glucose via the Cori Cycle. It will be helpful to monitor your state with urine/saliva pH paper and your breath rate using an Android app. Ive covered the use of these in earlier posts and you'll have to do a search in this forum.

The lungs could use some help with gelatin intake, for the body to produce internal glutathione in order to replenish glutathione, and to recycle oxidized glutathione vitamin E and vitamin C intake would help. This will relieve the lungs of sticky mucous which is the result of too much GSSG or oxidized glutsthione. They need to recycle to GSH or reduced glutathione to make the mucous lining the respiratory system amenable to proper exchange of gases as well as release serotonin to allow for it to be deactivated by enzymes.

As for the gut, my guess is that the amoxicillin is doing its job and its killing of microbes is causing die off and the endotoxin load is increased with nowhere to go if you are constipated but to translocate to your internal system. But if you are having diarrhea it is a better outcome than constipating as this way endotoxin get to go out. But this can't keep going on as you will lose plenty of potassium and so you need to replenish with potassium rich liquids such as coconut water. And to adsorb the endotoxin, you need to take activated charcoal to help with properly formed normal fecal matter.

I think the source of your problem is the gut. There are other ways to improve your gut but that is something you can work on after this ordeal. To keep this from happening in the future.

You also need to go out and get sunshine more often to counter the effects of living in your apartment. It is hard to do given your study load. But if you can find a way to bring your work and study outside, it would make a big difference as that is something our architects and contractors make short shrift of. Just think about how our hospitals are designed where the sickest of the sick are put in the most sunlight-deprived spaces called ICUs to recuperate. Stupid is as stupid goes, or maybe it is more of evil is as evil goes.


Mar 29, 2016
This video of Dr. Seuheult isn't just about Vitamin D and COVID-19 but more about the benefits of sunlight and not just in UVB but also about red light, and not just red light, but even the benefit of dawn's blue light. Worth watching the entire video but if you watch somewhere between the 1 hr 20 min and 1 hr 35 mark, you will see that hospitals a hundred years ago use the sun to help patients heal-



May 31, 2018
As for the gut, my guess is that the amoxicillin is doing its job and its killing of microbes is causing die off and the endotoxin load is increased with nowhere to go if you are constipated but to translocate to your internal system. But if you are having diarrhea it is a better outcome than constipating as this way endotoxin get to go out. But this can't keep going on as you will lose plenty of potassium and so you need to replenish with potassium rich liquids such as coconut water. And to adsorb the endotoxin, you need to take activated charcoal to help with properly formed normal fecal matter.

Except she said "Went to the doctor and got prescribed amoxicillin didn't take it because my gut is so so sensitive"


Jan 12, 2021
Every symptom is textbook sinus infection, but no, let's ask her diet and if she eats squirrel testicles for lunch. Sometimes this forum is so over the top.
But the forum is not there to replace doctor's advice in a case of emergency, like infection. OP went to doctor but didn't take the antibiotics. There probably could be some terrain/long term reasons why some people get infections and others not.


Mar 29, 2016
Except she said "Went to the doctor and got prescribed amoxicillin didn't take it because my gut is so so sensitive"
I must have missed that.

You can scratch what I said related to it. But you also have to ask what she meant by her gut being so sensitive.

That to me still implies an imbalance in her gut, and it is almost always related to microbes.


Feb 18, 2018
I can't help but let this go by without offering my personal thoughts on this.

These symptoms appear to be detox symptoms that are first expressed in lungs, from microbes and endotoxins originating from the gut.

Because the lungs are overwhelmed, they are unable to adequately dispose of the serotonin, and serotonin reaches the brain, and this causes headache and affects also the eyes. The blood vessels in the eyes expeess what is happening with blood vessels all around - they leak because they lose integrity and fluids leak from the vessels into the interstitial spaces.

Taking some cyproheptadine will help with serotonin.

Taking baking soda or/and soda water to correct acid-base imbalances will help the body restore itself. If there is too much lactic acid, taking thiamine will lower the lactic acid by converting it to glucose via the Cori Cycle. It will be helpful to monitor your state with urine/saliva pH paper and your breath rate using an Android app. Ive covered the use of these in earlier posts and you'll have to do a search in this forum.

The lungs could use some help with gelatin intake, for the body to produce internal glutathione in order to replenish glutathione, and to recycle oxidized glutathione vitamin E and vitamin C intake would help. This will relieve the lungs of sticky mucous which is the result of too much GSSG or oxidized glutsthione. They need to recycle to GSH or reduced glutathione to make the mucous lining the respiratory system amenable to proper exchange of gases as well as release serotonin to allow for it to be deactivated by enzymes.

As for the gut, my guess is that the amoxicillin is doing its job and its killing of microbes is causing die off and the endotoxin load is increased with nowhere to go if you are constipated but to translocate to your internal system. But if you are having diarrhea it is a better outcome than constipating as this way endotoxin get to go out. But this can't keep going on as you will lose plenty of potassium and so you need to replenish with potassium rich liquids such as coconut water. And to adsorb the endotoxin, you need to take activated charcoal to help with properly formed normal fecal matter.

I think the source of your problem is the gut. There are other ways to improve your gut but that is something you can work on after this ordeal. To keep this from happening in the future.

You also need to go out and get sunshine more often to counter the effects of living in your apartment. It is hard to do given your study load. But if you can find a way to bring your work and study outside, it would make a big difference as that is something our architects and contractors make short shrift of. Just think about how our hospitals are designed where the sickest of the sick are put in the most sunlight-deprived spaces called ICUs to recuperate. Stupid is as stupid goes, or maybe it is more of evil is as evil goes.

When I was in the ER following my “panic attack” (which was more likely a serotonin attack or endotoxin attack or some other type of gross imbalance) I recall just sitting in that hospital bed staring at the artificial lights wishing I could be in the sun. It was an overcast day as well when I went, may have contributed to my ill-being. The only relief I had was when I burried myself underneath the hospital blanket and began slow breathing exercises, I began warming up my body that way, probably from increased CO2 production. The hospital is NOT a comforting place.


Feb 12, 2020
Sounds exactly like a sinus infection. I get them exactly with those symptoms and sometimes my nose is still clear. I just went through this myself and am still getting rid of it weeks later w/o antibiotics. Just using silver nasally, in eyes, in mouth, and taking random GSE (grapeFRUIT seed extract concentrated version only 1 drop), and drinking lots of fluids. Use a neti pot if you have one.
I thought a bit of mold growing on the soil of my houseplants in my room triggered this
I know sinusitis often has to do with mold
i got rid of the plants and aired the room
vacuumed since I've got dust allergy
Im starting to think it could be allergy to my duck feather duvet
hydroxymetazoline drops in my nose stop the rhinitis i've been having since this started
I don't have a neti pot, I use saline nasal spray at the moment


Feb 12, 2020
@grapes diet is normally
white flesh sweet potato, rice, cooked courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, turkey, cod, beef, some olive oil/avocado
mango, grapes, dates tangerines
since I got sick I've mostly been eating soups, don't have much energy or focus to analyse what diet would be best


Feb 12, 2020
Except she said "Went to the doctor and got prescribed amoxicillin didn't take it because my gut is so so sensitive"
yeah So I started up on it yesterday when i saw the red eye and thought the infection had spread to my eye. I just realised now how constipated I was. Whenever I take the amoxicillin I have a bowel movement


Jan 12, 2021
diet is normally
white flesh sweet potato, rice, cooked courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, turkey, cod, beef, some olive oil/avocado
mango, grapes, dates tangerines
since I got sick I've mostly been eating soups, don't have much energy or focus to analyse what diet would be best
Looks mostly healthy, maybe quite high in carotene. I eat low vitamin A diet, when I eat moderate A/carotene (on a travel for example) I often end up with a flu.


Jun 11, 2018
What about a root canal? Have you ever had one? My friend got it and is suffering with infectious problems a lot. They also put allergenic stuff into it. I just watched a film about it and listened a Quax podcast about it.


May 31, 2018
yeah So I started up on it yesterday when i saw the red eye and thought the infection had spread to my eye. I just realised now how constipated I was. Whenever I take the amoxicillin I have a bowel movement

Yes, being constipated can mess up your whole existence. I recently started tiny amounts of a quality magnesium and wow, for 3 days I went immediately and effortlessly in the mornings and lost 2 lbs and my stomach went flatter. I also took small amounts of the GSE I mentioned which is a major way to help clear up gut infection and mess ups. BTW, sinus can come from messed up/"septic" gut.. when a person coughs, GERD flies into the sinus a lot of times, and it's this back and forth of glop that goes between the gut and sinus.


Feb 12, 2020
Yes, being constipated can mess up your whole existence. I recently started tiny amounts of a quality magnesium and wow, for 3 days I went immediately and effortlessly in the mornings and lost 2 lbs and my stomach went flatter. I also took small amounts of the GSE I mentioned which is a major way to help clear up gut infection and mess ups. BTW, sinus can come from messed up/"septic" gut.. when a person coughs, GERD flies into the sinus a lot of times, and it's this back and forth of glop that goes between the gut and sinus.
I think the UTI started because of constipation
the only other time i got a UTI i was VERY constipated
I had identical IBS symptoms both times and apparently constipation can cause UTI as the stool in the rectum and colon places pressure the bladder so it doesn't empty fully


Feb 12, 2020
I can't help but let this go by without offering my personal thoughts on this.

These symptoms appear to be detox symptoms that are first expressed in lungs, from microbes and endotoxins originating from the gut.

Because the lungs are overwhelmed, they are unable to adequately dispose of the serotonin, and serotonin reaches the brain, and this causes headache and affects also the eyes. The blood vessels in the eyes expeess what is happening with blood vessels all around - they leak because they lose integrity and fluids leak from the vessels into the interstitial spaces.

Taking some cyproheptadine will help with serotonin.

Taking baking soda or/and soda water to correct acid-base imbalances will help the body restore itself. If there is too much lactic acid, taking thiamine will lower the lactic acid by converting it to glucose via the Cori Cycle. It will be helpful to monitor your state with urine/saliva pH paper and your breath rate using an Android app. Ive covered the use of these in earlier posts and you'll have to do a search in this forum.

The lungs could use some help with gelatin intake, for the body to produce internal glutathione in order to replenish glutathione, and to recycle oxidized glutathione vitamin E and vitamin C intake would help. This will relieve the lungs of sticky mucous which is the result of too much GSSG or oxidized glutsthione. They need to recycle to GSH or reduced glutathione to make the mucous lining the respiratory system amenable to proper exchange of gases as well as release serotonin to allow for it to be deactivated by enzymes.

As for the gut, my guess is that the amoxicillin is doing its job and its killing of microbes is causing die off and the endotoxin load is increased with nowhere to go if you are constipated but to translocate to your internal system. But if you are having diarrhea it is a better outcome than constipating as this way endotoxin get to go out. But this can't keep going on as you will lose plenty of potassium and so you need to replenish with potassium rich liquids such as coconut water. And to adsorb the endotoxin, you need to take activated charcoal to help with properly formed normal fecal matter.

I think the source of your problem is the gut. There are other ways to improve your gut but that is something you can work on after this ordeal. To keep this from happening in the future.

You also need to go out and get sunshine more often to counter the effects of living in your apartment. It is hard to do given your study load. But if you can find a way to bring your work and study outside, it would make a big difference as that is something our architects and contractors make short shrift of. Just think about how our hospitals are designed where the sickest of the sick are put in the most sunlight-deprived spaces called ICUs to recuperate. Stupid is as stupid goes, or maybe it is more of evil is as evil goes.
I can see detox as a possibility because I took potassium iodide to clear the UTI
Its an oxidant and I didn't take selenium with it and this could've surely lowered GSH
Didn't take vitamin C either
I have some NAC that I took a couple of times because I have read previously that it thins mucus

It's just my one eye that's red and it doesn't look like bloodshot eyes. Im worried about bacterial conjunctivitis because I woke up with crusted discharge around that one eye and the proximity to the ethmoid sinus where mucus could've stagnated makes it vulnerable to infection. This probably started as viral sinusitis and the infection turned bacterial. The only things about this sinus infection that are not that common was the facial redness and the high fever

Im already drinking coconut water, I can get activated charcoal from the pharmacy

the doctor that consulted me listened to my breath with a stethoscope, concluded it's an upper respiratory infection. This is probably insufficient information to draw conclusions though. Oxygen levels were normal. I don't think I've ever suffered a lung infection, yet Im quite prone to sinusitis (seems to be hereditary). I have a cough but I think it's due to the post nasal drip

I assume I should adjust my sodium bicarbonate/soda water intake depending on the pH of my urine and saliva ?
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