Regulate Body Temperature On T3


Jun 9, 2017
Hello everyone.
I am on Triyotex T3 since last Sunday...I had an interesting week...I felt nothing until Wedndesday and it hit me like a truck...complete exhaustion, 100 degree temperature, headache, like really sick...then by Thursday I was getting my energy back. I did not take any additional T3 until Thursday afternoon... I have done well since Thursday. I take about 15 mcg at a time...I am guessing since it is just an open capsule of granules.
I am curious about the stability of my temperature..I go up to about 97 - 98 at times, before T3 I was 96.8ish...
But, like this morning, back down to 96.8.
Is this typical of newly starting the t3?
I do massage and was very busy yesterday. Would my energy output, and probably taxing my adrenals, affect my temperature for today? I slept really poorly last night too...Slept when I got home from work for 45 minutes, woke up, stayed up until 1 am, slept till 5:30 am, have been awake since...
Could it be the medicine being inconsistent? Or more likely my body?
Thank you for any insight or feedback.


Nov 1, 2012
Are you taking the t3 with food (protein, fat, carb)?

"T3, by lowering stress, sometimes reveals a low basal metabolic rate, that was hidden by high stress hormones. The body produces about 4 mcg of T3 per hour, so taking more than that can interfere with regulatory processes. It's helpful to use the resting pulse rate, and the 24 hour temperature curve, along with other signs, such as mood, appearance of veins on the hands, etc. The peak temperature should be in the afternoon."

"When you take T3 without food, it enters the blood stream very suddenly, and the liver is likely to detect an excessive amount, causing it to produce enzymes to eliminate it. The result can be a decrease in T3 for the rest of the day, especially at night if you took it in the morning."

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki

Reading through the link above on supplementing thyroid might be helpful.


Aug 17, 2016
Are you taking the t3 with food (protein, fat, carb)?

"T3, by lowering stress, sometimes reveals a low basal metabolic rate, that was hidden by high stress hormones. The body produces about 4 mcg of T3 per hour, so taking more than that can interfere with regulatory processes. It's helpful to use the resting pulse rate, and the 24 hour temperature curve, along with other signs, such as mood, appearance of veins on the hands, etc. The peak temperature should be in the afternoon."

"When you take T3 without food, it enters the blood stream very suddenly, and the liver is likely to detect an excessive amount, causing it to produce enzymes to eliminate it. The result can be a decrease in T3 for the rest of the day, especially at night if you took it in the morning."

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki

Reading through the link above on supplementing thyroid might be helpful.
Thanks for the FABULOUS treasure trove link!!!!


Nov 3, 2017
Hi Katelove, how is it going? Were you able to raise your temperature level and keep it?
I would like to start using T3 for that too and as well for pms symptoms? Any feedback would be helpful, thanks.
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