Starting Taurine


May 11, 2013
I'm going to try taurine for anti-anxiety, but I do always tend to have high -androgens, so Im hoping this taurine doesn't make THAT worse. What would be a good effective, starting dose of taurine for a 120lb woman?? I want the GABA effects, but not the androgen effects!! Thanks


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Id hazard a guess at 3g either in one dose pre-bed (probably better for the GABA effect taken in one bolus dose) or split across the day to start.

I do about 3g in 3 seperate doses morning, night and pre-bed. But I am a 200lb male.


May 16, 2013
Gl;itch.e said:
Id hazard a guess at 3g either in one dose pre-bed (probably better for the GABA effect taken in one bolus dose) or split across the day to start.

I do about 3g in 3 seperate doses morning, night and pre-bed. But I am a 200lb male.

Do you use it for anti-anxiety too? What kind of effects do you think it has?


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Stilgar said:
Gl;itch.e said:
Id hazard a guess at 3g either in one dose pre-bed (probably better for the GABA effect taken in one bolus dose) or split across the day to start.

I do about 3g in 3 seperate doses morning, night and pre-bed. But I am a 200lb male.

Do you use it for anti-anxiety too? What kind of effects do you think it has?
Actually I started using it because I was interested in a few things it could potentially help with. Anti-anxiety was pretty low on the list. Pro-Dopamine (anti-serotonin), Pro-Testosterone, Higher Muscle Glucose Uptake being the main ones. Id say that I've only noticed subtle differences in the last 4-6 weeks of trying it. Mostly somewhat improved performance in the gym and better mood overall.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Three days in. Mood is up. Yesterday I was so happy I had a laughing fit while I was alone. Weird.
I've been feeling more dopamine-ish; drawing and playing music more. But no effects on libido which is half the reason I'm trying it.


Jun 12, 2013
I took 1 g. daily for about a week, then stopped. Didn't notice effect on mood, but noticed warmer extremities at times, especially in the evenings. I am starting again today, probably 2 - 3 g. day this time. I would like to see if I get the dopamine effect like last month when I was taking 2 g. daily.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Curt :-) said:
Three days in. Mood is up. Yesterday I was so happy I had a laughing fit while I was alone. Weird.
I've been feeling more dopamine-ish; drawing and playing music more. But no effects on libido which is half the reason I'm trying it.
Yeah I dont feel any different in that regard to be honest. But I also didnt have any problems with libido to start with so who knows. I have been having some of the best sex of my life though. So take that for what its worth. Possibly I have a lot less "performance anxiety" than normal. I've also noticed that Im a little less motivated when it comes to pushing hard at the gym lately, but that could be because of lack of sleep and meals etc lol.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Ok so I did 5 days of 12 grams in divided doses. It just occurred to me that I haven't had a proper nights sleep any of those nights. One of those nights I drank and did shrooms; wasn't expecting a deep slumber there, but yeah, just cant sleep through the night.
I got an very unusual jump in libido a couple of days ago, then libido tanked, then last night I had a wet dream for the first time in god knows when.
I have no idea what's going on here. I'll come off it and see wether sleep normalises.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Came off taurine for 3 days, sleep normalised. Went back on at a lower dose; 3 grams, twice daily. Again, didn't sleep well and didn't quite feel right (not sure how to explain it). Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? I thought maybe taurine upped my thyroid and I wasn't eating enough sugar to keep up?


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Curt :-) said:
Came off taurine for 3 days, sleep normalised. Went back on at a lower dose; 3 grams, twice daily. Again, didn't sleep well and didn't quite feel right (not sure how to explain it). Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? I thought maybe taurine upped my thyroid and I wasn't eating enough sugar to keep up?
Not sure Curt. I have no issues with sleep from 9+ grams a day. I believe it can lower blood sugar. Perhaps you are more susceptible to this effect.

On a related Taurine note I have dropped my dosage back after noticing a more Sulphuric smell to my "dumps". Since Taurine is a Sulphur containing Amino Acid I figured that I had perhaps saturated myself with enough Taurine at this point, and that the excess was being excreted.


Sep 22, 2013
Blossom/jaa and others who supplement taurine: what's your "strategy" for using taurine? Have you found that you have a preferred time of day to take it (morning vs night)? Do you take it for a specific purpose, or to try and quell a specific symptom like caffeine jitters or insomnia? Is taurine something that can be taken on its own? I remember reading things on the forum about taurine potentially depleting something-or-other and that it might be helpful to balance its effect by ingesting something else at the same time. Or perhaps that was L-tyrosine, I don't recall right now and can't find it via search.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
loess said:
Blossom/jaa and others who supplement taurine: what's your "strategy" for using taurine? Have you found that you have a preferred time of day to take it (morning vs night)? Do you take it for a specific purpose, or to try and quell a specific symptom like caffeine jitters or insomnia? Is taurine something that can be taken on its own? I remember reading things on the forum about taurine potentially depleting something-or-other and that it might be helpful to balance its effect by ingesting something else at the same time. Or perhaps that was L-tyrosine, I don't recall right now and can't find it via search.
I'm not sure if how I used taurine is technically correct or optimal but I will be glad to share my experience with you. I was going through a family crisis involving substance abuse that forced me to leave my home. Obviously this situation triggered extreme stress that I was guessing raised my adrenaline based on my pounding/racing heart. I decided it couldn't hurt to try taurine. For several days I took about 1,000 mg with a snack or meal every time I started feeling anxious and an additional 3,000 mg before bed. This worked very well for me and helped me get through a very stressful period. I suppose it could have been placebo or just the act of doing something to help myself but I had very positive results. I can feel it relax me when I'm stressed so I tend to believe it actually does lower adrenaline. Now I'm just using it as needed but I'm very glad to have it as an option. I was under the impression that it was better not to take amino acids in isolation but I honestly could be wrong. Maybe haidut knows?


Sep 22, 2013
I took 3500 mg of taurine today in two doses an hour apart and definitely felt the sedative effects. I don't know if it was the taurine or not, but I had an interesting experience this afternoon. I had some unforseen but fairly simple vehicle repairs that came up today and it took me far too long to finish them because I was so zoned out and couldn't focus. Very odd feeling. It was pleasant, but in the context of needing to do very meticulous work on my van, it ended up kind of testing my patience and stressing me out! Felt like my analytical mind wanted to take a nap but I wasn't exactly "sleepy". I kept doing things backwards and forgetting to do certain steps, had to go back and disassemble some pieces several times before putting them back together again correctly :lol:

Thanks for sharing Blossom. I think it's probably good to generally be cautious and careful about taking amino acids in isolation. But I can see how taurine could be a useful tool for stressful times or perhaps to help gently induce sleep or a meditative state if desired. I hope things are working out OK for you and your family.


Oct 18, 2013
Wanted to mention, but if I recall correctly taurine can deplete copper so make sure you are getting enough.
Dec 20, 2016
I want to start an experiment and take 10g taurine daily in 2x 5g doses. Should i take taurine separate or can i mix it into my casein/sugar shake?

I will report my experiences


Jun 2, 2017
I am just dumb-founded at the high doses you all are able to take. I want to be able to take higher doses of taurine to reap the benefits, namely to combat hair-loss and increase androgen/T (from my limited understanding).

I am insanely sensitive to most supplements. As an example, I had insomnia last night, due to taking 1.8mg of K2 during the day. So, right there, you can see that low amount of K2 had a major effect on me.

I took a dose of taurine to counter the insomnia and it put me to sleep for 5 hours, after being up until 7:30 AM. Here's the kicker, the dose of taurine was 30mg :crazy:. So, you could argue that is a good thing, a cost-saving advantage, but I doubt I could reap any of the major benefits at those doses: hair growth, T, and bio-availability of A and K2.

It's worth noting, that with this low dose of taurine, I initially get a hyper-focused period -- another user described it as being "insane". Mine isn't that bad, but it is slightly unsettling. But, after that, I'm out solid. I wonder if a higher dose would circumvent/alleviate that period or just magnify it to the insane level. When I'm courageous enough, I'll have to try.


Jun 2, 2017
It's worth noting, that with this low dose of taurine, I initially get a hyper-focused period -- another user described it as being "insane".
To follow up on this, I took the taurine with magnesium orotate last night and I had no hyper-focused period.

That reminds me, I do recall seeing magnesium taurate sold as a combined supplement. So, if that helps anyone -- magnesium seems to be the thing to take the edge off of taurine, should you get that effect.


Oct 17, 2016
Wow these are high doses! Here is my experience - I take 1gram in the morning in my coffee and it has pretty much been the nail in the coffin of my anxiety. I literally went from stress and constant worry about tiny things, to be working full time, studying and planning a wedding with the attitude of a 70s hippy. CAREFREE!

Even when I have real things to worry about, my brain is like "here is the solution and plan to fix it", not "I am now going to magically imagine every possible negative scenario here".

I also get the song "Jolene" stuck in my head every morning when I put it in my coffee, only I sing "Taurine, Taurine, Taurine TAURIIIIINEEEEE" instead.

I hope it helps you like it's helped me!


Jun 2, 2017
I also get the song "Jolene" stuck in my head every morning when I put it in my coffee, only I sing "Taurine, Taurine, Taurine TAURIIIIINEEEEE" instead.
Haha! Pretty good.

I have yet to try taurine during the day, but it's on my my next steps of things to test. My guess it that it will knock me out. Actually, I'll take it with my caffeine (coffee), so that should balance it.
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