sick from birth and recently disabled - slighlty improving with peating


Dec 8, 2016

Excessive milk is hard on my digestion, that's all. 1.5L a day is fine, usually having more will upset my stomach.

I think there's a clear distinction between orthorexia and common sense, I don't think eating pizzas or burgers would put me on a path to health, especially because they are probably loaded with seed oils. If I can get my calories from healthy foods, what's the problem?

Plus I do literally eat almost every 1-2 hours, I honestly don't think I could fit much more food in me, I'm never hungry and if my body needed more calories than I'm currently getting surely it would tell me!
I see nothing wrong with homemade pizza or burgers or a grilled cheese.
Many here are orthorexic.
Dr Berg certainly appears to be.
Dec 4, 2020
Maybe occasional sourdough bread with butter is ok, but commercial pizza dough is made with cheap vegetable oils... I think Dominos pizza base uses soybean oil!

There are lots of delicious high-calorie foods out there. You don’t need to embrace cheap vegetable oils in pizza, junk breads, biscuits and fried foods to avoid starvation.
Are you sure bread is ok? I absolutely love sourdough, there's an organic bakery up the road, I could eat an entire loaf a day. Isn't it damaging to the gut?


Jun 13, 2019
There's a lot of dangerous advice in this thread. Stop with the "orthorexic" term, it doesn't do anything practical.

It is NOT a good idea to force calories, pizza, hamburgers, or whatever in order to hit a certain quota of macros, calories, or whatever. You can genuinely do long term damage by damaging the pancreas and gallbladder if you eat past your digestive capabilities. You need to be very gentle with yourself, find foods you crave, foods you enjoy, try to eat slowly, and slowly your appetite should decide what foods you want. Milk, OJ, eggs, shellfish, etc, help to increase the metabolic rate, but you shouldn't force feed yourself in order to do so. Eat/drink things you crave, and slowly your caloric intake will increase because you will start to have more cravings. Try to eat things that do the least damage on your digestion, which may take some expiermenting.


Dec 8, 2016
There's a lot of dangerous advice in this thread. Stop with the "orthorexic" term, it doesn't do anything practical.

It is NOT a good idea to force calories, pizza, hamburgers, or whatever in order to hit a certain quota of macros, calories, or whatever. You can genuinely do long term damage by damaging the pancreas and gallbladder if you eat past your digestive capabilities. You need to be very gentle with yourself, find foods you crave, foods you enjoy, try to eat slowly, and slowly your appetite should decide what foods you want. Milk, OJ, eggs, shellfish, etc, help to increase the metabolic rate, but you shouldn't force feed yourself in order to do so. Eat/drink things you crave, and slowly your caloric intake will increase because you will start to have more cravings. Try to eat things that do the least damage on your digestion, which may take some expiermenting.
You need to reread my post in the spirit it was given in.
I wish nothing but health to all that read this thread or anything on this forum.
Dec 4, 2020
Cascara might help with overall bowel health for sure and can also give you small amounts of emodin. But oral absorption of emodin is small, that's why I do sublingual dosing.
I'd also add pau d'arco tea as it's a good source of beta-lapachone, which is the other ingredient in Lapodin.
Thank you.


Jun 13, 2019
You need to reread my post in the spirit it was given in.
I wish nothing but health to all that read this thread or anything on this forum.

you have good intentions, but calling someone orthorexic, then giving them a calorie quota to hit, and then telling them to reach it by eating burgers and pizza is flat out dangerous. the minnesota starvation patients were under close watch, telling someone on their own to try to eat that much can cause pancreatic problems. i'm not sure if your coming from a background of gwyenth olywn, but a ton of people who followed her advice got extremely damaged. forcing foods to lower stress causes more stress and adrenaline. small fruit and cheese meals, salt, milk, help lower adrenaline slowly without pounding calories for health that's magically going to show up


Dec 8, 2016
you have good intentions, but calling someone orthorexic, then giving them a calorie quota to hit, and then telling them to reach it by eating burgers and pizza is flat out dangerous. the minnesota starvation patients were under close watch, telling someone on their own to try to eat that much can cause pancreatic failure. i'm not sure if your coming from a background of gwyenth olywn, but a ton of people who followed her advice got extremely damaged. forcing foods to lower stress causes more stress and adrenaline. small fruit and cheese meals, salt, milk, help lower adrenaline slowly without pounding calories for health that's magically going to show up
I dont know who that woman is nor what she endorses etc.

Nor am I endorsing gorging on pizza burgers etc. - I do think its a good solution to try to reach more calories on less food why he heals.

If one of my children were believed to be disabled and had a hx of calorie restriction, forced sports, cant hold a job, has social anxiety, spent thousands on supplements that havent helped, has a TSH of 6.2 etc- I would welcome a voice of balance and exhortation into the mix.


Jun 13, 2019
I dont know who that woman is nor what she endorses etc.

Nor am I endorsing gorging on pizza burgers etc. - I do think its a good solution to try to reach more calories on less food why he heals.

If one of my children were believed to be disabled and had a hx of calorie restriction, forced sports, cant hold a job, has social anxiety, spent thousands on supplements that havent helped, has a TSH of 6.2 etc- I would welcome a voice of balance and exhortation into the mix.

with that severe of symptoms, the wrong type of foods can be dangerous. Ray is very particular with the foods he recommends, because they're the least likely to cause damage to someone extremely vulnerable. it can take weeks to overcome the symptoms after eating a single allergen, so even something like gluten can knock a hypothyroid persons progress out for a long time. Ray has also said multiple times that eating past ones hunger for theoretical nutrition causes sluggishness of the intestines and cause build up endotoxin.


Dec 8, 2016


Jun 13, 2019

so called "orthorexia" is just low thyroid and serotonin, which requires being observant and being careful about food to improve. It's another made up disease, which tries to shame people for questioning and being skeptic of our food system. Yes, those symptoms are bad, but they should be addressed through the same mechanism as everything else in the peat perspective, by avoiding intestinal irritation, lowering PTH, avoiding starches (or white rice/potatoes with fat if tolerated), eating calcium, vitamin D, salt. Everything that the medical industry has said has put humans on the wrong path. They claim you have orthorexia, so you just have to eat a "normal" and "balanced" diet, full of whole grains, fish, citric acid, fortified foods. When the depression, thyroid issues still persist, they claim its just genetic and you need a T4 supplement and SSRIs. an "orthorexia" diagnosis is so beneath Peat, those symptoms are just typical serotonin symptoms of fear. But being cautious, observant, researching, in order to reduce those emotions through diet is different. To tell someone whos trying to lower serotonin, that they are showing serotonin symptoms, is obvious and unhelpful. Being strict about food is an unfortunate hurdle we have to face in an absolute horrid food supply chain in order to reduce serotonin. Your own peat quote "in the absence of a good metabolism, anything can be dangerous" backs up the fact that being strict is necessary when things are very fragile.


Dec 8, 2016


May 3, 2015
Are you sure bread is ok? I absolutely love sourdough, there's an organic bakery up the road, I could eat an entire loaf a day. Isn't it damaging to the gut?
Well wheat protein has been known to be addictive and create holes in intestines.

Also wheat has been associated with skin disorders, schizophrenia and cardiovascular disease.

Ray Peat warns about starch particles blocking blood vessels...

but there is something about 40 hour fermented sourdough that makes me forget all that from time to time!

I normally start the day with 0.75 litres fruit smoothie with 4 bananas, 250ml pineapple juice, 75g mixed berries and a tablespoon of desiccated coconut.

The fat in the coconut seems to firm up stools and stop diarrhoea! It might also kill off excess bacteria and fungus and reduce gas and endotoxins!
Last edited:


Jun 10, 2020
There's a lot of dangerous advice in this thread. Stop with the "orthorexic" term, it doesn't do anything practical.

It is NOT a good idea to force calories, pizza, hamburgers, or whatever in order to hit a certain quota of macros, calories, or whatever. You can genuinely do long term damage by damaging the pancreas and gallbladder if you eat past your digestive capabilities. You need to be very gentle with yourself, find foods you crave, foods you enjoy, try to eat slowly, and slowly your appetite should decide what foods you want. Milk, OJ, eggs, shellfish, etc, help to increase the metabolic rate, but you shouldn't force feed yourself in order to do so. Eat/drink things you crave, and slowly your caloric intake will increase because you will start to have more cravings. Try to eat things that do the least damage on your digestion, which may take some expiermenting.

What if you crave pizza and burgers, and you don’t feel an appetite for milk, cheese, and fruit?


Jun 13, 2019
What if you crave pizza and burgers, and you don’t feel an appetite for milk, cheese, and fruit?

I think that's fine, but you should observe how you feel and be observant the next couple days. some people who eat gluten get intense autoimmune flare ups, or it may constipate them, or cause anxiety. trying to hit calories and pushing through negative symptoms and continuing to eat inflammatory things can be a problem, so just being observant is good. but if you crave something, that's usually a good sign and you can maybe figure out what exactly your craving if it's not just the calories
Dec 4, 2020
I was feeling the best I had in a while when I first discovered Ray Peat and fixed my diet, and then a week and a bit later I started levothyroxine and immediately got worse. I switched to NDT, which I've been on for nearly 2 weeks (1/3 a grain daily, spread out with meals), and I'm probably feeling the worst I ever had. All the symptoms I associate with low thyroid like insomnia, helplessness, hopelessness, hair falling out etc, are at the worst they've ever been. Does anyone know why?


Dec 8, 2016
I was feeling the best I had in a while when I first discovered Ray Peat and fixed my diet, and then a week and a bit later I started levothyroxine and immediately got worse. I switched to NDT, which I've been on for nearly 2 weeks (1/3 a grain daily, spread out with meals), and I'm probably feeling the worst I ever had. All the symptoms I associate with low thyroid like insomnia, helplessness, hopelessness, hair falling out etc, are at the worst they've ever been. Does anyone know why?
Its great that you are very in tuned with your body and arent pushing through. Good on you.

You are accelerating and revving your engine with no gas in the tank.

Meaning: You are in a stressed, depleted state; demanding more energy (from taking the T3T4) your body cant supply.
Jun 16, 2017
Are you sure bread is ok? I absolutely love sourdough, there's an organic bakery up the road, I could eat an entire loaf a day. Isn't it damaging to the gut?
Make sure to avoid any bread with added iron. The iron they put in these foods to "enrich" them is very damaging to the gut. It's basically iron shavings.

Definitely don't eat commercial burguers or donuts. As mentioned earlier in the thread, it's full of seed oils( high in PUFAs), and the wheat used is fortified with iron.

Making a burguer at home, with non- iron fortified sourdough bread, no seed oils and with quality meat would be completely different and a much safer choice.
Dec 4, 2020
I waited >2 weeks to get most of the T4 from the NDT out my system, and started on TyroMix (orally) yesterday. I am once again feeling similar to how I felt taking NDT - helpless, hopeless, and uncontrollable crying. It's lowering my temperatures too, I don't know if that's because it's making me more hypothyroid or lowering stress hormones. I'm supporting the TyroMix with sugared milk, apple juice, taurine, and I have been eating liver and oysters, and supplementing vitamin D. As well as taking TocoVit, StressNon, and Kuinone - and all the other Peat-approved supplements.

Could this feeling of crying and hoplessness be a temporary effect of lowering stress hormones, and not that it's making me more hypothyroid?
Thanks in advance.


Jun 13, 2019
As well as taking TocoVit, StressNon, and Kuinone - and all the other Peat-approved supplements.
none of these are peat approved, the only supplements peat says are safe to take are aspirin, vitamin D, and thyroid. the purity of all other supplements are not good enough and may cause problems. pregnenolone impurities can cause many of the symptoms you are describing. Even NDT is not considered 100% safe by peat. cynoplus and cynomel are the only guaranteed safe thyroid supplements



Jun 10, 2020
I waited >2 weeks to get most of the T4 from the NDT out my system, and started on TyroMix (orally) yesterday. I am once again feeling similar to how I felt taking NDT - helpless, hopeless, and uncontrollable crying. It's lowering my temperatures too, I don't know if that's because it's making me more hypothyroid or lowering stress hormones. I'm supporting the TyroMix with sugared milk, apple juice, taurine, and I have been eating liver and oysters, and supplementing vitamin D. As well as taking TocoVit, StressNon, and Kuinone - and all the other Peat-approved supplements.

Could this feeling of crying and hoplessness be a temporary effect of lowering stress hormones, and not that it's making me more hypothyroid?
Thanks in advance.
Crying and hopelessness sound more like a hibernation type state than a low stress state, so I would bet that the thyroid is further stressing your body and making you more hypothyroid. How’s the thyroid affecting your pulse? If pulse is rising while temps lower, it’s almost certainly a stress response. The same happens to me when I take thyroid, so I’m trying to heal by other means before trying thyroid again in the future.

I’m sorry you’re going through this, but don’t give up. There are always more things to try, and some of them will work.
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