Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
In a perfect work free world, we could all sleep when it got dark and wake when ready, eat when ready, and be productive when ready. Modern society denies us those luxarys. We wake when we have to, eat when we can, and use stimulants to mask fatigue.
Couldn’t have said it any better
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
This is very interesting to me. I ahve pfs and have noticed that almost all of the pfs guys get markedly better after fasting.
I’ve been looking at and a few guys there have had full recoveries with T4 and T3.


To the people that think the pufas will make fasting not viable;

Are you not going to have to deal with them regardless when you deplete them the long way?

It happens progressively when you switch your diet.
It happens all at once when you fast


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I’ve been looking at and a few guys there have had full recoveries with T4 and T3.

Thanks for the heads up. I was taking a little thyroid regularly for a long time but never thought it helped all that much. Maybe I wasn't taking enough, I would only use a drop or two of tyromix in the evening and a little t3 during the day.

Do you know if the recoveries happened very quickly or did the guys have to use thyroid for a long time in order to heal?


Aug 17, 2016
Fasting was great for fat loss but was terrible for my overall health. I pretty much always felt stressed. It was so bad, I forgot what it felt like to be calm until I found this forum and changed my lifestyle. I spent so long trying to band aid the stress from the fasting while failing to realize the issue was the fasting itself. The whole time I did IF, I looked good but felt bad. Did no favors for my social status either. All of the people I had as friends at the time dominated me and only kept me around to feel better about themselves. It wasn't until later that I realized the connection between high cortisol and social submission. I think fasting can work for some, or be implemented a few times a week to get the fat loss, androgen receptor and autophagy benefits without the chronic cortisol increase.
I also had similar experience with IF. All of my "friends" and acquaintances dominated me. BUT, the girls would always say enviously, "how do you stay so thin and ripped?" They liked me but didn't turn on their charm or civility much with me. "We're going here." or "Just put that there." As opposed to ' where would you like to go?' or 'may I take your coat?', etc....
A woman I knew from our old dog park who was a classic bossy matron, but a good solid woman who people naturally obeyed, was nice enough to me. "Close the gate after you." "Can you pick up some of this dog poop people have left." ..... I hadn't seen her in a few years. But I was recently visiting my old neighborhood and walked passed her, not recognizing her. Then, I heard a sheepish, "Oh Regina, is that you?" I was completely shocked to see the former bossy matron about 1/3 the size. Like from 180lbs to 110lbs (ish). She was completely submissive in her shoulders and doting face. "Oh, I've missed you so much. I think about you everyday." - she said weakly with her pleading head cocked sideways. She was ME! Aaarrggh. My former obsequious passive ME! I mean, she looked pretty (more chiseled) and sweet but this was no person who would say, "Close the gate after you" and be taken seriously. She went on to tell me about her IF. I really thought she could have found a middle ground where she still had presence and some matron status instead of this chivering little mouse. She hugged me good-bye and it felt like I was holding up a little old lady clinging to me.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I also had similar experience with IF. All of my "friends" and acquaintances dominated me. BUT, the girls would always say enviously, "how do you stay so thin and ripped?" They liked me but didn't turn on their charm or civility much with me. "We're going here." or "Just put that there." As opposed to ' where would you like to go?' or 'may I take your coat?', etc....
A woman I knew from our old dog park who was a classic bossy matron, but a good solid woman who people naturally obeyed, was nice enough to me. "Close the gate after you." "Can you pick up some of this dog poop people have left." ..... I hadn't seen her in a few years. But I was recently visiting my old neighborhood and walked passed her, not recognizing her. Then, I heard a sheepish, "Oh Regina, is that you?" I was completely shocked to see the former bossy matron about 1/3 the size. Like from 180lbs to 110lbs (ish). She was completely submissive in her shoulders and doting face. "Oh, I've missed you so much. I think about you everyday." - she said weakly with her pleading head cocked sideways. She was ME! Aaarrggh. My former obsequious passive ME! I mean, she looked pretty (more chiseled) and sweet but this was no person who would say, "Close the gate after you" and be taken seriously. She went on to tell me about her IF. I really thought she could have found a middle ground where she still had presence and some matron status instead of this chivering little mouse. She hugged me good-bye and it felt like I was holding up a little old lady clinging to me.
Appreciate your writing skills! :)


Aug 17, 2016
I'm about halfway through this fascinating video/documentary on the "Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei."
For starters, "marathon" = walking; not running. The commentary made a point to say, 'so as not to exhaust oneself.'
They eat a carby, but small, breakfast (at the crack of like 3am) and then do their solo walking. They then eat a carby lunch with a glass of milk.
Then walk some more on a different path in mountainous network of trails. At night , they have numerous indoor fire rituals.
So, this activity is done at high altitude, with carbs to avoid "exhausting oneself", more carbs and milk, they are wrapped in warm garb for the walking with their head covered. They stay very warm in the evenings with fire.
Now, they do one very difficult 6 day fast. Once.
The commentor said the monk will spend 3 weeks in recovery. I would like to know exactly what is the protocol for re-feeding and recovery strategies.

This monk is coming to visit the US this year. I could ask my teacher to ask him.
That's as far as I've gotten in the video.
Have a look if you like:


Aug 9, 2019
And eventually, of course, all the IF/CR + low-carb stuff stopped working some years after I hit 30, and suddenly I was no longer lean
How come? It always puzzles me how folks suddenly say they crashed on low carb once they found the Peat way. Makes me skeptical. The mind creates stories.
I don't see Shawn Baker crashing or others. Haven't even followed them anymore.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
How come? It always puzzles me how folks suddenly say they crashed on low carb once they found the Peat way. Makes me skeptical. The mind creates stories.
I don't see Shawn Baker crashing or others. Haven't even followed them anymore.

Although I was under the impression that he's been at it for longer, Baker mentioned in a recent upload that he's been carnivore for four years.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2019
@Homo Consumericus Low carb never worked for me in the first place. Amazing how much I persisted with it despite feeling so bad on it.
There's also Peter Attia, he's been 3 years in strict nutritional ketosis. I think the human body is very resillent.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
@Homo Consumericus Low carb never worked for me in the first place. Amazing how much I persisted with it despite feeling so bad on it.
There's also Peter Attia, he's been 3 years in strict nutritional ketosis. I think the human body is very resillent.

I followed IF for 5-6 years. Was the best way to get lean and stay lean, and that was my goal at the time. But my bodyweight was stuck at 92kg and would not budge. My strength also plateaued.

Now I eat starch with two out of four meals for the last two years. My bodyweight jumped to 104kg (clearly visible serratus anterior and upper abdominals but lower abdominals and obliques covered with 2-3cm of pinchable tissue) and my strength is going up again (just did a ~180kg mixed grip RDL for 7 controlled reps the other day).


Oct 22, 2018
How come? It always puzzles me how folks suddenly say they crashed on low carb once they found the Peat way. Makes me skeptical. The mind creates stories.
I don't see Shawn Baker crashing or others. Haven't even followed them anymore.

I can only assume it was a lowering of my metabolism. I found Peat's writings much later. In between I tried the whole resistant starch thing and that didn't work out so good.
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
Thanks for the heads up. I was taking a little thyroid regularly for a long time but never thought it helped all that much. Maybe I wasn't taking enough, I would only use a drop or two of tyromix in the evening and a little t3 during the day.

Do you know if the recoveries happened very quickly or did the guys have to use thyroid for a long time in order to heal?
I’m not sure. I think 6 months or so... and I read most of them used T4 so maybe they would recover faster on a combo thyroid or just T3 alone


Mar 12, 2017
I also had similar experience with IF. All of my "friends" and acquaintances dominated me. BUT, the girls would always say enviously, "how do you stay so thin and ripped?" They liked me but didn't turn on their charm or civility much with me. "We're going here." or "Just put that there." As opposed to ' where would you like to go?' or 'may I take your coat?', etc....
A woman I knew from our old dog park who was a classic bossy matron, but a good solid woman who people naturally obeyed, was nice enough to me. "Close the gate after you." "Can you pick up some of this dog poop people have left." ..... I hadn't seen her in a few years. But I was recently visiting my old neighborhood and walked passed her, not recognizing her. Then, I heard a sheepish, "Oh Regina, is that you?" I was completely shocked to see the former bossy matron about 1/3 the size. Like from 180lbs to 110lbs (ish). She was completely submissive in her shoulders and doting face. "Oh, I've missed you so much. I think about you everyday." - she said weakly with her pleading head cocked sideways. She was ME! Aaarrggh. My former obsequious passive ME! I mean, she looked pretty (more chiseled) and sweet but this was no person who would say, "Close the gate after you" and be taken seriously. She went on to tell me about her IF. I really thought she could have found a middle ground where she still had presence and some matron status instead of this chivering little mouse. She hugged me good-bye and it felt like I was holding up a little old lady clinging to me.
I feel the same way upon seeing how certain people behave. I see the "old me" in their behavior and it hits me just how far I've come. I don't think I'd ever want to go back. The best part is that I seem to put off a vibe that sends the message of strength, so I barely ever have to consciously assert myself anymore. It all just flows naturally. It's amazing how your hormonal profile affects the way your life plays out and how you're perceived by others.


Aug 17, 2016
I feel the same way upon seeing how certain people behave. I see the "old me" in their behavior and it hits me just how far I've come. I don't think I'd ever want to go back. The best part is that I seem to put off a vibe that sends the message of strength, so I barely ever have to consciously assert myself anymore. It all just flows naturally. It's amazing how your hormonal profile affects the way your life plays out and how you're perceived by others.
It's pretty freaky when someone who has dug into treating me shabbily attempts to pick up where they left off. (If they haven't seen me in a few years). They start the bulldozer up and then their voice trails off as they turn and talk into the air. Or they get in a couple of nasty scoldy sentences and they stop mid-sentence, the shoulders go up and they pretend to be empathetic , "Oh, how is your Mom?" I feel like I am not doing anything different at all. I generally gray rock these types. It still must have been perceived as a submissive gray rock, but now it's a gray rock that puts them off balance.
I don't want to go back, but I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds. ;)
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