Ray Peat interviews with One Radio Network



Sep 21, 2014
June 15, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:35 - How does Ray Peat spend most of the day? Mostly reading and some painting.

- 00:04:40 - Relationship of sickness etc. with fear, emotional stress etc? A sick or extremely old person will often lose control of their emotions. A fairly moderate emotional shock can linger for a long time (PTSD etc.) in an unhealthy state.

- 00:06:20 - Connection with the lungs? The brain is an extreme example of what's going on in every kind of cell. The lung surface cells secrete mucus and various smaller molecules, irritation intensifies that activity and energy helps to bring it back to its resting state.

- 00:09:05 - When you show symptoms, is the body actually healing rather than being sick? A strong and healthy organism can heal a slight wound without inflammation and without leaving a scar.

- 00:11:10 - Talk about "cases" and "positive test". How does this test even work? Even the CDC didn't know what they were testing, because they were mixing up [PCR test and antibody test].

- 00:12:40 - Can the tests even distinguish between different viruses? To a certain extent, but it's often a false positive. Other pieces of RNA can be amplified and the PCR tests are measuring the presence of a certain kind of RNA. Somewhere between 35-80% of people test positive but have no symptoms at all, so what does a positive test even mean? A positive test usually is meaningless. Corona viruses change so quickly and there are so many of them, that you don't know for sure what the test was standardized on.

- 00:18:25 - Is there any evidence that this new corona virus is different or stronger or unique? Very little evidence. Some studies on people in California and cruise ships showed that it's very similar to the standard flu. The death rate is in the range of the annual flu virus.

- 00:19:30 - Could the PCR tests react to something in the body like exosomes? The DNA is full of stuff that looks like RNA viruses. It's possible that stored in this immense amount of DNA, there are some overlapping bits of RNA. Under stress we put out exosomes. They are in the same size range and structural composition than this type of virus. Under stress they are repair particles that help to repair injured cells. The stress that turns the exosomes on, happens to be the stress that the viruses use to activate their own synthesis and secretion

- 00:23:00 - So is it possible that people under stress (lockdowns etc.) produce exosomes that could show up as virus load? Any stress can increase exosome production. But very few people study the exosome system. It was denied as contrary to the basic dogma of genetics and molecular biology (dogma: information goes only from DNA to RNA to protein). Especially as it relates to immunity, because it opens up the area of doubt for the antibody-vaccine theory for example. It would melt away into nothing.

- 00:25:45 - Circulating viruses can't exists except in a higher organism and originate from a higher organism. Under stress organism create exosomes, some of them get emitted into the environment and they spread information between organisms. But the genetic dogma makes people resistant to looking into this sharing of information between organisms.

- 00:30:00 - Do we always feel symptoms when we share exosomes? No, not at all. A sick, stressed, unhappy, malnourished population is going to have trouble adapting.

- 00:32:00 - Is the mortality rate of this virus more severe than other? The figures show that it's a pretty normal year when you look at mortality. In [the fall of 2019] there was great drop in mortality according to CDC data. In the first week of April there was suddenly this spike in excess mortality that accounted for the drop before that date.

- 00:35:10 - Who is running the show here? WHO? CDC? Both of them; they are tightly integrated with the pharmaceutical industry. And not only with them. [In the fall of 2019] the Fed put out $6 trillion into the economy and there was a big wave of resignations of CEO's of the biggest companies, before anyone talked about a virus. So they had inside news. Bill Gates was one of the motivators in creating a "play" in how they would respond to a corona virus pandemic it.

- 00:38:30 - 00:45:00 - commercials etc.

- 00:45:15 - When Peat was getting his PhD in 1972, did he have an idea on were to go with all of this? In 1970 he sketched out about five ideas, that he thought would be the standard by the 1990s. The supporting evidence has been very heavy in that direction. But the power of the pharmaceutical industry is so great, that despite all the developments, they were able to stigmatize any evidence that contradicted their dogmas. For example, journals recommended to treat Covid patients with nitric oxide. Inflammation anywhere (especially in the lungs) creates nitric oxide, nitric oxide creates inflammation and tissue damage. At the same time they are denying good treatments.

- 00:51:00 - What is the basic difference in Peat's view in how the body works and the mainstream view? For example, the cell is structured all the way down to the atomic level, water is organized in the healthy living state. The disorganization of the cell, starting with the water, can be measured. You can see the effects of aging, stress or estrogen excess as changes in the water structure. Cell energy exists in the form of structure

- 00:52:30 - 5G and other electromagnetic fields disrupt the structure of water in the body? Russian scientists studied this effect and even in 1968 there were a lot of studies on electromagnetic fields and water structure, that were unavailable and unknown in US science.

- 00:57:50 - If the basic structure is denied by science, will we never get to the truth of the effects of emf? Part of that denial is to say that everything that happens inside the cell, is like actions that would happen in a test tube, and that it's the membrane that acts like the test tube. They think that something that happens to a (dead) cell in a test tube explains what happens in the cell inside the body. The denial to study dangers of emf applies to every part of the medical pharmaceutical industries. They are all denying the meaning of structure in the cell.

- 01:00:00 - How did Dr. Peat get onto this so early? He would listen to politicians and thought that they were lying all the time. It made him suspicious, especially when politics and medicine get connected. He asked some famous biochemists whether they shouldn't study biochemistry inside cells rather than in a test tube, and they just laughed and ridiculed him.

- 01:01:35 - Is it necessary to cycle progesterone if you use it topically and is it the same for males? For topical effects, like a sprain or burn, you don't have to cycle it.

- 01:03:20 - What to do to make the thyroid function more normally (already using medication)? Conversion [from T4 to T3] needs glucose and selenium. Women have a weaker conversion because of higher estrogen levels. A few doses of progesterone can help the liver and shift the balance, which will also stabilize blood sugar.

- 01:05:10 - What to take for cold sores and what causes them? Almost always a herpes virus. Systemic stress (pituitary activation) is behind the nerve. Energy dips, gets the nerve excited, and the excitation of the nerve gives the virus the chance to reproduce and get to the skin. Keep thyroid hormone up, so that blood sugar is stable. Topical aspirin (with alcohol) can help to minimize the outbreak.

- 01:07:25 - Vitamin D during a pandemic? It overlaps with progesterone in its cell-protective, stabilizing actions. It improves immunity against viruses. Along with progesterone it's considered one of the neurosteroids, for brain-protective effects.

- 01:08:45 - What could cause a sudden drop in blood pressure for a minute or two? Digestive issues can be behind it. A surge of toxins from the intestine, for example. Low thyroid people are more likely to experience that.

- 01:10:30 - What’s the physiological dosage of T4 (still has hypothyroid symptoms)? T4 isn't the active thyroid hormone, it's a precursor. It's more often in women, but the conversion can be bad in men, too. Prolonged stress hormones will cause a conversion to Reverse T3 rather than T3. Better use a combination of T4 and T3.

- 01:15:30 - Leg cramps at night? Possibly dehydration. The pH of the blood changes if you're suddenly dehydrated. Milk is a good bed time snack, because it lowers stress hormones.

- 01:16:35 - Is there a natural soap without PUFA? Soaps based on coconut and olive oil. PUFAs make the soap go rancid quickly.

- 01:17:20 - Is coconut oil good to consume in general? If it's well refined. Some people are very allergic to coconut. If it has a coconut odor, you have to look out for allergy symptoms. It helps to counter the toxic effect of PUFAs

- 01:18:40 - What's the physiologic role of nor-epinephrine and nor-adrenaline? They are the same thing. The Nor- is the type that nerves, other than adrenal glands, form.

- 01:19:30 - 50-year old woman, slightly overweight, menopausal. Wakes up every night at 3 AM and has trouble getting back tom sleep. Any thoughts? It's OK to just wake up and have a snack. When the liver gets inefficient from PUFAs, estrogen, hypothyroidism etc., it becomes less efficient in storing glycogen for the night.

- 01:20:15 - How to get rid of varicose veins? Progesterone lotion? It can help. Getting the ratio of estrogen/progesterone in favor of progesterone is important. Veins are just a symptom of an imbalance.

- 01:21:45 - A snack with butter and maple syrup is putting the listener back to sleep. What is this telling him? The maple syrup comes with good minerals (potassium), that helps the sugar to work. The sugar is kept in the stomach and intestine longer when there is butter with it.

- 01:22:45 - Natural foods and supplements for hair regrowth in male pattern baldness? It requires changing your whole health. Hair loss tends to coincide with circulatory problems. Get Vitamin D, thyroid, progesterone and DHEA up. Cortisol, aldosterone and PTH are very destructive to hair follicle, blood vessels and heart. Lower those stress-related hormones (including prolactin).

- 01:24:30 - What is behind graying of hair? The melanin in the brain is deficient in Parkinson's disease. And excess of iron competes against copper, and copper is the enzyme that makes the dark pigment. Too much iron disturbs that process. If you put a copper penny in a bottle with water, aspirin and a little vinegar, you can make a copper solution. If you put that on white hair, you can reverse the color. You can eat more oysters as a strong source of copper.

- 01:30:50 - Are those who had a lot of vaccines in the past hopeless of ever recovering to good health? It makes it more urgent, that these people start to do things right and start to question recommendations of the medical industry.

- 01:32:40 - Does Peat believe that homosexuals are born that way? If a pregnant woman is subjected to extreme stress, that causes extreme changes, including sexual preference. Everything that happens to the pregnant mother is shaping the whole system of mental functions, emotions, physical shape, rate of metabolism etc. of the unborn child.

- 01:34:25 - How does Peat feel about abortion? It's better to control your conception. But sometimes there's no system for properly sustaining the pregnancy in a healthy way. It's never a good thing in any sense, but it's a proper thing if you can avoid worse things.

- 01:35:15 - When does the soul come into the body? It's there before the body. There a continuity of soul.

- 01:35:40 - What's the advice you would give someone, maybe 50 years younger? Stay alert is the main thing. Times are going to get worse.

- 01:36:45 - Sauerkraut juice for internal scarring? It tastes nice. The salt can be a protective, relaxing factor.

- 01:37:25 - How to get rid of (stomach) ulcers? Stress predisposes the stomach to poor immunity. A properly working digestive system is sterile. It depends on good nutrition and good thyroid function.

- 01:38:25 - Is it true that we have less stomach acid as we age? Stress hormones increase and energy hormones decrease with age. Thyroid becomes less effective. All of the energizing, anti-inflammatory things offset the aging process.

- 01:41:10 - Is it possible that a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 could be available in the future? No. Has there ever been a safe and effective vaccine? The whole process of safety-testing is fraudulent. They don't use placebos in the control group and compare toxins to toxins.


Sep 21, 2014
July 20, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:00 - During the night we use up almost all of out glycogen. That's why almost everyone has very high cortisol in the morning. It starts to break down our own tissues because we are using up our stored sugar and we need sugar to keep the brain and blood cells alive. In the early morning, an intense surge of stress hormones begins. Not just cortisol, but also serotonin, histamine, PTH. In women, starting around menopause, almost all of their daily bone loss occurs in the early morning hours.

- 00:05:35 - What could we eat before bed that would help with this? Like an athlete that stocks up on carbohydrates before a race. Carbohydrates in the evening are very important. Right at bedtime, a big surge of calcium (like a glass of milk) helps to keep down PTH during the night.

- 00:12:15 - 00:40:00 - [Covid talk. Basically the same stuff as in many other episodes. But it's a good overview on Ray Peat's views at that time]

- 00:40:00 - If you exercise and get your heart rate up to a high level, and you can do that without overbreathing, is that sign of good health? Not necessarily. You have to look at the whole thing. How many calories are you able to burn? How much oxygen can you dispose of in burning those calories? The most fit person is running at a high rate even at rest. They don't get fat even if they just sit around.

- 00:41:10 - How much pregnenolone should someone in their 30s take? He started to experiment with different amounts in his late 40s. One dose of 300 mg would last him for 10 days before his symptoms came back. He had two or three experiences with extremely depressed men. He dropped 10 or 20 mg in their drink and within 15 minutes their whole personality changed in a positive way. It acts as a catalyst and can get your own production going. For an experiment, Dr. Peat took 3,000 mg a day for a year. He felt fine on that dose but it was pretty expensive. After he stopped he noticed that he didn't need it anymore because it had repaired his system. Lots of people have noticed hormonal effects from it, but then it isn't good pregnenolone. There should be no hormonal effect with a good product.

- 00:53:35 - Should we be wary of glutamate in supplements or foods? Absolutely. Some of the quantities are enough to seriously imbalance our amino acid intake.

- 00:54:50 - 01:00:00 - commercials

- 01:01:00 - In May of 2019, Eric Schmidt (former chairman of Google, then worked for the Pentagon on artificial intelligence) said that for the sake of getting ahead of China, we're going to have to destroy the present economic system and move towards artificial intelligence (online shopping, remote medicine, digital money, digital education,...). In May of 2020, Schmidt worked with Cuomo in New York to start revising New York's education, public health and other systems - in line with his plans that he worked out with the pentagon.

- 01:04:55 – Is there anything you should know of before using oxygen while exercising? If you're adding oxygen, your lungs are at risk. He doesn't know of any value for using it for exercise. Adding a little CO2 would probably be more protective.

- 01:06:40 – Chronic chapped lips plus seborrheic dermatitis. Any ideas what could be going on? Either a deficiency or a great excess of Vitamin A acts the same way. If you're deficient in all of the stabilizing factors (Vitamin E for example) an overdose of Vitamin A leads to odd oxidation. There are three forms of retinoic acids. Two of it are extremely toxic and the third one only in great excess. All of those forms normally are locally derived in very particular tissues. Out of place it has a toxic effect and leads to a breakdown of the basic safe form (retinol). Retinol begins to be destroyed. Better rely only on high Vitamin A foods like milk and eggs. Vitamin E and progesterone are known to help to interrupt the process. You could try a lotion with either of those topically.

- 01:10:20 - What could a person eat or supplement to prevent excessive levels of inflammation? The inability to use oxygen properly tends to go with a deficiency of CO2 and formation of lactic acid. If you inject lactic acid, it will start a systemic inflammation. Lactic acid is the fundamental agent in all of these degenerative and inflammatory processes. If possible, you want to keep lactic acid below the so called normal range on a blood test.

- 01:12:00 - What symptoms could indicate too much lactic acid in the body? It is involved in everything that constitutes failure. Excess fatigue is a traditional sign, edema is probably the next. With an extreme surge of lactic acid, panic attacks become much more common. Even half a teaspoon of baking soda in water can help to relieve a panic attack.

- 01:14:35 - What's the best way to determine how many calories a person should eat? Watching for weight gain.

- 01:14:45 - If someone isn't allergic to tomatoes and bell peppers, is it okay to it them? Yes, very good and tasty food.

- 01:15:00 - Does supplementing urea take care of edema? It has been used that way up until the 1960s. It was used to treat brain swelling and was very safe and effective. One kid was practically brain death after an accident. They gave him a 90 gram dose of intravenous urea over a period of a few hours, and he recovered and went back to school. But some doctors thought urea was an osmolyte, like sodium chloride, so they put it in distilled water and treated patients with it, and the patients died. That was blamed on urea and not on the total ignorance of the doctors.

- 01:20:00 - How can we retain more CO2? Thyroid is the main thing. If you're low in thyroid you're basically hyperventilating all the time. Checking temperature is the next best thing for measuring your oxygen consumption and CO2 output.

- 01:22:10 - [Cynoplus, Cynomel, T3, T4 etc. Nothing new]

- 01:29:30 - What would be a good serum cholesterol level? It depends on the age. The Framingham study found that with a level well over 200 there was a very low incidence of dementia over the age of 50. With levels below 200 there was a high dementia incidence. Your gonads and adrenals depend on the amount of cholesterol in the blood for making the protective steroid hormones. Your brain especially depends on an adequate amount of cholesterol in the blood. If thyroid is low, you require more cholesterol in the blood. Hypothyroid people have proportionally high cholesterol.

- 01:32:25 - To improve mitochondrial respiration, are there certain times of the day that would be better than others for things like bag breathing or red light exposure? Exercise is always safest in the afternoon.

- 01:33:35 - What does Dr. Peat think about eating raw meat? It's slightly better nutritionally, very easy to digest, and you don't risk carcinogens produced by overheating. But the thing that keeps him from eating it is the possibility of various kinds of infections.

- 01:37:45 - 01:38:15 - Ray Peat imitates Klaus Schwab

- 01:38:25 - Is it dangerous to take methylene blue orally? People take unnecessarily big doses of it. There have been reports of it interacting with SSRIs. It's effective in doses of 1/10 of a milligram. People take it for depression and get almost immediate results.

- 01:39:50 - Doctor prescribed 4 liters of oxygen per minute to sleep with using an oxygen concentrator. Is that OK? He does not think that concentrated oxygen is safe. Any excess is a risk, starting with the lungs.

- 01:41:55 - Would Dr. Peat agree that you should be pretty much immune to most diseases, as long as the body has all the nutrients it needs and is spiritually well? Healthy people simply don't notice when they are exposed to the various viruses. Women before menopause (who weren't using any estrogen supplements) had practically a zero mortality from Covid. Starting with menopause and increasing in old age, women catch up with men in Covid mortality.

- 01:44:40 - Fever blisters (not filled with fluid) non-stop for over four months. Any ideas what could be going on? The immune system is being disturbed. Pituitary, excitatory and stress hormones tend to excite the nerves, allowing the virus to reproduce. Checking things like the amount of sugar and carbs in the diet. Don't eat too much fat in proportion to carbs.

- 01:47:15 - Could chitosan help detox PUFAs since it kind of binds to fat? Any fibrous food helps to carry stuff out of you. Raw carrots and well-cooked mushrooms are more pleasant than chitosan. You don't need to buy a supplement.

- 01:48:05 - What does Dr. Peat think of intermittent fasting? The studies have been done on very specialized populations like mice or highly trained athletes. He does not think it applies to people on an average activity schedule. For anyone with a borderline metabolic problem, which applies to about half of the population, it can increase stress.

- 01:49:00 - Why does high dose PUFA like fish oil seem to help some people? By the time it gets into your bloodstream, it's becoming highly oxidized. At body temperature in the blood, with oxygen pumped into the blood, the oxidative breakdown is extremely fast. And these oxidative fragments are powerfully immunosuppressive. They knock out the enzymes that form prostaglandins and the inflammatory process. That's helpful in the short term, but over a period of six months you start damaging the long-range effect of your immune system.

- 01:50:35 - [Same question as in the following episode at 01:01:40. I listened to that one before] Checking diet thoroughly for potentially irritating, poorly digested foods would be the first thing. If that doesn't help you might consider a blood test for Vitamin D.

- 01:51:35 - Is cheese from raw milk better than pasteurized cheese? No, if you have a reaction to the cheese, look at the label. The three basic and safe ingredients are milk, salt and animal rennet. If it says vegetable rennet, that can be an engineered enzyme system like fungal enzymes. 2/3 of commercial cheeses are using these now.

- 01:54:25 - "It's obedience training. When you put on a mask, you're telling the public that you are an obedient servant, doing an irrational thing"


Sep 21, 2014
August 17, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:50 - We share exosomes with other people etc. and some exosomes were named viruses at some point. Is that close? That's close to what Peat believes. Organisms of all sorts are emitting particles like that. Human cells incorporate a certain portion of DNA from the foods we eat. Fairly big particles can pass from the intestine into the bloodstream. Exosomes are many times smaller.

- 00:07:15 - Luc Montagnier believes that organisms communicate by something like radio waves.

- 00:09:55 - There is a guy in the US who has a website called cell intelligence, who has been demonstrating intelligent behavior within a cell. He argues that the needs of the cell can draw out exactly the part of the genome that is needed for those conditions. When there is a change in the environment, the cell senses that and draws the kind of DNA needed to change, to meet those problems.

- 00:11:20 - Normally [the exchange of exosomes] is going on in a constructive way. But if you have energy deficiency problems, the beneficial communicative processes can go wrong, and instead of catching something useful, you catch a cold. If you're in a stressful environment, that increases your chances that something can go wrong.

- 00:14:25 - When you immobilize an animal, the more confined it is, the more it goes into the depressed, helpless condition. People have been confined so long, by the restrictive, highly demanding economic environment, that people get into that depressed, helpless state. If you give rats toys to play with or get it into a different environment with other rats, it can get out of that depressed state. Everyone needs a certain amount of play, and lots of freedom.

- 00:17:15 - How does Dr. Peat think about supplements to balance out nutritional deficiencies? Peat used to be very impressed by Linus Pauling's arguments, started taking a Vitamin C supplement again, and developed a chronic cough that went on for months. It probably had something powerfully allergenic in it. Eugene, Oregon had a high number of allergic people, and people were taking everything they knew to alleviate the allergy symptoms. Peat suggested to them to stop taking the supplements, and almost all of them stopped having allergy symptoms. Can be contaminated with heavy metals. Plants protect their own Vitamin C and if we eat it from a plant source, it's beneficial.

- 00:26:30 - 00:32:45 - commercials

- 00:33:30 - What's the next newsletter about? Education and what the virus situation is doing to education.

- 00:38:50 - Do most of us have too much iron? Men are steadily accumulating it throughout life and the incidence of heart disease is closely correlated to the accumulation of iron. Women get rid of iron until a certain age every month. But after menopause women start accumulating iron like men and they are actually catching up. Estrogen makes you accumulate more iron, so after menopause women accumulate it faster then men.

- 00:40:40 - If we are not eating iron-enriched flour etc. we aren't really getting extra iron in our food, right? Meat is always rich in iron. It has also too much phosphate.

- 00:42:00 - What's the connection between iron and heart issues? When you don't have oxygen sucking up all the stray electrons, the electrons will activate iron that had been harmless. Stress activates the iron the same way synthetic Vitamin C does. It turns on the whole inflammation process.

- 00:43:45 - What's the connection of iron and copper? Copper is a stronger oxidant than iron. Copper defends against activated iron by putting it back into the passive storage form. Stress is causing you to be unable to retain the copper efficiently, giving the iron a chance to butt in and knock the copper out of the place it should be.

- 00:46:05 - What does Peat think about giving blood several times a year? Several studies found that people are healthier if they give blood occasionally. - Does he give blood? No, he doesn't like to be around doctors and needles. But it's probably beneficial for most people. If you age, exosomes in the blood can have an aging effect. You probably lose some of those old exosomes when you give blood.

- 00:47:30 - Too skinny to give blood. How to get rid of iron? Stop/reduce iron-rich foods like meat. One or two eggs a day has all the iron you need. Milk and cheese are iron-deficient. We are shedding iron all the time and if we reduce iron in the diet, we'll have less in the body.

- 00:49:00 - Don't combine free copper with any reductant like vitamin C. In the stomach copper or iron can oxidize fatty acids, vitamins etc. Don't combine free copper with food. Better take it with water on an empty stomach

- 00:49:50 - Is it advisable to take food-based vitamin C every day? Only grains, seeds and nuts don't have Vitamin C. Everything else has at least some of it. A normal diet gives you enough.

- 00:51:30 - What would be symptoms of too much iron? Heart disease symptoms, and any degenerative problems are signs of too much iron.

- 00:53:15 - Inside the cell, about a ratio of 8:1 of the Vitamin C is not in the form of ascorbic acid. The cell turns it into dehydroascorbate. About 80-85% of all the Vitamin C in our body doesn't show up in a test, what gives people the impression that meat, seafood etc. contain no Vitamin C, when it's actually in the form of dehydroascorbate. Dehydroascorbate works like oxygen and protects against excess electrons. Many of the yellow or orange pigmented flavonoid molecules (oranges, vegetables, other fruit,...) are called antioxidants, but within the cell the are pro-oxidants.

- 00:56:15 - Drinking a mix of potassium chloride, sodium chloride, baking soda, epsom salts in water throughout the day? If it agrees with you, than the chemicals are probably pure. You don't want a large amount of potassium chloride, because an overdose can give you low blood pressure and even stop the heart. Athletes can take a tablespoon of baking soda to improve their endurance before exercise.

- 00:57:45 - Loss of sense of taste/smell. Could Covid cause this? A deficiency of zinc can be related to that.

- 01:00:15 - High histamine reaction symptoms from bad air. What to do? A very strong UV lamp, if you don't look at it, will produce ozone and kill viruses and bacteria in the air plus detoxify some other toxins.

- 01:01:40 - 14-months old granddaughter has eczema. What to do? If the mother is still breastfeeding the child, it could be the mother's diet that contains an allergen. If the baby is eating foods, eliminating one food at a time can help to see what causes this.

- 01:02:40 - How often to eat beef liver? If you're over 50 you don't want to overdo it because of the high iron content. For those people certain shellfish is better.

- 01:04:00 - Is there going to be something monumental happening with the sun and planets, that could affect the world drastically this fall [2020]? He doesn't know about anything specific in that time, but solar cycles and annual changes in heat production of the sun play an important role. For many years the basic sun science tended to predict a coming ice age. The general prediction is that the sun is going to cool off.

- 01:06:00 - Keeping blood sugar steady is the basic thing for regulating the balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Every day around sunset, especially if we lie down in the dark, the nervous system shifts strongly to the parasympathetic side. At sunrise it shift back to sympathetic or adrenaline-dominated side. Many tumors grow faster during the night and are stimulated by hormones associated with the parasympathetic side. Pain symptoms are usually most intense during 2 AM and 5 AM. Mortality is generally greatest in the early morning hours.

- 01:09:25 - Is it a pancreas issue if blood sugar is out of line? Partly. Generally something blocks the oxidation of glucose (too much PUFA). Fat competes with sugar and stress increases the release of fat into the bloodstream. This happens at night, when blood sugar drops and free fatty acids are released. That's one of the reasons why aging happens during the night. If you wake up during the night and get some sugar, this interrupts the stress.

- 01:12:15 - There are several things in orange juice that reduce the work of the pancreas. The pancreas has to produce less insulin if potassium is present. Flavonoids block stress reactions and work like oxygen in the tissues. Insulin keeps fatty acids in the cells, so they don't compete with sugar, these flavonoids have the same function. Calcium and salt help to activate normal oxidative energy production in the cells and will lower stress hormones, especially PTH. Calcium is activating mitochondria and help them to keep running, even in the presence of fatty acids.

- 01:16:00 - Being awake during a long winter night is worse than being asleep. It's better to be asleep during the darkness. If you have to work during the night, you won't get the deceleration of the aging process that deep sleep provides.

- 01:16:55 - Why does fish oil seem to help so many people? When you ingest highly unsaturated oil, they will degrade very quickly. by the time fish oil gets into the bloodstream, it's already highly oxidized. Oxidized free-radical breakdown products of the fish oil suppress the white blood cells and immune reactions. So for the first ~ 6 months you get anti-inflammatory effects that seem very beneficial. But after a while the harmful effects will show up. [PUFA content in the brain in newborns vs. older people, that Peat talked about in earlier episodes]. In the earlier years the brain has the greatest capacity to learn. With aging and the accumulation of PUFAs in the brain, the ability to learn deteriorates.

- 01:22:20 - What can we do to get accumulated PUFAs out of the body? Adjusting carb intake, so that you don't use fatty acids. Keep fat intake as low as possible.

- 01:24:05 - Basal temperature quite low plus low heart rate. Natural thyroid products? Some of the natural thyroid products on the market don't work at all. Try to get a prescription for Armour.

- 01:25:15 - Could a near-infrared sauna be counterproductive for arthritis and other joint issues, and what are diet choices that are good for joints? The body is always emitting (near and far) infrared radiation. If you don't have enough sugar when you are experiencing heat, you could faint.

- 01:27:50 - Should the spine ever be experiencing pain or is all of this inflammation? You should never experience prolonged pain. When there's pain, there's inflammation, and with chronic inflammation you can develop fibrosis etc. Stopping the pain is more than just symptom relief. Aspirin and angiotensin receptor blockers work not just against the pain, they are also blocking the degenerative processes.

- 01:29:10 - What would be the best approach to deal with an 8-year old boy with muscular dystrophy? Is it safe to give him progesterone? Too much progesterone for a boy around puberty could interfere with testosterone production. But it does help to protect against atrophy processes.

- 01:31:40 - What could help if you or a dog was bitten by a copperhead? An electrical shocking device applied to the bite area will cause a reaction that detoxifies the poison. Veterinarians could probably have anti-serum to it.

- 01:33:15 - Are there negative effects from wearing a face mask? There are lots of confirmed damages that can happen. Exhaled exosomes concentrate in the mask and you rebreath them. What would normally escape with each breath, concentrates in the mask if it isn't filtered out.

- 01:34:50 - Is Dr. Peat available for phone consultation? No. Too many callers, not enough time.

- 01:35:20 - What kind of things does Dr. Peat paint? Landscapes? Yes, landscapes. [Kind of funny if you look at the paintings on raypeat.com]


Sep 21, 2014
September 21, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:03:30 - Is there a connection between pollution etc. and the corona thing? The highest mortality was concentrated in the highest pollution areas, Wuhan, Italy, New York City etc.

- 00:04:30 - Is there a unique, virulent, potentially deadly, communicable corona virus out there? It's possible, but there is no evidence.

- 00:05:30 - 00:33:50 - [More Covid talk. Same stuff as in other episodes]

- 00:34:00 - 00:39:00 - commercials

- 00:39:10 - Would Dr. Peat agree that most people are low in magnesium and would he supplement it? Cells need good thyroid function to be able to retain magnesium. Magnesium exists in cells in combination with ATP. If thyroid is low, the cell's ATP level goes down and magnesium is released. Increased magnesium in the blood gradually gets lost into the urine. If you supplement magnesium, you have to take it regularly. If thyroid function is good, the cells can retain magnesium for a very long time.

- 00:43:15 - TSH is 4.5, can't afford a doctor, has access to natural thyroid. What dosage to start with? It's a good idea to get one of Broda Barnes' books. He goes into detail on how to dose it. You can check temperature and pulse rate every day after waking up. If the dose is just what you need, temperature and pulse will climb steadily for about two weeks and then level off. But if you don't see any change after a week or two, the dose is much too small. Then you can increase the dose and stay on that for another two weeks at least while watching temperature and pulse.

- 00:50:50 - [Same question as in the episode from July 20, 2020 at 01:10:20]

- 00:52:15 - Can eating beef liver several times a week lead to an excess of iron in the body? Yes. Liver should be limited to about one serving per week. If you eat too much meat, you not only get too much iron, but also too much tryptophan, cysteine and methionine. Plus a very high ratio of phosphate to calcium.

- 00:53:10 - But isn't tryptophan helping with sleep and they even do intravenous tryptophan? They might do that, but it's very dangerous. Cysteine and tryptophan are very closely connected to the inflammatory processes including brain inflammation.

- 00:53:45 - What dose of Cynoplus would equal two grains of Nature-Throid? One tablet is stronger than a two grain tablet of Armour or one of the standard glandulars. It's good to start on 1/4 of a tablet.

- 00:55:40 - Pain around liver area and feeling cold when eating sweet fruit on an empty stomach, but not when eating with other food. Does this suggest a problem with fructose or can it be a problem with estrogen? A lot of possibilities. It could be a slight inflammation reaction. There are many potential allergens in a variety of fruits and honeys.

- 00:57:45 - Headaches, strange noises in head and dizziness a few weeks after starting with milk and orange juice. Same with bone broth and Aspirin. Could this be histamine intolerance and how to overcome this? It depends a lot on what the rest of the diet is. Sometimes bacteria can invade the small intestine or even the stomach and start producing endotoxin very soon after you eat carbohydrate. Something to stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, like a raw carrot or cooked mushrooms, will help to stop the bacterial toxin production. All mushrooms contain some carcinogenic substances, but if you boil them for at least an hour, you break down these substances and what remains is germicidal, anti-inflammatory, and bulk providing.

- 01:00:30 - Takes 3 grains of thyroid, temperature is now optimal, but resting heart rate is now 90-100. Isn't that too high? In the summer for example we are much more sensitive to thyroid. So a dose that is perfect during the winter could be too high in the summer. It also depends on stress. Adjust your dose on feeling.

- 01:02:30 - Can you take 25 mg losartan and 100 mg Aspirin 4-5 times a week for inflammation control and to protect against Covid (older age female)? The standard recommended dose for losartan was much more than needed for Dr. Peat. Each person should watch for signs such as blood pressure and other indicators of inflammation and adjust the dose accordingly.

- 01:03:30 - Dr. Peat's opinion on essential oil, internally and externally? They are good smelling. Some of them are anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory, for example eucalyptus or camphor. Each one has its unique properties, so he doesn't think you can generalize.

- 01:04:10 - What is Dr. Peat's opinion on autophagy [plus Patrick wants to know what that is]? It's a new term for activating the lysosomes. Internal revision, breakdown proteins. When a protein is damaged, enzymes will degrade it into amino acids and it will go back as a nutrient. It's a process that goes on steadily. But when it happens drastically and you get a sudden breakdown of the substance of the cell, that can be preparation either for destroying cancer cells, or for destroying normal cells and letting them turn into cancer cells. It has become kind of a fad, but it's just part of the normal cell turnover process. He thinks it's best not to take any drugs that are known to intensify that process, because some of them also promote tumor survival instead of destruction.

- 01:06:05 - Would people in tropical countries not be able to take enough thyroid to fully fix their hypothyroidism? Hypothyroid people move to the tropics or Florida because the external heat will keep their body temperature up. For a hypothyroid person that climate is therapeutic. It gets the body temperature up and lowers stress.

- 01:08:55 - Surgery soon. How to protect the body from the stress? All of the anti-inflammatory things. But it’s very important to make sure that your intestine is clean. A good laxative for 2 or 3 days before the surgery or even eating several carrots a days for about 3 or 4 days before the surgery.

- 01:13:20 - What can people do for SIBO? Raw carrots and cooked mushrooms will gradually disinfect the small intestine. And make sure your thyroid is good.

- 01:15:05 - Constant need to clear the throat. What could you try? There are refluxes so that irritation somewhere else can cause excess mucus production in the nose or throat. Making sure that the intestine isn't being irritated. A spice like pepper or celery can cause chronic irritation.

- 01:16:25 - Are there any nutritional or hormonal approaches to help reduce prostate enlargement? Balancing the hormones. Thyroid deficiency is going to weaken the control and balancing processes. The liver slows down and lets testosterone turn into estrogen. Estrogen activates inflammatory and cell multiplication processes. Men with the highest testosterone levels generally have the lowest estrogen and the lowest prostate cancer problems. Vitamin D is a major anti-inflammatory factor.

- 01:19:15 - Male, started taking Progest-E, starts sweating minutes after taking it but is fine afterwards. What could this mean? Progesterone does tend to increase your temperature and it can activate your sweat glands if they are blocked by stress hormones.

- 01:23:10 - What are symptoms of low progesterone? PMS and menopause symptoms are the usual reasons. In males, rheumatoid arthritis or migraines could be symptoms.

- 01:27:45 - What are the causes for hyperventilation, low thyroid and high cortisol? In a chemical sense, hyperventilation means that your CO2 is not being retained adequately. That turns on the production of lactic acid, which turns on the stress hormones. Cortisol is a natural adaptation to low thyroid.

- 01:29:05 - Any advice for seborrheic dermatitis? Vitamin D and the calcium/phosphate ratio in the diet are the first things that should be explored. Vitamin D has many effects on the skin.


Sep 21, 2014
October 19, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:50 - How could Peat's thesis that "Energy and structure are interdependent at every level" bring some context to what happens with the virus situation? [What Peat talks about here is a bit above my abilities to summarize it in a constructive way. Better listen to it yourself. It's amazing what connections he makes and how his brain works, when he gets asked such a question]

- 00:10:35 - Would fires in California affect someone in Texas or New York? You could see streams of smoke, visible over 2000 miles. The circulating atmosphere goes from Siberia, to the US, to Europe,...

- 00:11:45 - Up until the late 70s the mass media predicted a coming ice age. Then the pentagon started the climate warming fear, caused by burning coal and oil (to support nuclear energy, the pentagon uses depleted uranium for bombs).

- 00:15:50 - Any new insights on the Covid situation? Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, WEF etc. in 2019 were outlining in detail, how they would react to an outbreak of a virus. As soon as such a virus was apparently identified, they created a huge fear in the population. But nothing was happening that didn't happen every winter. They didn't test for corona viruses in the past.

- 00:20:45 - When people are in fear, can this make them sick? When they had a cough or a fever, they thought it was Covid and went to the hospital. The hospitals got paid extra for Covid patients. Some hospitals were treating them without a positive test and intubated them. The likelihood of recovering from this is very small. Much of the mortality was the result of the treatment and not the disease.

- 00:23:30 - Is it true that these tests cannot show that someone has a unique, new virus? When you confirm an infection, the death rate is 1/8 of a percent, like the annual flu. It's no more deadly than what happens every winter.

- 00:25:30 - 00:30:00 - commercials etc.

- 00:30:30 - Cowen & Co are arguing that there isn't really a virus, but it's exosomes. Would Peat agree with this? Exosomes have been identified as a maintenance repair process internally, when a tissue is under stress. Some exosomes can escape through coughing or sneezing for example. There seems to be a sharing of genetic information across species. Viruses have a structure similar to exosomes. Under an electron microscope many exosomes have a complicated structure and can be confused for virus particles.

- 00:38:30 - Cynomel or Cynoplus and why? Cynoplus is the balanced T4/T3 in a 4:1 ratio, which is similar to the glandular tissue. [Then talk about Broda Barnes' method of diagnosing hypothyroidism, that Peat talks about in many other episodes]. In a study, the effect of T4 only was the same as with Armour thyroid, but they only tested in young men (not a representative sample). [the entire section from 38:30 to 52:00 is a good summary on good and bad options to diagnose hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism in general, even though they had talked about all of this in earlier episodes]. T3 has become popular among bodybuilders, because you can instantly become hyperthyroid. An accurate amount of T3 only can bring a person out of a problem, but the maintenance should be the T4/T3 combination.

- 00:52:10 - What's Peat's idea on the cause of migraines? Women have the majority of migraines, just like with hypothyroidism, because it's closely related. Swelling of arteries in the brain is one of the problems and constricting arteries can stop the problem. But serotonin [the listener mentioned migraine medications that raise serotonin] slows metabolism, can interfere with the production of T3, and it tends to constrict veins, as well as the arteries that cause the throbbing and pain. It can stop the pain, but it isn't solving a problem. Serotonin (and histamine) tends to be high in people with migraine problems. Thyroid medication can prevent migraines. Skipping meals can cause it. A daily carrot or other fiber can also help (in part be keeping serotonin down).

- 01:01:25 - Carrot salad with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil? Any vinegar and fairly saturated oil. Olive oil tastes better and coconut oil solidifies.

- 01:01:50 - Is coconut oil a good food in general? When Peat first tried it, his respiration increased. It improves thyroid function. By doing that regularly he lost some weight, by increasing his metabolic rate.

- 01:02:50 - Are smoked oysters in a can safe when it comes to heavy metals? You have to balance how delicious and nutritious they are against toxins from the ocean. One can, once a month could be considered safe.

- 01:03:45 - Is seafood from internal waters safer than from the ocean? In terms of radiation it is, but not in terms of other pollutants. The Mississippi for example has huge amounts of industrial pollution.

- 01:04:20 - Can you control type II diabetes without drugs? Checking cortisol levels is one thing. The metabolic syndrome is similar to type II diabetes. Making sure thyroid and digestion work good. Avoid PUFAs.

- 01:05:25 - Woman in her 70s, hair is still brown but keeps falling out. What could be the root cause? Low thyroid is usually behind that. With low thyroid function, you tend to lose sodium and calcium. Make sure to get a high intake of calcium relative to phosphate to lower PTH. PTH is closely connected to the metabolism of the hair follicle. Vitamin D, calcium and thyroid energize all cells, including the hair follicle.

- 01:07:15 - 01:11:45 - commercials

- 01:12:00 - 01:15:30 - talk about forest fires

- 01:15:30 - Since lockdowns people are experiencing panic attacks. Why could this be? A rise in inefficient metabolism of glucose, producing lactic acid is associated with panic attacks. Intravenous lactic acid can trigger a panic attack, especially if the person is susceptible to them anyway. Anxiety increases and thyroid function goes down. When thyroid function goes down, there's a tendency to produce more lactic acid instead of carbon dioxide. CO2 suppresses excitatory nerves and blocks the formation of free lactic acid. Thyroid prevents anxiety attacks and hyperventilation. Hyperventilation makes you lose CO2, which can cause an anxiety attack in itself.

- 01:19:00 - Does a lot of bone broth have benefits? Do not use long marrow bones because of the iron. Use cartilage, joints, ligaments, tendons etc.

- 01:21:00 - Is giving blood valuable? [Same question as in the last episode, first part of the question is also the same] Benefits are not only because of getting rid of iron, you're also getting rid of exosomes. If you inject plasma from an old animal into a young animal, this induces aging. And if it's the other way around, aging is delayed. Exosome particles contain stress signals and aging signals.

- 01:22:55 - How much pregnenolone is in organ meats like beef liver? Adrenal glands and gonads are the only tissues with a medical important quantity of it. Every cell has some, but the adrenals are very rich in it.

- 01:24:20 - How many times a week and for how long to use progesterone for male pattern hair loss? Some people reversed hair loss by daily topical application to the scalp. Especially if you back it up with high calcium in the diet and thyroid.

- 01:26:40 - What to do after finding a lump in one of the testicles? If it's in the testicle, you should have it examined. Possibly testicular cancer. It should include examination of pituitary hormones. If you remove one testicle, the pituitary will become overactive and that will increase the risk of cancer.

- 01:28:00 - Pain in the throat that gets worse while lying down? It could be related to the reflex problem. When you lie down, the sympathetic activity decreases and the parasympathetic activity increases. That affects your swallowing.

- 01:29:40 - What does high albumin in a blood test indicate? Usually it's a sign of dehydration. It's good to have albumin around 4.5 to 5.

- 01:33:15 - 9-year old dog keeps getting lipomas. What does Peat know about this? Same as in humans, hormone imbalance. PTH and thyroid hormone are the main things. Check to amount of calcium relative to phosphate. Maybe include some cottage cheese or milk in the dog's diet. Dog's can also get calcium from bones.

- 01:37:40 - Increased thyroid dose, pulse rate increased, but temperature didn't change. On the right track? Depends on what kind of thyroid it is. If it's glandular, you might try another product. Potency can vary.

- 01:42:45 - Why are so many alternative health experts advocating fish oil? It's all advertising. They used to recommend the seed oils. They sold the seed oils on the basis that they lowered blood cholesterol. The PUFAs injured the tissues, causing cholesterol to build up in the liver and other tissues, so the blood levels of cholesterol went down. The seed oils increased cancer mortality by a lot. But since they wouldn't let go of the "essential fatty acid" dogma they switched to Omega-3 fatty acids.

- 01:48:15 - What kind of fish is the best? Avoid the big fishes like tuna, because over years of eating small fishes, they accumulate a lot of toxic heavy metals. Fish like sole and cod are lower in heavy metals and relatively low in PUFAs.


Sep 21, 2014
November 16, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:04:30 - Are people in areas with more sunshine healthier? Yes, and altitude is even more important. There are little degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis near the equator, and the farther you go north, the worse it gets.

- 00:05:20 - Why is the altitude important? Insurance companies noticed long ago that cancer or heart disease are about 10% lower in the high cities of the world. The higher you go, the less cancer. Even within the moderate altitude range of Texas, there is much less melanoma that at lower altitudes. So it isn't just UV radiation causing mutations. Increased Vitamin D at higher altitude is one factor for better health. In a comparison of two cities in Bolivia (one at a very high altitude, one at moderate - not low - altitude), the city with the very high altitude had eight times as many 100+ year old people. The best understood factor that changes with altitude is that carbon dioxide rises. The higher the CO2, the lower lactic acid. Lactic acid is associated with stress, cancer, heart disease.

- 00:10:10 - What is this Covid stuff about? And if there will be mandatory vaccines, can we do anything to limit the damage? In late 2019 they found different variations of the corona virus, meaning it had been around for a while and mutating. It definitely didn't just originate in late 2019. Now [November 2020] there are a lot of variations. In the past they weren't able to produce a vaccine against corona viruses because they mutate so fast. There is no vaccine for the common cold. If you look at the history of the Polio vaccine, the incidence of polio dropped sharply, but other types of paralysis were given new names, so they just changed the definition of what polio is. In the case of Covid it's basically the same. When the incidence of Covid shot up, the incidence of the flu fell off a cliff. They could test less when a vaccine comes out, to make it appear that the vaccine is effective.

- 00:16:45 - You can't really create a vaccine for a virus, right? For a very stable kind of virus like smallpox it can work, by just looking at areas with an outbreak.

- 00:18:20 - Are corona viruses around all the time? Yes, and if a very sick, old person catches a cold, it's not uncommon for just a common cold to kill somebody with very bad health. Nothing special happened in the beginning of 2020.

- 00:20:30 - Kary Mullis [the inventor of the PCR test] said that the PCR test cannot be used to diagnose diseases. Is that true? Yes, and with a high number of cycles, it becomes meaningless. Fauci ordered to run a lot of cycles, which produces a high number of false positives.

- 00:23:50 - [Viruses are similar to exosomes. Same explanation as in multiple earlier episodes]

- 00:26:50 - It's extremely hard to deliberately pass a cold on to another person. Even if infected people and non-infected people sit in the same room for hours. You have to be somewhat sick and stressed, before you come down with a cold or flu.

- 00:33:00 - Darwin himself asserted that an acquired, adaptive trait (something the organism learns to do, or is immune to) can be passed on to the offspring. Neo-Darwinism censors Darwin himself. Genes became unchangeable. The effects of malnutrition, poverty etc. were blamed on bad genes. Until 20 or 30 years ago, the dogma was that problems during pregnancy were due to bad genes of the baby, so that the doctor had no responsibility. They were denying that nutrition could have anything to do with it.

- 00:39:00 - Is there anything to the idea that you have a higher chance of heart disease, diabetes etc. if your parents had problems with it? In Israel, the immigrants from Europa brought in diabetes, but immigrants from North Africa had zero diabetes when they came to Israel. And their children developed the European rate of diabetes when they began to eat a European diet. So it was environmental and not determination by genes. Genes and viruses both have been used as excuses for why you cannot recover or be well.

- 00:41:00 - 00:45:30 - commercials

- 00:45:45 - Is it OK to occasionally eat food with wheat flower? About 50 years ago the industry started pushing wheat on the Mexican population in form of wheat tortillas. If it's not processed correctly, it's a horrible thing.

- 00:47:15 - Is corn nutritious enough to go through the effort to prepare it correctly? The plain corn has a toxic excess of leucine and contains no niacin. Nixtamalizing it reduces leucine and tremendously increases niacin. It also increases calcium.

- 00:48:00 - How can menopausal women get rid of endometrial polyps? The ideal way would be to have a menstruation. Unopposed estrogen leads to polyps. Thyroid, Vitamin D, calcium can shift the balance away from estrogen.

- 00:49:50 - Are Vitamin D blood test accurate? Yes, they are pretty good. The methods have improved.

- 00:50:55 - Is there a difference between taking a Vitamin D supplement and getting it from sun exposure? The UV light does age your skin, so you want to prevent sunburn. But there are many other benefits from sunlight other than the Vitamin D. Other wavelengths like the red light neutralize and detoxify the aging effects of the UV radiation.

- 00:51:45 - Are red light devices good in general? Chicken lamps are good because they have more or less the full spectrum and provide heat, red light and the brightness itself is very important.

- 00:52:30 - Is inversion therapy safe and effective? No, he doesn't thinks it's beneficial.

- 00:52:55 - What is the best carbohydrate to protein ratio? It depends on the age. The older you are, the more you have to be careful about excess protein. The inflammatory amino acids can greatly accelerate the aging process. Carbs can have a therapeutic effect.

- 00:55:50 - Peat talks a lot about orange juice, but what about other fruits? If they are well ripened, they can be very valuable. But what you find in supermarkets is often poorly ripened.

- 00:56:15 - Are the rice sorts that are better than others? White rice is the best because the germ and the bran oxidize and get rancid. White rice can be stored without getting rancid

- 00:57:00 - Does sprouting beans and grains make them safe or are they just less evil? It at least doubles the usable protein. Sprouts have to be well cooked. They are anti-Thyroid if you eat them raw like in salads.

- 00:58:10 - Silica based clay OK to use topically? Topically it's OK. Not internally, because they contain some heavy metals.

- 00:59:05 - Chemo for lung cancer. Is there anything you can do to lessen the side effects like nausea? An anti-serotonin drug like cyproheptadine can help with the nausea. The anti-serotonin and anti-histamine effects of cyproheptadine are anti-cancer. Aspirin is protective against the toxic effects of chemo, too.

- 01:01:35 - What is bad about eccentric exercise? It involves extending the muscle against the attempt to contract. That causes microscopic tears. If old people were doing concentric only activity, their mitochondria got younger and were able to produce energy. Lifting a barbell = concentric, letting the barbell down = eccentric. If you lift a barbell and let it drop to the floor, you have the concentric phase without the eccentric.

- 01:03:55 - Should we sleep with a light on if darkness is a stressor? Peat has tried it and it irritates him. If you shine a red light on some part of your body where it doesn't reach your eyes, that can reduce inflammation.

- 01:04:50 - Is it possible to increase testosterone if you shine red light on your testicles? Definitely possible, but there is no research about the safety. It could potentially increase tumor growth.

- 01:05:30 - What can you do in general to increase testosterone levels? All of the anti-inflammatory nutrition principles will increase DHEA, testosterone and DHT. Aspirin and the right amounts of progesterone and pregnenolone. High amounts of progesterone will antagonize testosterone, but the right amount can increase testosterone. It lowers the aromatase activity.

- 01:07:30 - Why does he like Morton's canning and pickling salt? It doesn't have toxic additives or heavy metals like other salts.

- 01:11:00 - What nutrients can you consume to increase oxygen in the cells? Warburg's enzyme used Vitamin B2 as its co-factor. Vitamin B2 can momentarily correct the cancer metabolism of overproducing lactic acid.

- 01:12:45 - What can you do to overcome histamine intolerance? Have enough fiber in the diet. When you shift to liquid foods, you could have inadequate amounts of fiber in your diet. A change in the intestine will cause too much serotonin and histamine.

- 01:15:15 - Three grains of thyroid, temperature is still not optimal, but resting heart rate is 90-100. What could be going on? That happens with a deficiency of selenium, calcium or Vitamin D. Look at your calcium/phosphate ratio.

- 01:17:40 - Lita Lee quoted a story from Peat, where a very sick man, unable to walk, took pregnenolone every day and was able to walk again. Is that true? Yes. He didn't recognize Peat, even though they had known each other for decades. Peat gave his daughter pregnenolone and thyroid to add to his food. Two weeks later he was his normal self.

- 01:21:25 - Is sesame oil OK to use topically? Internally is has too much PUFAs. If you cover a lot of your skin, you can absorb harmful amounts. But at a small area it's harmless and could be beneficial.

- 01:22:00 - Any downsides to using castor oil a few times a week? It's a laxative and it doesn't get absorbed much, so it shouldn't have bad effects.

- 01:22:35 - How to avoid sarcopenia and what foods to raise testosterone levels for an older man? Everything anti-inflammatory helps. Things that lower angiotensin (ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers) restore muscle mass in old people.

- 01:24:00 - How many grains are in one Cynoplus tablet? More or less the equivalent to 2 1/3 to 2 1/2 (two and a third to two and a half) grains. You should start with no more than 1/4 of a tablet for the first two or three weeks. Cells can't retain magnesium efficiently when you're hypothyroid. And when you start with a high dose, there's not enough magnesium for the demand.

- 01:30:45 - Why could distilled water cause cancer? That was just tests demonstrating that any irritation will release histamine and serotonin and will be carcinogenic. That involved injecting distilled water.

- 01:31:20 - Is it safe to take aspirin while breastfeeding and what could help with milk production? He thinks it's safe if Vitamin K levels are adequate. He would supplement some Vitamin K. Drinking orange juice and milk can increase milk production.

- 01:32:55 - Swollen feet sometimes, some kind of edema. What could the body be trying to tell? Could be a salt or calcium deficiency or low thyroid or too low protein.


Sep 21, 2014
December 21, 2020

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:08:00 - [Covid talk, nothing special happened in 2020 in terms of deaths. Same/similar stuff as in many other episodes.]

- 00:19:05 - Dr. Bhakdi talked about the dangers of the new "vaccines" and those kind of vaccines have never been used before. Can Peat explain what that means? The central dogma of molecular biology is that information flows from DNA through RNA into protein, but never the other way. In 1969 someone discovered that there was a retrovirus that consisted of RNA and had an enzyme that could copy its RNA into DNA and deposit that DNA into our genes (contrary to the dogma). We have our own intrinsic enzymes that turn RNA to DNA (reverse transcriptase enzymes).

- 00:24:45 - Good experiences you have will erase the bad experiences. An injury that happened to your grandparents caused changes in their hormones. And their hormones will affect their reproductive cells. The mothers hormonal and metabolic constitution is shaping the organism and altering its 9 months of development.

- 00:27:55 - [Exosomes vs. viruses, same as in earlier episodes]

- 00:31:00 - The very few studies that looked at the people [with cancer] who choose not to have any therapy, found that they lived much longer than the people who immediately had the cancer removed.

- 00:33:40 - Is the new corona virus any different than other ones and were did it come from? The type is very common and very weak and sick people have been dying from it forever. But germ warfare never ended. At the University of North Carolina they experimented with viruses like that, and they picked out the lethal part of another virus, such as the spike protein. It binds to and inactivates the defensive angiotensin degrading enzyme. They also manipulated other nucleotides in the RNA chain, to improve the ability of the virus to infect human cells. A few years ago the CDC closed down the germ warfare lab in Fort Detrick, because they had so many accidents. Peat thinks that was a propaganda operation to let China know what happens in the USA (to get China to put out some huge measurements). China became the example for realizing the plans of the WEF.

- 00:42:00 - Whats the risk for people who are taking this new "vaccine"? The shock to the system is the first thing. Pfizer didn't test it on people who have allergies and other categories of people. There are 1.6 million profoundly allergic people in the US. The safety testing is really fraudulent. But it's not only the damage done to the immune system. The DNA replicase enzyme happens to have the ability to function as reverse transcriptase, making basically genes out of this bit of viral RNA. The person can then become a factory for producing the spike protein.

- 00:48:00 - Is there validity to the idea that women could become less fertile? That was based on the similarity between an enzyme in the vaccine and the enzyme which creates the placenta. This was called a conspiracy theory instead of checking it out.

- 00:49:20 - Could there be vaccine shedding? The RNA is put in there to be copied.

- 00:50:00 - People like Cowen etc. suggest that germ theory is incoherent because you can't spread an infection from person to person? It's hard to do, but you can do it. You have to be receptive to catch something. So the terrain theory is the basic thing, but things like the herpes virus are super easy to transmit. Colds or flu are hard to transmit.

- 00:53:40 - So there's no science behind social distancing, lockdowns and masking, is there? Absolutely no science. Giving Vitamin D is probably the most functional thing. We need probably 5000 IU per day as adults. Overweight people might need more than that.

- 00:58:30 - Is there any risk in taking too much Vitamin D? In experiments they have occasionally (by accident) taken maybe a quarter of a million units per day. Doing that for weeks can lead to calcification. Normal doses are not an issue. Some people didn't get their blood level up with 5000 IU, so they took 10000 or 20000 IU for a few weeks.

- 01:03:00 - 01:09:00 - commercials

- 01:09:30 - Can kissing someone vaccinated spread some bad stuff to us? He thinks that's a real possibility.

- 01:10:00 - Is the process of refining table sugar with phosphoric acid better than the one with sulfur? Sulfur is a much more allergenic material. In trace amounts in can cause allergic reactions, whereas trace amounts of phosphoric acid acid are almost always harmless.

- 01:11:00 - What is the significance of the optic nerve cup to disk ratio (cd ratio) and can it be brought back into normal? Cup represents dead tissue that is atrophied. So it expresses how much of the nerve is gone. He would guess that the cup is a bad indicator.

- 01:12:00 - What's the cause of cataracts and what can you do? A watery solution expands the cataract, and a slightly over-concentrated solution can regress the cataract. Inflammation generally creates a watery solution. The cells take up more water than normal and in that process they are losing not only their transparency, but also their resilience. Things that damage the cells (UV light or too much estrogen) will change the state of water in the cell. Keeping systemic inflammation low is important. Avoid things that tend to waterlog your tissues.

- 01:15:15 - Could a pillow with silver particles protect from emf? The conductor has to be between you and the source of the emf. You could get curtains with silver for example.

- 01:16:25 - Metabolism has improved, but still bald. How to grow some hair? Once the tissue is damaged, it has changed its structure and laid down a lot of collagen and fiber cells. For people who have gone from complete baldness to a regrowth of hair, it has usually involved some kind of shock to the tissues that activates repair processes. Massage would probably be the best bet (with niacin, to create a mild, local inflammation). Make sure that PTH is at the lower end of the normal range.

- 01:19:20 - What is his view on cactus fruit (some say it has a high calcium to phosphate ratio)? They are delicious and growing in the desert, they tend to have a lot of minerals.

- 01:22:30 - Is glycerin OK to use topically? Yes, it's OK topically. You don't want to take it orally. And don't use it copiously on the skin

- 01:24:15 - Does he have experience with DMSO? He was interested in it in the mid/late 60s. In some experiments it produced inflammation. It can take impurities into your skin with it.

- 01:26:10 - If low cell oxygen can result in cancer, will antioxidants like Vitamin C or E promote the growth of cancer? Cancer produces its own powerful reductants and antioxidants. Vitamin C in the cell is a pro-oxidant. Vitamin E also has its oxidative phase.

- 01:28:00 - Foods or liquids for someone who is very nauseous after chemo therapy? Moderately salty chicken broth is one of the best things. The broth isn't irritating, but is has to be salted. Or milk or orange juice. Those are all supportive of healing.

- 01:34:35 - How to deal with uterine fibroids? Have a blood test to have thyroid, estrogen and vitamin D checked. Calcium and Vitamin D are anti fibroids, along with thyroid.

- 01:36:35 – Is erythromycin safe to use? He thinks it is. It’s anti-inflammatory and somewhat pro propulsion of the intestine. It acts as a mild laxative, keeping the intestine going to the right direction.

- 01:39:45 - Chronically underweight. Could low thyroid be the cause? Yes, especially in young(er) men. In his 20s, Peat ate huge amounts of food and never gained any weight. When he experimented with thyroid for the first time, his calorie requirement decreased but he suddenly could put on weight. Thyroid is our basic anabolic hormone.

- 01:42:30 - What to do to control sexual urges and desires? Estrogen creates arousal, progesterone and thyroid create the energy process that creates satisfaction.

- 01:43:55 - What are the symptoms of shingles and how to treat it? A good, non-inflammatory diet. Aspirin is important to turn off the herpes virus. Keep energy up with good food and thyroid.

- 01:46:30 - What does a holiday dinner look like at the Peat household? Something simple like a stew.

- 01:46:50 - Is there a connection between Lyme disease and ALS and what to do about it? Lyme disease is a bacterial infection. It can be cured in two or three weeks using two or three antibiotics at the same time. Peat has only known one person with ALS. He changed his diet and met a lot of other patients. After a few months he started getting better while the others kept getting worse. Every day he would shine a bright light on the back of his neck for an hour or more. In less than a year he completely recovered.

- 01:52:00 - What would be a sign for taking too much thyroid medication? Overheating and being out of breath. If the resting pulse rate is 120, that's definitely too much.

- 01:54:30 - Bloating one or two hours after the evening meal. Not associated with one food, it happens with all food. What could this be? The peristalsis might be a problem. Having some fiber in the diet and checking body temperature.


Sep 21, 2014
January 18, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:07:35 - Anything new with the Covid "vaccines"? An opportunity for Pfizer to lie and deceive. [Some doctor] died from an absence of blood platelets. Pfizer said there is no connection, even though the government has already compensated people with that same fatal problem from other vaccines (measles/mumps/rubella for example).

- 00:10:45 - Where does Peat stand on germ theory and where does he agree or disagree with Cowen and Co.? He basically agrees that the terrain is the important thing. The pathogen has to find a receptive terrain. It seems that about 90% of the current population doesn't have the terrain for a pathogen to develop. Vaccines affect the terrain. People who had a flu shot are more likely to get Covid the next year.

- 00:16:45 - "Koch's postulates" - you can't really prove what someone died from, can you? It's never possible to prove what someone died from. When a person is in a weak condition, just a slight change in temperature can be the cause of death. Anything that contributed to the loss of energy in the system could be the cause.

- 00:20:10 - The WHO said that anybody who tests positive and dies, is counted as a Covid death...? They were not just instructed to count them as Covid deaths, they [the hospitals] get compensated financially if they do that. [Intubation is dangerous, like he explained in many other episodes]

- 00:24:50 - Voodoo deaths: People (in good health) are told that a spell was put on them and they will die. And within a short time they really die. Peat thinks something similar can happen, as soon as you get a diagnosis of a fatal heart disease or cancer. Lots of people don't feel sick until they get the diagnosis. Then they start to feel very sick.

- [Afterwards more talk about “nothing statistically significant happened with the death rate in 2020”]

- 00:36:10 - 00:40:45 - commercials etc.

- 00:41:00 - Is the thyroid on the top of the list, that people should look into, when they're not feeling well? Thyroid lowers the bodies absolute estrogen content and the ratio to DHEA and progesterone. By keeping your body temperature up (even artificially), you can reduce some of the estrogenic effects. [Afterwards talk about Warburg, cancer, lactic acid, CO2, baking soda,... like in many earlier episodes]

- 00:48:30 - Another question about Covid, testing etc. Fauci gave the instruction to run 40+ cycles on the PCR tests. That produced a huge number of false positives. So from the beginning they wanted to produce a lot of cases, to justify the label "pandemic". After the vaccine roll-out, they just have to reduce the number of cycles, so that they have "proof" that the vaccine is effective.

- 00:52:10 - Is it surprising to Peat that they had been able to pull it off like that? A little bit, but he has been watching the education and indoctrination process for decades. They have created a gullible population. They totally failed to teach critical thinking. Governors and mayors etc. were educated in the same way.

- 00:54:30 - What about the new variant? There are thousands of variations. Even if there were only a few, how would they even test whether one is more infectious or deadly than others. There is no statistical thinking at all.

- 00:56:40 - The internet was taken over by companies that were started with government/CIA/pentagon subsidies. Now these companies are acting like extensions of the military and CIA.

- 00:58:15 - Does Dr. Peat experience chemtrails where he lives? How to get rid of nanoparticles in the lungs? He has seen very few unusual trails. There is no real cure for the particle exposure. They can even be absorbed through the skin. They are also in deodorants and other products. Food additives like silica particles are problematic. Silica is even in a lot of health food products.

- 01:02:10 - Can Dr. Peat explain fructose intolerance/malabsorption? It is a new way of defining gas and diarrhea in digestion problems. It's usually just a bad microbial mix in the intestine. Most of the fructose (except in apples, which contain fairly pure fructose) comes in the form of sucrose. It's very rare to lack the enzymes for absorbing sucrose. Fructose can be turned into endotoxin if the microbes are out of control. Increase metabolic rate of the intestine (thyroid). The lower metabolism, the farther down undigested food will travel. In a very healthy person, the whole small intestine system is sterile. In a very sick person, microbes invade the small intestine, in extreme cases even into the stomach.

- 01:09:25 - How can you get rid of sciatica? More than a hundred years ago, a few doctors were curing this by giving a laxative.

- 01:11:00 - 01:14:45 - commercials

- 01:15:00 - Does sugar always feed cancer? It's a preferred food. But the problem is that the body normally has trouble producing and delivering enough sugar to the tumor. Once the tumor becomes self-sustaining and self-replicating, the whole body turns on the adrenal glands, and starts converting body tissues to glucose or amino acids. When you can't provide enough glucose from food or glycogen, the body has to start feeding the tumor amino acids, and the tumor can live very well on amino acids or fat. The worst thing you can do, is to starve the cancer for glucose.

- 01:18:15 - What's it about, if children can't sleep because they eat too much sugar? No, if they ate enough sugar, it would calm them down. Sugar is even a mild anesthetic for a baby. It's not getting enough sugar, that makes the kids hyperactive. The definition of diabetes is that you can't use sugar. Body protein is turned into glucose. That doesn't provide enough glucose to the cells. When two doctors didn't deprive their patients of sugar, but let them have as much as they crave, the patients recovered quickly.

- 01:22:00 - If you have some protein with vegetables in the evening, is it helpful to also add some carbs? A lot of carbs before bed can stop hot flashes or night sweats.

- 01:23:30 - How to stop the "medical police state" from taking over the world? It has already taken control, so we have to get out of it.

- 01:24:00 - Diabetic on insulin, high fasting blood glucose. Continue with insulin while following Peat's recommendations? Many diabetics don't want to eat a lot of carbs, because they fear hyperglycemia. It will usually stop the acidosis and ketosis, if you let your blood sugar go higher than it's supposed to be.

- 01:24:55 - Use apple cider vinegar or HCL? Those can help to acidify your stomach, but they are unlikely to be the whole solution if you don't get your thyroid going.

- 01:25:20 - Is iodine deficiency the cause of hair thinning? Almost all Americans are getting too much iodine from iodized salt. An excess of iodine is the problem.

- 01:28:35 - Should you be concerned about a high Free T3 score in a blood test? No, it's better to look at your TSH. It should be well below 1.0

- 01:30:00 - After starting with thyroid medication, how long until you should test TSH again? He would rely on symptoms, temperature and heart rate.

- 01:32:50 - What does Peat think about cooking with pressure cookers? It doesn't generally taste very good.

- 01:35:00 - What about thyroid antibody tests? The usual misunderstanding is that the antibodies cause the problem. But they clean up damaged tissues. High iodine intake is one thing that damages the thyroid.


Sep 21, 2014
March 02, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:05:30 - The solar wind is apparently what drives the basic brain rhythm in humans. When they put people in a cage, where they could keep out the natural oscillations and subjected the brain to an artificial field with varying frequencies, gradually slowed the frequency below what is natural, people started feeling sick and disoriented. The artificial radiation (cell phone towers etc) affects human health in many ways.

- 00:08:45 - Isn't it amazing the humans still do so well, with all the artificial things in our environment? Yes, but the world's health and lifespan, especially in Europe and the United States, are decreasing rapidly in recent years. The rate of allergies, autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases in young people has skyrocketed in the last 30 years.

- 00:09:30 - Why does Dr. Peat think that [deterioration of health in the last decades] comes from? Bad food, PUFAs, vaccinations and nanoparticles in food and beauty products.

- 00:11:20 - Do we know what the nanoparticles do inside our cells? The particle size is the important thing. In a very small particle range, it signals activation of the inflammatory process, turns on cytokines, which turn on other inflammatory cascades. If you're on the edge of slight metabolic fatigue, those things can activate a process like lung or bowel inflammation

- 00:12:45 - What can we do to get nanoparticles out of the body? We have a very inefficient way to get the tiny particles out. They enter right into the cell. It is not obvious to white blood cells, whether they need to be removed right away. Normally white blood cells catch and excrete them through the bowel or the kidney.

- 00:14:40 - Peat's thoughts on the colloidal silver craze? The trouble is that they kill a lot of good stuff, too. It can damage the tissues if overdone.

- 00:16:20 - [Again a question about germ theory, like in the last and other episodes] The purpose [of Cowen and Co.] is absolutely right. But there's nothing to panic about [regarding Covid].

- 00:17:45 - Have any viruses ever been isolated properly? You don't have to purify/isolate things to identify them with certainty. The problem is, not looking at the nature of what a virus is and how did it come into existence, if they can only be multiplied in an organism. But Peat is a critic of germ theory, because it assumes causality. You need a receptive host for the germ, though.

- 00:32:00 - What's the difference in Ray's opinion to Cowan, Kaufmann & Co.? Their arguments of why it doesn't exist is an exaggerated sense of purity. You can identify something, even if it's not pure and isolated. The word "virus" shouldn't be such a magical thing.

- 00:38:15 - Is it possible that something like measles or mumps is just a natural detox process? No. Same thing as a cold, for example. In a bad terrain you can catch something.

- 00:40:15 - 00:45:20 - commercials

- 00:45:20 - How does Dr. peat spend most of his day? A little painting, but lots of reading.

- 00:45:35 - What does he read about these days? He's working on a newsletter related to inflammation. The holistic aspect of the organism has almost always been neglected regarding inflammation.

- 00:47:25 - Type II diabetic. How to reverse too high blood sugar? First identify the cause of the high blood sugar. The different types of so-called diabetes are just medical inventions to sell products and services. Research on the pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal interactions showed that insulin was only a very small part of the blood sugar regulatory system. Yet doctors almost always fail to consider other factors. They give you something to lower blood sugar, even though it's achieved at the cost of damaging mitochondria. A side effect of that kind of treatment is increased lactic acid production. You waste glucose and lower the blood sugar. A better approach would be to look at what's causing the high blood sugar. Often it's a high level of cortisol production. And that's often because of hypothyroidism.

- 00:52:00 - Does Dr. Peat agree that vegetable oils cause leaky gut and rheumatoid arthritis down the line? Inflammatory prostaglandins wouldn't be made without arachidonic acid, linoleic or linolenic acid. A diet that lacks these fatty acids, tremendously improves resistance to all kinds of stress. When you eat high PUFA vegetable oils, you 're getting a high content of the fatty acids that create prostaglandins and therefore inflammation.

- 00:54:50 - Cataract on the right eye. Any natural remedies for this? People do recover from them when their physiology changes. The loss of energy to those cells leads to them swelling, and they take up water. Bathing eyes in a slightly hypertonic salt solution can remove some of the water. Anything that can shift the balance away from the water retention effect can help.

- 00:59:00 - Morton's pickling & canning salt vs. Himalayan salt (or other salts of this kind)? The canning and pickling salts don't have iron or other materials for free flowing. The coloring material (pink is usually iron) is problematic. The mineral content isn't a benefit of the "natural" salts, because most the minerals are toxic. Morton's is very clean.

- 01:01:15 - 77 years old women, wakes up in the middle of the night, whole body is internally vibrating. What could be the cause of this? Blood sugar usually falls at night. That can give you surges of adrenaline, which can cause symptoms like that. Having a snack when you wake up during the night gives you some glucose and blocks free fatty acids. A sugary snack before bed can help with not waking up at all.

- 01:06:50 - How harmful is MSG? Is a small amount OK? A small amount is OK. But glutamic acid is a brain excitant. Can be a problem if you don't have protein to balance it. Gelatin contains a fairly high concentration of glutamic acid, but the other amino acids keep it from getting into the brain at a high level.

- 01:05:45 - Does Dr. Peat think it's healthier to live in a cold climate? Only if you're regularly exposed to it, like animals that live outdoors. Their thyroids adjust and are four times as active in the winter.

- 01:13:30 - Are there ways to systematically adapt to thrive on less food? You can survive. But if you look at the outcome over a lifetime, the higher your metabolism, the longer you live and the less diseases.

- 01:14:30 - How to raise the metabolic rate? Avoiding PUFAs is the most important thing for most people.

- 01:14:45 - If someone eats less calories, does that lower or raise the metabolic rate? The benefit of calorie restriction is that people eat less PUFAs, iron, heavy metals, and inflammatory amino acids.

- 01:16:35 - When Dr. Peat talks about the Schumann resonance, affecting the magnetic frequencies of the earth, doesn't it also determine lightening strikes and disproves global warming as being sold? He is only concerned with its effects on the organism. But the whole electrical function of the earth interaction with the solar winds, you get big shifts of electricity, that undoubtedly contribute to why there are more thunderstorms in some seasons. Solar cycles are probably a better explanation for planetary warming. Even the interactions of the heavy planets with the sun and the earth have an influence. Experts used to predict a coming ice age, until the pentagon put out propaganda about planetary warming. Within a short time, the media shifted from warning about an ice age to warning about global warming.

- 01:20:45 - High blood pressure of about 180 to 110. Thinks is related to sleep apnea. How to tackle this in general and what's causing the sleep apnea? Usually it's hypothyroidism (both high blood pressure and sleep apnea). When people with hypothyroidism and high blood pressure correct their thyroid function, they usually correct their blood pressure, too. [Then Patrick's favorite question about whether you can get off thyroid medication and get the thyroid running naturally again. It can happen, but not very often. Stored PUFAs suppress the thyroid]

- 01:25:50 - If splashing cold water on the face initiates the diving reflex, is it the increase of carbon dioxide that provides the oxygen to slow the breath down? There probably is a lot of CO2, because the remaining oxygen is being circulated mostly to the brain and lungs. But there is an immediate nervous signal to stop breathing hard. The higher CO2 increases the need to breath, for a diving animal it probably has a protective, stabilizing effect.

- 01:27:20 - Is it important to eat a lot of fruits (other than orange juice)? If the fruits aren't starchy or irritating. Especially fruits from supermarkets aren't properly ripened.


Sep 21, 2014
March 15, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:00 - What are some of the biggest things Peat has learned over the years, regarding his work with hormones? Are there topics that changed his whole idea? His own diet changed a lot when he studied the effects of estrogen. He came across a lot of research, showing that PUFAs are estrogenic and that Vitamin E is anti-estrogen and anti-inflammatory. This was known in the 30s and 40s, but the arrival of the estrogen industry changed the interpretation of estrogen, Vitamin E and PUFAs.

- 00:03:25 - So supplementing Vitamin E is beneficial? It's anti-inflammatory and anti-estrogenic. Estrogen blocks normal respiration of cells, Vitamin E facilitates good oxidation. If the diet is free of PUFAs and we have no exposure to estrogens, we need extremely little Vitamin E. But if you have already accumulated PUFA, the Vitamin E requirement goes up with age.

- 00:05:50 - What are the biggest PUFA sources? The liquid cooking oils and fish oil.

- 00:08:20 - What about olive oil? It has about 8-10% PUFA, so it's much safer.

- 00:09:00 - What's the best way to store olive oil? It should be stored in a very cool place, best in the refrigerator. Make sure it's real olive oil. A lot of olive oil in the United States was/is tainted with cheap oils like canola.

- 00:12:30 - [Talk about viruses/exosomes etc., like in every episode around that time. A good overview on Peat's views on that topic, but nothing really new]

- 00:20:55 - Studies have found that kids who had normal measles, are resistant to cancer later in life. The vaccine for smallpox was used intelligently, which wasn't good business for vaccine producers. They never made that mistake again. The policy now is to vaccinate healthy people, even if you kill some of them. Just some Vitamin D or Vitamin A and moderate improvement of living conditions will prevent deadly plagues.

- 00:27:55 - Did the human body evolve all the way out of the ocean? He doesn't think there is good reason for thinking of the ocean as the source. - So did we evolve from low forms of bacteria and viruses? No, the viruses evolved from us. When we share exosomes with someone who isn't healthy, then they become a virus or a source of disease.

- 00:30:50 - Bacteria have a very highly developed level of intelligence. And the idea that the world lacks intelligence is kind of an anti-religious bias to deny that intelligence is everywhere. Neo-Darwinism is based on the assumption that the world is basically random, stupid and accidental.

- 00:32:10 - If everything is intelligent, then we are part of divine intelligence, which we might call god. Does this make sense? Actual, normal reasoning process will lead you there. There is nothing anti-scientific about using that terminology. You don't have to be a member of a church to do it.

- 00:33:40 - Can it be argued that diseases are there to evolve and make us stronger? Even people who disagree on the existence of viruses (like Kaufmann and Bush) agree that there is nothing to worry about. The government measures are an economic policy, shaped to only benefit the billionaire class

- 00:37:25 - Geert Vanden Bossche says it's a disaster to use vaccine in the middle of a pandemic. Can Peat explain why? The way the germ warfare labs developed viruses was to transfer it from one organism to another. Each time the virus fails to be destroyed by the immune system, it has mutated into something that resists one immune system after the other. You can evolve a deadly virus in the lab, just by keeping it transmitting through different organisms. Vanden Bossche is saying that the proper way to use a vaccine is the way the smallpox vaccine was used. Not in a (healthy) population that is already well infected. By "vaccinating" people who are already infected and healthy, as well as weak persons, the virus is going to get stronger very quickly. Peat does not agree with everything Vanden Bossche says, but he agrees on that part. If you vaccinate a population and produce lots of people with specific antibodies for this specific virus, you suppress all of your generalized resistance.

- 00:42:40 - What could be the dangers for people 5 or 10 years from now if they take this injection? The certain thing is that you've weakened and overspecialized your immune system.

- 00:44:30 - Is seems like a coordinated and well-planned effort, right? The Rockefeller Foundation laid out the agenda about ten years ago. And months before the pandemic started they had a test run. It's about the interests of the powerful organizations.

- 00:45:50 - What are the motives behind that? Exactly what Klaus Schwab has written. To destroy the legacy economy and replace it with artificial intelligence. New York was the first government to acknowledge that they were putting in place the program of the WEF, to replace education with online education, normal medicine with online medicine, local economy with online shopping.

- 00:48:00 - Is the whole eugenics idea part if this? It's interesting that Johns Hopkins University was so central in all this, because they were the founders of the official eugenics office. Their eugenics ideas inspired the Nazis. Johns Hopkins history is right in the same line as the current great reset policy.

- 00:51:00 - 00:56:00 - commercials

- 00:57:20 - What about Wim Hof etc. ideas that cold exposure can make you stronger? The water that he can tolerate would very quickly kill a lot of people.

- 00:58:20 - Most deodorants contain aluminum. Is it detrimental to our health? The function of the aluminum is to kill and harden the sweat glands. He hasn't seen any studies about skin absorption of aluminum, but in studies with copper solution, it immediately starts showing up in the bloodstream. He doesn't think it's safe to assume that some of the aluminum can't be absorbed into the bloodstream, too.

- 00:59:25 - Is there any evidence that people are too low on copper? The ratio between copper and iron (and other minerals) is important. If the diet has too much molybdenum or iron, that will give you a copper deficiency. If you are under stress because of mercury or aluminum or many other stressors, you'll produce a protein that binds heavy metals like aluminum or mercury and carries it out of the body. But that protein also binds a lot of copper. So whenever you're under stress, you tend to lose more copper than normal. That's probably why extreme stress can sometimes cause sudden loss of pigment in skin and hair.

- 01:01:15 - Is [the green stuff] on potatoes unhealthy? If the skin has turned green from exposure to light, that's pretty toxic. It should be cut off.

- 01:01:50 - Are potatoes digestible of we boil them pretty good? Yes, and they're almost a perfect nutrient. They don't have B12 or the animal form of Vitamin A, otherwise they are an extremely balanced food. They don't contain much protein, but they contain the precursors, that our body needs to make protein. There are cultures that have a pork once a year for a week, and the rest of the year they live on potatoes.

- 01:03:10 - There are so many different kinds of potatoes, like purple ones. Are some of them better than others? A lot of people have trouble eating purple potatoes because of the high carotene content. If you are short on Vitamin B12 or thyroid hormone, you don't convert carotene into Vitamin A very well. It builds up in the body and blocks the thyroid function and steroid production.

- 01:05:25 - Vaccine shedding - What can we do to get particles out of the system? There is some evidence of shedding, but it hasn't been studied enough to know what exactly is going on. It's always protective to make sure that Vitamin D and calcium (relative to phosphate) intake are good.

- 01:07:25 - Where did all the anti milk and dairy stuff come from? Probably many psychological things. For some reason the medical world, starting in the 1930s, had a great phobia of breasts. They didn't want for women to breastfeed their babies. Some people extended that to all kinds of strange doctrines associated with milk. None of it was based on actual studies.

- 01:09:10 - Should we boil raw milk before drinking it? If you think the cow might have a disease, or if the person doing the milking didn't know how to do it, and let junk get into the milk, than bringing it to a boil can help.

- 01:10:30 - Does Dr. Peat have an opinion on the amino acid l-carnosine and its ability to shorten the rate of telomeres, resulting in life extension and better health? He has never seen any studies on its toxicity. He doesn't think of the telomere as a great indicator of aging. Some very old people have good, strong telomeres, some people in their 20s already have very short telomeres, without their health suffering.

- 01:13:00 - Wife has a slow-growing brain tumor. What is Peat's opinion on where this may have originated and how to slow down its growth? It depends greatly on which tissue it started from. If it originated in or near the pituitary gland, many of those tumors are curable by a chemical (bromocriptine or cabergoline). Pituitary tumors became extremely common after the birth control pill was introduced, so they are basically produced by an excess of estrogen. In general, tumors are restrained to some degree by aspirin and other anti-inflammatory things. Anti-histamine and anti-serotonin agents can have an anti-tumor effect.

- 01:15:00 - An English doctor found that during autopsies, everyone by the age of 50 had diagnosable cancer tissue in their bodies. And since 100% of living people aged 50 or more don’t suffer from cancer, that obviously means that for the majority of people the presence of cancer in the body isn't going to kill them.

- 01:18:25 - What is the cause and a possible cure for extreme headaches during menstruation? Peat's migraines stopped when he started taking progesterone as a headache was coming on. The blood sugar and salt balance are governed by the estrogen/progesterone balance. Especially at the end of menstruation, when progesterone has crashed, you become very susceptible to migraines. Just eating more sugar can block the development of a migraine. The same thing can happen, if you raise progesterone levels in your blood quickly. The reason blood sugar and progesterone are too low, is almost always a nutritional and thyroid-related problem. Check thyroid, vitamin D and calcium intake.

- 01:23:45 - Is Dr. Peat aware of the work of Dr. Dzugan, curing migraines and other chronic diseases with DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen in the forum of creams? The ideal thing is to have a good conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, and from pregnenolone to DHEA and progesterone. Thyroid is the main factor here. If cholesterol is low, you have to figure out how to get it up to normal.

- 01:25:40 - If someone would be forced to get vaccinated, would the J&J vaccine be the lesser of two evils? It contains the DNA that makes the spike protein. You don't want that in your body. He thinks that the presence of the spike protein is the danger in the long run.

- 01:27:00 - Is the Russian Sputnik vaccine a better option? He hasn't studied it enough to know.

- 01:27:25 - [Vaccine shedding again] After death, you can find DNA of her male partners in the brain tissue of a woman's DNA. The semen is absorbed by the woman's tissues and becomes incorporated.

- 01:28:55 - Peat mentioned algae before. Is there any kind of algae that is good? He thinks it's too dangerous. They can have irritating and toxic nutrients.

- 01:30:25 - Assuming that thyroid function is optimal, what would be optimal blood cholesterol levels for various age groups? If the cholesterol level is not above 200 after the age of 50, your risk of having dementia is a lot higher.


Sep 21, 2014
April 19, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:03:00 - [The same Covid talk as at the beginning of almost every episode]

- 00:06:10 - Can Dr. Peat explain what the spike protein is? The workers at North Carolina [University] published several papers on how you can remove the nucleic acid section, that describes specifically the protein that allows the virus to attach to human cell surfaces. The current corona viruses contain a protein, which in the process of making the virus stick to the surface of our cells, inactivates the protein that it sticks to, and that protein (the ACE II enzyme) happens to be the degrading enzyme that breaks down angiotensin II, which is the promoter of high blood pressure, inflammation and other bad things. If you block the actions of angiotensin II, you can relieve high blood pressure and other things. Very early, these blood pressure drugs were found to be helpful for Covid patients.

- 00:10:25 - What does that mean for the injection? It's causing our own bodies to produce the spike protein, which knocks out our basic defensive, anti-inflammatory system. We become virus-like and produce our own toxic pro-inflammatory protein. Human cells can and do incorporate the vaccine RNA section into the genes of the cell. [Patrick then asked whether the scientists at the CDC know about that] The history of the CDC is something like out of a horror movie.

- 00:13:30 - Do all vaccines [not just Covid "vaccines"] disrupt the innate immune system? Yes, to the extent that you over-activate the antibody producing system. A trace of something that is harmful, but not deadly, can activate an oversensitivity that causes sickness. The junk that goes along with any vaccine, is a risk in itself. Allergies has been one of the fastest growing problems in the United States.

- 00:17:20 - There isn't really any part of our organism, that isn't involved in immunity and resistance. The ability to produce energy efficiently is really our most basic immune process. Our immune system isn't aimed at viruses and germs. It's aimed at restoring our own mechanism, maintaining the life process. When something damages the tissue, the body goes into a repair process. That process includes things like antibodies. But the aim of the organism is self-sustaining.

- 00:19:45 - In Africa, the poverty and humid, hot climate supports lots of possible parasites and infections. When you're looking at the so-called AIDS epidemic in Africa, it turned out that almost everyone had the apparent AIDS/HIV exposure. The most convincing explanation for that was that their immune system had been overburdened and weakened. It was a reflection of general injury to tissues. Peter Duesberg said that he didn't see any way in that HIV could create immunodeficiency. The reaction was to cancel him.

- 00:22:45 - If Dr. Peat was younger and started a family, would he vaccinate his children against measles, mumps, rubella? No, when he was a kid there was a counterculture. People were warning about injections (not just vaccine injections). Injections preceded the outbreaks of polio. DDT also played a role. It's an estrogenic substance.

- 00:29:25 - Aging doesn't really seem like a natural process. Aren't we supposed to live longer in good health than we're currently doing? Yes, Peat thinks one of the things causing that is that our environment now has too much oxygen and too less carbon dioxide.

- 00:29:50 - How can we retain more carbon dioxide? Moving to 8000 or 9000 feet (some place in Colorado). For every 1000 feet in altitude, the lower the heart disease, cancer and dementia rates

- 00:30:25 - Do we get rid of CO2 if we exercise? If it's bad exercise. - What would be good exercise? Everything that raises the body temperature (resistance training, walking, short bursts of sprinting). The tiring exercise, where you get out of breath, is bad for CO2 retention.

- 00:35:30 - 00:40:30 - commercials

- 00:41:10 - Is it a big factor in aging when people get older and lose some purpose in life? Animal experiments show that isolation or hopelessness, the expectation that you don't have a future, turns on pro-inflammatory processes and tissue degeneration.

- 00:43:35 - Milk thistle for liver health seems to be estrogenic. NAC, but Dr. Peat doesn't like cysteine. What does he recommend to protect the liver from alcohol abuse or prescription drugs? Alcohol exposure creates basically fatty, scared liver. The immediate antidote to that is fructose, despite what mainstream medicine is saying. Anything that shifts your balance away from making CO2 is harmful. [the discussions in the following few minutes were nothing new compared to other episodes: Peat's view on supplementation of ascorbic acid, iron dangers, anti-milk propaganda,...]

- 00:56:10 - Best regime to raise testosterone and gain more muscle (listener is 71)? Shift the diet away from fats and towards carbs to some extent. If fats, use saturated fats. Protein should be adequate. You don't want too much of the age-promoting proteins.

- 01:01:30 - Are (fruit) smoothies good for us? As long as you don't put raw seeds and nuts and vegetables in it.

- 01:01:50 - What's the best thing you can do for a system that is usually alkaline? Proteins are the main thing that acidify our system. If the urine is slightly acidic, you're much less likely to develop kidney stones. Producing CO2 will help to keep your blood slightly on the acidic side.

- 01:03:55 - Cycle has shortened to three weeks. Apparently many unvaccinated women reported this recently, after their friends got vaccinated. Is this possible? People have been contacting Peat about that. It's an obvious possibility that exactly like the virus it can be exhaled or put into your sweat. The vaccine RNA obviously can go the same route. The spike protein increases angiotensin, which increases aromatase and estrogen and prostaglandins. Estrogen and prostaglandins are deeply involved in regulating the menstrual cycle and creating PMS.

- 01:07:55 - Mild mucosal thickening on the right side of the sphenoid sinus. Is that something to worry about and what to do about it? Allergies will cause a thickening. Endotoxin from bad digestion can cause this.

- 01:09:25 - Are cultured butter or kefir healthy? Kefir is probably OK if it isn't very sour. If it has too much lactic acid, it can upset your liver. There is no benefit from culturing butter.

- 01:11:20 - Is goat milk similar to cow milk? Yes, largely it's the diet. Goats are reluctant to eat grains, so their milk will have more flavonoids than average corn-fed cow milk.

- 01:11:50 - Would it be a problem if the cow or goat ate a lot of glyphosate in the food? Yes, for sure.

- 01:12:10 - Anti-inflammatory benefits of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), subclass of Omega-3 Pufas. Is there a place for this in managing inflammation? By the time DHA and EPA reach the bloodstream, they are mostly oxidized and break down into other substances, such as those mentioned. Those oxidized products are pretty immunosuppressive. You could call immunosuppression anti-inflammatory, but it is a dangerous way to resolve inflammation.

- 01:17:00 - What foods increase CO2? Sugar, oranges? Yes, orange juice is great for that.

- 01:17:35 - Does Dr. Peat have an opinion on blood flow restriction training to build muscle? Injuring the muscle will make it grow, but you're still hurting the whole organism. When old people did only concentric exercise, they produced new, younger mitochondria. It's the eccentric part of exercise that is muscle-damaging and causes the best muscle growth. So muscle growth and health aren't exactly the same thing.

- 01:20:00 - What about stretching? [The positive effect] is mostly the activation of the muscle. But you don't want the elongation of the muscles against resistance.

- 01:20:30 - Listener has no thyroid. What's the minimum dose of Cynoplus to take and how to take it? By taking it with a meal, the digestion will delay the absorption. The overall total amount needed in a northern climate can be four times as high in the winter. You might have to adapt your dose according to season and activity level and diet.

- 01:23:00 - [Women have more trouble turning T4 into T3, due to estrogen. He has talked about this topic in a lot of earlier episodes]

- 01:25:40 - Dog has several lipomas. How to improve the dog's liver health? Dr. Peat mentioned fructose? Dogs like fruit

- 01:26:30 - How could sugar actually help reverse type II diabetes? Two doctors in France and England in the late 19. century cured type I diabetes, by letting them eat all the sugar they craved. Within a few weeks they were cured and the pancreas recovered. Sugar supports the survival and the formation of pancreatic beta cells. Type II diabetes is usually due to the accumulation of PUFA in the body. You've got to first repair the metabolic process. With a lot of fat tissue that contains a lot of PUFA, every time you get hungry, you release a lot of PUFAs into the bloodstream, which impairs your ability to use glucose. If that's the problem, you can't just correct the problem by flooding the system with more sugar, you have to correct the metabolic problem first.

- 01:28:50 - Facial flushing, feeling of heat. Any suggestion? The same as with hot flashes. They can happen even to men and young women. If your blood sugar falls, your nitric oxide production is turned on. Nocturnal hot flashes can be cured by having carbohydrates before sleep. Make sure thyroid, Vitamin D and calcium intake are adequate.

- 01:30:35 - Orange juice also has a lot of potassium. Potassium fills in for insulin.

- 01:30:50 - Is there a difference between juicing you own oranges or buying orange juice in the store? It's hard to find sweet oranges.


Sep 21, 2014
May 17, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:00 - Is some progesterone good for us all? When Peat handled it in the lab, he noticed that he didn't have hangnails again. Decades ago he met a woman who had what seemed like a degenerative brain disease. She was bedridden for six months at a time, couldn't function properly and tended to get lost when she was outside. She got a couple of progesterone injections and started recovering. In the end, she recovered completely.

- 00:05:00 - How does Peat explain a recovery like this? It stops the stress and puts the cells in a higher energy state of rest. The body could reorganize itself and became more efficient.

- 00:06:55 - Are there things we do or don't do regarding diet, that increase our need for progesterone? Progesterone is literally good for everything. There is this belief that everything has a particular cause and a particular cure. But in the case of things like progesterone, it's a matter of stabilizing the cell or the organism in its resting state, so that the body can work on particular problems. It helps the body to heal.

- 00:09:50 - Is Progest-E made from yams? No, they use whatever source is economical now. The wild yam was a very abundant and cheap source. It goes through more than 20 chemical processes, so it doesn't matter where it came from.

- 00:12:30 - You should make the organism so healthy and happy, that it makes its bacteria healthy and happy. But if you have a rapidly growing bacteria in your throat, some antibiotic can knock it out and gives your body a chance to come back. There have been several studies that showed that a minimal dose of an antibiotic would get it under control quickly, without hurting the bodies immune system. Instead of continuing it for two weeks, they would stop as soon as the symptoms were gone. Using an antibiotic for weeks, even though the symptoms are gone, is what gets people in trouble. If you're continuing an antibiotic for weeks after the symptoms are gone, you're weakening your body. It's like modern cancer treatment, where they do surgery, then chemical poisons, and then they radiate the body. It's an obsessive belief that the body is absolutely incapable of taking over at some point.

- 00:17:35 - Could you apply the same method to chemo therapy? Yes, around the same time Peat found those antibiotic studies, some people were advocating the same thing for chemo: a lower dose and just watching what happened to the tumor. If you see the tumor shrinking, you don't want to hurt the body more than necessary. They were having good results with this method, without obsessively trying to kill every last imagined cell.

- 00:20:30 - The cancer process is just a failed process of healing. The organism can't provide the energy or materials necessary to do a perfect healing job. Some sickness or inflammation remains in that area. Irritation, lack of oxygen or any stress, activates the aromatase enzyme, producing estrogen. Estrogen stimulates cell multiplication and amplifies the inflammation. If the body then can't produce massive amounts of the quieting substances, including progesterone, the tumor is able to keep growing like a wound that can't heal. The insured tissue becomes such a powerful source of estrogen, that you have to do everything possible to reduce the local production of estrogen. Even in a precancerous tissue, you can see the appearance of aromatase locally, producing estrogen right there.

- 00:24:30 - 00:28:00 - commercials

- 00:28:40 - Is radicchio a good food (high in Vitamin E)? Yes, he thinks so.

- 00:28:50 - How to get rid of blackheads and how to shrink pores? Vitamin A deficiency and a disturbance of the thyroid gland can cause blackheads. Usually a good diet and checking thyroid will correct that and the pore size as well.

- 00:31:05 - Heart arrhythmia. What would Peat recommend? Progesterone and related steroids (DHEA, pregnenolone) are all stabilizers of the heart rhythm. Those decrease progressively with aging. A declining thyroid function leads to that. One of the effects of estrogen is to delay the readiness of the heart to beat again. Progesterone and DHEA can reverse this.

- 00:37:25 - What to do for acid reflux and preventing ulcers? Make sure the intestine is moving along. For the average American it takes about 76 hours for food to move from the mouth to excretion. Increase the amount of safe fibers in the diet. A thyroid deficiency is often behind that problem.

- 00:41:50 - What does Peat think of NAC supplementation? It has a protective antioxidant effect. But the basic molecule is cysteine. You don't want to chronically overdose on that.

- 00:43:20 - Why did milk consumption cause high blood pressure? If it was a sudden change of diet, the stomach takes a while to adapt. But a high blood pressure in the morning usually means that you've become dehydrated during the night. Milk or juice before bed can help.

- 00:44:50 - If you're forced to take the Covid "vaccine", is it helpful to take blood-thinning substances like aspirin or Vitamin E? Would Vitamin K be a risk? Vitamin K not only facilitates the pro-clotting agents in the liver, it also is necessary for two very important anti-clotting agents. It is not the "clot vitamin", it's the coagulation regulatory vitamin. Anything anti-inflammatory is likely to protect against the vaccine and a Covid infection.

- 00:46:55 - Spike proteins are supposed to exist in cell membranes, but do cell membranes even exist? No, that's a long story. It was made up in the 1940s. Gilbert Ling over and over kept demonstrating that it's a nonsensical, impossible concept. It's a metaphor at best, and a very bad metaphor.

- 00:48:05 - What does that [false cell membrane concept] mean to us? The idea of a membrane serves the industry to convince drug companies and the public, that you need some special technology to get a drug into the cell. Cells are selectively permeable, but extremely permeable to the right kind of substance. The idea of the blood-brain barrier is partly based on the idea of the barrier membrane, but it really is a matter of the solubility difference between the brain substance and the blood substance. There is no barrier to oily substances.

- 00:51:15 - Is glyphosate not as bad as told because it's water-soluble? It tends to stay out of oil. So you don't have to worry about the source of your olive oil for example. But it can be in fruits or grains.

- 00:53:10 - Is it true that fluorescent nanoparticles are present in cola? He hasn't heard of it.

- 00:53:25 - What are normal levels of thyroid for a 26-year old woman. Doctor said it's fine, but hands and feet are still cold? No matter what levels you have in your blood, if it isn't activating your cells, you can still be hypothyroid. The official "normal" numbers of TSH are almost always too high.

- 00:55:30 - Edema in feet. What is the root cause of this? Sometimes it's a simple thing in the diet corresponding to the hormones. Lots of women in their 50s have typical premenstrual water retention symptoms. Sometimes all that is needed is to salt your food to taste. Edema goes with loss of sodium and albumin in the urine, and also the entry of sodium and albumin into your tissues. More sodium in the system will stabilize albumin in the blood, and attract the water out of your tissues, such as feet, where it goes by gravity. Getting estrogen down makes you able to produce more albumin and to retain more sodium.

- 00:58:40 - What would be the best course of action if you got a prostate cancer diagnosis? Would testosterone, DHT or progesterone be recommended? If you're sure that your thyroid is functioning and you aren't likely to turn your testosterone into estrogen. Aspirin is a very competent way to block aromatase. Aspirin, testosterone and DHT are probably all protective against metastasizing.

- 01:00:45 - How much aspirin could you take? As much as the stomach agrees with. It's only 3-4% of the people that have problems, and if they took some vitamin K, they wouldn't have the bleeding problems.

- 01:01:40 - 01:06:30 - commercials

- 01:08:25 - [Sugar for type II diabetes. Same question as in the episode before this one]

- 01:15:25 - Doctor says that everything is fine, but cold hands and feet, TSH at 2.5, T3 3.5, T4 1.39. Hard time to get pregnant. Could Dr. Peat give some advice on what to do from here? Thyroid hormone is THE fertility hormone, supported by progesterone. Infertility is one of the standard signs of hypothyroidism. He has never seen a person with even a TSH of 2.0, who didn't have some serious symptoms.

- 01:20:25 - When does soul come into the body? Doesn't the bible talk about soul as the first breath? Breath is one of the meanings of it. The newsletter Peat is working on [at that time], is looking at all of the cells, right from the beginning, as containing soul.

- 01:22:05 - So if we have an abortion at a month, what do we kill? Personality is constantly developing. The things we eat have personalities.


Sep 21, 2014
June 21, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:40 - Anything new on Covid or the injections? There was a study from Japan that showed how the vaccine moved through the body. The claim was that it stays in the shoulder muscle and does not travel into the general circulation. But the study showed that the vaccine material travels into the general circulation and is concentrated in organs like the ovaries, the bone marrow, the heart, the brain and the spleen. The RNA message to make the spike protein travels into all these organs. The bone marrow is turning over constantly, replicating the RNA. The ovary concentration means that it's going to be a risk for the next generation. Chronic inflammation in the bone marrow is well known to greatly increase the risk of leukemia and lymphoma. The regulatory agencies had this information and lied about it.

- 00:15:20 - [Interesting discussion about linguistics, Chomsky, and Patrick's and Ray's dogs and cats communicating with them]

- 00:22:35 - Can there be long-term dangers from the Covid injections? The reason vaccine development has taken typically 10 years was that there was some sense of caution. They figured there might be unpleasant surprises. The tendency has been to throw out caution entirely in favor of dogma. They define whatever they want to do as science, even if it's nonsensical. [Afterwards exosomes again, like in every other episode]

- 00:36:35 - What does Dr. Peat think about women getting mastectomies because they have a breast cancer gene? The HER gene is one of the things that is an excuse for doing the mastectomy. Things like Aspirin and progesterone will control that enzyme. The mechanical thinking that the gene is simply going to be expressed is just wrong. All of the genes, even if they are mutant genes, aren't expressed in babies and teenagers for example. It's a failure of energy that accounts for most of these inherited problems. These gene tests are a waste of money. It's a propaganda procedure as well as an improper money making business. It gives people very misleading ideas about their being.

- 00:45:45 - 00:51:55 - commercials

- 00:52:10 - Progesterone is a protective substance. Dr. Peat doesn't even think of it as a hormone. It is so basic in the way it protects cells. It's greatly increased during pregnancy, because the developing fetus needs special protection. In both males and females, progesterone is very high in the brain, because it needs special protection. Normally the brain contains about ten times as much progesterone as in the blood serum. If you are low in progesterone, the luteinizing hormone increases, and if that is too high it has toxic effects. The high luteinizing hormone contributes to many of the symptoms of menopause.

- 00:56:05 - Could some of the problems of the Covid injection be passed on to the next generation? Any major trauma and stress (such as war or famines) to the parents or even grandparents, for as long as 5 generations, can cause problems in the children. If the parents have something that decreases their progesterone, the offspring will be more susceptible to metabolic and inflammatory problems.

- 00:57:20 - What altitude is best to live in to get enough CO2? All the way up to 12,000 feet. The problem with very high altitude is that it's cold. People at 14,000 feet have very sound teeth and bones, because of the anti-stress bone protecting effect of CO2 retention. When you have more oxygen than you need, you are driving the level of CO2 in your body down and you are losing the stabilizing effect. But 7,000 or 8,000 feet is extremely good altitude. [Peat mentions that there is less dementia at higher altitude. Patrick: "We could build the White House at 8,000 feet and maybe Joe would get better..."] Diabetics and hypothyroid people have a chronic lactic acid excess. They have the most trouble adapting to high altitude.

- 01:11:15 - Masa Harina seems to be high in PUFA and iron. Would the nixtamalization process take care of this? It slightly reduces the PUFA content. Corn is pretty much like other grains as far as the minerals are concerned. If you get a generous supply of calcium in your diet, that works with vitamin D to inhibit PTH, and that increases your cell metabolic oxygen consumption, and that protects against iron and PUFA.

- 01:13:40 - What is Dr. Peat's opinion on low intensity ultrasounds? Could it be bad in the long run? Any injured tissue repairs itself faster under the influence of mild ultrasound. But keep it away from your head.

- 01:14:55 - What about pregnant women who use the ultrasound to look at the baby. Is that a good idea? No, it's been known that it damages DNA. Chromosomes can be shown to break under the influence of ultrasound.

- 01:15:25 - Can you test food by taking your temperature before and after you eat it (and if the temperature drops, that food isn't for you)? It depends on your starting level of thyroid and stress hormones. Getting blood glucose up by eating carbohydrates will activate your thyroid and increases the conversion from T4 to T3. That increases temperature and pulse rate if you're slightly low thyroid. But the same thing will lower stress hormones. If stress hormones were responsible for keeping temperature and pulse rate up, carbohydrates will lower them.

- 01:19:50 - Why doesn't Dr. Peat eat potatoes? He thinks he is slightly allergic to them.

- 01:21:35 - Does Dr. Peat think it is safe to eat bacon, maybe fried in coconut oil, if the rest of the diet is low in PUFAs? He eats some once a week with liver. You could get it from pigs that were raised on a good diet, so the PUFA content is very low.

- 01:24:50 - Is it a good idea to eat liver every now and then? If you can find a place that quick-freezes it. You don't want it to sit around in the store for days or weeks. That's what makes it taste disgusting.

- 01:26:10 - How to use orange juice or Mexican coke in the treatment of type II diabetes? Wouldn't that raise blood sugar way too high? Sucrose happens to increase the metabolic rate. And orange juice in particular has the anti-inflammatory flavonoids, which stimulate oxidative metabolism. The combination of flavonoids and sucrose has an effect that opposes the problem in diabetes. You can create the diabetes metabolism immediately by feeding a lot of PUFA. When your blood is loaded with fatty acids, that suppresses the ability to oxidize glucose. Chronically it is the basic cause of diabetes, not a diet rich in sugar.

- 01:29:40 - Is applying Progest-E to the labia around the vaginal opening or even to the inside of the vagina comparable to applying it to the gums? Is there any reason not to apply it in the genital area? No, in women that's a common way of using it. It goes right into the bloodstream.

- 01:35:05 - Under what circumstances is pregnenolone helpful and under what circumstances is progesterone helpful? When to choose one over the other? The effect of progesterone is immediate as a quieting anti-stress-effect. A high dose of progesterone will put you to sleep. With pregnenolone even a high dose has an anti-stress, but not a sedative effect.

- 01:37:40 - Why wouldn't the body detoxify the bad stuff in the Covid injections? Wouldn't it normally detox any poison that gets in? Only if your liver is in a very good condition. With hypothyroidism the liver slows down. With a sluggish liver you accumulate toxins, estrogen or cortisol.

- 01:38:50 - What can we do to improve liver function? Good, adequate protein intake, B vitamins and thyroid. And carbohydrates. At least 2/3 of the T3 derives from the liver, and the liver only converts it when it has enough sugar.

- 01:39:35 - Trouble with sexual activity, very low cholesterol. What could be going on? Inflammation of the bowel, sending signals to the intestine and the liver, interfere with cholesterol synthesis. Clearing up any bowel inflammation is the first thing. Adequate carbohydrates in the diet is essential, so that the thyroid can provide the energy that is needed to make cholesterol.

- 01:40:45 - What would Dr. Peat do if he needed to lose 50 pounds? Extended fast, low calorie diet, or something else? Fasting destroys protein tissues very quickly, turning them into glucose. It's very destructive to the muscles. On a low calorie diet, when you get the carbohydrates you need, you lose mostly fat. You can increase your calorie burning by eating sugar rather than starch, and by improving thyroid function. The starch isn't quite as stimulating to the metabolic rate compared to sugar.

- 01:42:50 - Does Dr. Peat think consuming a couple of cups of green tea is beneficial? Yeah, very good.

- 01:44:00 - How to balance estrogen and progesterone (diagnosed with low estrogen and vaginal dryness, 56 years old, post menopausal)? Vaginal dryness is often from something other than an estrogen deficiency. Vitamin A, to help to make cholesterol, progesterone and thyroid is important for vaginal lubrication. When you're deficient in progesterone, everything shifts over to making local estrogen. So the absence of normal levels of estrogen in the blood have nothing to do with the estrogen effect inside tissues. When progesterone is adequate, you release the intracellular estrogen into the bloodstream. Supplementing progesterone seems to normalize your blood level. He doubts it is possible to have such a thing as an estrogen deficiency.

- 01:47:05 - [Discussion about germ theory and existence of viruses. Same as in many other episodes]


Sep 21, 2014
July 19, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:05 - Does the body age when we get too much estrogen? The doctrine of age-related decline in estrogen was a simple mistake based on measuring only the estrogen in the blood. When you're low in progesterone, a whole group of enzymes increase the activity of estrogen. But inside cells, the function of progesterone is to get estrogen out of the body, so it [estrogen] appears in the blood, heading to the kidneys to be excreted. Without progesterone, estrogen accumulates inside cells. Every tissue you can identify accumulates estrogen more and more with aging. By looking at the blood you get exactly the opposite impression if estrogen stays in the cells.

- 00:05:50 - What's the right way to measure estrogen and does anybody do that? To extract what's in the tissues. Only three or four people in the world do it as far as he knows.

- 00:06:20 - Peat has never seen anyone who was actually, demonstrably deficient in estrogen. Old men for example, or men who have been in an accident or had a heart attack, show high estrogen levels even in their blood.

- 00:07:00 - How do we utilize this information on estrogen and progesterone? If you supplement progesterone, it will then release estrogen from the tissues, so it can be measured in the blood. Sometimes before menopause but often after menopause, they give women super doses of estrogen. It acts on the brain very much the way cocaine does. In the 1930s it was recognized that in the phases of the menstrual cycle when the ratio between estrogen and progesterone is highest (at ovulation and around menstruation), these are the times when women have epileptic seizures. It's because of the excitatory effects of estrogen on the nerves.

- 00:10:50 - Is there a downside of supplementing too much progesterone, if you don't need it? It can make you drunk and unconscious if you take hundreds of milligrams.

- 00:11:05 - How important is the progesterone/estrogen balance for breast cancer? Starting in the 1930s, the carcinogenic and pro-inflammatory effects of estrogen have been identified very clearly. One researcher did thorough tests and showed that every tissue in the body, if you give a small, continuous dose of estrogen, it's carcinogenic to all the tissues of the body, starting with the uterus, then the breast, then the pituitary and lungs, kidney, liver, brain,... Everything has its sensitivity to being cancerized by an uninterrupted dose of a small amount of estrogen. They claimed it wouldn't be a problem, if you took synthetic progestin. But it turned out that the synthetic progestin, if anything, exacerbates the effects of estrogen.

- 00:15:10 - What things in our diet/lifestyle cause on overload of estrogen? PUFAs intensify the effects of estrogen. You should shift the balance away from stress, to things that inhibit aromatase rather than activating it. PUFAs - through prostaglandins - activate aromatase. Aspirin blocks prostaglandins and therefore aromatase. Progesterone also has an action against aromatase.

- 00:19:45 - What effects do estrogen and progesterone have on sleep/insomnia? If the liver is underfunctioning and can't store enough glucose for the night, blood sugar falls, adrenaline, histamine and cortisol (in sequence) rise. Thyroid hormone is essential for using and storing glucose. The body temperature falls protectively when glucose is low. Progesterone and thyroid are able to keep the body temperature up, store glucose, and shift the balance away from the stress hormones.

- 00:22:40 - Uses 5% progesterone cream, insulin levels are already low, will progesterone affect the low insulin levels? A healthy person is able to oxidize their glucose without producing large amounts of insulin. You have to keep the conditions in mind when the insulin was measured. It could be a good sign to have low insulin if you're still able to oxidize your glucose. The problem with the creams is that many of them only have micronized progesterone, suspended in an emulsion of a cream. Only part of it is functionally dissolved in oil, so it can get in the bloodstream. You're only going to absorb 2 or 3% of what you put on in that case. If you put a little bit of olive oil or vitamin E on your skin with the cream, you're going to dissolve more of it and absorb more.

- 00:29:25 - How to tell how much Progest-E to take? If you put some on your finger and rub it on your tongue or gums or lips, you can usually feel a sense of well-being within a few minutes. 1/4 of a teaspoon is about 100 mg.

- 00:30:35 - How is progesterone affecting arthritis? Estrogen is being produced in arthritic joints in a pretty high concentration. What's probably happening is that progesterone is inactivating the aromatase, intrinsic in the inflamed joint.

- 00:32:50 - Could progesterone be used for sleep if the thyroid isn't working well or is it a waste of time? It's pretty much a waste. You get a temporary relief, it increases temperature and deepens the sleep. But the basic thing is to get the thyroid going.

- 00:38:15 - Is there a connection from the spiritual/mental/emotional part of our being and why there are so many hypothyroid people? Low mental energy makes you more susceptible to any kind of stress. Lot of people compensate with increased adrenaline, up to 30-40 times the normal daily adrenaline production. It is as if they are living on speed. Other people compensate with high cortisol. Other people don't compensate and just become sluggish and depressed. The low thyroid person is susceptible to various kinds of stress-related problems. When your thyroid is normal, if you experience some sort of grief or any physical trauma, it can be enough to turn on the stress system and turn off the metabolism. A small amount of thyroid and a good diet for a few days can get you out of that stress state.

- 00:41:00 - 00:47:00 - commercials

- 00:47:30 - A lot of people are demonizing being metabolically acidic. What does Dr. Peat think of the idea of being more alkaline for health? In the limited sense, a pH of 7.4, our blood should be mildly alkaline. But that doesn't mean that our cells should be mildly alkaline. In fact, the functioning cell is in a slightly acidic state (pH of 6.8 or 6.9). The reason the blood is slightly on the alkaline side, is that the metabolizing cell is excreting sodium into the blood, and an excess is eliminated by the kidneys, so the blood doesn't become to alkaline. If you take a dose of baking soda and if the cell is deficient in CO2, the bicarbonate is turned into acidic CO2, and the acidic form of CO2 is oil-soluble, so it's retained inside the cells.

- 00:51:55 - Is the urine pH test with the paper sticks reasonable? Yes, the urine should be slightly on the acidic side. The more protein you eat, the more acidic the urine is likely to be.

- 00:55:00 - Are there benefits of policosanols? They are like long-chain saturated fatty acids. Usually longer than stearic acid. Except they have an alcohol molecule on their end. They are less water-soluble than the highly saturated long-chain fatty acids. They originally were found in association with vitamin E. When vitamin E was found to greatly increase endurance, it turned out it was because the vitamin E was carrying some of the policosanols into the body.

- 00:56:40 - Why does or doesn't fructose from juice or fruit cause fatty liver, since it can only be metabolized in the liver? All of the high-fructose liver damage studies Peat has seen, contained 5% corn oil and a total caloric excess. The setup was biased to create fatty acid poisoning of the liver. Some of the studies used a particular animal diet that was deficient in magnesium. He thinks it's a setup to incriminate the use of sugar.

- 00:59:05 - What to do about severe depression? Quick acting active thyroid (T3) and a good diet. Vitamin D and adequate calcium lower stress together with thyroid. Sometimes just adding one of those will bring a person out of a major depression.

- 01:01:05 - Daughter (38) had a tubal ligation, experiences PMS symptoms, anxiety, anger issues, night sweats. What can she do to counter those symptoms? Supplementing progesterone to correct the progesterone/estrogen balance.

- 01:03:35 - What's the highest dose of vitamin D3 in IU to supplement daily and long-term, and what would be the benefits of higher doses? 5000 IU is the most he would recommend long-term. But some people take 10000 IU a day for a few weeks to get out of rheumatoid arthritis or depression.

- 01:04:50 - Are caffeine pills a good alternative to coffee, if they are used with plenty of sugar and milk? Yes, except that there are a lot of other good things in coffee, anti-inflammatory things and nutrients.

- 01:05:25 - So coffee is good in general? Very good. The more coffee a person drinks (studies usually say five cups or more), the lower the rate of liver disease and dementia. It supports your thyroid function and lowers nitric oxide.

- 01:06:30 - Can long-term K2 supplementation cause the jaw bone to increase in size? He hasn't heard of that, but the facial bones in general have the capacity to increase with age, while under stress they atrophy with age. With the right balance the face can get thicker bones with aging. Vitamin K can protect the bones. It keeps calcium out of the soft tissues and in the bones

- 01:08:05 - Orange juice in type II diabetic has raised blood sugar. How to use it to lower the blood sugar? It has to go with good nutrition in general. Calcium, vitamin D, thyroid and sodium intake have to be good. Potassium works to some extent like insulin and the flavonoids in orange juice have a pro-oxidative effect.

- 01:09:30 - [I had trouble to understand the question, the way Patrick read it. Something about possible benefits of the white pith in citrus fruits] The orange peel that you use in making marmalade has the highest concentration of the protective flavonoids.

- 01:10:20 - Has Dr. Peat learned anything new about the injections since the last time? He keeps hearing that people have heart pains, stroke symptoms, inflammatory problems following the injection. You can't prove it, but without any other reason for having symptoms like that, they are a likely contributing factor.

- 01:11:35 - Anything new about shedding? The evidence goes back before the vaccine. We are always shedding protein and nucleic acid. Even in your breath and sweat. The Pfizer manual from December of 2020 on how to handle the injections, warned about a vaccinated person being near a pregnant woman. They recognized the shedding phenomenon.

- 01:19:15 - What could help against side effects of the mRNA vaccine (disturbed menstrual cycle)? All of the anti-inflammatory things help.

- 01:22:55 - What about all the variants? Is this all made up? One website had a list of thousands of variations. You can pick out any one of those and use some letters from the Greek alphabet to name it.

- 01:26:10 - Isn't rain water slightly acidic from picking up CO2 on the way down? Yes, clean water absorbs CO2 from the air and becomes slightly acidic.

- 01:27:25 - Intrusive thoughts and excited mind within an hour or two of eating any foods that have fiber. What to do to tolerate these foods? A very oversensitive intestine can bring on symptoms, reactions from increased histamine and serotonin. The three main things in reducing abnormal sensitivity are: The right calcium to phosphate ratio, adequate vitamin D and enough active thyroid.

- 01:30:20 - What is Dr. Peat's opinion on the drug metformin? He is very reluctant to recommend it, because it works by interfering with the mitochondria. There are better and safer ways to get the same effects.

- 01:30:50 - Many people recommend two or three bowel movements a day. What's the best way to make this happen? Anti-inflammatory things like a good calcium/phosphate ratio make your intestine happier. Fibers like well-cooked mushrooms or bamboo shoots help to clean out the toxins that the liver detoxifies and secretes into the bile to get rid of.

- 01:33:10 - Is the spike protein observable on camera and has Dr. Peat seen anything on the idea that graphene oxide could be in the vaccines? Yes to the first question. [On the second question] They say they have the evidence, but he thinks if that was true, they would be publishing the evidence. There is evidence that there is interest in using it in a vaccine, but they don't show evidence on these injections. But they are right in putting no crime beyond the monopolies and powers that are controlling things. You can't assume that they have basically good will and have public health at heart.


Sep 21, 2014
August 16, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:30 - If there is a virus running around, do viruses mutate and get stronger or weaker? They have been trying to make vaccines against the common cold (mostly corona viruses) for about 80 years. But as soon as they had a vaccine, the virus had changed enough to make it useless. Then someone had the idea that if your own body produced the toxic part of a corona virus, you would stay immune to any virus of that family. But that isn't the way the immune system works. The antibody system is only an extremely trivial and superficial part of the immune system. [History of Paul Ehrlich & Co, he talked about this in many other episodes].

- 00:08:05 - Do they often give out a Nobel prize to push some agenda that they want? Always. With a rare exception. - Didn't Kary Mullis get a Nobel prize for the PCR test? The PCR test was valuable to the industry. They thought Mullis was harmless.

- 00:08:40 - Is it possible that colds and flus are just a detoxifying process and we are not catching something? This idea of detoxification is another trick of the medical industry, that goes back hundreds of years. The doctor would give you a poisonous remedy, and when you got sick from it, they told you it was a detoxifying process.

- 00:13:35 - Isn't it possible that we could be poisoning ourselves with bad food, chemicals etc. and create the flu that way? Those things all contribute. The environment is full of toxic junk. But the type of cold or flu going around has statistical properties. A certain part will predominate in a certain flu season.

- 00:14:40 - Is it possible that these things flowing around are just exosomes, that are created in the body? Sure, that's were viruses come from. A virus doesn't just make itself. How can a virus originate without the elaborate organisms that have the machinery for constructing these bits of nucleic acid.

- 00:18:00 - [More talk about variants, vaccines, antibodies, exosomes etc. Same questions Patrick asked in every episode around that time. Too lazy to type the same stuff every time]

- 00:40:20 - 00:46:40 - commercials

- 00:47:15 - Why do people get sick when the weather changes and it gets colder? Peat is sure it's all suggestion. Some people Peat knew in Mexico would have a warm shower, during the shower the warm water would run out, and they would immediately get cold symptoms. Same with eating cold stuff. People were conditioned to believe that cold(ness) leads to a cold.

- 00:49:10 - What does Peat think about ivermectin? It's also anti-inflammatory. It probably helps by correcting the basic problem (inflammation and clotting). Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory substances can have a radical healing effect.

- 00:52:35 - Anything new with the Covid injections since last episode? Not really, except that they claim that vaccinated people are now infected by a different variant. He suspects that that's a way of covering up the harm done by the vaccine itself. So they say you have to get a third one for better effects.

- 00:55:05 - Male started progesterone cream and had some positive results regarding migraines, but got problems like sensitive teeth and irritable gums. Could the progesterone be the reason? The problem with migraine starts at the nutritional and hormonal level. It's important to look at problems in the diet and check thyroid and vitamin D levels.

- 00:59:40 - 72 years old, prostate inflammation issues. What could be done? Working on the system in general to reduce inflammation. Make sure you aren't going into a stress state every night. Good nutrition, good calcium to phosphate ratio, enough vitamin D to handle the calcium. Thyroid, calcium and Vitamin D keep down the inflammatory processes in general.

- 01:05:30 - Type II diabetes, high blood sugar levels. What can you do to normalize blood sugar levels without taking drugs? Things that reduce stress and inflammation help to get oxidation of sugar going. Vitamin D and calcium are crucial in that.

- 01:06:30 - Should you increase the dose of thyroid until your TSH gets under 1.0? The higher the TSH, the more risk of thyroid cancer. A group completely without thyroid cancer had a TSH of below 0.4. Thyroid disease is increased in regions with a high iodine intake.

- 01:09:35 - Middle-aged guy, high fasting blood sugar. What would happen to the fasting blood sugar [if changes in the diet were made. The question was formulated (or read by Patrick) a bit confusing]? As body temperature goes up, and thyroid function and Vitamin D go up, PTH goes down. PTH is an antagonist to oxidative, respiratory metabolism. By suppressing PTH, you're freeing up your ability to oxidize glucose. Getting enough salt is part of that. It doesn't really matter what your average blood glucose is, as long as you don't drop it too low.

- 01:11:25 - What to do if your body temperature in the morning is good, but the TSH is still high? Check the temperature and pulse rate later in the day, after eating. If the temperature goes down, the temperature at waking was high because of stress hormones. Getting blood sugar up after breakfast will lower stress hormones.

- 01:17:20 - What are benefits from different sorts of aspirin (from bulk or in tablets from the store)? The tablets usually have paraffin and sometimes talc. When Peat used the tablets, he poured boiling water over the tablet and let it disintegrate, so that the paraffin would float to the surface and the talc would sink to the bottom.

- 01:18:55 - Does Peat take aspirin regularly and what does it do for him? He tries to remember to take some every night, about 300 mg. He just takes it on general principles.

- 01:21:10 - Is tupelo honey good for diabetics because it's based on fructose? All honey is roughly half fructose and half glucose. With honey you have to watch out for whether the bees were eating industrial chemicals or allergens. It can be passed into the honey.

- 01:21:55 - So when some honey is organic, how do they know where the bees even go? You have to have lots of land devoted to organic farming. Bees can go quite a distance, but they have a definite radius.

- 01:22:45 - Vitamin D/K combo with good results. Works in the hot sun. Should he continue if he has good results? You should have an occasional blood test with large amounts, maybe twice a year. No one is known to have raised Vitamin D from the sun to a dangerous point.

- 01:24:20 - What diet for losing weight, that isn't only milk and orange juice? You can throw in an occasional egg and scallop, and be sure to have fiber.

- 01:24:50 - What about gaining weight? With men in particular it's usually from having a thyroid problem. The thyroid makes you able to retain magnesium, which lets your cells shift over from mere energy production to anabolic muscle building. The combination of adequate magnesium in the diet and a thyroid supplement will help to put on muscle mass.

- 01:25:55 - What to do about bloating? Some people have a problem with manufactured gelatin [the listener mentioned collagen in the question]. It can cause many people to produce gas (with too much or not dissolving it enough).

- 01:27:25 - What about chlorine dioxide for treating Covid? It has a slight carcinogenic effect. Chlorine compounds are always risky.

- 01:28:25 - In general, what are some things that people take regularly, that Dr. Peat thinks are not a good choice? Ascorbic acid. The way it's manufactured makes it very different from the natural substance.

- 01:29:45 - Low fat vs. full fat milk? If you're drinking a lot, you will most likely get fat from the full fat milk. But the full fat is a good source of vitamins.

- 01:30:20 - What could be done for lipomas in a dog? Like in people, it's probably a metabolic thyroid problem. Calcium and vitamin D are important for that. Dogs almost always like cottage cheese and it's a good calcium source.

- 01:31:30 - Are homeopathic cell salts a good way to get minerals? A very expensive way. You get the same minerals by just eating your regular diet.

- 01:31:55 - What are benefits of policosanols? It's good for endurance and for regulating blood lipids.

- 01:33:05 - [Same question about fructose and fatty liver as in the episode before this one]

- 01:34:00 - Orange juice from organic vs. non-organic oranges? With the non-organic you just have to be careful about the peelings. Most of the bad stuff is in there. Organic oranges are often unripe because of the high demand.


Sep 21, 2014
September 21, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:03:15 - What could people do if they want to lose weight? Stop eating the things that slow down your metabolism and inhibit your thyroid. The worse of those foods are PUFAs. Adding a little coconut oil can increase heat production. And sugar can increase your metabolic rate by 20%. During the obesity pandemic, refined sugar has not increased, but PUFAs and grain products have.

- 00:08:40 - Do men and women smell the immune system of the other person and that's what they are attracted to? Sure, not just the immune system, but the pheromones. There is a derivative of testosterone, that tends to come out of the skin constantly. Even if you put that on a picture of a man, women find him more attractive. Peat got interested in that when he was about 11 months old. He had a babysitter and he remembered the intoxicating smell of her.

- 00:11:40 - Does the pill have an influence on that? To a great extent it does. The progesterone level following ovulation is the source of much of that [pheromone] aroma that's attractive to men. If she's on the pill, there is no cycle.

- 00:14:00 - Wouldn't perfumes and shaving lotion just block that? Unless they put pheromones in it.

- 00:17:45 - Most of the physical attraction is happening subliminally through the nose.

- 00:18:20 - How does Dr. Peat think the human species evolved? The origin of life is the first big question. Just shining light on molecules, they tend to become organized just from the light. Energy flowing through substance is always an organizing process. So the primitive origin of living material is much simpler than people with a mechanistic assumption of randomness in the universe believe. Once you commit to that mechanical faith in randomness, you can't explain anything happening. With the flow of energy, things happen spontaneously. Some professor (Sidney Fox) believed that volcanic energy was the source of this flow of energy. Life is a property of a matter that simply takes the right conditions to be expressed.

- 00:22:50 - The tendency is not just to produce life, but to produce more and more life (more intelligence).

- 00:23:50 - What about the whole monkey/apes idea? Are we separate from the apes? Chimpanzees went of on a strange vegetarian diet. Humans needed a high concentration of energy in the environment.

- 00:25:30 - People have become more and more generous about the idea of where soul appears in the universe. They used to say (even when Peat was in graduate school) that babies didn't experience pain. That was the standard psychologist opinion. There are still people that argue you don't need an anesthetic for circumcision.

- 00:26:55 - Where did this whole circumcision idea come from? It's pretty obvious that it was intended as an anti-sexual thing, to make mating more controllable.

- 00:28:30 - 00:35:00 - commercials

- 00:35:30 - What to do to protect yourself from vaccine shedding? The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus, and that is produced by the body after vaccination. The same things that protect you from the virus itself will protect you from the spike protein from the injections. Anti-inflammatory things and anti-coagulants. Orange juice, vitamin D, aspirin, progesterone, lidocaine, coffee.

- 00:39:00 - Daughter has a lump on the thyroid. Very thin, exercises a lot, cold hands. What could be the cause? When TSH is chronically elevated, it keeps driving your thyroid gland to keep making thyroid hormone. A lump is a sign of the thyroid being driven beyond its capacity. TSH level can change in a matter of hours when you take T3.

- 00:48:00 - [Another question about viruses, exosomes, isolation, Cowen/Kaufmann & Co. Peat has talked about this in many other episodes]

- 00:57:45 - For someone with parasites and a high toxin burden. How to detoxify? The first thing is to get rid of the parasite. A change of diet like a very high fiber diet is sometimes all it takes. Sometimes flowers of sulfur can get rid of certain parasites. Other times things like ivermectin can work against a great variety of parasites.

- 00:59:00 - How did progesterone substitute for the absence of adrenal glands in Hans Selye's experiments? He was experimenting with the stress syndrome. He would remove the adrenal glands and would study how the absence of the adrenals led to the stress sensitivity of animals, so that a mild stress would kill them. But some of the animals happened to be pregnant when the adrenal glands were removed. Selye found that they were perfectly stress-tolerant as long as they were pregnant. As soon as they delivered their litter, the stress symptoms started and they died easily from a mild shock. He experimented with supplementing progesterone and found that the animals were living a normal lifespan. Intrinsically, progesterone has anti-inflammatory functions that overlap with cortisol. And also salt-regulating functions that overlap with aldosterone. If the adrenals make too much aldosterone or cortisol, progesterone moderates these effects. It's a moderator of basically every function. When Selye supplemented with estrogen, it created shock, analogous to removing the adrenals.

- 01:02:25 - Started with 30 mg of progesterone per day during the second two weeks of the cycle, to deal with PCOS and fibroids. When she stops for the seconds two weeks, she feels bloated. Any advice on the dosage? The reason for the deficiency of progesterone and the excess of estrogen in the luteal phase is usually low thyroid function. Supplementing thyroid will tend to lower the amount of estrogen while increasing the amount of progesterone.

- 01:03:45 - How to deal with a heavy metal detox injury (used a high dose of cilantro), it seems to have triggered mast cell overactivation? Cilantro happens to be a fairly strong allergen. The seeds of the plant are even worse. Get oxidative metabolism and thyroid function going, and the heavy metals will take care of themselves gradually (leaving in the urine).

- 01:05:40 - What is Dr. Peat's view on mast-cell activation? Estrogen is a very powerful activator of mast cells. Progesterone will neutralize that.

- 01:06:25 - What to do (72 year old male) to gain more muscle and raise testosterone? The right kind of muscle activity in itself will increase your testosterone. Don't overstress the muscles, but if you gradually use resistance training, that will increase testosterone.

- 01:07:45 - What to take if you catch the corona virus? The Chinese at the very beginning found that anti-histamine and anti-serotonin drugs help against that. Cyproheptadine for example is both.

- 01:08:55 - Listener doesn't sleep well after eating well-cooked mushrooms. What could be the problem? Could be an allergy. It's good to avoid things that might not fit the digestive system, especially late in the day. Easily digestible carbohydrates are good in the evening.

- 01:10:20 - Are clothing articles with polyester bad for health? They aren't ideal. The polyester tends to allow bacterial growth. The cotton is somewhat antiseptic.

- 01:11:20 - Does it lower thyroid function if you're on a low calorie diet? And how to go back to eating a normal amount of calories without gaining weight? That involves getting the right balance of electrolytes and carbohydrates, and generally avoiding fats. Getting enough sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium is the essential thing. They will minimize stress and stop some of the catabolic processes.

- 01:12:30 - What can you eat to not lose too many electrolytes when you are using a sauna? When you artificially increase your body temperature, you burn sugar very fast. Orange juice is good during and after the sauna. Some baking soda in water greatly increases endurance. You will oxidize glucose more efficiently.

- 01:15:20 - How to be properly hydrated in general? Keeping the minerals up is a big part of it. The production of CO2 regulates both the fluids and the minerals.

- 01:16:10 - What's the best way to purify water at home (removing fluoride)? For fluoride, he thinks the only way to do it is distillation.

- 01:17:10 - Moving towards 50, still menstruating. How to extent fertility to have another baby? Watching the general nutrition is the first thing. In women of any ages, who are approaching menopause, if they took thyroid hormones they would immediately get pregnant. Thyroid is the essential fertility hormone. Peat knew a gynecologist who gave his wife progesterone, and she was still menstruating at age 63 (and very young looking, like 40 years old).

- 01:19:50 - Preeclampsia in both pregnancies. Doctor said it would be dangerous to have another baby. What causes this and what can be done to prevent it from happening again? Tom Brewer showed that a protein deficiency and other deficiencies (especially sodium) can be behind it. Look for the actual writings of Tom Brewer (not the Tom Brewer diet - after he died they got some of his ideas wrong). Sodium during pregnancy is very important. Brewer advised to drink a lot of milk during pregnancies. Thyroid is another factor. If magnesium drips [the listener mentioned that she got them after her pregnancies] help, it's because the body is deficient in oxidative metabolism. The cells don't retain magnesium.

- 01:23:50 - Why are there so many thyroid issues nowadays? It's the basic process of forming energy, using oxygen and making CO2. CO2 is essential for every organism. To make CO2, thyroid hormone is the trigger. CO2 stabilizes the electronic balance in cells. It's right at the heart of everything living.

- 01:25:05 - Can stress, modern life and mouth breathing get rid of so much CO2 that it could be affecting thyroid? And the other way around. Foods that interfere with thyroid hormone create a hyperventilation equivalent. No matter how much you breath, if your thyroid is underactive, your body is experiencing hyperventilation. The harder you breath, the more CO2 you blow out.

- 01:26:40 - How do we retain more CO2? Sugar and salt help. Both support the thyroid function.

- 01:27:25 - [Another Vitamin C supplementation question. Nothing new compared to his answers in earlier episodes]

- 01:32:10 - What can you do to improve dental health (teeth are not in good shape)? In Mexico City, Peat went on a low milk diet for several months and his teeth became very sensitive. One of them started crumbling. When you supplemented with calcium, within hours the sensitivity went back to normal. Vitamin D is also important.


Sep 21, 2014
October 18, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:50 - What are the benefits of coconut oil? It's the saturated fat. Shorter chains than in butter, so it's easier to metabolize quickly. It tends to heat up you metabolism. With the same amount of calories, you can get fat with butter, but not with coconut oil. But both are good.

- 00:02:25 - Why do we want to heat up our metabolism? Sugar is the other thing that heats up metabolism. The faster the metabolism runs, if you back it up with enough nutrients, everything is easier to normalize. For example, if you slow down metabolic rate, you produce more free radical damage. The faster we oxidize the less damage we experience from oxidative stress.

- 00:04:20 - What is the metabolism? If you think of oxygen as the end point, if you remove oxygen from the system, all the electrons that are flowing rapidly towards oxygen have no place to go. The rate of aging theory was popular (if you slow down metabolism, you won't age so fast), but exactly the opposite is the case.

- 00:05:20 - What is aging caused by? Breakdown of order. The faster you run electrons though the system, the tighter the ordering. If you slow the flow, the electrons can wander off. Those are the ones that go random and cause the damage. You don't just want to stop the free radical process by using anti-oxidants, because that can increase the electronic pressure of the cell. Inside cells, vitamin C is an oxidant. If you overload the system with the reductant vitamin C, it can stop the oxidative effect of vitamin C in the cell. The same with NAC for example. Anything that donates electrons, it's easy to get too much of them.

- 00:09:50 - When someone catches a cold or flu, takes vitamin C and feels better, is that a placebo effect? No, Linus Pauling & Co advocated taking doses of 5000 mg or so per day. Up to a point where it causes diarrhea. It is cleaning out the intestine. It's helping the body to get rid of stuff. But you would get the same effect by using a laxative.

- 00:11:10 - Can Peat explain why the picture of Gilbert Ling of the cell is important (Patrick mentioned a video by Thomas Cowen)? [Peat talked about the idea of the cell membrane and Gilbert Ling's work in other episodes. It's a good summary, though] The role of CO2 is very obvious in Gilbert Ling's perspective. CO2 is one of the most beneficial materials in the universe. It makes water alive, basically. CO2 has an antioxidative effect against the harmful free radicals. It's the only antioxidant that is successful in the body.

- 00:22:45 - Just because grandpa or grandma had a bad heart, doesn't mean that we have a bad heart, right? No, but the tendency is there. For example, if you starve grandma, the offspring is likely to be malnourished for four or five generation after that. But if you overfeed grandma's offspring you don't have to wait four or five generation. If you start with a baby with a malnourished, small brain, with the right support it can develop outside the uterus. The earlier you start, the more complete the correction can be. Just by supplying the essential nutrients for brain growth (in animal studies) during gestation, they can create animals with a brain bigger than that species ever had, and more intelligent. It definitely disproves that intelligence is a product of our genes only.

- 00:26:00 - Animal studies have shown that any vaccination has an adjuvant that is intended to create systemic inflammation. And every inflammation during pregnancy damages the development of the fetus. Thousands of experiments have demonstrated how sensitive the developing fetus is. But the WHO advocates pregnant women to get influenza shots with adjuvants, designed to create inflammation. It's probably the biggest crime in history to advocate vaccinating pregnant women.

- 00:27:55 - Anything new about the Covid injections since the last time? He thinks that Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi are the closest to being accurate. [Then some talk about shedding, like in many episodes before]

- 00:32:15 - 00:38:15 - commercials

- 00:41:00 - In people with Parkinson's-like symptoms or Alzheimer's, if you just even artificially get their brain temperature up [Patrick mentioned something about saunas], their function comes back pretty well. But you have to make sure to not get the body temperature up without the food coming in.

- 00:42:35 - How could the heat be helping with those neurological conditions? Peat thinks it is shifting away from lactic acid metabolism, getting the CO2 up. CO2 is a vasodilator in the brain and opens up blood vessels in the brain.

- 00:45:50 - Listener has some gold crowns and was told there are some kinds of infections or bacteria under a couple of them, and was advised to remove them. Could there be another way to solve this problem? Gold is antiseptic, the way amalgam is. Silver or mercury are much more soluble, they are the worst ways to have a permanent filling. But gold is powerfully germicidal and doesn't dissolve toxins into your body.

- 00:46:50 - Women (40) started to deal with migraines around the time of her period, premenstrual headaches, gained some weight and lower sex drive. What could be the cause? The failure of progesterone is the main problem related to menopause and PMS. The pharmaceutical industry was responsible for creating the idea that menopause is a deficiency of estrogen, while in reality it's a deficiency of progesterone. Thyroid is being blocked progressively by stress, bad diet or rising estrogen. As estrogen rises, thyroid and progesterone decline. The digestive system is going to be sluggish and you tend to absorb more endotoxin. Cleaning out the intestine by having more fiber in the food. Supplementing thyroid gets the endotoxin down and the intestine working. Supplementing progesterone can sometimes help to get the thyroid going again.

- 00:52:40 - Guillain-Barre syndrome after two Moderna shots. How to recover? Make sure that thyroid is adequate for keeping your temperature up. You can see changes in nerve function very quickly if you increase body temperature. Pregnenolone and progesterone help to regenerate and repair nerves.

- 00:54:15 - How to heal gut issues if you don't tolerate high sulfur and high histamine foods? The first aid often is to take an anti-histamine, or aspirin, or introducing some coffee into the diet (has some anti-histamine effects). Make sure that quick acting carbohydrates are available.

- 00:55:35 - Does Vitamin E thin the blood enough to replace daily aspirin? Is it good to rotate the two? They both have similar effects. He suspects that the recent anti small-dose-of-aspirin campaign is just because they have some other drug they want to sell.

- 00:56:30 - What causes ALS and how to treat it? About 20 years ago, someone with a new diagnosis of ALS contacted Dr. Peat. What helped was shining a bright heat lamp on the back of his head and neck and back for an hour every day, using pregnenolone, progesterone and thyroid. Plus getting some extra nutrients, vitamin D, niacinamide and milk. After a few months he stopped declining and went into a recovery.

- 00:59:55 - How to increase testosterone at the age of 50? The reason why testosterone falls around that age is a shift to estrogen, exactly like in women. Stress increases aromatase. You're probably still making a normal amount a testosterone, but it's turned into estrogen. To increase testosterone safely, reduce the stress that increases aromatase. Otherwise, if you get a testosterone injection, that isn't fixing the cause of the problem. Since you have more testosterone to turn into estrogen, it can make the problem worse.

- 01:01:25 - What food source of collagen works? He likes oxtail soup. It has a high gelatin content.

- 01:02:00 - What can be done for inguinal hernia? DHEA is usually low when the connective tissues give away like that. Make sure that cortisol is in balance with DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone. Cortisol weakens you connective tissue. DHEA declines with aging and cortisol tends to rise with aging. Fixing nutrition, vitamin D, calcium, good thyroid function, will raise DHEA relative to cortisol.

- 01:04:10 - Recently diagnosed with cutaneous lupus, could turn into systemic lupus within 6 months. What does Peat know about this? He guesses it is similar to systemic lupus erythematosus. Several women over the last 40 years have been diagnosed as having incurable, untreatable lupus. They all quickly recovered as soon as they figured out how to lower their estrogen. Vitamin D, calcium, not too much meat or seafood as a source of too much phosphate. Supplementing thyroid and progesterone as needed.

- 01:08:30 - 31 years old, thinks he/she has chicken pox. What could one do? Usually the second time you get it, it's only a few spots. Will probably work itself out.

- 01:10:00 – Could you get some estrogen cream to help with dryness "down there"? A few simple things like better nutrition, Vitamin A, D and calcium can help. But the amount of topical estrogen it takes, it gets absorbed with all the risks of high estrogen. The whole idea of menopause as an estrogen deficiency is a myth.

- 01:12:10 - How can progesterone help a man? If you're having any rheumatic symptoms, rubbing it into that area reduces the inflammation. Progesterone inhibits aromatase, so it will raise testosterone. But if you don't need it, it can have intrinsic anti-testosterone actions. A young man isn't likely to see any benefit.

- 01:13:40 - 01:15:50 - commercial

- 01:16:05 - What's the relationship between histamine and hormones? How to address the histamine sensitivity, take thyroid? The mast cell isn't the only source of histamine, but it's a major source. Estrogen activates the mast cells to produce more histamine, and progesterone has the opposite effect.

- 01:19:45 - [vaccine shedding again. Nothing new]

- 01:22:20 - Testosterone level is 1139. Doesn't feel any benefits from such a high testosterone level. Is that an issue? If it isn't turning into estrogen, that's a good thing. If it was turning into estrogen he would experience something like breast growth. But otherwise it's OK to have a high level like that.

- 01:23:05 - Is it OK to drink orange juice from conventional oranges? Yes, Peat uses it a lot.

- 01:23:45 - Are organic orange peels a good source of vitamin C? It does contain vitamin C, but it's not the main value. Organic orange peel is clean and has a lot of anti-inflammatory chemicals. You could make marmalade out of it.

- 01:25:05 - [Same question about progesterone as adrenal gland substitute in Hans Selye's experiments as in the episode before this]

- 01:26:40 - [Same question as in the episode before this at 01:02:25]

- 01:29:10 - What would be signs of too high estrogen levels? Irritability, restlessness, breast growth in men


Sep 21, 2014
November 15, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:25 - Does Peat believe there is anything to the whole men-made global warming thing? No, very little. He thinks it is dependent on the solar cycles. [The rest of the answer is the same as in other interviews: They used to predict an ice age, after pentagon propaganda it suddenly was global warning]

- 00:08:00 - Patrick has to pee a lot lately. What does this mean? Some of it is just oversensitivity of the bladder nerves. The histamine production and sensitivity is a part. Women have the problem more often than men, because they are more likely to have thyroid problems. Low thyroid shifts you towards estrogen and histamine patterns: your refluxes are less stabilized. Salt and sugar are the immediate antidotes, but the basic problem is to increase thyroid function.

- 00:12:20 - What's the advantage of getting beet sugar from the Midwest instead of tropical cane sugar? It has less deuterium, the heavy water that slows your metabolism and accelerates aging processes.

- 00:13:10 - What is deuterium even good for? It probably has some general biological function of sorting things out into slower metabolizers and faster metabolizers. But organisms with a big, high energy brain do better on low deuterium foods.

- 00:16:35 - What are face heat problems (after possible vaccine shedding) about? It's usually a combination of nerves and nitric oxide activation. All of the pro-inflammatory things related to the virus and the vaccines make you more susceptible to ups and downs of your nitric oxide production. [the rest of the answer is about shedding - nothing new compared to many other episodes]

- 00:23:15 - 00:29:00 - commercials

- 00:29:10 - What is DNA? It is a framework. It's like a stone foundation, very slow to change. But it offers the long-range stability of the organism's species. - But does it change? Yes, every time we adapt to something, we are slightly modifying the DNA background. Part of it becomes more and more heritable. If you experience something three or four or five generations in a row, the heritability of it has increased. But the individual can modify that framework. The more the environment causes you to have that adaptation, the longer the effect on the species.

- 00:31:05 - Do we modify it by our state of consciousness? The state of consciousness is the essence of how me meet the environment, how we predict it and profit from it. If your consciousness is constantly being surprised and thrown of balance, then your adaptations are going to be random and ineffective. But the better your predictive understanding is of where your life process is taking you, the more successful the momentary adaptation will be, and the more likely to be constructive in the long range.

- 00:31:55 - If we react to outside influences, are we becoming a bit weaker if we react to them unconsciously rather than consciously? Consciousness means that we find out an aspect of the environment that is exactly what we need. With our consciousness of something we can pick out, what [part of the environment] is right for going ahead. If you don't have that conscious selection of where you're going, you don't have that long-range productive process.

- 00:33:00 - What's the difference between the DNA and the genes? The gene idea existed long before there was any knowledge about DNA. The language of genes partly is very unscientific. It was originally used to deny that there can be any change.

- 00:35:00 - Charles Darwin sketched out the idea of the inheritance of acquired traits, in line with his grandfather and confirming Lamarck's idea, that life is acquiring traits by interacting with the environment. The Neo-Darwinists totally falsified the real Darwin. Darwin said that in our adapting to the environment, the cells (which are interacting with the environment) are sending out little capsules of information into the bloodstream, ready to be inherited through the gonadal cells. 160 or 170 years later exactly those mechanism were verified (exosomes, endosomes,...).

- 00:38:35 - Could the extremely low levels of DHEA after adrenalectomy by the reason why someone doesn't respond to thyroid supplements? Yes, you need the adrenals. Progesterone contains the main functions of the adrenal steroids. If the adrenals have been removed, you aren't able to respond to the increased metabolic rate of active thyroid metabolism. The adrenal deficiency is a very serious problem. You have to depend on supplements for the rest of your life.

- 00:41:10 - What is Dr. Peat's opinion on homeopathy? Do Gilbert Ling's ideas support the notion, that information can be contained within water for example, even if it's diluted through sub-molecular concentrations? In the vaguest sense, yes. But Gilbert Ling's understanding of water is that it's in the living state. The living state has all of its very powerful stabilizing factors, that are not in the same world as the very delicate type of information that homeopathy is talking about. There is some good science behind homeopathy. But Gilbert Ling's work is not at all directed towards those ultrasensitive therapeutic ideas.

- 00:42:40 - Is the basic idea behind vaccines back in the day some kind of homeopathic idea? The whole antibody standard idea of health and immunity is just a marketing ploy of the drug industry. The immune system is much more than the antibody system. [Paul Ehrlich, ... same as in other episodes]

- 00:48:15 - Is it true that a lot of the immune system is in our gut? Yes, starting right at our skin and the gut membranes.

- 00:48:30 - Started taking fermented foods, had constipation, good results. Why is that and can you eat as much fermented foods as you want? In fermented foods there are many antibiotic substances. One type of bacteria can very effectively kill and eliminate the bad bacteria. But fermented foods are extremely variable. They can produce carcinogenic materials, too. It isn't always predictable.

- 00:50:35 - Some people say that the polio vaccine did nothing to stop polio. What are Peat's thoughts on that? The whole myth of polio and vaccination falls apart, if you read about the history of how polio occurred. The vaccine appeared to have cured paralytic polio, but all they did was to rename the paralysis that occurs and no longer called it polio. Injections increase the paralytic effects of an organism. You can still see that in Africa. If a child is vaccinated for polio, the paralysis is most likely to effect the limb where the injection happened.

- 00:53:25 - There is more and more talk about smallpox. Are they going to run with this? They have saved it in freezers so that they can use it for germ warfare.

- 00:53:45 - What is smallpox? It's a virus. It can persists for several hours and can be transmitted by touch.

- 00:55:15 - Wasn't there a smallpox vaccine by scraping the skin? Yes, for hundreds of years. If you injected it by scraping locally, that would increase the chance that you would get a local swelling and local disease, but it would give you immunity against the deadly, whole-body disease. If you injected smallpox into a muscle, they would probably kill about 100% of the injected people.

- 00:56:30 - [Ling, cell structure, membrane theory, blood brain barrier etc. again]

- 01:03:20 - Why is coconut oil good for us? It's saturated. When we eat starch and sugar in excess, we turn to carbs into saturated fats. A very small part of the saturated fats that we make, can be turned into an Omega-9 fatty acids. The Omega-6 and Omega-3 series are the unstable ones. If you're eating fat, it's better if it is saturated.

- 01:05:15 - Blood sugar is 200, how to get it back into balance (listener didn't mention whether it was fasting blood sugar)? It depends on what time of day you did the test and what you were eating in the last 12 hours. You should investigate Vitamin D, thyroid hormone and calcium/phosphate ratio in the diet.

- 01:06:15 - 9 year old son has trouble swallowing, out of nowhere. What could be the cause? It could be an allergy, but around that age it's important to check the thyroid and other hormones. With the changing hormone environment of puberty the thyroid can sometimes get blocked. That can increase sensitivity to allergens, but it can also enlarge the thyroid gland and cause swallowing difficulties.

- 01:08:10 - What is the recommended TSH number? In the range of 0.4 downward. TSH itself causes inflammation of the blood vessels, not just because of low thyroid hormone. TSH is an active factor in the sickness of thyroid deficiency and not just a passive marker.

- 01:11:35 - Could Dr. Peat discuss the relationship between freckles and lipofuscin, if there is one? Why do people with red hair and a fair skin tone usually have freckles? Partly it's an irritated inflammatory reaction. Peat has known people who had a precancerous reaction when they were extremely deficient in vitamin D. People with red hair and pale skin are more susceptible to UV light.

- 01:12:45 - How to get ones natural hair color back if they are gray? Why does hair get gray? Partly because the hair loses or can't retain the copper enzyme that produces the melanin pigment. Iron can displace copper and accelerate the loss of pigment.

- 01:14:00 - What does he think of drinking water out of a copper vessel? It's okay if it isn't acidic water.

- 01:16:30 - Struggling with COPD for almost ten years. Gets a little worse every year. Any suggestions on what to do? It depends on what exactly the diagnosis means. There are many potential things that can increase the obstruction. A friend of Peat, who was overweight and in his mid 80s, when he visited him his skin was purple and he was gasping. His daughter started adding some thyroid hormone, progesterone and pregnenolone in his food. Within two weeks his skin color and breathing was normal. Reducing inflammatory foods in the diet is an important starting place.

- 01:19:30 - Isn't pregnenolone in coconut oil? Only trace amounts.

- 01:19:40 - Is peanut allergy caused by peanut products(?) in vaccines? There are traces of proteins in various vaccines, especially egg proteins. That's how you create allergies with vaccines.

- 01:20:35 - What minerals are most important for dental health? When they looked at the water in the Rocky Mountains and Andes, for example, the water happened to be high in fluoride. They thought this was the reason for preventing tooth decay. It turned out that the other trace minerals (molybdenum in particular) were contributing to the resistance to decay. Calcium and a good balance of trace minerals turn out to be the factor in the mountain water, not the fluoride.

- 01:22:00 - Are essential oils good for us? It depends. Some are good for reducing inflammation in the breathing system, for example eucalyptus oil and menthol. But you can't say much about them as a category.

- 01:23:00 - [Question about some skin issue. Patrick read the question in a pretty confusing way]? It's an allergic reaction. Often something you ate. Look at the balance of all nutrients and exposure to chemicals in foods.

- 01:24:10 - How does a woman know that she is at risk for osteoporosis without getting x-rays? Ultrasound of the bone is better than x-rays.

- 01:24:40 - Is Vitamin K2 MK-4 [Patrick read something else, but I think he meant MK-4] better to use long-term than MK-7? He doesn't think there is a big difference. He uses K1.


Sep 21, 2014
December 20, 2021

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:04:10 - "Science is a matter of questioning science. It isn't science if it isn't questionable"

- 00:06:05 - Going back 70 or 80 years, the government directly got involved in all of the major scientific questions. The government (and corporations) intervened with its grant power. The combination of government and the big corporations are what's called "the consensus". If you dissent you don't get any funding, see Peter Duesberg and HIV/AIDS.

- 00:09:30 - [The way Patrick phrased this question was a bit confusing. But it was something to the extent of 'So AIDS is not caused by HIV?'] That's Peat's belief and Peter Duesberg's belief. In the 1960s, blood samples from military recruits were taken and frozen in every year. When they tested those blood samples later (after the beginning of the HIV/AIDS story), they found HIV in many samples. It's gonna be in 0.5% of everyone you test.

- 00:16:25 - What did they use to determine that someone was "HIV positive"? Antigen test were the main identifier, Peat thinks.

- 00:17:45 - [Question about variants and virus mutations for the 74th time]

- 00:22:40 - 00:29:45 - commercials

- 00:30:40 - Why do people feel better if they take ivermectin? The essential thing is its anti-inflammatory action. Just about any substance that is anti-inflammatory is also going to be anti-coagulant to some extent. It's been used around the world for parasite treatment.

- 00:32:40 - How relevant is the placebo effect? The placebo effect is extremely powerful. Just taking a bitter potion is going to have a very powerful placebo effect, because bitterness is associated with healing. A pill that is bright red is a more effective placebo than a pill with neutral color.

- 00:34:15 - Is it safe to eat animal brain to raise cholesterol levels? Dietary cholesterol isn't very effective in raising blood cholesterol level. We powerfully regulate the amount of circulating cholesterol, because it's an essential factor in our health. Cholesterol rises because it is a defensive substance. The amount of cholesterol going into the ovary exactly corresponds to the amount of progesterone coming out of the ovary on the other side. The body increases cholesterol so that the protective hormones (progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA) increase. The thyroid level is responsible for converting cholesterol into the defensive hormones, but if your liver and intestine are seriously damaged, you can't make enough cholesterol. Stop poisoning your liver by improving your digestion.

- 00:43:00 - The carrot contains some toxins, as plant materials usually do. But the high fiber content of the carrot prevents almost all of the toxins from being absorbed. You don't even get much carotene if you just chew it or shed it lengthwise. You don't want to put it through a blender, because that releases most of the carotene to be absorbed. Olive oil and vinegar are antiseptics, and the fiber of the carrot distributes the vinegar and oil all along the intestine.

- 00:46:30 - Wife diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. What could be the cause and a remedy? He has seen improvement just by correcting the thyroid function.

- 00:48:30 - What does Dr. Peat think of astaxanthin? It is in same family as carotene. It's an antioxidant, but he isn't too enthusiastic about that family. Too much can interfere with thyroid function.

- 00:50:25 - Does Dr. Peat think it's a good idea to take supplemental iodine for thyroid function? No, almost never. Increased iodine intake is associated with damage to the thyroid gland and eventually loss of thyroid function.

- 00:52:50 - If Dr. Peat was elected to replace Fauci, what recommendations would he make to the American people regarding Covid? First, he would look at all of the data that they used to claim that there is a pandemic and make that public. So far, there is no evidence that there is/was a pandemic. In the second week of April 2020, when there was this spike in deaths attributed to Covid, in that same week the flu went out of existence around the world. It was a renaming of deaths that were happening anyway.

- 00:56:10 - What does Dr. Peat make of the football [what Americans call soccer] players with heart attacks? The figures are clear that the vaccine is pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulation. The number of heart attacks is clearly connected to the vaccination.

- 00:58:20 - Does Dr. Peat think that the truth will ever come out? The truth is out, but it's a matter of people looking at it.

- 00:59:00 - Boyfriend is being forced to get a vaccine. Do you have to refrain from kissing and sex for some time? [Peat gave his standard answer about shedding first] Possibly up to a month, but usually the first two weeks, you are most likely to be shedding. [afterwards standard talk about exosomes]

- 01:08:00 - What causes the body to attack itself as in an autoimmune disease? Histamine, estrogen and endotoxin tend to make the tissues take up water, get inflamed, start producing more histamine, endotoxin make things more inflamed. The cell shifts towards inefficient metabolism; lactic acid production for example. The transmitters that change the metabolism are changing the antigenic properties of the cell. Your immune system sees what looks like a foreign antigen, so the immune system tries to clean up the tissue damage. Peat thinks of the tissue damage of being primary. If you stop the inflammation, restore oxidative metabolism, you restore a lot of these proteins so they are no longer antigenic. Then the immune system will be able to quiet down and stop attacking.

- 01:15:00 - How to detox from the vaccine? Treating it the way you would treat the Covid infection. The spike protein is the toxic part in both. Aspirin, antihistamines, progesterone will help to reduce the inflammation. Getting enough carbohydrates in the diet to restrain histamine production.

- 01:17:30 - Toothache, and the gum around the tooth is inflamed. Any suggestions on what could help? Very often that starts with something you ate.

- 01:18:20 - Supplement with DMSO as a solvent. Is it safe to take every day if you're not allergic? He doesn't think it's a good thing to take it every day.

- 01:19:40 - Any idea on why long hair is thinning so much that it breaks off where the follicle enters the scalp? Most often that's an effect of low thyroid.

- 01:25:20 - Doesn't orange juice spike your insulin (listener keeps his carbs under 50g per day)? You have to make up for the calorie difference. Too much protein can be pro-inflammatory and can slow down thyroid function. Sugar tends to increase heat production and metabolic rate. Everything over 200g per day is fine, as long as the calorie intake is in balance and heat production is good.

- 01:29:05 - Most people are iodine deficient, see Dr. Brownstein's work [not really a question]? Brownstein was a follower of Guy Abraham. Peat thinks there is almost no science behind those claims. Abraham sold an iodine product.

- 01:33:10 - What would symptoms of too much iodine be? Peat thinks it contributes to the high incidence of nearsightedness in the Japanese. An anti-thyroid effect can show up as nearsightedness.


Sep 21, 2014
January 17, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:00 - What is Peat currently reading? Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s book on Fauci. People are denouncing it because they don't like the conclusions. But no one has apparently found any flaw in it.

- 00:06:30 - Can your prove that the mRNA "vaccines" are meant to do something else, other than for protection? If you look at the research around 2005, they had explained why the spike protein is harmful and why the antibodies to it are harmful. [more talk about antibodies]

- 00:09:20 - In Africa, with poor diet, exposure to lots of parasites, a warm humid climate, lot of fungal infection, these things are occupying the immune system over and over again. And that is a burden on the immune system, explaining why the incidence of acquired immune deficiency is so high, when the environment is rich in diseases.

- 00:10:00 - Is this why AIDS got so prevalent in the early 80s in Africa? In Africa, they didn't find [AIDS as described in the United States and Co.], so they redefined the existence of AIDS as having the infections that typify people with AIDS. Tuberculosis is very common in people with AIDS and there is a lot of tuberculosis in Africa. So by definition a tuberculosis patient is an AIDS victim.

- 00:11:25 - Peter Duesberg was the world's leading virologist in the 1960s. As soon as he questioned the idea that there is an AIDS-causing virus he was exiled scientifically. They ruined his career.

- 00:13:00 - What was the reason why so many people died of what was called AIDS? Peter Duesberg makes a good case that at first it was recreational drugs, that were very popular in the gay community. After Fauci became involved, the fraudulently researched drugs to treat the infection turned out to be deadly. When the death rate from the recreational drugs was tapering off, the pharmaceutical drugs (AZT etc.) took over and killed the patients.

- 00:15:15 - The existence of HIV was thoroughly established according to Fauci and the government, before the PCR test existed. After Kary Mullis invented it, he said that there is no basis for this claim.

- 00:16:00 - Are there similar issues with other vaccines that they give to children nowadays? They vary. Each one has its own toxicity. But when you add up all of the reported deaths from the preexisting vaccines, the deaths reported from the new so-called vaccines are something like a hundred times higher. There are several of the standard vaccines that are very toxic, while others are almost harmless. But they are all a burden to the immune systems. Adding up all those things, even if they are only 1% as harmful as the present mRNA vaccines, you see a tremendous increase in allergies developing in childhood. There are about 50 times as many allergic kids and young people than before the times when vaccines were really pushed. The hepatitis B vaccine was shown to cause lingering brain damage in animal studies, and they gave it to little kids, as if they were going to be exposed to sexually transmitted hepatitis or contaminated intravenous drugs.

- 00:23:00 - 00:28:40 - commercials

- 00:28:40 - Are grains good or bad? If they are properly prepared they are fine. Thousands of years ago people found out that if they got wood ashes into their grains, it tasted better, was easier to digest and more nutritious. Today it's generally called nixtamalization. The toxins of the grain are mostly removed or destroyed. Tryptophan, which is a potential toxin, is converted to niacin. The deficiency disease of niacin is caused by a diet of unprepared corn. The removal of PUFAs is part of it. PUFAs are a defensive toxin for the plants. All kinds of grains taste better and are better digestible if they went through the process of nixtamalization. If you sprout the grain, that converts potential toxic compounds like gluten into an actual protein that has nutritional value. Unsprouted and unprocessed grains are practically useless nutritionally. Oats, if it hasn't been heated, will sprout.

- 00:38:55 - Could starch be a contributor to heart problems? Studies show that if you give raw starch to an animal, even if it's big particles, they will go from the intestine right into the circulating body fluids. When they reach a capillary or a small arterial, they are too big to go ahead. The bodies and brains of the mice are full of dead tissue. Everywhere a grain particle clogged an arterial, surrounding tissue died for lack of oxygen and nutrients. You can slow the absorption of starch particles and decrease the effect if the starch is well cooked and you take it with butter or cream.

- 00:46:35 - What about a test that can measure the size of your LDL particles? The smaller particles get rancid much more quickly. There is a close connection between heart health and size of the particles. Eating eggs help to keep the particles big. The bigger particles are much less exposed to oxygen. Cholesterol is involved in detoxifying the PUFAs that cause oxidative damage to the lining of the artery. So cholesterol temporarily reduces inflammation and should over time reduce the damage. But if you keep eating PUFA, you keep damaging the arteries and the PUFA combines with cholesterol and it gets overloaded in the tissues.

- 00:51:05 - It is known for close to a hundred years, and was clearly established in the 40s, that PUFAs accelerate age pigment formation and all of the degenerative processes. It turns out that Vitamin E slows that process. You probably need only 30-50 mg a day of Vitamin E to give you full protection.

- 00:54:20 - What should we look for if we want to find a Vitamin E supplement? Fair amount of viscosity and dark color, and a high potency in the smallest volume. You don't want a big, clear capsule, so you get less PUFA. Mixed tocopherols? Yes, those are the anti-inflammatory components.

- 00:57:15 - What could you do to survive without a thyroid? You can theoretically make it yourself if you boil milk with oysters or seaweed in it, a source of iodine and trace minerals. The prolonged boiling will create iodinized casein, which works like thyroid hormone.

- 01:01:30 - Achilles tendon operation. Took antibiotics for several weeks. How to repopulate the microbiome? Sometimes bacteria in yogurt help. Greek yogurt has reduced lactic acid content but still is full of the anti-inflammatory bacteria.

- 01:02:30 - Isn't an insulin spike (from drinking orange juice) a bad thing? If you don't take it with other food. Slowing down the absorption, with milk for example, will reduce the spike. If you compare it with rice, the sucrose in the orange juice contains an insulin-moderating component (fructose), while starch is pure glucose. The high potassium content in orange juice also has a moderating effect.

- 01:04:50 - Low thyroid. How to get Armour thyroid (from Mexico). Or is there a better source? It's very hard and expensive in Mexico. But almost all of the drug stores in Mexico will have Cynoplus (same ratio of T4/T3 as Armour thyroid) or Novothyral, which has a 5:1 ratio instead of 4:1 like Cynoplus.

- 01:06:40 - [Monthly questions about shedding and exosomes]

- 01:14:40 - What to do for a child with a fever that coughs and throws up? What would be a dangerously high temperature and how would you treat it? Aspirin and all of the anti-inflammatory things. Sugar is really neglected as an anti-inflammatory substance. It reduces stress and reduces the inflammatory cytokines. Sugar corresponds pretty well to the production of CO2. Stress causes us to shift from glucose oxidation to fatty acid oxidation. That lowers CO2 production and increases lactic acid, which supports all of the inflammatory processes.

- 01:16:15 - How to get more sugar? Maple syrup, honey, orange juice, fruits,...? Honey and orange juice a very good. The brown stuff in maple syrup is fairly inflammatory in itself. It corresponds with mineral content, but the browning of food tends to increase its allergenicity.

- 01:18:20 - How problematic are raw and undercooked starches? [Mostly the same answer as from 00:38:55]

- 01:20:45 - Tocotrienol Vitamin E vs. mixed tocopherols? Peat would go with the tocopherols. In feeding experiments the tocotrienols causes liver enlargement, if they gave too much of it. That indicates some kind of a stress effect.

- 01:21:25 - Is dry Vitamin E legitimate? It does have some Vitamin E value, but there isn't really such a thing as dry Vitamin E.

- 01:22:25 - Any ideas for thinning hair (it started after they put a plate and screws into the wrist after it broke)? The biological vitality of the scalp and the hair follicle corresponds with thyroid function and metabolic rate. If something is causing constant stress, that could slow the metabolism.

- 01:29:15 - If the listener consumes too much salt in a day, the next morning the joints are stiff. Why would salt do that? Peat doesn't know why salt could cause that.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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