Ray Peat Has Grey Hair, No Facial Hair, Black Teeth And Age Pigments


May 14, 2014
I'm not anti Peat. I have great success with using his advices. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is that Peat himself seems to not be in as good a health as his theory predicts.

He says that copper can help against grey hair, but his hair is grey.
He says that teeth can remineralise and that antibiotics helps but many of his teeth are black.
He has many age pigments on his hand, yet he writes that this can be completely prevented by diet, and that he has seen people reverse age pigments using progesterone.
It seems like that he would know how to optimise his testosterone levels, but he seems like quite low in testosterone in the way he talks and looking at his facial hairs.

What do you guys think of that?


May 27, 2015
I'm not anti Peat. I have great success with using his advices. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is that Peat himself seems to not be in as good a health as his theory predicts.

He says that copper can help against grey hair, but his hair is grey.
He says that teeth can remineralise and that antibiotics helps but many of his teeth are black.
He has many age pigments on his hand, yet he writes that this can be completely prevented by diet, and that he has seen people reverse age pigments using progesterone.
It seems like that he would know how to optimise his testosterone levels, but he seems like quite low in testosterone in the way he talks and looking at his facial hairs.

What do you guys think of that?
He lost his teeth to a wheat germ experiment. I think the man-on-the-street's view of testosterone is silly. I know he supplements testosterone and dht. Havent seen age spots, though he has many moles and did have melanoma or a pre-cancerous lesion. I think he looks in good condition. His hair is grey and he is definitely aged in countenance, yet his skin glows and he has the musculature of a younger person, what i mean by that is though he has wrinkles, he has a healthy neck and good posture and looks in his 20s in some way that is confusing to identify. There's unfortunately an inclincation not to dismiss, but not to really recognize the profundity of his work. It's not an everyday feeling because our lives are so vapid and regimented. People think the majority is right, but they never have been through the extent of human history.


Um..... he is 80 flipping two and a genius and an icon. He is allowed grey hair etc. Not sure what your point of this post is?


Jun 7, 2016
I consider context important and paying close attention to nuance when it comes to Ray Peat.

I think its challenging to come to terms with the inevitability of ageing and death. The most important thing to observe with Ray is his mind.

I think all people at 80 have grey hair is this not true? Are there anglos around who are 80 and have full colour hair? I am not sure. I think Ray is referring to people who are young and start getting grey hairs which is a symptom and at a young age this can be remedied.

Goodandevil is correct about the wheatgerm and was due to high phosphorus to calcium ratio which damaged the teeth and why he recommends higher calcium to phosphorus ratio now. - Sometimes the greatest failures turn out to be the greatest successes.

The environment we live in is highly toxic and Ray also lives in the same world and health and longevity is an up hill battle for all of us. It's challenging to come to the reality of which we live in now and the masses are in denial or oblivious.

Im not sure if age pigments are unavoidable at some point, we are constantly ageing. I don't know if Ray has them. Perhaps much younger people had age pigments and progesterone was effective on them but at age 80 perhaps its just part of the process of the body breaking down.

Ray Leant through denial and error, like the rest of us, he is a scientist who experimented on himself throughout his life and is able to leave us with his legacy.

His voice is deep, He brings the pitch up for interviews.

He told a story how a young women who visited him was not menstruating and she borrowed his cardigan and the pheromones/hormones in his cardigan caused her to menstruate because he has healthy levels of androgen's. Best to listen to it from him to get the correct context.
May 21, 2015
I think its challenging to come to terms with the inevitability of ageing and death

"2. In an ideal environment in all aspects of the word ideal (mind, body, spirit), how long do you believe our bodies were designed to live?"

Peat: "I have never seen evidence that they contain any principle of mortality, and in recent years the suspicion that we contain all the equipment needed for perpetual renewal, given the right circumstances, is seeming to be increasingly plausible." From
Mind-Body Connection Interview 9/26/2012 :wink


Jun 7, 2016
"2. In an ideal environment in all aspects of the word ideal (mind, body, spirit), how long do you believe our bodies were designed to live?"

I do not know the answer. I don't know if we were designed to live to an optimum or a particular age but it comes down to the environment we create and I don't know how we were designed. I think the Earth, sun, solar system influence the lifespan the most or used to. I think that health and vitality could be the norm for the entire life with short death at the end. Now it seems people experience a short lived time of health and vitality if at all and a slow painful death.

I watched this documentary years ago and at 47:50 it shows a man who is almost 60 and he climbs up a tree to retrieve a monkey, It does make me wonder if some ideals could be met what the potential is or if there were times in history along the equator where the ideals were met but war seems to prevail as far as Im aware.



Apr 21, 2018
I’d rather take advice from someone whose head is full of hair and seems to be aging well, rather than Greger or Rogan for example who are pretty damn bald

Not saying people are wrong because they don’t have hair specifically. But if you’re giving away tons of advice make sure you’re aging well first


Sep 1, 2017
I’d rather take advice from someone whose head is full of hair and seems to be aging well, rather than Greger or Rogan for example who are pretty damn bald

Not saying people are wrong because they don’t have hair specifically. But if you’re giving away tons of advice make sure you’re aging well first

DM her


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


May 8, 2017
I have excellent hair growth, color (the envy of hair stylists everywhere) and tensile strength, and amazing facial hair. And the worst health of anyone I know and likely going to die prematurely.


Jun 7, 2016
This topic seems familiar...Is Ray Peat Even Healthy? QUOTE]

Can someone rationalise with me why its constructive to compare Ray Peat with Rich Piana? or comparing anyone else with anyone.

If you think he looks unhealthy and it makes you doubt is message and life work. be sceptical and critical its better than putting people on pedestals and not learning anything but how to copy other peoples diets and lifestyles. We are becoming used to being seduced by charlatans and it takes time to realise not everyone is a charlatan selling some snake oil.

Id rather listen some honest person who admits mistakes and learns from them then shares the wisdom once mastered, instead of being in denial and victim to vanity by covering them up with hair transplants, hair dye, fake teeth, damaging teeth whitening, cosmetic surgery, make up, photoshop, elaborate lighting setups etc.


Can someone rationalise with me why its constructive to compare Ray Peat with Rich Piana? or comparing anyone else with anyone.

If you think he looks unhealthy and it makes you doubt is message and life work. be sceptical and critical its better than putting people on pedestals and not learning anything but how to copy other peoples diets and lifestyles. We are becoming used to being seduced by charlatans and it takes time to realise not everyone is a charlatan selling some snake oil.

Id rather listen some honest person who admits mistakes and learns from them then shares the wisdom once mastered, instead of being in denial and victim to vanity by covering them up with hair transplants, hair dye, fake teeth, damaging teeth whitening, cosmetic surgery, make up, photoshop, elaborate lighting setups etc.


Mar 27, 2018
Can someone rationalise with me why its constructive to compare Ray Peat with Rich Piana? or comparing anyone else with anyone.

If you think he looks unhealthy and it makes you doubt is message and life work. be sceptical and critical its better than putting people on pedestals and not learning anything but how to copy other peoples diets and lifestyles. We are becoming used to being seduced by charlatans and it takes time to realise not everyone is a charlatan selling some snake oil.

Id rather listen some honest person who admits mistakes and learns from them then shares the wisdom once mastered, instead of being in denial and victim to vanity by covering them up with hair transplants, hair dye, fake teeth, damaging teeth whitening, cosmetic surgery, make up, photoshop, elaborate lighting setups etc.

Health =/= physical appearance
is the message of that photo, btw.
Nov 26, 2013
Now I'm interested. Where can we see the age pigments?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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