Puffy No More: How I Fixed Bloating, Healed Veins, Restored The Color Of [one] Hair & Reduced Cramps



Jul 11, 2016
In the beginning, it felt very counter-intuitive and kind of scary to lick salt. I thought it was going to make me feel puffier--and it did. It won't work until you reach a certain threshold, and when you reach that threshold, the swelling goes away. But how much and how often I had to figure out for myself, and I think it's best you try to do the same. I only had two rules: I'd take it until the symptoms would stop, and I would take it in doses and frequencies that tasted good and felt good. I also think you should do it with the intention of helping your body, not to "fix" something that's bad about it - this means, if you take it and don't really like it sea salt in small doses, either decrease the dose and see if that helps, but otherwise, don't try to force yourself. It has to feel good. I can't emphasize that enough, really. The easiest cure for puffiness is salt + Buteyko (reduced breathing) technique.

But okay, in my case, in the beginning, I would take salt whenever I felt cold - the kind of cold that, after some trial and error, you realize is due to your own temperature falling, and not external factors such as being hungry or because the temperature is low. Another time I take it is when I feel as if my face and hands start to swell, which admittedly rarely happens these days but before I would get those sensations very frequently. How do you recognize it's happening? It's quite subtle so you have to teach yourself to notice it - it makes the skin tighten and makes it harder to move your fingers or facial muscles. Each time I'd take just a little bit of salt - not more than the size of a small aspirin tablet ground up - however much that is in ounces - around 250 mg for sure.


Jul 11, 2016
What salt did for me (short-term effects):
  • feeling of "air" through my face... like my skin is breathing
  • warmth, first of hands and feet, then whole body
  • sometimes drowsiness
  • a pleasantly increased heartbeat - nothing crazy
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