Parent Essential Oils And Polyunsaturated Fats


Nov 18, 2019
Linoleic and Alpha-Linolenic Fatty Acids, found in many seeds, nuts, grasses and plants) will incorporate into cell membranes and upon doing so they will increase the cells ability to obtain oxygen from the blood… leading to less likelihood of the above mentioned diseases and increased likelihood of health and energy. Therefore, they should be consumed regularly.
What about people consuming food like nuts to achieve this instead of consuming oils? Has he spoken about this? Just curious.


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for summarizing Peskin's main ideas so well.

I've avoided his parent oils thus far because I'm not convinced they are essential because I can't see why these parent oils (from plants only found in temperate countries) are essential if these oils are not native to tropical countries. People would not have survived in the tropics without access to these oils (unless they have been importing cold-pressed oils from temperate countries from prehistoric times) but it doesn't take much to know that isn't the case.

So I'm just taking sat fats and MUFAs but no PUFAs.

Have you changed your mind on this? I have been reading about Peskin's ideas the last couple days and it seems to make sense to me. He doesn't look particularly healthy to me though...but neither do any of the health gurus out there besides maybe a few of them.

It also clears up why there is so much contradictory research on omega 3 and omega 6.

A summary of Brian Peskin’s ground breaking research is as follows:

1.Insufficient oxygen within cells is a contributing or prime cause to many modern diseases such as Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Parkinson’s, Dementia, etc.

2.Adulterated Parent Omega Oils (polyunsaturated oils) (whether cooked, chemically processed or damaged in any other way) ought not to be consumed. Such damaged oils should be “viewed” as being a long-term destroyer of health because they will incorporate into human cell membranes and reduce the ability of the cells to obtain optimal amounts of oxygen from the blood. The more that one consumes denatured vegetable oils, the more that the oxygen content of the cells of one’s body will be reduced from what it would otherwise have been if those adulterated oils hadn’t been consumed.When denatured oils are consumed and incorporate into cell membranes, it is somewhat like one had coated his/her cells with a plastic coating — making it difficult for oxygen to go from the blood through the membrane into the cell. This hindrance or resistance to oxygen transfer will continue for the entire cell life (3 - 5 months) cycle until a new cell is created and the cell membrane is constructed from undamaged Parent Essential Oils. Such replacement of bad oils with good oils in the cell membrane is like removing that plastic coating from around the cells so that oxygen can now get in.

3.Long chain, Omega derivative oils, such as Fish or Krill oil or Omega DHA and EPA supplements, are radicalized in the human body, thus becoming oxidizing or damaging to the body, making tissues age faster. Therefore, except for very short durations (in most cases, 10 days or less), Omega derivatives should not be consumed.

4.Undenatured Parent Omega Oils (meaning raw, uncooked, not chemically processed Linoleic and Alpha-Linolenic Fatty Acids, found in many seeds, nuts, grasses and plants) will incorporate into cell membranes and upon doing so they will increase the cells ability to obtain oxygen from the blood… leading to less likelihood of the above mentioned diseases and increased likelihood of health and energy. Therefore, they should be consumed regularly.


Mar 29, 2016
That is me as well @yerrag!
But it makes us wonder though why there are testimonials of great success from people who used Brian's parent oils, doesn't it?

Clearly there is some reason to it but all we have is empirical proof thus far.


Nov 18, 2019
But it makes us wonder though why there are testimonials of great success from people who used Brian's parent oils, doesn't it?

Clearly there is some reason to it but all we have is empirical proof thus far.
I think eating some foods as Whole Foods like a piece of fish or some nuts balances out a diet and adds what a person might need. I just deep down intuitively feel eating the oils even unprocessed and organic might have long term consequences whereas a piece of fish every now and then or some nuts just don’t have the same question mark for me long term. Does that make sense?


Mar 29, 2016
I think eating some foods as Whole Foods like a piece of fish or some nuts balances out a diet and adds what a person might need. I just deep down intuitively feel eating the oils even unprocessed and organic might have long term consequences whereas a piece of fish every now and then or some nuts just don’t have the same question mark for me long term. Does that make sense?
What you say makes more sense to me than what Peskin espouses actually.

I'm just saying it makes more sense, not that I'm right as you know.

Whole foods that have PUFAs seem to always antioxidants like vitamin E to counter the PUFAs in them. Whereas processed oils don't have antioxidants and this is probably the main reason they are called adulterated, although Peskin does not elaborate much on what he means by that term, afaik, and this leaves the reader to imagine what adulteration means. But for me, removing antioxidants from whole foods that contain oils and leaving us to ingest such PUFA oils expose us to its dangers .

For me, if you can eat whole foods such as nuts and fish that contain PUFAs, you're still adequately protected from the harm of lipid peroxidation, and if you're not, you still are not totally harmed and the harm you get from that lifestyle is not going to keep you from having a semblance of health that even allows you to live long and in health, and without needing health insurance for that matter.

I myself am way up there in being cynical especially with these past two years' events confirming my suspicions about the nature of our world and the sophisticated deception we are constantly subjected to. Such that repeated lies morph in our consciousness into truths that makes us useful idiots for the deceivers.

While there are testimonials alluding to a total reversion of plaque to zero, and this may lead us to believe Peskin's ideas are right - if we are less critical minded ourselves - there is always the possibility that this is an elaborate setup or pysop to make us return to believing that EFAs are good even after we already got swayed by Ray Peat into what we generally believe in this forum.

I sense some disconnect - and I just have to point back to people living in the tropic not having access to Peskin's parent oils as a glaring example - and no one can ever explain to me how that disconnect can be reconciled. So it's entirely possible that after the AHA has been exposed for lying bigly about PUFAs, some experts comes and tells us oh no, PUFAs are good only if they are unprocessed and cold-pressed.

But @dannibo in another current thread tells us of his remarkable recovery from a bad state using parent oils. And while his recovery is fantastic, of a rapid recovery in his state in a few weeks, we can ourselves test parent oils ourselves for a month, and be able to corroborate his experience.

We could get enough people in our forum, say about 30, to get a statistically significant conclusion out of a month of testing. And knowing how much of an impossibility this to be the case - given how disparate our priorities are - still one can do a self test and report on this. I hope someone does so and gives us a report. Often people don't when there is no success, for some reason, and that leaves us none the better. If I ask you to name a few people who do a good job of experimenting on themselves, and go beyond merely by feel, which is very subjective and not really to be taken seriously - you would have a hard time coming up with a list. Not saying I expected more from this forum, but that's just the way of all forums.

Peskin may show studies, but even studies themselves I don't trust. With funding from evil pharma, any study can be made to fool us. That's why I still ask some basic questions and if it doesn't make sense, then I would have to remember what Peat says, that it has to be coherent.


May 8, 2017
What about people consuming food like nuts to achieve this instead of consuming oils? Has he spoken about this? Just curious.
Not sure if he has. If ALL PUFAs were bad, I'm not sure why they would be found in the skin and brain, or in foods like grass fed beef, whole milk, breast milk, eggs, fish, and plants etc. It seems impractical to complete deplete yourself of all PUFA and to avoid indefinitely. But again, this guy is saying you should avoid fish oil and any adulterated, heated vegetable oil as these PUFAs have already been oxidized and are extremely damaging.

Edit: I'm listening to one of his lectures and he does mention the benefits of eating nuts to get the unoxidized form of omega 6.
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Apr 17, 2020
I agree with fresh unheated pufas from whole foods being part of a healthy diet, while balanced with the other FAs. What does Peskin think about what is the close to ideal ratio for SFA/MUFA/PUFA?
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May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
Just because we're not cold-blooded doesn't mean we don't need polyunsaturated fats.
We are not ruminants and non-feeding animals (pig, chicken, duck...) always contain a decent amount of PUFA.
You need pufa for the brain, the atherial walls and all the places requiring a van der Waals force, you also need it to prevent asthma, for your skin etc.
Either way, the vast majority of studies and anecdotal reports point to improved metabolic health, cardiovascular health, and body composition when more PUFA is consumed in the form of whole foods.
And it's not simplistic reasoning that will change that.


Mar 29, 2016
Just because we're not cold-blooded doesn't mean we don't need polyunsaturated fats.
It's just like saying just because we are warm blooded we won't die of hypothermia.

If I stopped here, what I say means nothing. No argument to bolster what I just said.

And that's what you just did.

"And it's not simplistic reasoning that will change that."

If you have to refer to something as simplistic reasoning, at the very least let us know what statement or idea it is that you consider simplistic reasoning.

Sepp Depp

Jun 20, 2022
We are designed to die. Our ancestors died as well, mine maybe at a fairly early age. Might as well make it quicker. All the past is ridden with people degenerating and dieing. Breaking this tradition would be shameful

Sepp Depp

Jun 20, 2022
We are designed to jerk off, too. God gave us hands and the **** is on the center of our body. We ought to jerk it


Oct 29, 2016
Ray Peat

Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic

The Great Fish Oil Experiment

Coconut Oil

You need neither omega 3 and omega 6

Body fat should resemble coconut oil, or butter. Neither of those have omega 3 or omega 6.

The body makes its own mead acid, however you need adequare b6 and zinc and maybe biotin too because of Burr's disease.

Borage Oil, Sunflower, Safflower, Pumpkin See Oil, Evening Primrose are just as rancid as fish oil. It is the same chemical structure.
Our ancestors didn't even have these oils to begin with.


Mar 29, 2016
We are designed to die. Our ancestors died as well, mine maybe at a fairly early age. Might as well make it quicker. All the past is ridden with people degenerating and dieing. Breaking this tradition would be shameful
Are you trolling.

Do you want to be in this forum?


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
Just because we're not cold-blooded doesn't mean we don't need polyunsaturated fats.
We are not ruminants and non-feeding animals (pig, chicken, duck...) always contain a decent amount of PUFA.
You need pufa for the brain, the atherial walls and all the places requiring a van der Waals force, you also need it to prevent asthma, for your skin etc.
Either way, the vast majority of studies and anecdotal reports point to improved metabolic health, cardiovascular health, and body composition when more PUFA is consumed in the form of whole foods.
And it's not simplistic reasoning that will change that.
low van der Waals force*


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
It's just like saying just because we are warm blooded we won't die of hypothermia.
I hope for you that this is intellectual dishonesty and that you have the little qi necessary to understand that the two assertions have no relation
If I stopped here, what I say means nothing. No argument to bolster what I just said.
No, it is obvious that you can die of hypothermia if the conditions are met.
It is not obvious that being warm-blooded means that the majority of intracellular and blood lipids must be predominantly saturated.
I have moreover given the example of chickens, ducks and pigs which are naturally very unsaturated, man is not a ruminant and is in fact very close to pigs and it is normal that their "composition lipid" be similar.
And that's what you just did.
No you have to buy glasses and a brain
"And it's not simplistic reasoning that will change that."

If you have to refer to something as simplistic reasoning, at the very least let us know what statement or idea it is that you consider simplistic reasoning.
Literally the starting statement "consumption of pufa is omega 3 because we are not cold-blooded fish".
A claim that incidentally conflates PUFAs with shitty rancid fish oil supplements that have been stored for months.


Mar 29, 2016
Just because we're not cold-blooded doesn't mean we don't need polyunsaturated fats
Please ...

...Who said what you said here?

Why disprove what no one is claiming?

Show us.

And you should learn to use quotes.

That's not too hard to do and certainly not beneath your intelligence level.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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