
Jul 27, 2016
Has anyone here ever written any RayPeat papers to hand out or pamphlets to get these resources out?

I am working on a pamphlet for handing out, leaving around and printing regularly about cancer with linking to many of Ray Peats articles, ideas and even this site for further investigation. This is just the rough data that needs to be edited and formatted.

These are the basic issues being addressed, focused primarily on polyunsaturated fatty acids and the history of their consumption to now and the necessity of countering such. This is very rough and looking on what is best to put in concise wording in a pamphlet to point people into the right direction and finishing with an array of links for further investigation for the interested reader. Even to link to this very thread to expound upon what cannot fit into a single folding pamphlet.

The primary premise is that pertaining to these vegetable oils; they have never been consumed by any culture in the history of humanity, nor is the process of extracting them naturally an inclination. They are contrary to taste as well.

Althoughbeit correlation does not equate causation, it can be noted the history of diseases, cancer and others have been observed to some extent throughout the history of humanity. However in these modern times the rate of disease has skyrocketed to an astonishing degree. The premise is that in direct correlation to the consumption of these oils the rates of these diseases increased.

The premise is that regular consumption of these oils will induce hypothyroidism, diabetes, cancer, etc. All things that are of a similitude to such and/or states that may increase the propensity towards such.

Here are some links of the fat composition of the oils that are most harmful:

Soy oil, observe 1 cup fat ratio:
218 grams total fat, 126grams of this fat is polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is called PUFA for short.

That is close to 58% of the composition of the fat. In contrast butter is roughly 3% total composition that is polyunsaturated fat, coconut oil is close to 1% composition which is polyunsaturated fat. Fats like extra virgin olive oil are on the high end of about 10% composition of polyunsaturated fat, almonds are similar and same with avocados. However it can be seen that these particular ones that are higher have a direct increase in the amount of vitamin e in the food. Vitamin E products from lipid peroxidation, i.e from those polyunsaturated fats from being very harmful. The vitamin e protected if these fats are cold pressed, hence why extra virgin version of olive oil is so important, as the other methods of creating the oil will destroy the vitamin e.

The toxic vegetable oils are made in such a way that the vitamin e is mostly destroyed and that the readings put on the sites are not accurate, they also tend to be full of oxidants, free radicals and other harmful mechanisms from how they are created.

Anytime a person consumes fats, the body will store them in the fat cells. Thus when one is stressed or exercising the body releases Free Fatty Acids, when they are especially polyunsaturated in nature it will wreak havoc on the body each time. Thus the damage from these oils is a constant occurrence and can inflame all the joints, produce heart disease, etc.

See composition of canola oil:

Close to 30% polyunsaturated, roughly 10X the amount in butter of the ratio of fats.


Roughly 30% polyunsaturated as well.

Corn oil about the same:


per 100 grams, 76 grams of fat, 46 grams polyunsaturated

Noting that Ray Peat recommends not really going over 4 grams of polyunsaturated fats per day, or even better less that 10% ratio of fat being from polyunsaturated, 5% and lower is better.

Salad dressing:

Roughly half polyunsaturated.

Potatoe chips:
Roughly 30% polyunsaturated.

Can't find a link, but normal sunflower oil is about 65% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Ruminant animals are usually around 3% of these polyunsaturated fatty acids, i.e cow meat, lamb, deer, goat, etc. Lamb actually might be closer to 10% like olive oil, but off hand its around that range.

Pork when it is fed corn and soy, its fat will reflect what it is fed, thus it is not an ideal meat to consume from modern farming practices. Chicken is the same. They are best to avoid if possible and stick to the ruminant animals. Even if a cow is fed a poor diet, it will convert the fats into saturated fatty acids due to its stomach system, etc.

Although milk is better than meat for regular consumption, because of the calcium to phosphorus ratio. Meat has almost no calcium, thus a prolonged consumption can cause excessive phosphorus which is very inflammatory to the joints. It also has high, where excessive iron can act just like polyunsaturated fatty acids, slowing the metabolism. Spots on the skin are caused by polyunsaturated fatty acids reacting with iron.

Some articles from the Ray Peat website that are very thorough on the topic of oils:

A list of endless interviews from a Ray Peat youtube that you may also enjoy listening to:


Here are 3 interviews which are very helpful pertaining to the oil topic:




Here is Ray Peat's article on salt:

The notion I propose is that salt is very beneficial to the help and that the status quo recommendations are incorrect and based upon poorly interpreted studies, false science and other mechanisms of this sort.
Wars have been fought over salt, the word salary comes from paying in salt and peoples have always treasured salt. Animals were naturally find sources of salt. Historically peoples consumed much more salt than today.

It should be noted that iodized table salt can be very problematic, causing excessive iodine and issues pertaining to that, as well as often containing aluminum caking agents.

White sea salt is good, or pickling salt. The basic recommendation of Ray Peat is a little extra salt to taste. Salt lowers histamines, cortisol, adrenaline, excessive nitric oxide, lactic acid, helps get rid of excessive phosphate crystals and many other benefits. It would be speculated that one of the primary reasons why the elderly are commonly known to have sleep problems is because they follow the erroneous health recommendations to have a low salt diet, which in turn causes excessive adrenaline/cortisol making it difficult to sleep.

Here is an interview on salt by Ray Peat:


Here is a Weston Price article on salt:

Here are some articles pertaining to that milk calcium to phosphate ratio balance:

As used by Gerson and others, one important vitamin to look at in the treatment of cancer is vitamin b3, niacin. When supplemented niacinamide should be taken. Niacin is the most important vitamin for sugar oxidation. That is to get efficient energy from carbohydrates,in this state of metabolism, carbon dioxide is produced. This is the polar opposite of the lactic acid based metabolism where sugaroxidation is low. As cancer requires lactic acid to grow, this acid-based metabolism as it were. For instance you can read from timeto time of apparent success reports of the usage of baking soda with cancer treatments. There is some truth to this, in that baking soda immediately neutralizes lactic acid, however it does not treat the causation, but only the symptoms. Athletes often take it to increase performance, because of this lactic acid inhibiting effect. Howeverthe ph of baking soda is so high, that it can cause stomach issues,because the stomach is needed to be very acidic. Nevertheless it isconsistent with one piece of the puzzle. The aim is to put them alltogether in a systematic, logical method that addresses every issue in harmony and historically and lines up with all the honestbiochemistry research. Nevertheless I digress. So the niacin bydecreasing free fatty acids is helpful, in that cancer thrives withpolyunsaturated fatty acids, when someone has an unnatural amount intheir diet on a regular basis it stores in their fat cells. Anytimethey are stressed, or exercise or simply burning fuel, the bodyreleases ffas. Thus when they are primarily polyunsaturated theywreak havoc on the system. Noting that cancer thrives on polyunsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit thyroid and sugaroxidation more than anything. Cancer requires nitric oxide to grow,niacin inhibits all nitric oxide synthesis.

According to Ray Peat vitamin b1 is the second most important vitamin for sugar oxidation. Foods like potatoes, oranges, milk, etc. Have sufficient amounts. However arsenic is a direct antagonist of vitamin b1. It is well known that free masons and those of the occult use such on others, to what extent it is not fully known, but it is probable that many people have been exposed to this and thus causing an unnatural deficiency of vitamin b1, and thereby promoting a cancer based metabolism. As b1 is necessary to absorb excessive lactate, ammonia,for thyroid function too and the production of carbon dioxide.

As polyunsaturated fats are to be avoided, so are foods with enriched iron.. Contrary to the status quo, one does not need excessive iron,and most iron deficiencies are probably caused by copper deficiency and/or the inability to utilize copper properly, namely through the inhibiting of the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme. Copper it needed to utilize iron. Blue light damages the enzyme required to use copper properly. The only one to repair this enzyme is through red/orange light exposure. This is acquired through sunlight, incandescent light, halogen lights, candle light and fire light. Thus the collective change to leds and fluorscents everywhere over such a prolonged period has most likely damaged this enzyme exceedingly in large quantities of people and may have a strong contributing factor in this issue. The primary variable to prompt further investigation of this variable is that again no culture in all of human history ever was exposed to this amount of blue light. The blue also is from computer screens, cell phones, lights in all public buildings, etc.Free programs can be downloaded, but the phone flux is one where asetting of 2700k or even 3400k is sufficient and programs like twilight for the phone to help block excessive blue light. This is further important because additional red/orange light is required to counter the abnormal exposure to these blue lights everywhere. Red/orange light are very important for proper thyroid function and thus sugar oxidation.



Apr 28, 2018
Interesting roundup of Peats info. Your efforts could help many who have no clue on these issues.
Making it readable and understandable for the average person--wonderful. Thanks for being a member and wanting to spread this knowledge.


Nov 3, 2017
Yes, thank you. I will follow this post. I will read as well some of those Ray's articles.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Ray is 100% correct. That being said, if someone is SERIOUS about curing cancer they need to implement MULTIPLE things that help against cancer.

If you go to and search for the website "" and look at the 2015 or earlier archives there are some good treatments against cancer. Combineed with a Ray Peat diet and a STRONG BELIEF that it will work I think cancer can be cured. Even late stages (I've personally met 3 people who had their disease cured)

The problem is that people are so brainwashed by the medical cartel that most wont even try.

Here are some things I recommend (as always recommend whoever tries this first check with their doctor).

1. Ray Peat diet
2. DCA
3. DHEA, Pregenelone, Progesterone
4. Pyrucet
5. Vit d, k
6. Aspirin, caffeine, niacinamide

Really the key is to combine multiple treatments that kill cancer cells in a unique way and support the health of the body and mind.


Jul 27, 2016
Thank you for your site for information.

Still updating it. The arsenic contribution is looking more important.
As much research infers that roxarsone may be in those injections, and arsenic trichloride in those ventilators.

The occultic groups seem to especially use arsenic on those they deem their enemies. As arsenic depletes the body of vitamin b1, it puts the body into the cancer metabolism, the lactic acid based metabolism.
In contrast the thyroid with production of carbon dioxide counter this.


Jul 27, 2016
More notes written today for further editing and modification, but may be of use to others:

Dates Notes and Cancer Refresher

As many of the Ray Peat advocates consume dates and some large quantities it prompts the thought to replicate the same. Thus on occassion it is interesting to experiment with the consumption of dates and even in larger quantities.
The common pattern of this is irritated digestion. It is noted that pitted dates appear worse for this than those that have the pits in them.
It is possible that the mechanism could be detoxifying in nature and/or cleansing, but it is inconclusive.
The other byproducts seem to show weight loss, and enhanced physical performance, but stress also seems to permeate as a direct byproduct of digestive irritation.
Technically since 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut, this then would be the mechanism, i.e gut irritation increasing serotonin and thus aggression.
Dates are a decent source of varying minerals and vitamins, although not exceedingly high in them. They also appear to be chelating/anti-iron agents through their tannins. Noting that Ray Peat has an entire article dedicated to warn others about the dangers of iron, especially in excess and especially through supplementation or logically then cast iron pans for cooking or other sources.
I also believe that it is stated that they favor the ratio of tryptophan above other proteins which then may induce this, however they are very low in protein and it would seem neglible.
Also it should be nuted that all sugars use up vitamin c. Linus Pauling has very useful research on vitamin c, but all consumption of sugars sort of displace and/or use it up to an extent. It is unknown to what degree this takes place, but dates have essentially 0 or almost no vitamin c and thus their sugars would use it up, and/or increase the need thereof.
In contrast all other tropical fruits maybe without exception? Are quite high in vitamin c and thus the normative pattern is the balance of vitamin c to natural sugars. Thus obviously showing another problem with vitamin/mineral devoid white sugar and etc, besides using up other minerals, it would thereby increase the need for vitamin c. Technically speaking, the majority of RayPeat experiments would put him on average of about 1000-1600% of the rda of vitamin c each day. Vitamin c also assists the liver greatly in the utilization of fats.
However to freshly squeeze that many oranges is not very practical for the majority, nor financially sustainable. Technically if money were no option and time, then one could consume the majority of their calories through this mechanism with milk as an addition and it probably would cure almost any disease. One side note is to watch the metals in the juicing mechanism, as the acidic nature of oranges may chelate to some extent the metals it comes in contact with in the juicing process. (as commonly noted as the standard mechanism of metal testing of all pots/pans they will use tomatoe sauce to analyze how much metals are chelated, as the entire premise is the acidic nature of tomatoes GREATLY increases how many metals are chelated in the cooking process. Obviously than all acidic foods have this tendency when coming in contact with metals, although the heating/boiling obviously increases the metals chelated to an expotential degree)
A side note forgotten is that dark roast coffee would also be required in the simplistic rich man's diet above for the niacin. As niacin is the most important vitamin to utilize sugars for oxidation. The minerals/proteins in milk also needed for the daily nutrients, as well as the calcium to prevent thyroid from crashing. Although the tryptophan in the milk would probably convert into niacin, additional niacin is also useful. Also noting that RayPeat says many times that coffee is the only food that replicates, or is the closest food to replicate taking animal thyroid.

In addition I also analyzed date seeds. As RayPeat is very anti-seed as they are tend to be very high in toxic polyunsaturated fatty acids that inhibit thyroid production (as all his recommendations are centered around the thyroid and the stimulus thereof, which in turn increases carbon dioxide production, which then saturates all the blood with oxygen) Seeds also tend to contain defense mechanisms that are inflammatory in nature to essentially product from overconsumption by insects etc. To continue their propagation.
However it is difficult to find verifiable data on date seeds and what they contain, they appear to be on average 10% fats by calories, which is quite low and it appears that only 10% of those fats are polyunsaturated in nature; the data could be incorrect. They appear to be over 50% oleic acid, which is a beneficial fat found in extra virgin olive oil and even contain the beneficial lauric acid found in coconut oil. However they are exceedingly hard and unable to be chewed upon uncooked. They are apparently cooked and ground into a powder and sometimes used even as a coffee subsitute.
Baking them in the oven caused burning and some of them were edible, but disgusting in taste. However still consumed on the notion that this burnt effect may replicate the consumption of activated charcoal to cleanse toxins from the body.

To briefly digress I am temporarily experimenting with cooking foods in the oven versus the instapot. This is more time consuming and costs more in electricity, it is difficult to establish just how much electricity an oven uses, it appears it will average a minimal of 10 dollars extra a month, but possibly more. However it is worth experimenting by replicating this mechanism to observe.
What is the premise of this?
The notion is that although instapots are deemed to have higher quality metals, it appears 18/8, the nickel being problematic. (Ray Peat actually states that he thinks nickel is more toxic than mercury) Nevertheless these metals are bound and should not be chelated. However obviously cooking anything acidic or of low ph would chelate the metals automatically, so tomatoes, oranges(marmalade), apples for apple sauce etc. It is difficult to determine how much metals would be chelated.
Also not only low ph chelates metals, there are experiments where using baking soda can chelate more metals than anything else, even though it is a high ph; the very nature of baking soda does this. Thus how toxic if used in cooking.
However even though rice and potatoes and the water are of a normative ph and should prevent chelating; the premise is based upon two variables:

One that over time the continous usage of the instapot may slowly degrade the metals and thus increase the probability of metals being chelated to a certain degree, even when normal ph foods are used.
Second premise: the instapot may not be as "safe" as touted and the very nature may chelate metals in every usage.

Since the risk/cost mechanism of this experiment is minimal and if proven accurate the potential gain is expotential it is therefore logical to partake of. Thus by repeating the exact same pattern each day over a prolonged period would greatly increase the probability of coming to logical conclusions of the matter. Although it is noted that anedoctal means of research are the weakest of all and subject to endless variables that make the data almost useless, if certain constant variables are kept, it increases the probability to finding patterns that are useful.

When one systematically analyzes all the data of human history and tries to find constant variables one can see unique variants that can be addressed. The basic proposition is that although cancer was observed through human history, it was very rare, as well as many of the other diseases, while in contrast cancer and other diseases have increases to an astonishing degree. Although correlation is not necessarily causation, it certainly is grounds for analyzing if patterns may be of cause.
Thus the premise is centered around this notion. If the variables of modern culture are removed at minimal the cancer (and although related diseases) will automatically be as rare as they used to be all through human history.

When one researches all the varying biochemists and all the data and what they also expound upon, and chiefly all of RayPeats work it seems quite obvious. For whatever reasons though this information is not commonly known. Perhaps many people have difficultly understanding the biochemistry? I am uncertain, to me it seems like normative discourse.
However this was prompted when discoursing with a co-worker who has had cancer and been treated many times and asking questions.
The doctors state there is no known causation or even speculation of what causes your disease, nor do we really know how to cure it or treat it. The treatment in which we do recommend has an over 50% chance of killing you, can make all your hair fall out and even if there is success it may irradicate your current cancer, but it will have terrible effects in the process. Also the cancer can come back aggressively thereafter and may kill you. However we the doctor should note that we went to medical school and although we do not openly state such, it should be obvious that we are all-knowing, you are not permitted to question are system of treatment or seek treatment elsewhere. If you do, we deem a blasphemer against the state and even a quack. We scoff and mock at alternative treatments. You must blindly adhere to what we state. So on and so forth is the common discourse of the status quo of the medical community. This is seen is how they treat the majority of diseases, wherein the normative is to often prescribe an endless amount of pills with side effects to take indefinitely. They are told they help treat the symptoms, but do not address the root cause nor find any way to permanately cure the disease.

This medically tyranny was taken to the utmost extreme in all pertaining to covid, where questioning was not permitted. Doctors who dared to were severely punished, even though when one analyzes covid the patterns seem obvious.

Covid was just the common cold, as corona in old textbooks is called the cold. The common cold somehow dissappeared. Everything became death by covid, many showed data that 85% of covid deaths had 4 co-morbidities, wherien it was obvious that the death was caused by other means. Why covid listed? Money. Every death of covid caused money being granted to the doctor/hospital, this is easily proven. Obviously the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, everyone is aware of this, the Scriptures teach this, all of human history teaches this.
As previously noted I am convinced that 100% of all "true" covid deaths (that werent by other causes), where caused by the treatment solely. I believe they put arsenic trichloride in the ventilators and roxarsone in the treatment as well. Arsenic trichloride attacks the lungs and roxarsone the kidneys, just as all covid deaths. What would be the motive in this extraordinary evil if true? The occultists desire to establish a new world order, a great reset and everything done has this in mind. They deceive the world through sorcery(pharamekia) as the book of Revelation speaks of. Thus free masons, occultists, luciferians, zionists, jesuits, etc all the different groups are united in this mechanism. They dream of an age where sexual abominations are normative even with children and animals and all these disgusting things that God hates. The wealthiest people on the earth even openly write of these things and state the worlds population must be culled down to 500 million people. Thus they wish to replicate the tower of babel, also noting that every false religion has the same patterns of babel, just expressed in different fashions. Whether nimrod, seramus or tammuz, whether baal, the queen or the sun and all the varyin forms these patterns are found everywhere on earth.

What is the primary mechanism they enslave people with? Their idolatry is directly correlated to sexual sin. That is just like a crack-head or meth-head, a drug addict will do anything for their next fix, so they get people addicted to sexual sins, wherein they will do anything for their next fix. This is their primary means of corrupting/enslaving the world and this pattern is also seen through the Holy Scripture of how idolatry spread and Romans 1 emphasizes this pattern.
I further believe they have a systematic means of poisoning people to induce their body into a permanate excitatory state that unnaturally stimulates sexual desire, thereby greatly increasing the prospenity to give into such sins. This is all planned. Further outspoken Christians or even critics/opposition of any means are targeted in this fashion. It is probable they are thus exposed to the varying chemicals/toxins unbeknowst to them and then in an estate of temptation and probably conjoined with sexual drugs this is the primary mechanism to induce corruption. It is further noted that arsenic is called the slave mineral and the varying poisons dull a persons higher thought patterns. Wherein deductive reasoning, critical thinking and so on are clouded, it has the propsenity to make the person animalistic and thus living for hedonistic pleasure. Conjoin with a society that teaches all they are nothing but accidental, evolutionary animals that really have no purpose and thus why not just live for self and pleasure? They do everything to propagate selfish degeneracy and everything to attack God and the family unit. This is all done purposely. This destroys all resistance to their goal of a new world order.
If one investigates the matter it can be clearly seen. Many non-Christians recognize many of these patterns to varying degrees, but all these abominations still spread like a plague. Further they want people addicted to marijuana and alcohol to further inhibit their thought processes and to increase the propsenity to give into sexual abominations. Conjoin with people addicted to television and every form of entertainment, wherein their minds are in an indefinite stupified estate. I.E research showing that one's brain is more active during sleep, than watching a television show.
Every promoted media and quick videos as the normative is also propagating a mind of mediocrity. Then analyze the common music, which everything is about degeneracy and the propagation of it. Even the composure of the music is the most simplistic of nature to appeal to the indefinite stupified brain. Thus in every single facet of society these occultists and especially the talmud followers do everything to destroy. Their goal is a new world order where they rule the world in jerusalem.
Unfortunately it appears that the majority of people are in this indefinite stupified estate, wherein no intelligent discourse can ever be partaken of. Further they appear to relish in their stupidity; they are exceedingly content to be slaves to the system. As long as they get their fix of pleasure they will be a good goy and follow the way of the talmud.

Nevertheless I digress in thought. The most unique variable is that arsenic has an affinity to induce heart disease in males much more so than females. When one looks at the vaers database of reactions to these injections a very unique variable stands out. Roughly 40% more males than females have heart attacks and other cardiovascular reactions to these injections. Occams razor, the most likely explaination usually is the case. Thus it is most probable that they add roxarsone to the injections (i.e arsenic) Further even on the wikipedia page of pfizer they admit that a subsidary of pfizer called zoetis made endless amounts of roxarsone. Thus an obvious connection and means of having roxarsone even in public eye.

So what is the history of pfizer, are they a reputable, honorable company that cares about the health of others?
Although frequently websites are removed from the internet exposing their history. They have about 500 billion dollars in rulings about them for their endless corruption and criminal activity everywhere on earth. They have endless knowingly approved of drugs that they know would kill people, wherein they calculated that the profits they would earn outweighed the potential lawsuits. They are technically probably one of the most corrupt companies on earth? Endless rulings against them everywhere they are and endless lawsuits for knowing approving of that which would kill people. Obviously showing they have no interest in caring for other people, their safety or anything, their only goal is money.
In this case they were given approval to make injections for people under the guise of an emergencvy, wherein they were given entire immunity to liability or lawsuits. I.E if you take this mandated injection and die, because you want to travel or work, its your own fault. You cannot sue us, we have 0 liability, and we stand to make billions and billions of dollars in profit. Upon hearing such they probably all pulled out wine bottles, wherein the corks blasting off spraying each with wine, playing celebrate good times come on, as they take turns break dancing on a pile of money. Or something ludicrous of this fashion could be visually pictured. As everything about this is completely absurd.

MRNA has never been tested on humans before. The only animal experiments were 100% death rate, this is public and common knowledge. The ferret experiment were they tested MRNA, gave some immunity to corona, but 18 months later, every single of them died when exposed to a variant of corona. Thus one experiment shows 100% death rate, not very promising for humans.
Any other experiments? The other one induced completely infertility in females.
So the basic gist, no success, only death and infertility. How strange an occultic show wanting to make everyone infertile about injecting everyone with injections that turn them into monsters and a rumbling that is akin to a great reset, but I briefly digress.

One can read the public reports that Pfizer submitted to the government to get emergency approval. Their own reports that were used to justify mandated these abominations are absurd. Anyone can read these. According to the reports their own injections which they call vaccines grant 0 immunity to covid whatsoever. They only have a 77% relative risk reduction (note occultists use 77 as the number of death and destruction), but the actual risk reduction was less than 1% according to their report, but not even for immunity, just to decrease the asympatic symptoms. According to their report their injections do not prevent the spreading of covid or grant any immunity whatsoever. Just the symptoms, but even slighlty less than 1%. With technology never tested on humans before, and where the animals experiments either caused them all to die or become infertile.
It should also be noted that currently about 50 000 deaths are on the vaers database and millions of terrible reactions, which are in relation to these injections. It is noted that even a harvard study shows that less than 1% of reactions are reported to the vaers. Plus they have done everything to try and dismiss any reaction as being the result of these injections. However even in this context there is more death and terrible disease from these than all other injections combined.
There is also evidence even in this context that they have purposely erased multitudes of reactions as well.
Noting again if you die or have terrible diseases as a result, its your own fault is their mechanism, which is pure evil.
If pfizer had 100% liability and anyone mandating these, there would be 0 mandates anywhere. Why isn't there liability, it makes no sense whatsoever. Their attempt to justify is this manufactured "emergency". However all of this was just propaganda espoused around the world by the media, conjoined with governments taking the freedom away from others.
Thus it is easily proven that the occultists are the enemies of all mankind and humanity and have done everything to deceive the world, to destroy, to poison to murder, to take away freedom, wherein their own goal is a new world order where they rule.
Now the agenda turns to the lies about the environment and all related to that, economic warfare conjoined, carbon taxes, 15 minute cities, destroying of farmers and food supplies around the world, etc. Goal? Get the people solely dependent on their system even for food and thus force compliance with all future tyranny. The methology is to do it little by little.

The very mechanism of action of these injections is also an abomination against nature. It essentially states the Creator has not given humans anyway to defend themselves from any disease. You need a constant supply of spike proteins to attack diseases, not just 1 injection, but an indefinite regular supply of them, profiting us pfizer greatly. You are helpless apart from us. By the way once the bodies gluthianone stores run out the byproducts of these spike proteins attack all your blood vessels in unpreditable ways, that can induce blood clots, heart attacks, brain anerusms too, but you are not permitted to think for yourself. You must blindly adhere to us, don't you want to travel and work after all?
Thus the notion is these injections have 0% benefit and only cause death and destruction by every mechanism and then the graphene oxide issue is of course terrible. It is probable than that all the occultists receive saline injections instead.
As again noting that ferret mass death mrna reaction. How did the ferrets die? Their own immune systems produced a cytokine storm, thus their own immune systems killed themselves. As a result I believe the flu pandemic of 1918, the spanish flu was caused by the occultists, as they did mass injections. The unique deaths amongst the young people, what was the cause? Their own immune systems induced cytochine storms and killed them. Based upon mathematically probability, this too was probably purposely manufactured by the evil doers.

In the same fashion the testing for covid appears malicious in nature, chiefly the nose test. Prompting pattern? Consider, the egyptians when embalming a dead body, how would they remove the brain? Through the nose. Thus basic premise, the nose has a direct connection to brain access. Endless videos of people receiving covid tests, who have endless nose bleeding, etc. Even poor children, blood gushing from their noses as a result. Thus if malice=true consider their wicked oppurtunity to directly bypass the barrier and bring toxin right to the brain or into the blood stream. Such by itself sounds ludicrous as the propensity is not to believe that such monstrous evil is the case, as then it shatters one's world and is too much to bare, but all mathematics insist that this is the case. In direct relation there is a rise noted in mad cow disease or that which is of the similitude as discoursed upon the Ray Peat forum. Thus I would propose on that premise that the means thereof is achieved from this mechanism, of directly to the brain.
Further regarding the masks and so on, it is possible they even intend to spread parasites through this mechanism, it is difficult to dechiper all the data, as many of views against the status quo are entirely given solely to sensationalism and often without any logic or means to substinate or that which is useful for proper investigation. Thus finding accurate data is very difficult as a subsequent result.
Nevertheless knowing that evildoers around the world unite in their mechanisms and every other conjoined pattern this obviously increases every malicious means in every faculty, to whatever they think they can get away with.
This especially appears more pronounced since the collective people seem much more stupified than ever before and of course less resistant.
Consider historically America, a war over a tax on tea. Consider most other wars and how people were willing to die and fight for freedom. Contrast this to now and worldwide there has really been 0 resistance in this fashion. The only resistance really is holding up a sign to protest, which they probably laugh at, for they think this at best is delaying the inevitable. As they hunch over, clasp their hands, and grin in delight.
Briefly noting too that even the inventor of the covid tests went on about how inccurate they are and there endless evidence for false positives, where even inanimate objects tested positive. The method to propagate false positives? Once tested positive if treated for covid, since all evidence shows it is the treatment kills, it increases the amount they can kill. As again the unique pattern observed? The protocol insists all go upon ventilators, as their blood levels of oxygen are low. Endless videos of smiling, healthy young people on ventilators, without any struggle to breathe whatsoever, filming themselves in the hospital. Why on a ventilator then? Protocol insists they have to be, even though they have no struggle breathing. Then in each case things take a sudden for worse and they die. Then covid is touted to be this dangerous, see how unpredictable it is and kills people? They did not die of covid, they died of the treatment in 100% of the cases. The biochemistry and mathematics insist that this is the case.

Also noting the inventor of mrna warning others very soberingly NOT To take the injections no matter what, insisting the great danger. A brief related note, the real danger isnt what has already occured, which is brutal enough. Based upon the data the real danger is that most likely the majority of people if not all who received these injections will probably be dead in so many years. (if they were not saline, based upon what is known of biochemistry)
Further brief relation, it is probable MRNA abomination is passed on through sexual relations too. RayPeat speculates that 5% will permanately incorporate MRNA in their dna and thus pass it on to their children and thus be an abomination against DNA, but logic dictates that intercourse may have a similar effect.

Having exceedingly digressed from the topic of cancer, these aforementioned patterns obviously show how the system is a complete failure.

Thus back to cancer. What is the proposition then of the primary causation of cancer? It is this, based upon the research of all the biochemists, and known historic patterns and mineral patterns. The primary causation of cancer worldwide is the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids. What is the mechanism of action? Polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit the thyroid, basically entirely. What then is the result of this? Instead of a carbon dioxide, regenerative metabolism, the person is stuck in a lactic acid based stressed metabolism. It is noted that cancer requires lactic acid to grow and spread. Brief relation; the baking soda mechanism. There are many that reference baking soda to help cancer, there is a basic truth to this. Baking soda antagonizes lactic acid, is pro carbon dioxide, etc. However it only addresses a symptom and not the causation. Also the ph of baking soda is so high that is tends to promote bad bacteria going through the digestive system, as the more acidic the stomach acid the less bacteria/viruses/anything bad gets through. (i.e hyenas their exceeding acidic digestion, dont get sick from eating anything contaminated, and then note too the greater ones thyroid, the more acidic the stomach is; acid reflux is not caused by an acidic stomach, this is a myth)
However just briefly note that a consistent variable is briefly noted that lines up with this premise.

The obvious extreme variable? No culture in all of human history ever consumed these disgusting, toxic vegetable oils or anything that can replicate their polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio.
Examples: Extra virgin olive oil is roughly 10% polyunsaturated in ratio to other fats, which is a bit high. However the natural mechanism is that it contains vitamin e to help prevent lipid peroxidation (helps prevent bad effects from the poly fats), further research shows policansannols act similar to vitamin e, which olive oil is high in, thus would provide further protection.
Other fats like butter are 3-4% polyunsaturated by ratio, coconut oil is about 1% polyunsaturated by ratio. Ruminant animals are all about the same ratio as butter. Non-ruminant animals like chicken and pigs are a product of what they are fed.
In contrast what are these vegetable oils consumed today? Soy is about 60%+ polyunsatured fat in ratio, corn is about 50%? very high and the others like canola etc are all exceedingly high. When these fats are consumed they store in a person's fat cells.
Everytime they exercise or are stressed or are burning energy the body releases free fatty acids, when they are primarily polyunsaturated in nature they wreck havoc on the system. Causing inflammation and terrible effects. Thus in contrast in a person is primarily saturated they are protected.
RayPeat as an ideal recommendation, states not to go over 10% polyunsatrated fatty acid ratio, or over 4grams of pufa per 2500 calories; these are ideals of course, but the general concept is noted.
In contrast a person eating a bag of chips, salad dressing, margarine, all fast food fried in these disgusting oils and on and on, could in theory consume weeks worth, or even a month's worth in one single day and without the necessary vitamin e to even protect from the terrible effects. Further these oils through the means of creating are already rancid and toxic as well.
A brief note, India has one of the highest heart disease rates in the world, why is this? Vegetable oils are cheap, the primary causation is a result of this, that if they permanately removed these disgusting oils and went back to the traditional pure butter/ghee it would automatically fix this. (it is noted there is a correlation of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc.)
When thyroid is low (hypothyroidism) cholesterol levels automatically go high, hence why heart disease in attributed to high cholesterol. Give a person with high cholesterol thyroid and their cholesterol levels automatically go down. Why is this? Thyroid converts cholesterol into benefical hormones, noting the body produces 1-2 grams of cholesterol each day, as it is not a toxin or negative mechanism contrary to popular belief. High cholesterol is simply a symptom of a greater problem.

Thus you will find in direct relation to the influx of consumption of these disgusting oils, so did all these diseases increase in direct correlation. Thus the basic premise is eliminate this variable indefinitely and all will correct itself, once these toxic fats are removed from the body, although it can take up to 3 years.
No one under any circumstance should consume these oils, if done coconut oil/butter should be consumed to help protect. Sunlight/vitamin d is also protective to a degree, and the collagen based proteins. The study stated that collagen based proteins protected the liver from hepatoxicity induced by polyunsaturated fatty acids. (as per vitamin d, fish skin contains vitamin d, as cold water fish is a natural poly source, but historically fish consumed entirely; thus the vitamin d helps protect, the collagen in consuming the entire fish helps protect and fish head contains thyroid, as thyroid helps protect also from polyunsaturated fatty acids)

Foundation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the vegetable oils. Why are they consumed? RayPeat has a good article on the subject referencing the Burr experiments. They fed rats an equivalent of 2500 calories a day, without any co-nutrients whatsoever. The rats developed skin lesions and their tails curled up and they eventually died. They gave them these toxic vegetable oils. When given thse oils, the rats did not develop these symptoms or die. Therefore they concluded these oils are essential to life and thus termed essential fatty acids. This is the foundation of all that led to their mass consumption today, besides the obvious money to be made from a former toxic waste product to now be touted as an essential food. (prior they were seen as so toxic that even if painting with them, you would wear gloves, and if any of the oil touched your skin it was seen as a toxic poison to wash off thoroughly)
Is this the accurate interpretation of the study? It is not. It was found that if the rats were given vitamin b6 or zinc with all the nutrients that they also would not die nor develop the symptoms thereof. Eureka as they say, we have discovered it. When consuming calories, nutrients are required too to process them! What a finding, this is astonishing, every known food as minerals and vitamins, it looks like you actually need these. This is obvious of course, no diet could ever replicate this experiment even slightly, without being agianst nature. I.e some person states I will now consume 2500 calories of white sugar a day without any nutrients whatsoever, obviously they will eventually develop disease and die.
So then why did giving the oils prevent this mechanism? How is this so?
The reason is because the oils lowered the metabolism of the rats so severely that their need for nutrients decreased in direct relation. It other words it destroyed their thyroid so much that it prevented death by this mechanism. This finding is not isolated either. The farmer animal feed experiments show the exact same result, but under a different mechanism. Their goal was to fatten up their animals on the least cost possible. They experimented with coconut oil and found the animals were all lean and muscular. They tried varying means, then it led to soy and corn. They found for the least cost and feed, if giving these the animals would put on the most weight for the least cost. Why? The metabolism and thus calorie burning rate decreases so greatly that they thus put on much weight in direct relation thereof. Consistent with the findings of the aforementioned research, just from a different mechanism.

Obviously again if these were essential these ratios would be found in all foods, if life was dependent upon such. How did humans thus survive and animals without these vegetable oils all through history, if they are essential as they claim them to be?
Any brief analysis shows the extraordinary folly of that foundation study, which has led to the abomination today.
The true motive is to turn disgusting waste into food. Thus it is accurate to state that eating chips, margarine, mayonaisse, salad dressing, any food fried in these oils, etc. Is eating cancer in the most literal of mechanisms. This is not an exaggeration.

Thus again, when thyroid is high, sugar oxidiation is high. What does this mean? One receives more energy from carbohydrates. That is one person can get a lot more energy than another person from the exact same foods consumed. Think of a child, when they eat something sweet, like a hummingbird as it were, or a bee or something of this sort, what instant energy, laughter, joy, running around, etc. The body is converting the carbohydrates into immediate fuel. This is how they are meant to be processed, an adult can receive the same energy from the same carbohydrates if their sugar oxidiation is sufficient.
Thus the proposition further extends that cancer and the correlated diseases are all due to hypothyroidism and the inability to oxidize sugar properly. It is one or the other. Your body is either in lactic acid metabolism or thyroid/sugar oxidation metabolism.

If in lactic acid based your muscles will produce lactic acid when worked/over-worked etc. The muscles were not naturally made to tire so easily in this fashion, with such soreness. Even though it seems that many get very sore muscles, one was not made to be like this. That is it is possible to exercise frequently without getting this lactic acid build up. Although there is growth and development, it is commonly observed that many exhibit symptoms of excessive soreness. The context therein working a job, wherein the first many years the physical aspect was very extreme. An average of 60 000-80 000 lbs to moved by hand each day, thus 15-20 million annually. A job of lumping tires and years of observation show that many appear to have deteroriated physically just after a few years of this and many indefinite. Chiefly in their joints, the lower back especially, knees, shoulders etc. Many speaking of the lactic acid build up and pain thereof; almost every person after doing this job for a prolonged period devleoping these mechanisms. By the grace of God exhibit 0 deteroration, but the body is stronger than when started and the joints as well, almost 11 years. Although the intensity of the physical aspect has decreased substantially. Carbon dioxide thickens all the joints and strengthens them, thus if all were in this estate they would replicate this mechanism too.

As per diabetes, Ray Peat states it is sugar wasting. Diabetes waste sugar in their urine, thus sugar is not the culprit, but the ability to process and utilize the sugar. In this context then sugars are deemed harmful by the status quo. RayPeat states that vitamin b3 (niacin) and vitamin b1 are the most important vitamins for sugar oxidiation. Orange juice has a high ratio favouring b1 and the very strong dark roast coffee he recommends is very high in niacin. A very strong dark roast can have 50 mg of niacin, where a light roast of the same quantity would have 10-13 mg of niacin (the general rule of thumb is dark roast has 400% more niacin than light roast as the roasting process creates niacin, therefore the darker the roast of coffee the more niacin it has).
If starches are consumed than peeled, well-cooked potatoes are a very good source of nutrients, and they also have much b3 and b1. In relation RayPeat states that potassium does about 70%? of the function of insulin and thus aids in the process of carbohydrates in this fashion.
Thus if one's body is over-burdened with excessive polyunsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit sugar oxidation by inducing hypothyroidism, in this context carbohydrates could be much of an issue. However carbohydrates are not the culprit, it is lazy so-called science to dismiss them and be given to folly. Historically peoples everywhere consumed them. Thus in the same fashion if the vegetable oils are removed and a diet high in carbohydrates and their associated nutrients are consumed then the body would correct this diabetes.

Another aspect RayPeat address is protein, if one analyzes his writings, in ideal he recommends roughly as low as 8% of calories from protein. This of course seems impossible to achieve, but the notion of lower protein is noted. Although not referenced by him, WestonPrice has good articles on historic peoples and their ratio of calories from protein. For instance the us army consumes roughly 13% calories from protein, some groups of farmers and peasants it was calculated around 10%, 12%, some people groups higher. Nevertheless the historic averages are far different than the sort of bodybuilder style protein culture, have a protein shake my weight-lifting friend, it will get you gains. When in fact excessive protein is basically wasted, causes excessive ammonia and burdens the kidneys and is inflammatory. Noting too that many powders are of terrible quality, as obviously consuming milk would be far superior.
Excessive tryptophan, cysteine and methionine are especially harmful to the body, wherein tryptophan can cause cancer as well. As per historic and cultural diets, consuming the entirety of the animal and/or consuming gelatin based meals was normative. Gelatin/collagen antagonizes excessive cysteine and methionine and tryptophan, thus helping to balance the protein ratios. Glycine which is found in gelatin is the most pro-thyroid of all proteins and anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic and thus promotes muscular growth. Roughly 50% of an animals proteins are gelatin-based. Thus there are many who may never consume gelatin based proteins, and thus develop excessive ratios of the methionine, cysteine and trytophan proteins and thereby creating many health problems.
This of course is not favoring vegan insanity or vegetarianism, any many of them recommend the same lower protein. As animals are good for food, but milk is far better for the majority consumption, and eggs. In relation RayPeat references the calcium to phosphorus ratio. Excess phosphorus is inflammatory to the body, meat cuts are low in calcium and thus a prolonged pattern of consumption will eventually create excess phosphorus in the body. Milk of course has a very balanced ratio of calcium to phosphorus and thereby prevents this inflammatory mechanism.

Now of arsenic. Besides this, arsenic can also can cancer and may be another variables of people getting cancer. Arsenic antagonizes vitamin b1 (thiamine). Thiamine absords lactate, is required for thyroid, sugar oxidation and helps the body deal with ammonia. Thus if an unnatural b1 deficiency is induced by a regular exposure to arsenic, then the body is stuck in low thyroid, and a lactic acid based metabolism. Noting again that all investigation indicates that occultic groups use every means to expose people to arsenic and if being in the injections=true this then could induce sponteous cancer.
Therefore if one's diet is void of the toxic vegetable oils and the problems occur it could be a result of this mechanism of action.
In relation investigation reveals that every free mason when intiated drinks a sour drink, this drink contains arsenic. Their doctrine appears to be that if God is with them they will somehow be immune to this or something of this sort. They thus seem to think that if it hurts you, you deserve it for not being righteous, or for being evil; something like this insane fashion. They appear to then poison all they can with it and especially those they deem threats. This mechanism in current times seems much more pronounced. Therefore it has a high probability of explaination for cancer and the associated diseases that people may have.

Another variable that is related is light and thyroid.
The historic pattern? People cherished sunlight, working outside(covering obviously as to prevent excessive exposure) and had exposure to candlelight/fire light (primarily red light, which is thyroid regenerating). Thus the sun provides all spectrums of the light, with red emphasis near the end of day (which also induces relaxation). Further incandescent light favors red/orange as well and was used for much time, the same with halogen.
In contrast a variable in modern times, never seen in human history. The amount of exposure of blue light. Blue lights on your computer, phone, street lights, hospitals, work places, everywhere. Fluorscent first, but now leds. The higher the K the more blue light, i.e 5000k is much higher. The lower the k, the more red light and orange, although most leds are deficient in these lights vs incadescent.
Thus a new variable to an extreme, which already endless research is dictating harm from the exposure thereof comes into play.
RayPeat states that blue light damages cytochrome c oxidase, a copper based enzyme. It requires red light to regenerate this enzyme. In relation people tend to demonize sunlight now, sunglasses everywhere (sunlight requires the eyes for the best utilization), driving with windows rolled up and in offices away from the sun. Contrast this to peoples' walking outside everywhere for hours each day. Noting too that animals get regular sunlight, without the same supposed ailments. Melanoma frequently touted, yet one can get it on the soles of their feet, that have 0 sun exposure.
This this variable is an extreme contrast in every regards. Therefore it is highly probable that an extreme copper deficiency (that is the proper utilization) is pronounced as a subsequent result of this. Vitamin a is carried upon ceuroplasmin and thus could be impaired also as a result. Copper is required to properly utilize iron as well and thus iron toxicity may occur in a prolonged period of this light pattern, wherein noting again that RayPeat attributes iron's mechanisms in a similitude of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Therefore a person devoid of regenerating red light over a prolonged period may also have impaired sugar oxidation and thus in a lactic acid based metabolism, wherein the probability of them developing all the correlated diseases increases expotentinally as a subsequent result.

Therefore it is necessary by order of priority for a person to alter these variables in order and to observe if there be beneficial changes as a result. I propose that if a constant application of the aforementioned variables were modified to align with what it seen by humans through out of history, that the common diseases would thus be eliminated to the minimal extent of there rarity observed through history.
I further believe that if the thyroid-based metabolism was sustained properly and addressed that it probably would cure the remaining pattern of the rarity of those diseases; that is they are caused by a deficiency of thyroid and the sustaining minerals.

Thus it necessitates the importance of RayPeats work and to further research the thyroid and the sustaining of it.
Thus the basic sustaining is sufficient salt, calcium conjoined with sugar oxidation and fuel for this.
Chiefly expressed by the "rich" man's diet as it were, but also a diet high in potatoes could probably replicate such.


Jul 27, 2016
More notes in relation to research:

Vitamin c

Vitamin c reanalyze.

As per Linus Pauling and his research, wherein he was given much recognition for his work showing the importance of vitamin c.
He experimented with supplementing several mgs a day, even conjoining with lysine, stating a synergistic effect.

When researching the subject many interesting patterns are discovered.
For instance consider that it is touted that a dog would naturally produce roughly 19mg of vitamin c per pound of bodyweight. Round that up to 20mg and a 50 lb dog would thus naturally be producing 1000mg of vitamin c daily. Multiply that by 3 for a 150 lb human and then it would equal 3000mg of vitamin c.
It is recommended to give guinea pigs that cannot naturally synthesize vitamin c about 10mg per kilo of weight; although a lesser amount per lb the pattern still exists. That is the natural mechanism by animals and even that which is recommended to sustain them is exponentially greater than the rda for humans. As 90mg is the recommended daily amount for an adult male, which is substantially lower than the animal equivalents, if any comparison is deemed useful for human replication.

Humans do not produce their own vitamin c and must get it from other sources. It is sometimes stated that another form of vitamin c is found even in meat and milk, but I must research this subject further.
By natural mechanism is does appear very difficult to reach that amount of vitamin c naturally through foods.
RayPeat for much time consumed 4 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice a day, which would equal several 1000mgs of vitamin c a day by natural food means. However it is expensive and quite time consuming to attempt to replicate that for personal experimentation.

Nevertheless if one wishes to naturally increase daily vitamin c, a regular consumption of oranges does help increase the daily total, even if that much is not consumed. Further mexican guava which RayPeat frequently recommends as a very beneficial fruit is also very high in vitamin c.
For natural sources that are of a similitude of supplementation there is camu camu powder, or even acerola cherry. Acerola cherry is the jamaican cherry, sometimes it can be bought frozen. I have yet to experiment with this, but some powders state a 30:1 ratio of cherry.
That is 100 grams of the cherry powder would equal 3000grams of buying the actual fruit. Many of the powders are quite expensive, some even 30 dollars per 100 grams, but to consider cost efficiency then in this regards it would be 30 dollars per 3kg of the fruit to consider cost analysis of sustainability.
RayPeat found that taking standard vitamin c supplements had very issues, due to the process of making, which he attributes irradiation, even stating the equivalent of taking an xray.
Many dispute this and some think that perhaps when vitamin c supplements were first on the market that this may have been the case, but in modern times the vitamin c supplementation is far better.
Thus on the premise of cost savings one could consider supplementing vitamin c if they wished to replicate the pattern and observe any subsequent beneficial effects.

Unrelated to RayPeat there is the search of Dr. Ronald Ruth pertaining to mineral patterns, wherein it is chiefly based upon certain vitamins and minerals being synergistic with others. Thus too much of a certain vitamin or mineral has the tendency to decrease/antagonize other minerals/vitamins. Some help increase other minerals. Thus the mechanism is to find the ideal balance and ratios of minerals/vitamins.
Much of this research does tend to line up with RayPeats, but touted in a different fashion. RayPeat generally states that the thyroid will regulate the balance of the minerals/vitamins.
Nevertheless if considering the research of Dr.Ronald Ruth in relation to vitamin c, an interesting pattern stands out:

Increasing sulfur based foods has the tendency to increase vitamin c levels. In other words if one wished to experiment with increasing their vitamin c pattern, then one under this premise could go about it by greatly increasing the sulfur rich foods in their diet.
The chief foods would be eggs, crushed garlic(as the crushing process actually creates additional sulfur compounds) and onions.
Thus the premise is consuming these foods especially in conjunction with high vitamin c foods, if the thought process would to attempt to great the necessary nutrients from food alone, instead of unnatural means.

In relation to the brief aforementioned synergy that Linus Pauling states of lysine. Milk favors the lysine protein, thus consuming milk with vitamin c rich foods (i.e the orange juice premise of RayPeat) it would synergistic with increasing vitamin c utilization.
Noting too that RayPeat generally was against protein supplementation, especially isolated proteins. (not considering gelatin as supplementation as it is food derived)

Other unique sources of vitamin c that I cannot either pro or negative recommendation by RayPeat include rosehips(noting even rosehips is frequently added to vitamin c supplements) and even spruce/pine needle teas(CAUTION: certain pines are toxic and yew that can be mistaken for pine is very toxic to humans, if investigating this premise do thorough research) As per pine the history shows that native americans and thus the pilgrims would consume pine needle tea especially in the winter for additional vitamin c. I believe this information can especially be found on the WestonPrice Foundation's website, as when researching cultural diets and the human history of varying diets of different people groups.
Also noting that spruce/pine are touted to be very high in sulfur, thus as per the above mineral pattern premise it would subsequently increase the vitamin c in the body under this notion.

It is commonly stated of those who utilize vitamin c supplementation and varying forms of it, that liposomal vitamin c gives superior results. Essentially it is delivering the vitamin c through a polyunsaturated means.
Obviously RayPeat very much warns against excessive polyunsaturated fatty acids. So what could be the premise of mechanism if there is accuracy in the reports to this type of vitamin c?
I hypothesize. First, it is noted that vitamin c/beta-carotene act like a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Observation shows that many vitamin c fruits also tend to be high in beta-carotene and/or even polyunsaturated fatty acids. To name two: consider oranges and their beta-carotene content or even cantaloupe. Look at the mexican guava that too is a beta-carotene source and surprisingly quite high in polyunsaturated fatty acids for a fruit. Even the pine needles mentioned prior are a source of beta-carotene.
Thus by natural mechanism there is an observable pattern that foods that are vitamin c sources naturally contain that which replicates a polyunsaturated in direct correlation. Therefore as food is given by God and blessed by Him, it is probable that there is a natural synergy to some extent. Thus it is probable that vitamin c would help inhibit damaging effects from the polyunsaturated fatty acids.
It is to note that this is entirely different than the consumption of toxic vegetable oils and there extraordinary abnormal amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Further according to Dr.Ronald Ruth Vitamin e in high enough levels can decrease vitamin c levels. Noting that vitamin e decreases polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body it lines up with the logic of this liposomal vitamin c. In others words the lower your body is in polyunsaturated fatty acids, your need for vitamin c would increase in direct correlation.

Thus if one wished to replicate this pattern through food, they could consider consuming eggs/butter with there vitamin c rich fruits, as the natural polyunsaturated provided in their safer ratios in these foods(that even RayPeat recommends) would by synergistic under this natural food means.

Another interesting variable pertaining to the mineral patterns. According to Dr.Ronald Ruth copper is the greatest antagonist of vitamin c. Stating that in prolonged high supplementation(2000 mg in a child or higher) that copper deficiency can occur, even malformation of developing legs. The expression of this copper deficiency is stated to be observed through pink eye. That is he believes that pink eye is developed if copper levels are deficient in the body and that if the copper level is regulated that this issue would therefore be corrected.
In relation to this he believes that aluminum also increases copper and vice versa.
It is noted that observation shows an abnormal exposure to excessive aluminum to mankind today. I.E noting that it is even added to the vaccines. Thus under this premise aluminum would decrease vitamin c levels possibly to an extraordinary degree and therefore increase the need for it as a result. In relation it is commonly found that vaccine injection has relation to autism(although many dispute this, this disputing doesn't seem to hold much weight)

Although perplexing to consider, regarding occultic people and the varying groups that war against mankind and desire a new world order. Investigation of their mechanisms shows that they seek to poison others through every means possible; to weaken resistance and to decrease the capability of higher brain function. In regards to this their chief poisons used include arsenic(atom number 33, noting free masons love of that number, which also decreases vitamin c), aluminum (especially aluminum chloride, atom number 13; satanists often favor number 13) and barium. Thus under this notion the exposure of toxins to people would thus increase their need for additional vitamin c even moreso.

Also according to Dr.Ronald Ruther chromium is a strong antagonist of copper and thus under this mineral pattern notion would logically aid in increasing vitamin c levels(although he doesn't state such). RayPeat and others warn of supplementating chromium. However eggs are sufficient dietary source of chromium. Thus under this premise increase egg consumption to see if regulation of balancing mineral patterns occurs.
Further molybdenum also is pro-sulfur and thus would logically be pro-vitamin c under this notion, this metal is STRONGLY advised never to supplement. Eggs are a decent source of this mineral. Beef kidney is also very high in molybdenum (if seeking a food source, RayPeat doesn't commentate on kidney much, except he did not consume it due to palatable reasons, i.e its propensity to taste utterly disgusting)
Technically beans are a very high source of molybdenum, but not recommended by RayPeat, due to irritation and digestive issues.

Thus if one believes in the notion of mineral balancing, certain foods regularly consumed over a prolonged period would thereby help regulate the ratios in the body and thus could aid in the desire to increase vitamin c.

I do not agree with all the mineral patterns of Dr.Ronald Ruth, one strange finding he notes is that in some cases no matter how much vitamin c a patient was given there levels would not increase. Wherein very strangely he states that giving nickel would help increase the levels. However RayPeat STRONGLY WARNS against nickel, even believing it is more toxic than mercury.
Technically speaking if food sources considered, it is stated that red rooibos tea which is commonly consumed in south africa tends to be quite high in nickel. Buckwheat as well and logically buckwheat honey.

I strongly agree with RayPeat on the matter of the dangers of nickel and to avoid it. I would think increasing sulfur and the related pro-sulfur minerals are far superior and safer in an attempt to increase vitamin c levels in the body.

It is commonly found amongst most vitamin c researches that hesperidin and rutin are strong co-factors in vitamin c. In fruits that contain vitamin c they tend to be high in these compounds. According to Dr. Ronald Ruth hesperidin also helps lower copper in the body, which lines up with the aforementioned premises of synergy. This also is another reason why rosehips are often added to vitamin c supplements, as besides that they contain vitamin c, they also contain both of these compounds.
Thus it would seem logical if attempting vitamin c supplements to add in foods high in these compounds under the premise that it may increase the vitamin c levels further and replicate that which is naturally found in food.

In relation to the Linus Pauling research one will find that sugars directly compete with vitamin c. In other words the basic notion is this that consuming white sugar will lower vitamin c levels. All carbohydrates consumed increase the need for vitamin c under this premise.
Thus natural means shows that carbohydrate sources naturally contain vitamin c which would counter this measure occurring just from standard food consumption. However peoples consuming much white sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup would decrease there vitamin c levels under this notion. Thus it is something to consider if wanting to increase one's vitamin c levels in the body.

According to Dr.Ronald Ruth manganese and vitamin c directly antagonize one another. He states that manganese is very synergistic with sodium levels. He states the same for sulfur. Although vitamin c is sodium dependent upon transport, it probably does not require a lot of sodium.
RayPeat is very pro sodium as well, the generic recommendation is a little extra salt to taste. Thyroid also increases sodium levels in the body.
Thus when attempting my own application I am thinking that sodium is far more manganese promoting then sulfur. Thus under this notion excessive salt would increase the need for vitamin c much more by increasing manganese levels.

Thus all of these notes in relation to food patterns. For after attempting high quantity of dates, it was ceased from due to irritating mechanism primarily. Dates are not a sufficient source of vitamin c, thus under the carbohydrate premise would increase the need for it more.

Thus consuming vitamin c tablets, camu camu powder, eating organic orange peel, conjoined with frozen cans of orange juice with additional crushed garlic and cooking onions replicated a regular basis would increase the vitamin c levels under every angle. I will continue to observe any noted effects, with the aim to promote strength of mind and body.


Jul 27, 2016
Brief notes of basic summary about the recent vitamin a fiasco:

Brief vitamin a notes review

On the RayPeat forum as of late a large number of people are advising everyone to do that which is entirely opposite and contrary to RayPeat's recommendations and are doing so contrary to known biochemistry, research, history, logic and reason.
It appears that it is all primarily based upon anecdotal mechanism, which of course is the weakest method to determine health and the results, as there are endless unknown variables.

To briefly review RayPeat states each person requires 5000 ius of vitamin a a day minimal if they are hypothyroid, 10 000 iu if high thyroid.
There is debate on whether or not this minimal amount is required, but nevertheless the basic premise is certainly that vitamin a is not TOXIC at all. It is all in context, anything otherwise is lazy science. To just simply dismiss vitamin a entirely as toxic is not reasonable nor logical.
The basic premise is the higher your thyroid the more vitamin a you require, the lower your thyroid the less you require.
Vitamin a in many ways acts like a polyunsaturated fatty acid, thus the dosage is everything.
Another premise is RayPeat himself noted that in very high sunlight exposure he would experiment with consuming 100 000 iu of vitamin a per day, which is an extraordinary amount. His observations were that if you were vitamin a deficient he would get ingrown whiskers. Thus skin problems and obviously acne can be related to this, wherein it is most probable that it is caused by an excess of estrogen, as vitamin a is a very potent anti-estrogen.
Thyroid converts vitamin a into beneficial hormones. In the same way that thyroid converts cholesterol into the same. I.E RayPeat states give a person with high cholesterol thyroid, and their cholesterol will immediately go down, maybe even regulate itself in 1 single day?
Thyroid converts into that which is beneficial. Thus higher thyroid, the more vitamin a. The exact amount people still debate on, eggs, butter, milk some think is sufficient; however many think liver is needed as well.
It should be noted that historically liver was treasured and consumed. There are citations of dolphins even killing creatures just to consume their liver and leaving the rest. Thus to demonize liver(vitamin a chiefly) without consistent application is unnatural and against plain observation.

In relation if there is any truth to those experiencing benefits of low vitamin a then the following is to be considered.
Most people have an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their diet as the normative and thus stored in their tissues. These fats induce hypothyroidism in an unnatural fashion and thus this would decrease the need for vitamin a drastically. Thus lowering vitamin a in this case is not that vitamin a is the culprit, but rather the context of extremely low thyroid caused by excessive polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly lowers the need for the vitamin.
Second beta carotene and vitamin a(retinol) are frequently used interchangeably as the same thing. This is not accurate at all.
RayPeat states that beta carotene can induce hypothyroidism. There are cases of death of carotenemia, one extreme example is death by excessive carrot juice. One sign of excess is orange hands and feet, and extreme excess is orange skin.
The body requires thyroid and vitamin b12 to convert beta carotene into retinol. Some speculate that as low as 5% is actually converted, i.e 10 000 iu of beta carotene from a carrot may possibly only equate 500iu of usable retinol.
Therefore many who are strongly advocating vitamin a toxicity and noting great benefits from lowering vitamin a, may actually be referencing beta carotene. This context is consistent with what RayPeat teaches already. As for instance one of the reasons why orange juice is recommended over eating oranges, is that the juice has 1/3rd the beta carotene of eating the whole orange. Of course removing the fibers is another reason why he states such, but the general principle is noted.

Another variable to analysis is light. People generally have exposure to excessive blue light through their phones, tv screens, led lights, and thus all public buildings, street lights, work places, etc. No peoples in history have ever had this most exposure to blue light. Blue light is anti thyroid. Ray Peat states it damages cytochrome c oxidase, which is a copper enzyme, and it can in theory damage it entirely, making copper unusable. The only way to regenerate this enzyme is through red light exposure. This is received from the sunlight, however it is noted that one cannot cover their eyes as with sunglasses, as this greatly inhibits the beneficial sunlight effect.
As the current status quo is very anti sunlight and even when in it, many wear sunglasses. To briefly digress people who experience great negatives from sunlight, the general cause is a deficiency of vitamin a, an excess of iron and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as sunlight causes the iron and pufa to basically create those brown spots on the skin. The higher one's polyunsaturated fatty acid content and excess iron the more of these they will have. An extreme example that can be observed are asian groups that are commonly known to reuse toxic vegetable oil. That is the restaurants that already use this toxic oil, eventually throw it down a crate as waste, wherein it is recycled in many areas and thus reused over and over. Thus the toxic oil, becomes much more toxic. Large amounts are added to their foods, wherein the diet of these people thus has an extraordinary unnatural amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It can be observed that many of these people have all kinds of these brown spots (or liver spots) on their faces and all over there body. This is the causation.

Back on topic, copper is required to utilize vitamin a properly. Thus an excess of blue light in theory could impair one's ability to even utilize vitamin a through this mechanism. It further would induce an iron toxicity, as copper is needed to properly use iron.
Thus lack of proper light prolonged equals hypothyroid with great potential of copper deficiency through the aforementioned mechanism thereby significantly reducing the need for vitamin a, thus lowering vitamin a in this context may be beneficial.

A brief reading of the anti-vitamin a rhetoric should cause one to see that it is not scientific. Within the first few pages an account of dogs is cited. Vitamin a deficiency is induced, the dogs go blind and all die rather quickly. He denounces this, not with logic, or reason, but simply scoffs that it is accurate. This right away to any reasonable person proves his hypothesis entirely erroneous.
He cites about rats consuming food and flourishing during winter time without access to vitamin a.
Obviously the liver of all stores vitamin a for reserve. Further thyroid diminishes greatly in the winter, due to lower temperatures and less sunlight and this also decreases the need for vitamin a.
However to use these as absolute proofs in conjunction with all his only reasoning is absurd.

Grasses contain quite a bit of beta carotene. Animals of all types consume grasses. If all forms of vitamin a=toxic in all contexts and are actually pure poison, then it doesn't follow natural observation. Noting that animals who eat these grasses are outside receiving endless sunlight that acts as thyroid stimulus for the utilization of the beta carotene.
As obviously why does a cow liver have so much vitamin a? It received it all through this mechanism.
The anti vitamin a people vary in there discourse, but they go as extreme to see it as an unnatural poison.
This is more perplexing since many of the advocates profess to believe in the Creator and many believe on Jesus Christ as Lord.
God's created order has vitamin a everywhere, why is it in food then if it is a toxic poison? Jesus Christ stated eggs are good, they have vitamin a. Cultures everywhere have always consumed eggs. The same is with milk.
The promised land is called a land flowing with milk and honey. Milk (especially whole) provides much vitamin a. If vitamin a=toxic in all context, then it goes against the natural created order. It goes against the diets of peoples through human history.

It does not follow any systematic analysis. What of the tribe that almost entirely eats sweet potatoes, and then feasts on pork every now and then? Endless beta carotene, surely they all will have terrible health and toxicity, but this is not the case. They exhibit well health. Or the masa tribe consuming 4 liters of milk on average per day? On and on in this fashion.

Thus the brief summary: lowering vitamin a in certain contexts may benefit the lower thyroid person.
However it is probable that many who perceive benefits may slowly be degrading their health unbeknownst to them.
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