Need advice to lose fat


Jul 1, 2013
United States
thebigpeatowski said:
Jennifer said:
Lindsay said:
Is the bigpeatowski living currently with a ruptured appendix? That is brave, let me tell you. My doctor offered me that route, but I was so scared..... there are some things in life I just don't want to deal with and that's likely one of them. But they said my appendix was real bad, so I'm kind of glad to be rid of it - it was such a nuisance anyhow.
Right! Ray talked about the antibiotic/fertility thing in the Herb Doctors interview on endotoxin, if I remember correctly. I know thebigpeat said she saw an improvement in her hormones after doing the raw garlic protocol so I'd say it's worth a shot. From what I remember, her appendix ruptured and she had to go the hospital, but didn't want to have it removed so the doctors had a meeting and finally gave in to just giving her high doses of antibiotics. Sorry BP if I got your story wrong. But yeah, I don't blame you for having your appendix removed. That's scary!

Hello Ladies! Yes, my appendix had already ruptured by the time I went to the hospital. According to the scan there was nothing left except a massive debris field (everywhere the toxins spilled became inflamed). The doctors told me that they would need to remove several feet of my intestines in order to clean up all the inflammation. Therefore I declined as they could not guarantee the outcome or how much of my guts they were going to remove. I stayed in the hospital for a few days on IV antibiotics and went home with two more antibiotics that I took for several weeks.

I felt great while on the antibiotics, but it was a while after I finished the course when all hell broke loose (heading into fall and severely hypothyroid as well). I had a major bout of gastroenteritis followed by serious indigestion, intermittent constipation/diarrhea and ultimately chronic diarrhea. Four years of seeing many doctors and several specialists got me absolutely nowhere.

Looking back, I think I must have had a chronic C.diff infection and SIBO. Taking raw garlic and more thyroid finally helped me to overcome the gut issues. My opinion, solely based on my bizarre experience, is that gut dysbiosis causes the intestines to become inflamed. Inflamed guts release estrogen, serotonin and histamine which leads to food intolerance AND can also lead to weight gain. Also, my previous years of low-carbing DEFINITELY made me insulin resistant, wrecked my metabolism and effed up my hormones. I had a high-fat diet back then cuz you gotta get your calories from somewhere. I feel that eating a lot of fat majorly contributed to endotoxin and mood issues etc.....just my two cents :2cents

Thanks for sharing bigpeatowski!! I had my appendix removed - sadly, when I had to make the decision, I had had a 103 F fever for 3 days and was in no place to make big decisions. But, at least I can never get appendicitis again, I just have thousands of insurance deductible to pay off (which would have been more if I had stayed in the hospital more than a day). My experience was similar - I felt fricken fantastic on the antibiotics, but it was short lived. I started to develop my normal digestive problems a month or so after taking them and now I am trying to figure the best route to clean the gut - the carrot doesn't do much for me. I'm looking into pickled garlic - it supposedly has the same benefits as raw garlic, but it tastes much milder. I think, in general, eating lots of fermented foods to give good bacteria to the gut is very helpful. If garlic & fermented foods don't work, I will have to keep up my thyroid dose. I just went from 1/2 a cynoplus pill to 3/4 and it definitely makes a difference, but my experience is that this is always short lived and the body adapts to the new dose. However, I really need to keep the digestive tract happy and estrogen away!!

P.S. How was Mexico???


Jan 22, 2013
I just want to add that a lot of times gut issues aren't actually having to do with the intestine. I could get into details but they might be gross so ill keep it as simple as I can...basically if you have water retention in the gut area, it puts pressure on the intestine so no matter what it is sliding through will get smashed and kinked, and it feels like major intestine problems but really its the surrounding lymph tissue swelled like a water balloon squeezing down on the intestine and bladder...which makes recovery much harder because any time waste material gets smashed and kinked it incites inflammation

so unless you have pretty flat stomach, and if youre eating mostly clean food that doesn't ferment, then most likely it isn't actually your intestine, but the surrounding tissue that is swollen, and its usually just water retention ( I shouldn't say 'just', because water retention is a pretty huge problem)

I say this to hopefully prevent people from assaulting their intestine with harsh chemicals because of a wrong belief about what is going on
Jan 24, 2014
lindsay said:
Thanks for sharing bigpeatowski!! I had my appendix removed - sadly, when I had to make the decision, I had had a 103 F fever for 3 days and was in no place to make big decisions. But, at least I can never get appendicitis again, I just have thousands of insurance deductible to pay off (which would have been more if I had stayed in the hospital more than a day). My experience was similar - I felt fricken fantastic on the antibiotics, but it was short lived. I started to develop my normal digestive problems a month or so after taking them and now I am trying to figure the best route to clean the gut - the carrot doesn't do much for me. I'm looking into pickled garlic - it supposedly has the same benefits as raw garlic, but it tastes much milder. I think, in general, eating lots of fermented foods to give good bacteria to the gut is very helpful. If garlic & fermented foods don't work, I will have to keep up my thyroid dose. I just went from 1/2 a cynoplus pill to 3/4 and it definitely makes a difference, but my experience is that this is always short lived and the body adapts to the new dose. However, I really need to keep the digestive tract happy and estrogen away!!

P.S. How was Mexico???

I had a fever with my appendicitis too, unfortunately it was August and nearly 100 degrees outside and I was freakin miserable! I was right in the middle of moving so my thermometer was packed in a box somewhere. I chose to ignore my symptoms for three days thinking that I simply had food poisoning because my kitchen stuff was all packed up and I had been eating at Taco Time every night for a few days.

The other thing that may have played a role in my appendicitis was the fact that I was spraying Round Up everywhere while wearing shorts and flip flops. I remember getting mist overspray on my bare feet and thinking that can't be good, but then told myself that Round Up is non-toxic. We now know that glyphosate is VERY toxic to gut flora. I was also under a tremendous amount of stress and had been eating the standard American sh*tty diet. Poor diet + massive stress + glyphosate exposure = ruptured appendix.

And yeah, even though I didn't have surgery, the scans and hospital stay with no insurance was very very expensive (close to 10 K). I have to say tho, I'm still glad I didn't let them remove several feet of my intestines. ;)


Jul 8, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
Hello Ladies! Yes, my appendix had already ruptured by the time I went to the hospital. According to the scan there was nothing left except a massive debris field (everywhere the toxins spilled became inflamed). The doctors told me that they would need to remove several feet of my intestines in order to clean up all the inflammation. Therefore I declined as they could not guarantee the outcome or how much of my guts they were going to remove. I stayed in the hospital for a few days on IV antibiotics and went home with two more antibiotics that I took for several weeks.

I felt great while on the antibiotics, but it was a while after I finished the course when all hell broke loose (heading into fall and severely hypothyroid as well). I had a major bout of gastroenteritis followed by serious indigestion, intermittent constipation/diarrhea and ultimately chronic diarrhea. Four years of seeing many doctors and several specialists got me absolutely nowhere.

Looking back, I think I must have had a chronic C.diff infection and SIBO. Taking raw garlic and more thyroid finally helped me to overcome the gut issues. My opinion, solely based on my bizarre experience, is that gut dysbiosis causes the intestines to become inflamed. Inflamed guts release estrogen, serotonin and histamine which leads to food intolerance AND can also lead to weight gain. Also, my previous years of low-carbing DEFINITELY made me insulin resistant, wrecked my metabolism and effed up my hormones. I had a high-fat diet back then cuz you gotta get your calories from somewhere. I feel that eating a lot of fat majorly contributed to endotoxin and mood issues etc.....just my two cents :2cents

Okay, I just saw this. I missed the part about the doctors wanting to remove several feet of your intestines, BP. That's crazy! Doctors seriously don't have much faith in the body's own ability to heal.
Jan 24, 2014
Jennifer said:
Okay, I just saw this. I missed the part about the doctors wanting to remove several feet of your intestines, BP. That's crazy! Doctors seriously don't have much faith in the body's own ability to heal.

Yep...I truly believe in the body's power and ability to heal, but only if given the proper nutrients and environment. Unfortunately, it can be a real challenge to figure out exactly what your own body needs. Ray Peat's work has gotten me closer to TRUE healing than any doctor or specialist I have ever seen. HOW COOL IS THAT? :cool:


Mar 21, 2014
tca300 said:
superhuman said:

Thank you. How much meat do you consume a day? and what kind of meats do you use?

Anywhere from 100-120 grams of protein worth of very lean ground beef.

tca300, I'm scratching my head. In another thread, you wrote just 2 weeks before or after this comment (can't remember which came first) that you avoided animal protein and got protein from potatoes...


Yup im a living science experiment. I've gone from potatoes, to meat, fruit etc... I've done most every diet I can think of to see what I personally feel best on. I eat totally different now than when I commented on those posts. Sorry for the confusion.


May 31, 2013
tca300 said:
Yup im a living science experiment. I've gone from potatoes, to meat, fruit etc... I've done most every diet I can think of to see what I personally feel best on. I eat totally different now than when I commented on those posts. Sorry for the confusion.

Cool, live and you learn :) could you tell us what you do know and why you made the changes you did? and also what benefits you have noticed and also any negatives? like in terms of high cortisol wich you mention got lower once you increased protein


I consume about 11 cups of 1% milk, 60 grams of cocoa powder, 10 cups of orange juice, little over 5oz of sugar, an egg, about 30 grams of liver, and a carrot salad. With supplements. I changed to this way of eating because of my worries about starch, etc. After eating this way for several months my morning temps are 98.2°F and during the day get up to 98.9°F or so on average. I also don't need to supplement thyroid anymore. I finally after going through so many diets and variations of what I thought might be Peat appropriate have found what feels best for me and is the ONLY diet I have ever been on where I desire no change.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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