MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - YouTube


Oct 6, 2020
A thoughtful response, Ben. When you find a way to get through let me know what it is and I will apply it. I had these same conversations with people 20 years ago when I told/showed them that 9-11 was staged by intelligence operatives. I showed slow motion video of the one plane we could see slamming into the tower and you could see it was a black/grey military plane; no windows, no emblems. I showed pictures of thermetic material on beams cut at 45 degrees indicating a controlled demolition. I showed proof that the FCC stated that no cell phone calls came from the flights discussed and that it wasn't even possible to make a cell call from anything above 5 or 6 thousand ft in altitude, no plane wreckage in PA or at the Pentagon, no reason for Bld 7 to collapse and that it was in freefall indicating a controlled takedown. People screamed at me with rage for my efforts; labeled me a conspiracy nut etc. Why? Because to believe the alternative that this was an inside job; that Americans would kill their own to justify a never ending war was too much for them. The same applies here. Most people want to trust that the government has their back and would never cause harm to them; they cannot accept that this is a ruse and that the government is selling them down the river to the NWO. Not one bit of this has made any technical or medical sense from the beginning and yet many doctors and scientists have fallen into the stew and vomit out the same garbage the spin doctors do. There are any number of people on this forum who still keep talking about how the vax protects you and from what? So many countries have been forced to admit covid 19 does not exist and yet the lies keep on going and people keep lining up for a vax that, not only can't protect them from something that doesn't exist but they don't even ask why they're taking it. They just believe. Some of us keep posting statements from the CDC and we have videos showing the countries that have admitted it's not real and STILL we discuss it.
Most people are easily indoctrinated Ben, and the starting process for that is fear. The ego wants to live at all costs and if you terrorize people with the boogie man and then offer a "solution" most people will just grab at it. The majority of people have no critical thinking skills. Even the Germans in the 1930's, who were among the most educated people in the world, latched on to a maniacal scheme for their salvation because they were so full of fear.
You're right about not fighting or arguing as that only entrenches each side. Demonizing sets up acrimony and hatred that will last for generations. Show me a way, Ben and I'll jump all over it. I want us to survive.

Thanks for troughout response. Im sorry your words on 9/11 fell on deaf ears.
It took alot of agony, dissapointment and first and foremost a revealing experience that made me realize how utterly wrong i was about many things regarding the goverment and the medical industry. Considering that i needed alot of time to understand these things, i cannot put to much blame on people being sheep, even if it infuriates me at times.

If i find a way to better connect/communicate in a way that is actually fruitfull and helps advance the direction we as collective take, I'll let you know.
The human sacrifice you linked an article about describes something that i fear, especially since its already happening.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Unless you're a banker yourself, no
banks are suffering more than the general population right now

they are on the verge of negative interest rates right across the world, so i don't understand your point?

and even then I'd have to ask them if they're retarded or not, they have openly stated before that they will for the general western public to be enslaved to a point where they commit suicide themselves as they profit off of it.

who has stated this? the banks?

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
No it is not a win. They may still be slaves, but now they are slaves with the deadly graphene oxide poisoning them and their bodies a spike protein
i don't believe in this because i've never seen any evidence to suggest the vaccine is any more dangerous than a routine injection, so if the vaccine is relatively harmless, now the slaves just get more time off, right?

and blood clot making machine.

any kind of injection can create blood clots. i ended up in hospital from a blood donation that left me unconscious with a bruise the size of a new born baby on my arm over an hr after i left the building and gone to work


Oct 6, 2020
people will always fight and argue. you don't have to, though. i think that if you feel it is worth fighting over however, you really need to have answers for what you're fighting for, or else you're just part of the mindless mob

There is a difference fighting over life choices with parents, with the girlfriend/boyfriend or who lives a better life or not.
It is however a completely different thing fighting and arguing over something that - in case of the current covid narrative - will lead to the stripping of human rights, creating a new class of people that is not even allowed to work, have contact with other people nor buy food/water which we literally need to be able to survive.

answers in what sense? I know exactly what i would be fighting for and i'd also have answers. However they have been and will be discreditet, called out for being naive or not even listened to.

many people are better off now, during lockdowns, than they were before because of furlough and fiscal stimulus. they've had almost two years of holidays and a huge boost to income for doing very little besides obviously endorse the what's the best outcome for these people? which make up a huge portion of both the lower classes and white collar industry?

better off? Who got a huge boost in income? Wtf? Where i live people had more free time, yes, but they all had to agree to get less money and the time not worked is payed trough taxmoney. They call this "Kurzarbeit" here. Not only that but all the tests, vaxxinations and all the people that lost their job put insane burden on the taxpayer. And for what? It wasn't necessary, and if it was then the whole thing was done completly wrong and useless in its execution.

You realy think this whole thing, even if it was a "chill" time for some playing video games and watching netflix, will not inevatebly bite them in the **** in the future along the generations to come?

the best outcome for everyone?

is it worth fighting over?

if so, what is it you're trying to achieve?

The best outcome for everyone? Im surprised how that is not somewhat obvious, but perhaps it is just for me?

Looking at the current situation with "corona", it would be lifting all regulations and unecessary/useless safety measures. Allow people to do again what they always have done. Going places, buying stuff, living their hobbys, work ...

Make it medicaly possible for doctors to use promising and safer protocolls and medications for w/e virus/infection circulates instead of a untested, deadly gene therapy.
Monitor/study the already vaxxed and work on treatments and scientific breaktroughs to help them and reduce/avoid mid-long term damage.

Put the people who made this mess and pushed it behind bars for life. They commited massmurder while having first hand data available. This includes all high tier personel in all the respective companys, organizations and ofcourse many politicians.

Now obviously we can spin this alot further and work at the roots of many issues of this world which would include:

• Revision of the the crazy, artificial financial system.
• Food production/packaging that is not carcinogenic or messing up peoples endocrine systems across the globe. With this, a new norm of food quality needs to be established that is also affordable.
• Mass education about health. People get sick often because they live and grew up in a horrible environment with bad food, bad lifestyles and bad rolemodels who do not know better themself. (If people knew, if they realy knew how much illness/death the medical system brings, how awfull the food production and the damage to the environment ist ... people would've revolted a long time ago)
• Revision of the medical/healthcare system that actually wants people healthy and stay that way. One that does not tie its workers hands by odd laws and regulations that only benefit thoose wanting to make money of off it.
• The crazyness that is apartment/house ownership that, as you pointed out urself, indirectly makes people slaves because the majority of money earned has to be payed for the "right" to live between certain walls and food

But no, people rather vote and argue over two candidates or partys where neither realy changes anything on a meaningfull scale at all because the system itself is flawed catastrophicaly.

Obviously this is all extremely simplified. I know its unlikely to happen and not very realistic. But these are the things that i would stand and argue for. The issue didn't just start with this "pandemic".
The answer lies in the direction people are not willing to look at because they already consider it as not possible. I don't care if people have luxury or are rich. But what i do care about and have an issue with is them having it due to millions of peoples blood, sweat and death.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
There is a difference fighting over life choices with parents, with the girlfriend/boyfriend or who lives a better life or not.
It is however a completely different thing fighting and arguing over something that - in case of the current covid narrative - will lead to the stripping of human rights, creating a new class of people that is not even allowed to work, have contact with other people nor buy food/water which we literally need to be able to survive.

if this new class of people aren't allowed to buy food nor water, i don't imagine the problem will be very long lived tbh

answers in what sense? I know exactly what i would be fighting for and i'd also have answers. However they have been and will be discreditet, called out for being naive or how it is often, not even listened to.

well, you're fighting for the rights you just mentioned above...what rights? and what is it you hope to achieve?

better off? Who got a huge boost in income? Wtf? Where i live people had more free time, yes, but they all had to agree to get less money and the time not worked is payed trough taxmoney.

less income = less tax

people were also allowed to work a second job due to lockdowns allowing them to double their incomes in many instances

They call this "Kurzarbeit" here. Not only that but all the tests, vaxxinations and all the people that lost their job put insane burden on the taxpayer. And for what? It wasn't necessary, and if it was then the whole thing was done completly wrong and useless in its execution.

You realy think this whole thing, even if it was a "chill" time for some playing video games and watching netflix, will not inevatebly bite them in the **** in the future along the generations to come?

no. i personally think the lockdowns were unavoidable and have been expecting them for over a decade because of the state of the economy

i agree the virus and vaccine is just a publicity stunt designed to coerce public liberty, but with a huge population of people that have no land or money, what alternative is there?

i don't think taxes have gone up anywhere, yet - and in the uk/usa, the "insane" pressure on the tax payer is coming out of the super wealthy, at least currently

The best outcome for everyone? Im surprised how that is not somewhat obvious, but perhaps it is just for me?

Looking at the current situation with "corona", it would be lifting all regulations and unecessary/useless safety measures. Allow people to do again what they always have done. Going places, buying stuff, living their hobbys, work ...
i disagree. i think this would lead to anarchy and the destruction of the western economy.

the only thing holding the economy together right now is the fact that lockdowns have put the breaks on public spending - if people just started to vdo what they've always done, the american dollar would hyper inflate faster than weimar germany and you and everyone you know would be on the street without internet or food, wondering wtf happened
Make it medicaly possible for doctors to use promising and safer protocolls and medications for w/e virus/infection circulates instead of a untested, deadly gene therapy.

Monitor/study the already vaxxed and work on treatments and scientific breaktroughs to help them and reduce/avoid mid-long term damage.

defo agreed

Now obviously we can spin this alot further and work at the roots of many issues of this world which would include:

• Revision of the the crazy, artificial financial system.
• Food production/packaging that is not carcinogenic or messing up peoples endocrine systems across the globe. With this, a new norm of food quality needs to be established that is also affordable.
• Mass education about health. People get sick often because they live and grew up in a horrible environment with bad food, bad lifestyles and bad rolemodels who do not know better themself. (If people knew, if they realy knew how much illness/death the medical system brings, how awfull the food production and the damage to the environment ist ... people would've revolted a long time ago)
• Revision of the medical/healthcare system that actually wants people healthy and stay that way. One that does not tie its workers hands by odd laws and regulations that only benefit thoose wanting to make money of off it.
• The crazyness that is apartment/house ownership that, as you pointed out urself, indirectly makes people slaves because the majority of money earned has to be payed for the "right" to live between certain walls and food
yep pretty much agree with all of that haha
But no, people rather vote and argue over two candidates or partys where neither realy changes anything on a meaningfull scale at all because the system itself is flawed catastrophicaly.

Obviously this is all extremely simplified. I know its unlikely to happen and not very realistic. But these are the things that i would stand and argue for. The issue didn't just start with this "pandemic".
The answer lies in the direction people are not willing to look at because they already consider it as not possible. I don't care if people have luxury or are rich. But what i do care about and have an issue with is them having it due to millions of peoples blood and sweat.
i don't think the problem is government, or any system really

the issue is that people are lazy and ignorant by nature, and the more comfortable society/technology makes them, the worse this nature becomes, acquiescing their individual power to the state to further improve their comfort...then whining about the government having too much power, but unable to do anything about it because that would be uncomfortable

state capitalism and slave labour is at an end, now that robots can do a better job for less money, so no more blood and sweat - but a lot more people looking to get comfortable, which means even more power for the government
Mar 10, 2021
This outcome, the holidays and a huge boost in income for doing nada, sounds at first glance that it would be what they consider a good outcome. However, we know it leads to slavery.

However, no way can we explain that to them. So, I think that being organized within ourselves, using humor and ridicule when we can, and having a parallel society sound like possible approaches.

We can't all be strong and hefty, but we can be strong inside or work on that instead.

@Rinse & rePeat
Thanks for including me in all this Birdie! I love how much brighter you sound today, and I am happy to pass on all the sarcasm and humor you pass my way :D
Mar 10, 2021
i don't believe in this because i've never seen any evidence to suggest the vaccine is any more dangerous than a routine injection, so if the vaccine is relatively harmless, now the slaves just get more time off, right?

any kind of injection can create blood clots. i ended up in hospital from a blood donation that left me unconscious with a bruise the size of a new born baby on my arm over an hr after i left the building and gone to work
That is terrible Sweet Meat! Fellow member Josh had a bad experience too donating blood, and made a post about it. My girlfriend got the the first Moderna shot and got this painfull cyst, on the third day, on the opposite arm, which later developed blisters on it too. She said it was the worst pain of her life. Her injection arm had a bright rash on the same day, 3rd day, that the cyst developed. Nothing helped it, as it got worse and worse, until she started ingesting and applying manuka honey daily to it. It took a month to go away. She is not an anti-vaxxer, but she cancelled her second shot. Her parents got vaxxed and she said her father has not, menatally, been the same since. My husband got a tetanus shot last August, when a kitchen glass broke on his foot, and has a painful knot in his back that is near unbearable. Something is really wrong with ALL of these vaccines that are being pushed on the world.


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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
That is terrible Sweet Meat! Fellow member Josh had a bad experience too donating blood, and made a post about it. My girlfriend got the the first Moderna shot and got this painfull cyst, on the third day, on the opposite arm, which later developed blisters on it too.

mine was a hematoma - the nurses punctured my artery and my arm slowly swelled up to the size of a balloon just as i arrived for work. i only noticed it for about 1-2seconds before i was out cold lol. code blue went off before i'd started work haha

She is not an anti-vaxxer, but she cancelled her second shot. Her parents got vaxxed and she said her father has not, menatally, been the same since. My husband got a tetanus shot last August, when a kitchen glass broke on his foot, and has a painful knot in his back that is near unbearable. Something is really wrong with ALL of these vaccines that are being pushed on the world.

i got all my vaccines voluntarily PRIOR to 2020 because i never thought twice about it, but i am completely against these vaccines because they are coercive

unfortunately i doubt it matters - all you need is a majority who believe "don't think about it, do as you're told" and it's only a matter of time before this will be mandated.

the bigger problem i have is that i don't believe these vaccines are anything more than a sugar pill, but if they are used to mandate medical procedures for the general population, that leaves the door wide open for practically anything else they might one day decide to inject us with - given that the leaders of this movement are billionaire eugenicists with no children, i imagine mass sterilization might be on the horizon when the war against over population begins
Mar 10, 2021
mine was a hematoma - the nurses punctured my artery and my arm slowly swelled up to the size of a balloon just as i arrived for work. i only noticed it for about 1-2seconds before i was out cold lol. code blue went off before i'd started work haha

i got all my vaccines voluntarily PRIOR to 2020 because i never thought twice about it, but i am completely against these vaccines because they are coercive

unfortunately i doubt it matters - all you need is a majority who believe "don't think about it, do as you're told" and it's only a matter of time before this will be mandated.

the bigger problem i have is that i don't believe these vaccines are anything more than a sugar pill, but if they are used to mandate medical procedures for the general population, that leaves the door wide open for practically anything else they might one day decide to inject us with - given that the leaders of this movement are billionaire eugenicists with no children, i imagine mass sterilization might be on the horizon when the war against over population begins
Oh gosh I would pass out too if I saw my arm looking like a balloon! I might consider your sugar pill theory, but my girlfriends arm and father suggests otherwise.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Oh gosh I would pass out too if I saw my arm looking like a balloon! I might consider your sugar pill theory, but my girlfriends arm and father suggests otherwise.

most people i know who have had the injection have had some kind of negative reaction to it, but i think that is just the immune system responding

when i say sugar pill, i mean i don't think the vaccine is any more dangerous than the virus, and i don't believe the virus is real to begin with, so whatever else it may be, the vaccine is purely propaganda from my perspective. an easy way to make people obey because of fear of the virus or hope for the future, while pushing more and more state powers through the legislature with full public support

Mar 10, 2021
most people i know who have had the injection have had some kind of negative reaction to it, but i think that is just the immune system responding

when i say sugar pill, i mean i don't think the vaccine is any more dangerous than the virus, and i don't believe the virus is real to begin with, so whatever else it may be, the vaccine is purely propaganda from my perspective. an easy way to make people obey because of fear of the virus or hope for the future, while pushing more and more state powers through the legislature with full public support

Mar 10, 2021
"The purpose of education is largely to disempower the student, so that they depend on the system and become reliable."
Ray Peat


Aug 10, 2012
Good for him for making a video like this. Its a popular channel too.
Yes and glad to hear the video is on a popular channel.

I am applying the helpful ideas in a rather limited way since I'm mostly at home with an injury, but I like the ideas of using humor and ridicule for example. I do that naturally but like the affirmation !! When I say naturally, I grew up with a younger brother who was very funny and we loved to ridicule everything stupid.

I would love to get into some humorous ridicule with my walking buddies but patience and time will come. I send stuff by email. And post comments here and there. If we each find a spot and go at it that'll be our part right?

Hi Rinse & rePeat. Meant this reply to you too. Carry on kiddo. I'm liking your comments.
Mar 10, 2021
Yes and glad to hear the video is on a popular channel.

I am applying the helpful ideas in a rather limited way since I'm mostly at home with an injury, but I like the ideas of using humor and ridicule for example. I do that naturally but like the affirmation !! When I say naturally, I grew up with a younger brother who was very funny and we loved to ridicule everything stupid.

I would love to get into some humorous ridicule with my walking buddies but patience and time will come. I send stuff by email. And post comments here and there. If we each find a spot and go at it that'll be our part right?

Hi Rinse & rePeat. Meant this reply to you too. Carry on kiddo. I'm liking your comments.
Pina turned me on to this thread! It is just the stuff that your video says we need to keep passing on!



Aug 10, 2012


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
when i say sugar pill, i mean i don't think the vaccine is any more dangerous than the virus, and i don't believe the virus is real to begin with, so whatever else it may be, the vaccine is purely propaganda from my perspective. an easy way to make people obey because of fear of the virus or hope for the future, while pushing more and more state powers through the legislature with full public support

Why are you excluding the possibility (or are you?) that it can be also a gradual (by causing infertility) de-population agenda? Considering the dire financial straits of the West (and maybe China too, but they don't really shy way from directly killing "excess" people) what other "solution" (other than a scientific miracle resulting in massive energy availability breakthrough) does the Western "elite" (despite being entirely based on fiat currency) have that preserves the current social structure (including countries) more or less intact? You know, causing infertility through vaccination is hardly a conspiracy theory any more, considering the very public fiasco in Kenia and other 3rd world countries.


Jan 25, 2014
i don't believe in this because i've never seen any evidence to suggest the vaccine is any more dangerous than a routine injection, so if the vaccine is relatively harmless, now the slaves just get more time off, right?
I'm assuming you haven't seen this evidence mainly because you haven't bothered to look.

Back in March, Anthony Colpo wrote about how the COVID shots were up to 96 times deadlier than flu shots, from the previous two years-

Thankfully, there is a lesser known page at the CDC website that not only has slightly more recent death figures, but concurrent vaccine administration data. I'll quote from that page directly:

"Over 92 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 8, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,637 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine." (Bold emphasis added)

You don't need to be a master statistician to see the discrepancy here, folks.

Despite less than three months of use and a far lower number of people vaccinated, the new COVID-19 vaccines have already accumulated a 96-fold higher volume of death reports than what was seen for influenza vaccines during the 2019-2020 season, and a 74-fold higher volume when compared to the 2018-2019 season.

There's no denying the differences - they are huge.

And for those who subscribe to the (terribly misguided) "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" school of thought, that certainly doesn't apply to the new COVID-19 vaccines. If they don't kill you, you may still suffer a vast array of life-threatening and serious adverse events.

According to the VAERS database, as of 5 March 2021, COVID-19 vaccines have generated a total of 30,938 adverse event reports for the US and territories. Of these, 1,066 were life-threatening, 630 resulted in permanent disability, 5,775 involved emergency room visits, and 3,459 required hospitalization.

Again, these figures dwarf those for regular influenza vaccines; there were 7,343 total adverse events reported for influenza vaccines administered during the 2018-2019 season, and 6,446 reported for those given during the 2019-2020 season.

Again, a 74-96 times higher death toll than flu shots, all from the VAERS database. Also, at least 23,000 more adverse event reports than recent year flu shot campaigns.

And since then, the COVID numbers have gotten much bigger, while the figures from the previous two flu seasons remain the same, the COVID shots are clearly much deadlier and dangerous. Deaths from COVID shots are now at 6,490. If you don't think a death rate 381 times bigger than the most recent flu shot campaign is any big deal, well, I don't know what to say.
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