MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - YouTube

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Why are you excluding the possibility (or are you?) that it can be also a gradual (through infertility) de-population agenda?
i'm not, but on the balance of probability, i like to think that we poison ourselves and destroy our environments because we are idiots, not because someone is manipulating us into it in order to reduce our fertility rates over a long time, which incrementally have resulted in a 17% rise in global population since if someone is behind it, they're doing a ***t af job

Considering the dire financial straits of the West (and maybe China too, but they don't really shy way from directly killing "excess" people) what other "solution" (other than a scientific miracle resulting in massive energy availability breakthrough) does the Western "elite" (despite being entirely based on fiat currency) have that preserves the current social structure (including countries) more or less intact?

what happens to every empire that's entered it's twilight years?


if it can finish rome, it can finish the states.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I'm assuming you haven't seen this evidence mainly because you haven't bothered to look.

you are correct
Again, a 74-96 times higher death toll than flu shots, all from the VAERS database. Also, at least 23,000 more adverse event reports than recent year flu shot campaigns.

And since then, the COVID numbers have gotten much bigger, while the figures from the previous two flu seasons remain the same. Deaths from COVID shots are now at 6,490. If you don't think a death rate 381 times bigger than the most recent flu shot campaign is any big deal, well, I don't know what to say.
6490 out of what? in america haven't like 200 million people been vaccinated?


Jan 25, 2014
6490 out of what? in america haven't like 200 million people been vaccinated?

It's closer to 160-170 Million. Which is...... roughly the number that got flu shots in 2019-2020, and 2018-2019. And there were 22 and 17 deaths in those groups.

So, again, for a roughly similar number of people "vaccinated," the number of deaths is 295 to 381 times higher.

As Colpo stated, in March, when only 92 Million doses had been administered, there were already 1,637 deaths. 74 and 96 times higher than previous flu shot campaigns, which were given to many more people, 161 Million each year. Even with far, far fewer doses administered, there was already a massive explosion in death reports to VAERS.

And considering 6,490 Deaths is more than have been reported for all vaccines combined in the previous 30 years, there is no denying the fact that the Covid shots are the deadliest so-called "vaccines" in history.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
if it can finish rome, it can finish the states.

Why just the states? The rest of the world (potentially even China) is in not much of a better shape. The global debt/GDP ratio stands at 300%+ and I don't think in the globalized economy of today any specific country is somehow exempt/immune to this financial fiasco. Except possibly Russia, but until they can hoard enough gold they are still exposed to the ruinous effects of a global financial meltdown. Speaking of which, a global collapse destroys the elite's "wealth" as well. Can't pay their private troops if the favorite currency of the day is not worth much. Ergo, asset ownership also means little in case of a large-scale collapse. So, from that point of view, the less plebs remaining the easier would be for say Bezos or Brin to physically defend their properties. I just don't see how the "useless eaters" are going to be of any value going forward (especially if the AI dreams comes to fruition) to the people deciding the world's fate, so all this makes the de-population agenda look very plausible, on top of the self-poisoning we already do to ourselves.
Btw, the (in)fertility effects of the vaccines have already caught the attention of medical professionals. We are yet to learn of their true magnitude, so I would not discount the possibility yet that the vaccine has a much more nefarious purpose than just being a placebo shot used to distract the plebs from the real "virus" (financial ruin).

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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Why just the states? The rest of the world (potentially even China) is in not much of a better shape. The global debt/GDP ratio stands at 300%+ and I don't think in the globalized economy of today any specific country is somehow exempt/immune to this financial fiasco.
the global debt and financial fiasco is 100% tied up in the fiat american dollar because the dollar is world reserve currency and the entire stock and bond market is fundamentally dependent on it

when the dollar dies, and it will die very soon, the entire american economy does one of two things - it adopts a new world currency (china) or it follows in the footsteps of venezuela and pays people in toilet paper until american's learn mandarin

it has no alternative. it can't pay it's people with money because it has none and it imports practically everything it needs to keep it's society alive - russia and china have been preparing for this inevitable collapse for decades, so have american politicians. america is done for in terms of world power, at least for a while - it's federal reserve is broke, the people are idiots, it's politicians are owned by it's enemies and it's technology is outdated and redundant in a world of cyber warfare
Except possibly Russia, but until they can hoard enough gold they are still exposed to the ruinous effects of a global financial meltdown. Speaking of which, a global collapse destroys the elite's "wealth" as well.
no, the elite don't pay themselves with toilet paper. they pay themselves with land, gold and corporate assets like stocks and bonds. they will lose their bond reserves, but the bond market is the reason america is doomed, so i doubt they care. if anything, it's the reason they've profited so much from america's collapse by printing paper to buy more assets before the next crash

Can't pay their private troops if the favorite currency of the day is not worth much. Ergo, asset ownership also means little in case of a large-scale collapse.

large scale collapse will be avoided tbh. it serves no one. america will go down as a controlled demolition with the cooperation of it's politicians, who will be paid off to acquiesce, and the cooperation of russia and china, both of whom profit immensely when a new reserve currency replaces the dollar, since both nations have considerable more reserves than america

So, from that point of view, the less plebs remaining the easier would be for say Bezos or Brin to physically defend their properties. I just don't see how the "useless eaters" are going to be of any value going forward (especially if the AI dreams comes to fruition) to the people deciding the world's fate, so all this makes the de-population agenda look very plausible, on top of the self-poisoning we already do to ourselves.
people will be utilized for their marketing attention. it's already happening. tiktok, fb, youtube, practically every social media outlet makes money from anyone browsing it, so the rich will continue to profit from america, even if america is "unemployed". more people = less space/more marketing = more value for land, and china is all about owning american land and business, so it's in their interest to keep america under toe, just as america did with russia after the cold war.

Btw, the (in)fertility effects of the vaccines have already caught the attention of medical professionals. We are yet to learn of their true magnitude, so I would not discount the possibility yet that the vaccine has a much more nefarious purpose than just being a placebo shot used to distract the plebs from the real "virus" (financial ruin).


i'm not discrediting it, i just don't see the point in it - financial ruin is a far more efficient way to reduce a population than a "relatively" harmless vaccine - if the vaccine kills 1 in 100 people, it's still 99% less effective than starvation


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
when the dollar dies, and it will die very soon, the entire american economy does one of two things - it adopts a new world currency (china) or it follows in the footsteps of venezuela and pays people in toilet paper until american's learn mandarin

it has no alternative. it can't pay it's people with money because it has none and it imports practically everything it needs to keep it's society alive - russia and china have been preparing for this inevitable collapse for decades, so have american politicians. america is done for in terms of world power, at least for a while - it's federal reserve is broke, the people are idiots, it's politicians are owned by it's enemies and it's technology is outdated and redundant in a world of cyber warfare

Well, there is always another option - i.e. if the money/assets are all hoarded up by the "elite", and half the country knows it, then a civil war of some sorts is not unlikely. I doubt mass starvation will smoothly proceed as a well-controlled process where the starving will just roll over and disappear...especially if a lot of them are armed. So, if the elite won't give back what they took and the armed starving are "rude" enough to refuse to peacefully die...what is the outcome? I highly doubt it is controlled demolition. Looks more like a powder-keg explosion to me. If the military is useless, as you said, it will be useless for civil war too and many of the military members may even join the rebels.
As far as the vaccine, if it is harmless and has no ulterior motives then why the relentless, fascistic push for everybody to either get it or have their life become impossible? Is it just to drive sales and enrich Big Pharma?
Btw, are you in the US? Have you made any preparations (if any are even possible) for the dollar collapse? If you think Russia/China are holding all the cards, have you considered moving to any of those countries? Did you learn Chinese in preparation for the coming change in global power structures?
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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Well, there is always another option - i.e. if the money/assets are all hoarded up by the "elite", and half the country knows it, then a civil war of some sorts is not unlikely.
well, bare in mind that this has been the state of things for some time...the top 26 richest people in the world have more money than the poorest 4 billion combined and the royal family alone own more of the planet than any other independent nation

i think civil war is unlikely - people care more about comfort than liberty. besides, when i imagine what it would look like for a 21st century society, all i can picture is a bunch of angry plebs fleeing from a drone that's playing brown sound while they ***t all over each other

I doubt mass starvation will smoothly proceed as a well-controlled process where the starving will just roll over and disappear...especially if a lot of them are armed. So, if the elite won't give back what they took and the armed starving are "rude" enough to refuse to peacefully die...what is the outcome?
america will acquiesce to china's dominant economy and america will become impotent, but avoid starvation by maintaining a functioning position in global economics by giving up their dominant position

it's important to remember that most americans don't even understand basic asset management - if i tell the average person on the street about wealth management and the difference between inflation and deflation, they go cross-eyed. they can't appreciate why they should be angry, because they are too ignorant to understand how they are being shafted

bare in mind, private businesses have been interfering with education for personal profit for a long time. in 1903 rockefeller founded the american board of education to ensure that children were not taught about financial management in schools - not only does this make them more productive (slave labour) but it keeps them docile, because what they don't know, can't hurt rockefeller :P

I highly doubt it is controlled demolition. Looks more like a powder-keg explosion to me. If the military is useless, as you said, it will be useless for civil war too and many of the military members may even join the rebels.

the military only becomes useless when the state loses the support of the people and anarchy ensues. the first rule of any conflict is that the public's support determines the outcome, which means the state will do anything and everything to manipulate the public and avoid anarchy - but civil war is not anarchy, and the armed forces serve an important and profitable role in such instances, because people appreciate that the state can protect innocent civilians from insurgents - just look at how readily they appreciated the lockdowns that saved all dem lives: so civil war is actually good publicity for the state so long as the numbers are manageable, which they will be, so long as the food and water stay on imo

Btw, are you in the US? Have you made any preparations (if any are even possible) for the dollar collapse?
i'm not in the us but i've been investing since my early 20's and teaching myself to farm, hunt, fish etc while getting stoned and waiting for the next crash to drop so that i can buy as much as possible and prepare for a (very) long bear market

i also think it's incredibly important to learn from history because it's inevitable that most other people won't, which means they will make the same mistakes again, and if you can't figure out when and where they will occur, not only can you not profit from them, but you will in all likelihood be ruined by them

like rothschild said 'buy when there's blood in the streets, even if that blood is your own"

If you think Russia/China are holding all the cards, have you considered moving to any of those countries? Did you learn Chinese in preparation for the coming change in global power structures?

i'm learning cantonese and mandarin but i am not planning to move anywhere for several years because of the state of international travel

by 2025 i hope to be either functionally retired or executing people in the wild en masse like some odd hybrid of mad max and battle royale, depending on how the government decides to manage land tax



Jan 25, 2014
when the dollar dies, and it will die very soon, the entire american economy does one of two things - it adopts a new world currency (china) or it follows in the footsteps of venezuela and pays people in toilet paper until american's learn mandarin

it has no alternative. it can't pay it's people with money because it has none and it imports practically everything it needs to keep it's society alive - russia and china have been preparing for this inevitable collapse for decades, so have american politicians. america is done for in terms of world power, at least for a while - it's federal reserve is broke, the people are idiots, it's politicians are owned by it's enemies and it's technology is outdated and redundant in a world of cyber warfare

Ridiculous. There are ALWAYS alternatives. It could always adopt the system that Germany did in the 1930s, Japan did after WWII, and that Signapore also adopted. Basically, bringing value back to money based on actual production. Germany did it based on barter, as there was no gold or silver in that country. Bringing money back in line with reality tends to work exceptionally well for a country, at least in regards to standard of living of the citizens/residents of that country. The gold clause in The Constitution even put an end to Hyperinflation that was ravaging the colonies in the late 1700s.

It's very clear that the US has more assets in the current day than Germany had in 1930.

And you should know that the "Federal Reserve" isn't any sort of government entity. It is a privately owned cartel, who Congress delegated their power to coin money to with the Federal Reserve Act (which is almost certainly unconstitutional). It's not "broke" in any sense, especially since the only thing it issues is "credit."

And anyway, all this global debt is basically a mirage. It's all based on promissory notes, and all that's needed to discharge it is a bond or bill of exchange in the same amount.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Ridiculous. There are ALWAYS alternatives. It could always adopt the system that Germany did in the 1930s,
corporate sponsorship from america?

Japan did after WWII,

again, this was american corporate sponsorship. america bought so much land in japan that the land prices were four fold the value of american land, and this continued until the bubble of the 80's, when they profited further by venturing into robotics and selling their goods to both russia and america during the cold war. then the bubble burst, because the yen only ever gained value against the dollar, and the dollar has now lost 99.9% of it's value, so i don't imagine corporate sponsorship will be bailing them out this time (japan's economy has recovered since then, but it took 30+ years)

Basically, bringing value back to money based on actual production.

all of the production was outsourced to asia over the last 20 years. the contribution of industry to uk/usa gdp is like 15% - you can't make something out of nothing

Germany did it based on barter, as there was no gold or silver in that country. Bringing money back in line with reality tends to work exceptionally well for a country, at least in regards to standard of living of the citizens/residents of that country. The gold clause in The Constitution even put an end to Hyperinflation that was ravaging the colonies in the late 1700s.

It's very clear that the US has more assets in the current day than Germany had in 1930.
it's really, really not.

even after ww1 germany had a fully functioning industry that was so potent it nearly destroyed the world in ww2, despite being financially ruined lol - it also had a lot of natural resources (steel) that encouraged outside investment, and incidentally, the financial sponsorship of the nazis

america got knee capped last year by russia and saudi arabia manipulating the price of oil to a point where they pushed america right out of the market.

many of the major trading ports around the east and west coast are now officially owned by india and china now, too.

so i don't know what assets you're talking about. if anything, america is being stripped down brick by brick atm.

And you should know that the "Federal Reserve" isn't any sort of government entity. It is a privately owned cartel, who Congress delegated their power to coin money to with the Federal Reserve Act (which is almost certainly unconstitutional). It's not "broke" in any sense, especially since the only thing it issues is "credit."

no it's not broke, it can continue printing paper and telling you to use it, for as long as it likes

that's literally the definition of "fiat"

And anyway, all this global debt is basically a mirage. It's all based on promissory notes, and all that's needed to discharge it is a bond or bill of exchange in the same amount.

chum, summing up the state of global debt as a "mirage" is like me saying the human body is basically a wet rock, because we're carbon based life forms made of 70% water...

you're advocating for deflation of currency - you want the increase it's value again, right? that's what you said above ^^

so deflating the currency is exactly what's happening now by restricting buying and selling, and it has driven the banks to the point of collapse - i think we are at like 0.0% global interest rates atm and soon it will turn negative, because that's what deflation does, it increases the value of the currency, and by extension, the value of the DEBT that the entire economy runs on

so what you're advocating for is negative interest rates, where the people pay the banks to store their money, and the banks lose less and less borrowing power each year, as the value of debt continues to rise

it drives the public and thus the money away from financial expansion and instead towards conservatism, in order to avoid collapse of industry in a society where nobody can do anything because creditors either can't, or won't lend.

this is what happened following the great depression, and it's disastrous for an economy


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
so deflating the currency is exactly what's happening now by restricting buying and selling, and it has driven the banks to the point of collapse - i think we are at like 0.0% global interest rates atm and soon it will turn negative, because that's what deflation does, it increases the value of the currency, and by extension, the value of the DEBT that the entire economy runs on

Why are the banks on the brink of collapse if deflation means the loans people take from the banks and have to repay will have more value? I guess banks have taken on debt too, but it mostly an interest-free govt-issued debt, which can of course be forgiven in a heartbeat (e.g. bailout, or direct writeoff, both of which happened in 2008-2011). So, it looks like again the little guy is left holding the bag in a deflationary scenario while the banks get to receive interest-free (or even negative-interest) "loans" from the govt that they never end up repaying. I guess it discourages new commercial loans but the value of existing loans goes up and this should keep the banks profitable, or at least above water.

the global debt and financial fiasco is 100% tied up in the fiat american dollar because the dollar is world reserve currency and the entire stock and bond market is fundamentally dependent on it

The fact that most of the world bought the pandemic narrative, including China and Russia, tells me this is something beyond a uniquely dollar-driven situation. EU has worse debt problem than the US, and it is not in dollars. Same for Latin America, Australia, and some African countries. The US may be leading the pack simply due to the size of its economy and the ability to print money, but with the (very questionable) exception of Russia, it looks to me like a global debt problem with some countries deeper in the hole than others.

i'm not discrediting it, i just don't see the point in it - financial ruin is a far more efficient way to reduce a population than a "relatively" harmless vaccine - if the vaccine kills 1 in 100 people, it's still 99% less effective than starvation

So, why the relentless push of this vaccine though? The political impetus behind it is becoming borderline fascist and quite openly aimed at making life for the unvaxxed impossible. All of this trouble just for a "placebo" shot (considering the data now shows no effects on preventing infection and more deaths incurring in the vaccinated)? Or just to squeeze some extra profit? Sounds like too much effort with a low ROI...unless there is another agenda.
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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Why are the banks on the brink of collapse if deflation means the loans people take from the banks and have to repay will have more value?
I guess banks have taken on debt too, but it mostly an interest-free govt-issued debt, which can of course be forgiven in a heartbeat (e.g. bailout, or direct writeoff, both of which happened in 2008-2011).
the banks originally held gold as collateral for their credit but when fractional reserve banking took over banks began accruing profit on debt they created borrowing from the customer

this wasn't a problem because inflation and america's position as world reserve currency meant the debt essentially lost value every year, despite increasing in size, but it did become a problem when the nixon shock put banks in the position to print fiat currency, which gave the dollar a half life of around 50 years before deflation becomes unavoidable due to money printing because the sheer size of the debt relative to the value of the asset (99.9% down in 2020) means the economy can't progress without risking hyperinflation

thus, slowing an economy down and leveraging towards deflation means the value of the currency goes up, which means people have more purchasing power, but it also means the banks have accrued several magnitudes worth of debt and the value of the interest repayments on that debt have gone up in value too, which means the banks need to use negative interest rates in order to compensate for this change of trajectory - that is, instead of paying people to store their money in the bank and act as beneficiaries, the bank now charge people to store money which they need to use just to stem the losses they are suffering from deflated interest repayments

so it's not about people owing the banks money so much as the banks not having the money they owe the people

it has not occurred yet afaik because the price of commodities like copper and wood etc is through the roof relative to the dollar, but i think another winter and a few more transport catastrophes will see several banks start to go under, maybe even before christmas

So, it looks like again the little guy is left holding the bag in a deflationary scenario while the banks get to receive interest-free (or even negative-interest) "loans" from the govt that they never end up repaying.

only for a few more years. i imagine the biggest banks will endure for a while but most will be bankrupt this decade imo

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
So, why the relentless push of this vaccine though? The political impetus behind it is becoming borderline fascist and quite openly aimed at making life for the unvaxxed impossible. All of this trouble just for a "placebo" shot (considering the data now shows no effects on preventing infection and more deaths incurring in the vaccinated)? Or just to squeeze some extra profit? Sounds like too much effort with a low ROI...unless there is another agenda.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
The fact that most of the world bought the pandemic narrative, including China and Russia, tells me this is something beyond a uniquely dollar-driven situation.

china and russia are the two nations who profit most from assisting america into the retirement village. china's economy didn't slow down at all, they maintained profit right through 2020-2021 despite unprecedented investment into africa, which also had immense growth. i can't speak to russia

EU has worse debt problem than the US, and it is not in dollars. Same for Latin America, Australia, and some African countries. The US may be leading the pack simply due to the size of its economy and the ability to print money, but with the (very questionable) exception of Russia, it looks to me like a global debt problem with some countries deeper in the hole than others.

it's true - the uk for example will be hammered until they can get their renewable fairy kingdom up and running, comparatively ireland was the only country in the western world to have positive growth during 2020 because despite suffering the harshest lockdowns in europe, they also became the only native english speaking nation in the eu, so they are now a hot spot for tech giants to set up european hq's which is ironic af

So, why the relentless push of this vaccine though? The political impetus behind it is becoming borderline fascist and quite openly aimed at making life for the unvaxxed impossible.
obedience training. socialism requires the submission of individual liberties, teaching people to be compliant and dependent on the state by creating division and fear within the people

in the meantime, it's a lawsuit proof way of making a lot of money, killing off the old to leverage their pensions, and it's setting legal precedent for emergency health acts both now and in the future

All of this trouble just for a "placebo" shot (considering the data now shows no effects on preventing infection and more deaths incurring in the vaccinated)? Or just to squeeze some extra profit? Sounds like too much effort with a low ROI...unless there is another agenda.

everyone has an agenda, but the simplest explanation is that those with power want more power, and since our western overlords can no longer compete with the chinese overlords, the most logical thing for them to do is cooperate for profit - it's like, if a slave owner suddenly lost the land he worked his slaves on, does he just shoot all the slaves and become homeless, or does he sell the slaves and settle for a big fish, small pond scenario?

powerful people are pragmatists, otherwise they wouldn't endure. keeping the economy subdued in order to facilitate china's rise benefits them in the long term, and the vaccine is the best propaganda they have, considering the entire lockdown was predicated on an invisible monster that couldn't kill anyone under the age of life expectancy, but be afraid, and trust the vaccine, because it is real, and that means the monster is real, and that means this is all justified.
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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
For anyone thinking the shots are just placebo please read

that thread says that only 6000 people have died after 200 million vaccines, most of them sick and old

pain and dizziness are common - seizures can occur in people who have allergic reactions...and death occurs in 1-2 per BABIES per million

do you have any numbers suggesting covid isn't a routine injection?

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I don't understand this question

i'm saying that 6000 deaths per 200 million is not unusual for a vaccine, because the people dying are already old and sick

normal vaccines cause pain, seizures and i'm asking, do you have any evidence to suggest that this vaccine is different? it's not killing an unusual amount of people, it's not causing any peculiar reactions etc so why do people insist it will?


i'm saying that 6000 deaths per 200 million is not unusual for a vaccine, because the people dying are already old and sick

normal vaccines cause pain, seizures and i'm asking, do you have any evidence to suggest that this vaccine is different? it's not killing an unusual amount of people, it's not causing any peculiar reactions etc so why do people insist it will?
I refuse to engage with this question. I have outlined my opinions on this elsewhere. Rather than speculating about harmless placebo I suggest you take the ‘vaccine’ and keep us updated as to your progress.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I refuse to engage with this question. I have outlined my opinions on this elsewhere. Rather than speculating about harmless placebo I suggest you take the ‘vaccine’ and keep us updated as to your progress.


that doesn't surprise me in the slightest

enjoy having your opinions, chum, and sorry for stepping on your safe space!

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