MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - YouTube



Aug 10, 2012
people will always fight and argue. you don't have to, though. i think that if you feel it is worth fighting over however, you really need to have answers for what you're fighting for, or else you're just part of the mindless mob

for example;

the best outcome for everyone?

many people are better off now, during lockdowns, than they were before because of furlough and fiscal stimulus. they've had almost two years of holidays and a huge boost to income for doing very little besides obviously endorse the what's the best outcome for these people? which make up a huge portion of both the lower classes and white collar industry?

is it worth fighting over?

if so, what is it you're trying to achieve?
This outcome, the holidays and a huge boost in income for doing nada, sounds at first glance that it would be what they consider a good outcome. However, we know it leads to slavery.

However, no way can we explain that to them. So, I think that being organized within ourselves, using humor and ridicule when we can, and having a parallel society sound like possible approaches.

We can't all be strong and hefty, but we can be strong inside or work on that instead.

@Rinse & rePeat


May 12, 2016
This was a great video and it didn't just show the problem but gave us something to use as we face it.
What I was referring to mainly, was what the video presented on what we can do. I didn't catch it all, but I have a couple of notes. Something like this:

1. Organize yourself
2. Ridicule, use humor against the evil
3. Have a parallel society

The power of the powerless... action - toward freedom

Then this quote from Thomas Payne: The harder the conflict, the more glorious the conquest.
How do you get this started?
I know all about peaceful protest but I do not believe we have the time for it. Remember how long it took German people to wake up from the last big mass psychosis? And how many killings? The people in charge of putting this together have been organizing for quite a while. What is there to do for the "resistance"?


Aug 10, 2012
How do you get this started?
I know all about peaceful protest but I do not believe we have the time for it. Remember how long it took German people to wake up from the last big mass psychosis? And how many killings? The people in charge of putting this together have been organizing for quite a while. What is there to do for the "resistance"?
Trying to think of people so I thought of a few. I personally don't think of getting organized. Or maybe I do in the sense of getting myself organized. My thoughts. And then thinking of my approach to others. On my own small scale. And praying. But although I've seen this coming for a long time, I do not like it....

I agree with those who say arguing is futile.

I'm really liking humor and ridicule to use on the personal level, but that's my personality already. I wish I had a parallel society. Maybe with my husband and a few friends. And you who are here.

@Lollipop2 @Doc Sandoz @Jam @bzmazu @charlie


May 12, 2016
Trying to think of people so I thought of a few. I personally don't think of getting organized. Or maybe I do in the sense of getting myself organized. My thoughts. And then thinking of my approach to others. On my own small scale. And praying. But although I've seen this coming for a long time, I do not like it....

I agree with those who say arguing is futile.

I'm really liking humor and ridicule to use on the personal level, but that's my personality already. I wish I had a parallel society. Maybe with my husband and a few friends. And you who are here.

@Lollipop2 @Doc Sandoz @Jam @bzmazu @charlie
Add me to the list ?

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Thought this essay was fitting for this thread:

@Doc Sandoz , @Pina , @Lollipop2

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
This outcome, the holidays and a huge boost in income for doing nada, sounds at first glance that it would be what they consider a good outcome. However, we know it leads to slavery.

90% of people are slaves already - they don't own or can't afford land, which means they need to work to feed and house themselves - there is more incentive to give people free smart phones and free internet than a free house, because marketers profit from the user browsing online and mean that even a homeless person can contribute to the economy

so if we were slaves before, and now we are slaves with more time off, is that not a net win?

However, no way can we explain that to them. So, I think that being organized within ourselves, using humor and ridicule when we can, and having a parallel society sound like possible approaches.

We can't all be strong and hefty, but we can be strong inside or work on that instead.

yes i agree

looking after yourself is the only sensible approach


Apr 13, 2014
so if we were slaves before, and now we are slaves with more time off, is that not a net win?
No it is not a win. They may still be slaves, but now they are slaves with the deadly graphene oxide poisoning them and their bodies a spike protein and blood clot making machine. They may have taken the vax voluntarily, but they did not sign up for this!

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Thought this essay was fitting for this thread:

@Doc Sandoz , @Pina , @Lollipop2


Nov 18, 2019
Trying to think of people so I thought of a few. I personally don't think of getting organized. Or maybe I do in the sense of getting myself organized. My thoughts. And then thinking of my approach to others. On my own small scale. And praying. But although I've seen this coming for a long time, I do not like it....

I agree with those who say arguing is futile.

I'm really liking humor and ridicule to use on the personal level, but that's my personality already. I wish I had a parallel society. Maybe with my husband and a few friends. And you who are here.

@Lollipop2 @Doc Sandoz @Jam @bzmazu @charlie
I love the suggestion to spread truth far and wide, everywhere we can.


Jun 26, 2017
A thoughtful response, Ben. When you find a way to get through let me know what it is and I will apply it. I had these same conversations with people 20 years ago when I told/showed them that 9-11 was staged by intelligence operatives. I showed slow motion video of the one plane we could see slamming into the tower and you could see it was a black/grey military plane; no windows, no emblems. I showed pictures of thermetic material on beams cut at 45 degrees indicating a controlled demolition. I showed proof that the FCC stated that no cell phone calls came from the flights discussed and that it wasn't even possible to make a cell call from anything above 5 or 6 thousand ft in altitude, no plane wreckage in PA or at the Pentagon, no reason for Bld 7 to collapse and that it was in freefall indicating a controlled takedown. People screamed at me with rage for my efforts; labeled me a conspiracy nut etc. Why? Because to believe the alternative that this was an inside job; that Americans would kill their own to justify a never ending war was too much for them. The same applies here. Most people want to trust that the government has their back and would never cause harm to them; they cannot accept that this is a ruse and that the government is selling them down the river to the NWO. Not one bit of this has made any technical or medical sense from the beginning and yet many doctors and scientists have fallen into the stew and vomit out the same garbage the spin doctors do. There are any number of people on this forum who still keep talking about how the vax protects you and from what? So many countries have been forced to admit covid 19 does not exist and yet the lies keep on going and people keep lining up for a vax that, not only can't protect them from something that doesn't exist but they don't even ask why they're taking it. They just believe. Some of us keep posting statements from the CDC and we have videos showing the countries that have admitted it's not real and STILL we discuss it.
Most people are easily indoctrinated Ben, and the starting process for that is fear. The ego wants to live at all costs and if you terrorize people with the boogie man and then offer a "solution" most people will just grab at it. The majority of people have no critical thinking skills. Even the Germans in the 1930's, who were among the most educated people in the world, latched on to a maniacal scheme for their salvation because they were so full of fear.
You're right about not fighting or arguing as that only entrenches each side. Demonizing sets up acrimony and hatred that will last for generations. Show me a way, Ben and I'll jump all over it. I want us to survive.
I've had these same conversations with my grown daughter. Today she called and asked again if I was going to take the vaccine. I said no, not in the foreseeable future. She then pressed me for When? Was I going to take it soon or was I going to refuse to take it ever? She is worried about me. What was I waiting for? It's going to be approved soon...I said that that was strange as the safety trials aren't yet over, unless you and all the other vaccinated people are actually in the safety cohort. She claimed it was impossible that she and the others were being monitored etc etc etc. Same conversation over and over, about once a month: the pressure tactic. I do less and less explaining as time goes by, although there is more and more evidence to see.

I reminded her that my trust in government went down the drain after the impossible 9/11 government tale of the novice pilots hijecking and flying the 757s at 500mph into the twin towers that would have looked like toothpicks at that speed. Good aim guys! And what you did to WTC7 was amazing - taking it down at free fall speed with - nothing at all!

That realization was permanent. Any major event since is suspect. And if that sort of thing can happen here, it can happen anywhere.

People believe because basically they have been traumatized, though they may not consciously realize it, and all they can hope for is a way out. The trauma is created by the fear you describe. It is not only critical thinking skills that most people lack - true, but there are those who are capable of such thinking but cannot face it - the knowledge that they are being intentionally deceived by those they put their trust in. And worse yet is the realization that follows: the story told is full of lies but they will never know the real truth. It is hidden behind door 2, or 3, or maybe 4. Bits of truth filter out, but there is a lot of chaff meant to hide it.


Nov 18, 2019
Thought this essay was fitting for this thread:

@Doc Sandoz , @Pina , @Lollipop2
Horrifying and tragic. Geez...between the deaths, being maimed for life, emotional shut down of teens, cyber attacks on infrastructure, opioid death increase, total financial destruction of many, total enslavement...hmmm...what other bright cheery ideas do they have coming our way?


Nov 18, 2019
No it is not a win. They may still be slaves, but now they are slaves with the deadly graphene oxide poisoning them and their bodies a spike protein and blood clot making machine. They may have taken the vax voluntarily, but they did not sign up for this!
+1 Horrifying.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I saw a bunch of kids around 6-10 years of age playing in a wild section of one of our parks today - a really cool area that reminds me of the woods in Blair Witch. Their teachers take them there. Those kids were all maskless and running about yelling stuff like 'you guys should do so and so while we do this," having a ton of fun gathering deadfall and creating the tee-pee like structures around tree trunks that keep appearing in those maple woods. Park caretakers tear them down and then the kids have a lot of fun rebuilding them. It's like an instinct for them to build these little shelters by leaning branches up against trees. The site of those kids running free and wild and having fun, well that gave me hope.


Nov 18, 2019
I saw a bunch of kids around 6-10 years of age playing in a wild section of one of our parks today - a really cool area that reminds me of the woods in Blair Witch. Their teachers take them there. Those kids were all maskless and running about yelling stuff like 'you guys should do so and so while we do this," having a ton of fun gathering deadfall and creating the tee-pee like structures around tree trunks that keep appearing in those maple woods. Park caretakers tear them down and then the kids have a lot of fun rebuilding them. It's like an instinct for them to build these little shelters by leaning branches up against trees. The site of those kids running free and wild and having fun, well that gave me hope.


Mar 15, 2018
90% of people are slaves already - they don't own or can't afford land, which means they need to work to feed and house themselves - there is more incentive to give people free smart phones and free internet than a free house, because marketers profit from the user browsing online and mean that even a homeless person can contribute to the economy

so if we were slaves before, and now we are slaves with more time off, is that not a net win?
Unless you're a banker yourself, no, and even then I'd have to ask them if they're retarded or not, they have openly stated before that they will for the general western public to be enslaved to a point where they commit suicide themselves as they profit off of it.
Last edited:

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Horrifying and tragic. Geez...between the deaths, being maimed for life, emotional shut down of teens, cyber attacks on infrastructure, opioid death increase, total financial destruction of many, total enslavement...hmmm...what other bright cheery ideas do they have coming our way?
Well, I'm told by "sources" that we can expect alien invasion (I'm being serious) stuff as the "final" wave of terror soon. If you've noticed there's a lot of news releases from the Pentagram, oh, sorry, the Pentagon on video footage and more releases on Nutflix regarding "recently leaked" alien garbage so...there's that.


Nov 18, 2019
Well, I'm told by "sources" that we can expect alien invasion (I'm being serious) stuff as the "final" wave of terror soon. If you've noticed there's a lot of news releases from the Pentagram, oh, sorry, the Pentagon on video footage and more releases on Nutflix regarding "recently leaked" alien garbage so...there's that.
Well at least a few of us are in the know and can ridicule this “revelation” and spread the news how fake it is.


Jun 13, 2019
90% of people are slaves already - they don't own or can't afford land, which means they need to work to feed and house themselves - there is more incentive to give people free smart phones and free internet than a free house, because marketers profit from the user browsing online and mean that even a homeless person can contribute to the economy

so if we were slaves before, and now we are slaves with more time off, is that not a net win?
ironically the "communist" Chinese have one of the best home ownership rates in the world:

"… 90% of families in the country own their home, giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other liens. On top of this, north of 20% of urban households own more than one home."

They still work crazy long hours however...upwards of 60 a week in some regions
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