Magnesium Chloride Modulates Atherogenesis, Atherosclerosis


Jul 8, 2016
Atherogenesis inhibition induced by magnesium-chloride fortification of drinking water. - PubMed - NCBI

Biol Trace Elem Res. 2002 Winter;90(1-3):251-9.
Atherogenesis inhibition induced by magnesium-chloride fortification of drinking water.
Cohen H1, Sherer Y, Shaish A, Shoenfeld Y, Levkovitz H, Bitzur R, Harats D.

"Magnesium (Mg) modulates blood lipid levels, atherogenesis, and atherosclerosis in rabbits, when supplemented to diet. "

"Even though plasma lipid levels were similar at the beginning and the end of the study, there were decreased plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the Mg groups after stage I. The atherosclerosis extent at the aortic sinus was significantly decreased in the 8.3-g Mg-chloride/L group (23,437 +/- 10,083 micron2) compared with the control group (65,937 +/- 31,761 microm2). There was also a trend toward lower atherosclerosis extent at the aortic sinus in the 0.83-g Mg-chloride/L group. An additional Mg salt (Mg-chloride) fortification of drinking water is capable of inhibiting atherogenesis in male LDL-receptor-deficient mice. That is done in a lower concentration of Mg than previously reported."
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