Low Libido From Carnivore Diet


Mar 5, 2017
Basically I eat some kind of whole food source of protein (pork steak is cheapest and almost as low PUFA as beef) in the morning, and the rest of the day is homemade jello mixed with honey - or juice if I've run out of jello. It's working VERY well. The Jello is like the only food I can tolerate completely at this point, but the juice is close as well - in small amounts.

My major issue is that the food that sits in my belly greatly perturbs my sleep, and sleep deprivation greatly perturbs my already bad digestion. A deadly cycle that is hard to get out of. Finding a FREE (comfort wise for me) food has me thanking god every day. When I wake up after generally only 5-6 hours and need several more, I usually can't get back to sleep. Lately I've been waking, having a bowl of jello and a pill of Allicin (straight garlic bloats big time), cuddle/pray and I can GET BACK TO SLEEP! I got 9 hours this last night.

I have a sore throat actually right now and am extremely pleased about it. I haven't gotten "sick" since I've gotten into this mess 2 & 1/2 years ago. I know that isn't because I have a "too strong" immune system. My body is finally fighting this dysbiosis or chronic infection that has been ruling my life for years now IMO. I know I still have a long ways to go.

It sounds like you have a toxic social environment like I do/did. If possible, maybe consider a support group. It doesn't have to be spiritual or terminal. It changed my life quickly. Along with EMF reduction, this has been one of the biggest keys for me. Oxytocin is as calming as gelatin, and unlike gelatin, it rewrites your brain connections to make you more resistant to stress in the future. Unlike a significant other, support groups of all sorts will probably always be there for you, short of calamity.

I dunno, I still have so much to learn.

What is your diet like right now?

Edit: This forum needs to properly prepare their gelatin too. We're all individuals, sure, but if I can digest gelatin, surely it must be relatively easy. Yet I see tons of threads of people with gelatin trouble. If I just mix it into a drink, all gloppy, it kills my belly for ages. I'm using Knox brand, nothing special. Homemade Jello is freaking delicious!

Honestly, diet has been all over the place recently. Doesn't help that my budget is pretty limited and I am always testing out new things. Feel like I don't tolerate anything weell at this point, and need to get everything right or else it messes up my digestion.

One thing that I feel is helping has been eliminating dairy. Also I try to eat more dense foods no matter if they are peaty or not rather than drinking a lot of calories which makes me feel warmer and stronger.

Other than that, I am still figuring things out.

Support group sounds great ... where can I find something like that in my city/online?


Mar 20, 2019
Honestly, diet has been all over the place recently. Doesn't help that my budget is pretty limited and I am always testing out new things. Feel like I don't tolerate anything weell at this point, and need to get everything right or else it messes up my digestion.

One thing that I feel is helping has been eliminating dairy. Also I try to eat more dense foods no matter if they are peaty or not rather than drinking a lot of calories which makes me feel warmer and stronger.

Other than that, I am still figuring things out.

Support group sounds great ... where can I find something like that in my city/online?
I've just started keeping a pocket notebook with me at all times, so I can plan out my meals. I change it throughout the day based off of how I'm feeling. Even if I just write something in minutes before I prepare and eat it, it's extremely helpful. I dare someone to write down, "tub of cookies and cream ice cream". I don't think this will give someone unlimited willpower, like all the calorie counting nuts out there, but for me it has been an invaluable tool so far. It has really helped me keep track of what's screwing me up. For instance, now I know at what meal (my disease has a circadian rhythm), I should really stop eating protein. I also know now that I can't really go over a certain number of grams of protein each day. At the bottom of each page I write something motivational for myself each day.

I would guess the support group thing varies between different cities. I found mine by scheduling an appointment with a therapist, asking her for support group info, and she gave me some pamphlets she liked. Meetup.com also has support groups, as well as many other social functions. You can also chat with mental health hotlines online or over the phone which can be found on google, and they will definitely try to hook you up. Don't let the toxic Hollywood culture in America scare you off from churches either. Even if you hate the idea of god/whatever, many churches don't mind being selfless and helping any and all community members in any way possible. I'm not Catholic, but their churches have something called adoration, where they leave a small church area open pretty much all day for people to quietly reflect and pray. These have led to some of the most intense emotional moments of my life, like releasing scar tissue or something.


Jan 23, 2016
@YogaJoe why don't you consider raw honey/milk as part of your diet? maybe it wouldn't be "carnivore" but it would be more optimal...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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