Inclined Bed Therapy - Sleeping With The Head End Of The Bed Elevated


Oct 17, 2016
Just want to say - I have inclined our bed only by 2 inches to start, and already my husbands chronic terrible snoring has stopped and I can sleep without earplus for the first time in our relationship. !!!! Only two inches so far.
Jul 12, 2018


Jun 20, 2018
I'm glad to hear about this improvement.

There's nothing romantic about terrible sleep problems, hair loss, stress, and insomnia. If you are still snoring after using ibt, then please do not sleep in the same room. I suffered for years with someone like this. Just my two cents.

Just want to say - I have inclined our bed only by 2 inches to start, and already my husbands chronic terrible snoring has stopped and I can sleep without earplus for the first time in our relationship. !!!! Only two inches so far.


Oct 17, 2016

I think so, but no doctor will ever refer him to a sleep lab to get tested because he is slim. Having laid awake next to him many nights I do hear him stop breathing and snort every now and again. But not in the last three weeks has he snored and I have not worn earplugs at all! He does suffer sometimes from brain fog, mood swings etc.

He did also mention that his urine was darker for the first week, and I only just read that this can be from IBT too. I'm waiting another few weeks before adding another inch or two but to have this much benefit at 2 inches... it's pretty amazing!


Jul 11, 2018
According to the discover IBT achieves its benefits mainly through improved circulation. Similar to how a tree circulates its sap based on the difference in density at the top vs bottom of the tree, we also have different densities in our blood with respect to position in the body. Its the difference in density that drives the additional circulation due to the effects of gravity.

"[C]irculation began long before the heart developed, and this primary circulation continues to assist the heart, providing we take the direction of gravity into account. It works on the principle that blood entering the capillary vessels in the lungs provides the water and carbon dioxide that we evaporate with each breath.

The blood therefore must become denser exiting the lungs, then passes through the heart and is injected back into the main artery, effectively adding denser blood to create a pulsatile flow predominantly down towards the kidneys... [T]he blood entering the venous return from the kidneys is always less dense than the arterial blood flowing to the kidneys. This was a Eureka moment of such magnitude it went off the scale for me and instantly gave birth to Inclined Bed Therapy."

Ray was going next level type stuff

Very good remedy for acid reflux that my sister in law used for years from a doctor in NC. Also saw in reading that Jewish hospitals required pillows to raise the heads of patients...making it a law.... Sort of like Grandma's headache remedy to soak your feet in hot water, drawing blood to your feet relieving the pressure of a headache. But if they are selling a cpap breathing machine and sleep study they will never tell you about the inclined bed therapy, and if you mention they will laugh and say it does not work....


Jul 11, 2018
There is a special place in hell for people like that.
Apparently this idea is very old and has been either forgotten or purposely hidden. Ancient Egyptians slept at an incline and there are drawings from old Byzantine hospitals where the patients are sleeping on an inclined bed.

Perhaps that is why you see a footboard?
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Jul 2, 2017
Has anyone tried sleeping planked face-down in a sort of open-body (and face) massage table? Instead of having blood pool to either side of the body when sleeping on one's side, this would circulate it in balanced proportions and more to the frontal lobe, eyes and so on during sleep which might be a refreshing biological change to sleeping on one's back, which often risks sleep paralysis. If such a table existed it could be inclined too, of course.
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Feb 26, 2018
I started IBT just 4 nights ago. So far I have been really impressed. I feel lighter on my feet in the morning, fall asleep faster, wake up less often. Most impressively, every morning so far I have woken up on my own a few minutes before when my alarm is set to go off, hands down I never could do this before except in my teen years.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I have been sleeping inclined with a five inch height at my head so not quite as high as recommended. I haven't noticed much except feeling looser and not as short in the mornings. I think my joints are more relaxed and it might be similar to what @Captain_Coconut describes as feeling lighter on his feet. I try not to curl up when I sleep in order to maximize the effect.


Jan 25, 2014
Just had a cool conversation with a work Aquitaine that I see every other week or so. I had mentioned IBT to her, as she had talked about poor circulation. I ran into her today, and she mentioned that she researched it out and started doing it, for about a week. She mentioned the first few days, she felt like a bag of sand (her words), but she got past that. Another interesting thing is that she had some old scars, and they just started itching like crazy. I mentioned that some people had seen fading scars, and that did sound like a sign that something was healing or fixing itself that hadn't healed right the first time. Pretty cool. She said she'd keep me updated, but I was really impressed that someone I mentioned it too decided to try it out.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Just had a cool conversation with a work Aquitaine that I see every other week or so. I had mentioned IBT to her, as she had talked about poor circulation. I ran into her today, and she mentioned that she researched it out and started doing it, for about a week. She mentioned the first few days, she felt like a bag of sand (her words), but she got past that. Another interesting thing is that she had some old scars, and they just started itching like crazy. I mentioned that some people had seen fading scars, and that did sound like a sign that something was healing or fixing itself that hadn't healed right the first time. Pretty cool. She said she'd keep me updated, but I was really impressed that someone I mentioned it too decided to try it out.
It feels really good when you know you've had a positive impact in someone's life. I'm starting this tomorrow.


Mar 29, 2014


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
There seem to be some convenient ready-made risers perfect for some styles of bed:
Amazon Best Sellers: Best Bed Risers
Thanks! I think my grandma used those to elevate her entire bed.
I was mentioning IBT to my husband trying to get him warmed up to the idea and to my surprise he knew about it already and said his grandparents slept that way. They lived into their 90's so maybe it works?!?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jan 25, 2014
Is there any incline surface that's flat/firm/hard and doesn't require a bed to raise in the first place?

Obviously you want a firm surface that allows the skeleton to support your weight rather than muscles and fat
Thanks! I think my grandma used those to elevate her entire bed.
I was mentioning IBT to my husband trying to get him warmed up to the idea and to my surprise he knew about it already and said his grandparents slept that way. They lived into their 90's so maybe it works?!?

Very, very cool, Blossom. Please keep us updated!


Feb 18, 2018
I wonder if there could be a connection between this and Buteyko's investigation into lung volume and enhanced body oxygenation? I've meant for a while to try sleeping sitting down, as apparently when you are in an upright posture, or sleeping face down, your lung's can't expand as much, forcing your body to become more efficient with the amount of oxygen it does receive, increasing body CO2 levels... and we all know how beneficial CO2 is! As a back sleeper, I definitely always wake up with a dry mouth, and I can tell my mouth is gaping open as I sleep, but I can't behind wearing a chin strap, it's so uncomfortable.... I wonder if the upright bed might work by making it harder for the mouth to open in the sleep.

So I'm not sure where to proceed, whether I should learn to sleep on my stomach, sleep sitting down, sleep on a recliner, or prop my bed up....I think learning how to sleep siting down or on my stomach may confer the most advantages, provided it's just as effective as propping the bed up for bettering health, because then it truly makes oneself most versatile to their environment. It's nice to be able to prop up your own bed, but what about when you travel, spend the night at a friend's house, go camping, or get stranded out in the woods for 3 nights because Rodrigo promised you a paid for trip to Mexico if you helped him smuggle some drugs across the border?


Jan 25, 2014
I wonder if there could be a connection between this and Buteyko's investigation into lung volume and enhanced body oxygenation? I've meant for a while to try sleeping sitting down, as apparently when you are in an upright posture, or sleeping face down, your lung's can't expand as much, forcing your body to become more efficient with the amount of oxygen it does receive, increasing body CO2 levels... and we all know how beneficial CO2 is! As a back sleeper, I definitely always wake up with a dry mouth, and I can tell my mouth is gaping open as I sleep, but I can't behind wearing a chin strap, it's so uncomfortable.... I wonder if the upright bed might work by making it harder for the mouth to open in the sleep.

So I'm not sure where to proceed, whether I should learn to sleep on my stomach, sleep sitting down, sleep on a recliner, or prop my bed up....I think learning how to sleep siting down or on my stomach may confer the most advantages, provided it's just as effective as propping the bed up for bettering health, because then it truly makes oneself most versatile to their environment. It's nice to be able to prop up your own bed, but what about when you travel, spend the night at a friend's house, go camping, or get stranded out in the woods for 3 nights because Rodrigo promised you a paid for trip to Mexico if you helped him smuggle some drugs across the border?

There is no reason you can't sleep on your stomach while sleeping inclined. Sleeping inclined would be far better than trying to sleep sitting down, as, as it's more comfortable, more evenly distributes your weight (as opposed to focusing all your weight on your tailbone), and inclined sleeping can help resolve back issues, while sleeping in a sitting position would likely cause back issues. Also, I doubt you'd get the circulatory benefits that inclined sleeping produces.

As for your final concern..... how often are you realistically not sleeping in your own bed? If it happens 40 nights a year, why not worry about those nights as they come, and get the benefits of IBT the other 325?
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